Podcast Episode 3 [ENGLISH] Professor Zaker Hussain Ershad from Avicenna University, Kabul, the only Afghan academic protected by the Romanian state, talks about the situation of the refugees from Afghanistan who arrived in Romania recently and about what happened in Afghanistan recently. Speakers: Zaker Hussain Ershad, Director of the Board of Founders, Avicenna University, Academic Representative on the Board of the Association of Private Universities and Higher Education Institutions in Afghanistan, Head of the Board of Policy of the Paik Aftab News Agency, is currently a Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Political Science, Bucharest University. Andreea Ghimpu-Lupașcu, project coordinator "Advocacy for refugee integration", Romanian National Council for Refugees. Bogdan Popa is a researcher and an expert in political theory. Mihai Lukács is a theater director and researcher, he coordinates the Dialectic Center. Music: Afghanistan National Institute of Music - Afghanistan Children's Anthem https://tinyurl.com/yj4me7bt Afghan Women's Orchestra "Zohra" - Beethoven "Ode to Joy" https://tinyurl.com/yf7rhscw Partners: Universitatea de Vest, LOGS Grupul de Inițiative Sociale, Teatrul Auăleu, Londohome, Radio România Cultural, Radio România Timișoara, RFI, IQAds, Scena 9, Decât o Revistă, Cooperativa Urbană. The "Welcome to Romania" podcast is part of "Oedipus in Timisoara" and is centered around the phenomenon of present migration to Romania and the refugees’ drama in Timisoara. First two meetings took place at Auăleu Theatre and West University from Timișoara. Flavius-Ilioni Loga, Emanuel Copilaș and Florin Arhire took part. This discussion took place at Londohome Bucharest on November 6, 2021. The project, supported by Timisoara Municipality and the Timisoara Local Council, proposes two types of events: a series of public meetings (in Timisoara and Bucharest) with artists and specialists on migration and on the current situation of migrants in Timisoara and especially refugees from Afghanistan (made available to the public in the form of three audio podcasts) and a audio theater performance, directed by Mihai Lukács. Based on specific cases, current situations and classical drama with the theme of migration, the show and the three chapters of the podcast talk about the connection between the multicultural space of Timisoara and the phenomenon of migration, socio-economic layers represented in cross-border migration and their recovery in artistic production, but especially about the connection between the phenomenon of migration and the history of the city. The cultural project "Oedipus in Timisoara" is made with the support of Timisoara Municipality and Timisoara Local Council. The cultural project does not necessarily represent the position of Timisoara Municipality and Timisoara Local Council. The content of the cultural project and how its results can be used is the sole responsibility of the authors and the beneficiary of the funding. The Timișoara Municiplaity and the Timișoara Local Council are not responsible for the content of the material and how it could be used.