100 episodes

Motherhood is beautiful yet it comes with its challenges as we combine it with our many roles. Trying to get through the day can be overwhelming and leave you feeling exhausted. This can have a significant impact on your overall well being- physically, mentally, and emotionally but this does not have to be the case.

The Wellbeing 4 Mothers show brings to life the realities of motherhood, its impact on your wellbeing and what you can do about it. 

You will hear from everyday mums, world experts on health, wellbeing, business, finance about practical tools and strategies that you can use daily to enhance your wellbeing of body, mind, soul and spirit.

wellbeing4mothers Dr Dunni

    • Kids & Family
    • 4.9 • 8 Ratings

Motherhood is beautiful yet it comes with its challenges as we combine it with our many roles. Trying to get through the day can be overwhelming and leave you feeling exhausted. This can have a significant impact on your overall well being- physically, mentally, and emotionally but this does not have to be the case.

The Wellbeing 4 Mothers show brings to life the realities of motherhood, its impact on your wellbeing and what you can do about it. 

You will hear from everyday mums, world experts on health, wellbeing, business, finance about practical tools and strategies that you can use daily to enhance your wellbeing of body, mind, soul and spirit.

    Why We Need To Be Grateful

    Why We Need To Be Grateful

    Today, Dr. Dunni discusses the power of gratitude in improving overall well-being. She shares personal experiences and insights on how expressing gratitude can positively impact our lives. Dr. Dunni emphasizes the importance of not only feeling grateful but also expressing it through words, writing, and gestures. She discusses the science behind gratitude, citing studies that show its effects on brain structure, stress reduction, and emotional well-being. Dr. Dunni also encourages her listeners to incorporate gratitude practices, such as keeping a gratitude journal and teaching children the value of expressing gratitude. 
    Expressing gratitude through words, actions, and gestures can significantly improve well-being.
    Keeping a gratitude journal, even with just a few lines, can lead to better sleep and a sense of wellness.
    Teaching children to express gratitude from a young age can positively impact their development.
    Gratitude can be expressed in various ways, such as through gifts, words of affirmation, or physical touch, based on individual preferences.
    Reflecting on and expressing gratitude for negative experiences can lead to personal growth and a shift in perspective.
    "Gratitude is a special thing that we all have access to. But for some reason or the other, we forget those moments where we feel low, we feel down, we feel disempowered."
    "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."
    "Sometimes we need to think a bit deeply about what we're thankful for. Not just because it's a good thing to do, but because it actually improves our well-being."
    "There's a huge thing that we need to learn, that when we give gratitude, whether it's spoken, it's written, or even in the third way of I'm going to describe in a minute, you will experience the joy and the person you're giving it to experiences the joy."
    "Let us start to not just express gratitude in thoughts, words, and actions, but start to teach our children to express gratitude as well."
    Ig- https://www.instagram.com/druwa.lifecoach/
    YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9C1oJwHyISEuqiX8USaYKg
    CH- https://www.clubhouse.com/@drdunni-druwa
    FB- https://www.facebook.com/druwaacademy
    Twitter- https://twitter.com/Druwa8
    Patreon - https://patreon.com/wellbeing4mothers 
    Your host Dr Dunni is the award-winning mum empowerment coach, Family doctor, International speaker, Best-selling author of the book ‘Every Mum is a super mum’ and a mum herself who is passionate about health and wellbeing. She is proficient in using natural, scientific, and medical well-being concepts to explain in simple terms practical ways and strategies to avoid ill health and promote the overall well-being of body, mind, soul, and spirit. This is made available by the provision of online courses, books, coaching and regular events where well-being strategies and tactics are shared to enhance holistic well-being. Learn more athttps://www.drdunni.com

    • 35 min
    Empowering Parents to Protect Their Children in the Online World

    Empowering Parents to Protect Their Children in the Online World

    In this episode, Dr. Dunni delves into the importance of being mindful of the digital exposure children face in today's world. She discusses the evolution of communication devices, highlighting the benefits and risks associated with children having access to mobile phones and social media. Dr. Dunni emphasizes the need for parents to be vigilant about their children's online activities, addressing concerns such as oversharing, interacting with strangers, and exposure to inappropriate content.
    Parents need to be actively involved in monitoring their children's online activities, especially on social media platforms, to ensure their safety and well-being.
    Parents should educate their children about the potential risks of oversharing personal information, interacting with strangers, and being exposed to inappropriate content online.
    It is crucial for parents to set limits on device usage, monitor the content their children access, and be willing to intervene when necessary to protect them from harmful influences.
    By teaching children to be responsible and resilient in their online interactions, parents can help them navigate the digital world safely and positively contribute to society.
    Encouraging a sense of community responsibility in safeguarding children can create a network of support where neighbors, friends, and other parents can help watch out for each other's children.
    "We all want to be connected. We want to see people, hear people, experience what they're experiencing, and actually get to know what's happening in different parts."
    "Many of us, perhaps depending of course on your age, would recall when you got your first mobile phone."
    "We need to be very mindful of the devices and the access that the children have got to these mobile apps or social media platforms."
    "Sometimes you might need to be a little overbearing. Sometimes having that can be very useful."
    Ig- https://www.instagram.com/druwa.lifecoach/
    YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9C1oJwHyISEuqiX8USaYKg
    CH- https://www.clubhouse.com/@drdunni-druwa
    FB- https://www.facebook.com/druwaacademy
    Twitter- https://twitter.com/Druwa8
    Patreon - https://patreon.com/wellbeing4mothers 
    Your host Dr Dunni is the award-winning mum empowerment coach, Family doctor, International speaker, Best-selling author of the book ‘Every Mum is a super mum’ and a mum herself who is passionate about health and wellbeing. She is proficient in using natural, scientific, and medical well-being concepts to explain in simple terms practical ways and strategies to avoid ill health and promote the overall well-being of body, mind, soul, and spirit. This is made available by the provision of online courses, books, coaching and regular events where well-being strategies and tactics are shared to enhance holistic well-being. Learn more athttps://www.drdunni.com

    • 26 min
    Empowering Yourself in the Face of Unfair Treatment

    Empowering Yourself in the Face of Unfair Treatment

    In this episode, Dr. Dunni delves into the concept of fairness and unfairness in various aspects of life, particularly focusing on the experiences of mothers. Dr. Dunni shares personal anecdotes about feeling unfair treatment, such as changes in product packaging and delays in work due to others. She emphasizes the importance of acknowledging feelings, seeking support, and reframing perspectives when faced with unfair situations. Dr. Dunni highlights the significance of self-care and fair communication, encouraging listeners to treat themselves and others with fairness.
    Acknowledge your feelings and lean into them to grow and learn.
    Focus on what you can control and take action based on that to find relief.
    Use "I" statements when communicating about unfair situations to be less confrontational.
    Seek help from mentors, coaches, or professionals when facing unfair treatments.
    Teach children about fairness in terms of self and others to create a ripple effect of peace in the world.
    "Life is really unfair. Things happen that shouldn't really happen to good people."
    "Whenever you acknowledge your feelings and you kind of lean into them, you grow, you learn, you become a better version of yourself."
    "The more mothers out there that teach their children about fairness in terms of self and in terms of others, would help to create that ripple effect that kind of resonates through the world."
    "Whenever you're leaning to your feelings or you're acknowledging your feelings, know that there's sometimes you feel, okay, yeah, I think I've gotten the full grasp of how I feel."
    "Life's not like that. It's not about, oh, this is my right and you need to do it my way."
    Ig- https://www.instagram.com/druwa.lifecoach/
    YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9C1oJwHyISEuqiX8USaYKg
    CH- https://www.clubhouse.com/@drdunni-druwa
    FB- https://www.facebook.com/druwaacademy
    Twitter- https://twitter.com/Druwa8
    Patreon - https://patreon.com/wellbeing4mothers 
    Your host Dr Dunni is the award-winning mum empowerment coach, Family doctor, International speaker, Best-selling author of the book ‘Every Mum is a super mum’ and a mum herself who is passionate about health and wellbeing. She is proficient in using natural, scientific, and medical well-being concepts to explain in simple terms practical ways and strategies to avoid ill health and promote the overall well-being of body, mind, soul, and spirit. This is made available by the provision of online courses, books, coaching and regular events where well-being strategies and tactics are shared to enhance holistic well-being. Learn more athttps://www.drdunni.com

    • 24 min
    Breaking Through Limitations: Achieving Your Dreams Against All Odds

    Breaking Through Limitations: Achieving Your Dreams Against All Odds

    In this empowering episode, Dr. Dunni shares a captivating story about a village girl who defied all odds to become a pilot. Through this story, Dr. Dunni emphasizes the importance of breaking through limitations and believing in one's abilities. She delves into the concept of the reticular activating system and how it plays a crucial role in achieving one's dreams. Dr. Dunni encourages listeners to envision their goals, create a plan, and take action to overcome limiting beliefs and achieve success.
    Recognize and tackle limiting beliefs: It's important to identify and address any beliefs that may be holding you back from achieving your goals.
    Envision your brilliant future: Visualize and imagine the future you want to create for yourself, as this is the first step towards making it a reality.
    Utilize the power of your reticular activating system: Understand how this part of your brain works to help you recognize opportunities and resources that can lead you to your desired outcomes.
    Take action: Transform your dreams and visions into concrete plans by writing them down, creating visual representations, or taking tangible steps towards your goals.
    Balance personal ambitions with sacrifices: While it's important to pursue your ambitions, it's also crucial to find a balance between personal growth and making sacrifices for others, without always being the sacrificial lamb.
    "The idea is to make sure that nothing holds you back. No one holds you back. No ideas, conceptions, holds you back."
    "Are there things that people have told you is impossible? The Wright brothers...are credited, yes, because they believed."
    "There is a beautiful, amazing and powerful structure in our human brain called the reticular activating system."
    "We are limitless. So why do we set limits for ourselves? Why do we let our limiting beliefs stop us from achieving what we want to achieve?"
    "You can be and do and have, but you need to remember that all within your creative abilities, tackle your limiting beliefs, envision your brilliant future, tap into the power of your reticular activating system and take action today."
    The burnout checklist- https://forms.gle/Re3E2FeEjuLEMvWJ6
    The Working Mothers handbook: 8 keys - www.drdunni.com/handbook
    Ig- https://www.instagram.com/druwa.lifecoach/
    YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9C1oJwHyISEuqiX8USaYKg
    CH- https://www.clubhouse.com/@drdunni-druwa
    FB- https://www.facebook.com/druwaacademy
    Twitter- https://twitter.com/Druwa8
    Patreon - https://patreon.com/wellbeing4mothers 
    Your host Dr Dunni is the award-winning mum empowerment coach, Family doctor, International speaker, Best-selling author of the book ‘Every Mum is a super mum’ and a mum herself who is passionate about health and wellbeing. She is proficient in using natural, scientific, and medical well-being concepts to explain in simple terms practical ways and strategies to avoid ill health and promote the overall well-being of body, mind, soul, and spirit. This is made available by the provision of online courses, books, coaching and regular events where well-being strategies and tactics are shared to enhance holistic well-being. Learn more athttps://www.drdunni.com

    • 20 min
    The Power of Communication: Building Stronger Bonds and Reducing Mom Guilt

    The Power of Communication: Building Stronger Bonds and Reducing Mom Guilt

    Today's episode delves into the common feeling of mom guilt experienced by mothers. Dr. Dunni considers how guilt can stem from various situations like missing important events or not meeting perceived expectations. She emphasizes the importance of letting go of perfectionism and viewing situations from different perspectives. Dr. Dunni encourages mothers to prioritize self-care, seek support, and communicate openly with their children to navigate feelings of guilt effectively. By sharing personal experiences and practical tips, the episode aims to empower mothers to recognize their worth and embrace the challenges of motherhood with compassion and resilience.
    Guilt is a natural human emotion that can serve as a tool for self-improvement and growth. It is important to acknowledge and learn from feelings of guilt rather than dwell on them.
    Release the pressure of being a perfect mother and accept that challenges and imperfections are part of the journey. Avoid setting unrealistic expectations for yourself.
    Taking care of oneself is crucial for overall well-being and effective parenting. Fill your own cup first to avoid burnout and maintain a healthy relationship with your children.
    Open communication with your children, even about difficult topics like guilt, can strengthen your bond and help them understand your perspective. Seek support from trustworthy individuals to share your experiences and lighten the emotional load.
    Quality moments with your children, whether through simple activities or meaningful conversations, are more important than the quantity of time spent together. Prioritize creating a safe and empowering environment for your children.
    "Guilt is not a bad thing. Guilt is what makes us human, it's what makes us appreciate and recognize things we do or things we don't do that maybe we're meant to do, almost like a conscience for us."
    "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."
    "Communication is key. There are some times when maybe I couldn't make my children's school event or sports event. And for some reason I felt, oh gosh, I felt a lot of relief when I was able to say to my child, sweetheart, I'm so sorry."
    "The moment you first of all let go of that perfectionism, that's a very good step."
    "Be mindful of the things you focus on. If you are feeling that guilt, that's fine. Lean into it and learn from it."
    The burnout checklist- https://forms.gle/Re3E2FeEjuLEMvWJ6
    The Working Mothers handbook: 8 keys - www.drdunni.com/handbook
    Ig- https://www.instagram.com/druwa.lifecoach/
    YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9C1oJwHyISEuqiX8USaYKg
    CH- https://www.clubhouse.com/@drdunni-druwa
    FB- https://www.facebook.com/druwaacademy
    Twitter- https://twitter.com/Druwa8
    Patreon - https://patreon.com/wellbeing4mothers 
    Your host Dr Dunni is the award-winning mum empowerment coach, Family doctor, International speaker, Best-selling author of the book ‘Every Mum is a super mum’ and a mum herself who is passionate about health and wellbeing. She is proficient in using natural, scientific, and medical well-being concepts to explain in simple terms practical ways and strategies to avoid ill health and promote the overall well-being of body, mind, soul, and spirit. This is made available by the provision of online courses, books, coaching and regular events where well-being strategies and tactics are shared to enhance holistic well-being. Learn more athttps://www.drdunni.com

    • 20 min
    Handling Rejection and Bullying

    Handling Rejection and Bullying

    How do you handle rejection, bullying, and moments of feeling like you don't belong? In this episode, Dr. Dunni shares how to navigate these challenging situations, especially when they involve our children. Drawing from her own childhood encounters with bullying, Dr. Dunni emphasizes the importance of understanding the root causes of rejection and harassment. She discusses a strategic approach to addressing these issues, focusing on asking key questions like what, who, where, when, why, and how. By guiding listeners through a thoughtful analysis of difficult scenarios, Dr. Dunni empowers both parents and children to handle rejection and bullying with resilience and grace. 
    Handling rejection, bullying, and harassment requires a strategic approach, including identifying the root cause, seeking help, setting goals, and taking action.
    Encouraging children to express their feelings and providing them with the tools to handle challenging situations can empower them to find solutions on their own.
    Embracing one's true self and interests, even in the face of criticism or bullying, can build resilience and self-confidence.
    Asking the right questions, such as what, who, where, when, why, and how, can guide individuals in addressing and overcoming difficult situations.
    Progress is not always linear, and it's essential to celebrate small victories and maintain a positive mindset while navigating challenges.
    "I recall when I was in primary school, there was a big boy who, for some reason, was quite intimidating." 
    "I felt like there was someone who had my back. And that was the first and the last time that that boy ever tried anything like that."
    "I embraced it. And for that reason, I did not let that affect me in that way."
    "I smiled and I said, yes, that's me. So I embraced it."
    "Every day above ground is a great day, so be grateful."
    Ig- https://www.instagram.com/druwa.lifecoach/
    YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9C1oJwHyISEuqiX8USaYKg
    CH- https://www.clubhouse.com/@drdunni-druwa
    FB- https://www.facebook.com/druwaacademy
    Twitter- https://twitter.com/Druwa8
    Patreon - https://patreon.com/wellbeing4mothers 
    Your host Dr Dunni is the award-winning mum empowerment coach, Family doctor, International speaker, Best-selling author of the book ‘Every Mum is a super mum’ and a mum herself who is passionate about health and wellbeing. She is proficient in using natural, scientific, and medical well-being concepts to explain in simple terms practical ways and strategies to avoid ill health and promote the overall well-being of body, mind, soul, and spirit. This is made available by the provision of online courses, books, coaching and regular events where well-being strategies and tactics are shared to enhance holistic well-being. Learn more athttps://www.drdunni.com

    • 28 min

Customer Reviews

4.9 out of 5
8 Ratings

8 Ratings

Dami M ,

Stories that change lives

Thanks for bringing so much heart! I’m convinced that living stories change lives. Listening in through the power of resilience through “failure” like on the episode with Dr. Cosgrove riveted me!

vontebro3 ,

Great 🤙🏽

I’m not a mom but I enjoyed and valued the point of views and standpoints of mothers! A lot of valuable information in this one, I really enjoyed it!

queenbim ,


Very practical easy to understand and hits right at home. Listening to each episode was so illuminating. Can’t wait to hear more. Please keep them coming!

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