Wendy Rose Williams - Could Past Life Regression Be the Key to Your Healing Journey?

Dream Power Radio

If you believe in past lives, read on. If you don’t, maybe it’s time for you to step outside your comfort zone and learn what happens when people are able to connect with energetic spirits from the past.

Wendy Rose Williams is a noted Past Life Energy Healer who has helped clear people of energy that no longer serves them. She had also used this technique to get rid of her own chronic pain and mobility issues by interacting with the many lives she lived. But at first, she was not ready to deal with one past life that demanded to be in contact with her. 

That person was Joe DiMaggio, one of the greatest baseball players that ever lived. What made Wendy finally decide to connect with him and the amazing insights he shared with her are chronicled in her new book Regression Healing 2: Joe and Marilyn. Wendy and I discuss this and other aspects of regression healing on this week’s episode. Some of Wendy’s revelations:

·      how to get into the state that will facilitate past lives connections

·      what past life energy is and its connection to healing

·      why it took Wendy years to share her conversations with Joe DiMaggio

·      how what she learned from him led to her own healing

·      what made it possible for her to share past lives energy with Joe DiMaggio even though they were both alive at the same time

·      the reason why so many believe they were famous people in their past lives

·      what happened when she connected the spirit of Joe DiMaggio and Marilyn Monroe together

·      the empowering emotion that she believes should be part of every past lives regression session

If you are looking to better understand the transformative power of past life regression healing, don’t miss this revelatory episode of Dream Power Radio.

          Wendy Rose Williams is a Past-Life Energy Healer. She helps people release the energy that no longer serves them, including chronic pain (both physical and emotional); anxiety; depression and stuck energy! Releasing this energy allows you to live a happier, healthier life - one that's filled with joy and purpose.  

Wendy had 2 Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) in August 1997 while pregnant.
 She met her Angels for the first time when an aorta burst while home alone and again the night before surgery. Meeting the soul mate Wendy contracted with to 'wake her up spiritually' led her to Dr. Michael Newton’s 'Journey of Souls.' These two events in tandem triggered a profound spiritual awakening.

She experienced stunning physical & emotional breakthroughs from her own past-life regression therapy sessions & other healing work, including releasing a decades long battle with debilitating daily chronic pain & mobility issues. The remarkable difference in Wendy's quality of life from healing her own past life energy inspired her to help others release the pain, anxiety, depression & other energy that no longer serves them.

Wendy trained with Dr. Brian Weiss ("Many Lives, Many Masters") and other leading experts for past-life regression therapy; Between-Lives energy healing; and future life progression. She is a Certified Spiritual Teacher; Reiki Master E

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