We're COMMANDED to worship God by singing HYMNS?! Really? 🤨🤔❓

We're COMMANDED to worship God by singing HYMNS?! Really? 🤨🤔❓ 👀 FULL VIDEO: https://youtu.be/ACYxmpzaJ-8 📕 GET YOUR COPY: https://ourhymnal.com ⭐ Write a quick five-star review? | God says to worship him with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. And he said it twice so it must be important. Which do you worship him with? The right answer is all three, but do you? What’s the difference between these three, anyway? Here they are in Strong’s, real quick: Psalmos is the Psalms, Humnos is where we get “hymns” from, Odey are songs, in contast with hymns which Strong’s defines as “religious metrical compositions”. If you’re not singing hymns you’re missing out. And you’re going to hell. JUST KIDDING! But seriously, you need this hymnal. It’s beginner-friendly and comes with all the melodies so you can learn and sing along karaoke-style. Tap through to get started: https://ourhymnal.com
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- 주기매주 업데이트
- 발행일2025년 3월 17일 오전 1:23 UTC
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