What are GRE Sentence Equivalence & Text Completion Questions

PodWiz - Wizako's GRE Podcast

Dive into the world of GRE Verbal with PodWiz by Wizako! In this episode, hosts Wizara and Zako Buzz break down two of the most critical question types: GRE Text Completion and GRE Sentence Equivalence. Learn how these question types contribute to 50% of your GRE Verbal score and discover actionable tips to master them.

From understanding context clues to building a powerful GRE Vocabulary, we share strategies for tackling even the trickiest questions. Plus, explore innovative methods like visual and story-based learning, and hear about Wizako’s cutting-edge Vocab Builder featuring AI-generated images to enhance your recall.

Whether you’re a beginner or in the final stretch of your GRE prep, this episode is packed with insights to boost your performance. Tune in and take your GRE preparation to the next level!

If you have not yet taken the GRE, it's time you got ready to target 320+ in the GRE with Wizako's Online GRE Course. Try it free for 15 days. Include AI generated images for contextually mastering GRE vocabulary! 

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