What Do We Do with the Bible's 7 Day Creation Story? - ft. Dr. Dru Johnson

That Won't Preach

Conversations surrounding the Bible’s opening pages have been completely overwhelmed with debates about creation versus evolution, creating a tense environment and alienating people on both sides of the cultural rift. are we destined to have this debate forever, or is there something we’re missing about Genesis 1-3?

Next Steps:

Read What Hath Darwin to Do with Scripture?

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Other Resources:

The Henry Center - A collection of many scholars with a variety of views exploring how science and Scripture are connected and how both can lead to wisdom

BioLogos - An organization of theistic evolutionists with insightful articles about their often overlooked perspective

The Genealogical Adam and Eve by Joshua Swamidass - A unique perspective that is simultaneously evolutionist and fundamentalist

Bible Project Classroom: Adam to Noah - An in-depth dive into the wisdom of Gensis 2-6 that we can easily miss in our cultural debates.

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