What is Attraction/Manifestation and How Does It Really Work?

Inclusive Activism

Hello – getting this podcast posted in the NICK of time! But I have been working with this idea and concept for the past 6 weeks and I have been learning more about this practice. And since its blessing me I think it can bless you too!

We will talk about what Attraction is and how it works. What it is and what it isn’t. The three major components are: Like Attracts Like, Nature Abhors a Vacuum, and Present is Preferred. We elaborate a bit more on what it is and what it isn’t.

Then we looked at ways to make that work. Visualization – getting a clear idea of what this will look and be like for you, Practicing Gratitude -, particularly gratitude for what you are hoping for like it is always here, Speak it into Existence – Each Day – SAY you are or will be what is on its way, Watch for the Synchronicities – the universe will conspire in unexpected ways to help you along the way – look for these things, ReFrame your Scarcity Mindset to Abundance, and Lastly and this is my addition – OVERFLOW the blessings you are blessed with!

As always if you liked this podcast let me know. Rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Amazon Podcasts (a new one!) Spotify, Google Podcasts or Stitcher! And talk to me directly at inclusiveactivism@cox.net or learn more about me and this organization at www.inclusiveactivism.com








