What is Business Positioning Statement? (& How to Write Yours!)
Imagine having a marketing coach, consultant and accountability partner all wrapped up in one podcast. That's exactly what you get when you listen to the Marketing Hotline with Kelsey Reidl and her guests as they discuss topics such as how to stand out on Social Media, how to attract your ideal clients, growing an Email List, and anything else related to Marketing and Growth!
Everyday, people choose to spend money with your business for a REASON.
Do you know what that reason is?
Are you clear on that thing that sets you apart from your competitors?
My guess is that many of you listening are thinking, well I kinda know… I think… I could figure it out. But without clear positioning right now, you are leaving money on the table while your customers choose to work with a competitor, because they don’t know what sets you apart.
Let’s not let that happen any longer.
April Dunford is a A globally recognized leader in positioning and she has a deep curiosity about what makes the difference between a winning product and a loser. And she’s here today to share exactly how we can ALL become winners, through proper positioning.
Be sure to grab a copy of April’s book, Obviously Awesome: How to Nail Product Positioning so Customers Get It, Buy It, Love It anywhere books are sold and head to https://www.aprildunford.com/ for all her work.
We talk about:
- Why positioning is so important for growing your business
- The 5 components of effective position
- The 10 step process to writing your positioning statement and how to use it
- The most important parts of your statement and specific tips on how to write it
- Why niching down is actually doing to help you reach MORE people
- How she determined and packaged up her unique methodology
- April's favourite marketing books (they are must-reads!)
Mentioned in the show:
- UofT
- U Waterloo
- Jobs to be done interview
- Clayton christiansen
- Product line growth
- The original book on positioning - Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind. Book by Al Ries and Jack Trout
- The challenger sale
April Dunford’s 5 Components of Effective Positioning:
- Competitive alternatives
- Unique attributes
- Value
- Target market characteristics
- Market category
p.s. Whenever you're ready, here are 3 ways we can work together:
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3. 😊 Work with me one on one! If you’re looking for Business or Marketing Coaching, I’ve got a few spots to take on private 1:1 clients who are ready to launch their online business and/or create a comprehensive marketing strategy that reaches more clients 📌 APPLY NOW >> https://kelseyreidl.typeform.com/to/UAxrZo
More >> https://www.kelseyreidl.com/blog/category/Marketing
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