Am I the Genius?
Learn something Genius today -- Am I the Genius? is a show all about collective experiences, each topic with our own comedic spin on it! You can expect a new episode every day with topics ranging from asking Doctors "What Happens when Surgery goes Wrong?" to asking about the "Moment that made a Calm Person Snap". Submit your own stories at 📝 full videos on 📺 talk to us on 📸Instagram too: @amithegenius
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Come on.
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I agree w/ trump supporter. Being trans/gay/nonbinary is literally denying your own biology. You would have to be seriously mentally ill to think that that is ok. Really idc what you people think or say about me. Y’all are just some random people on a review page. And as someone who plans to be a person who jumps into controversy headfirst, and do my best to defend the side God is on, this is good practice. Genuinely curious to see how many people lose their minds over this! Response to any and all topics will come as soon as I am addressed by name. Edit: God would not like this view? This is his view. May I remind you of the verse Leviticus 20:13: “If a man lies with a man as he does with a woman, both have committed an abomination.” I will not stop standing up for myself or my beliefs. This hill I am willing to die on. And hate to break it to you, but most of life is random people arguing. The key is letting the personal insults roll off your back, and not letting them get in the way of how you behave. Nothing anyone here says will affect anyone else’s value as human beings, so stop letting it rub you the wrong way if it truly doesn’t matter to you. (Also revised a bit of grammar on my original statement (also someone nicknamed themselves after me wow! Nice to know I’m not alone here!)) Second edit: Note how no one against what I and others are saying are using actual logic, just insults. Repeating what others do and say won’t help anyone in this situation. If someone can logically explain why any of what I’ve been saying isn’t true, then I’ll agree. Third edit: (In order of statements) First, if the verse in question is against pedo, why is the child also in the wrong? It says both have committed an abomination. Secondly, perhaps I have been making the wrong statements for this situation. I’ll ask some questions instead: 1, Are you saying my religion is stupid because you believe that, or because you just want to try to hurt me? Please elaborate on why you think this. 2, Instead of explaining why LGBTQ+ is bad, I’ll ask “Why is it not bad/Why is it good? Use as much detail as you like. I’m doing this because it: 1, provokes who I’m talking to, allowing them to show their true colors. Will they respond with a levelheaded, logically driven message? Something heat-of-the-moment and emotional? A statement intended to diffuse anger? An insult? You never know and you need to. I always try to go for the first. 2, it gives me practice in getting over myself and processing feelings as soon as possible. Something very important in all situations. No matter what anyone believes, there is always someone who disagrees. 3, I need to get used to people attacking me for the things I’m not afraid to say. The Bible states that all who follow God will suffer, because the earth will hate him. This is one of the best examples. Most people here are AGGRESSIVELY against God. Fourth edit: Prefacing this by saying that, judging by the responses so far, I guess no matter what I say it’s going to be insulting. Even if I’m trying to state things as logically as possible, as long as it’s against this, I’m going to have people coming after me, or just being upset about it. But, as hard as I know people are going to laugh at this, I don’t have anything against LGBTQ+ individuals. I have actually been aquatinted with some in the past. What I have a problem with is the lifestyle. In the Bible’s eyes, which is the lens I’m looking through, despite the fact I know some disregard it as nonsense, it is considered sin. Right alongside s3x with a daughter-in-law, and marriage with a both a woman and her mother if you’re looking at the verses adjacent to the one I referenced earlier. Yeah, saying stuff like this is hurtful. I’ve done things and lived in ways that are wrong, and being called out never feels good. But it’s necessary to acknowledge that some of the things you’ve done in the past are wrong. But one of the hardest things about that is the fact that, thanks to the works of the flesh, doing wrong things inherently feels good. As humans, from the beginning we have to be taught to not do bad things. Kids need to be taught that lying, cheating and saying things ment to tear others down are unacceptable. And yet even as we get older, we still do these things. My point is saying this is that yes, I can see how being LGBTQ+ could be misinterpreted as being helpful to mental health. But if we continue to go off “Bible Logic”, it is no different, no better, and no worse than any other wrongdoing. Geez just looking at this as I type it I know it’s going to hit sensitive areas and sound horribly harsh. I know that this probably won’t change results, but please know that is not my intent to make anyone feel like anything less than what I am when I sin, which is human. (Looking back I one hundred percent should have said this earlier. I would like to stop warring and from now on take a more calm but firm stance. I apologize for writing in a harsh manner before, and for possibly still writing in such a tone now. (also sorry for Wall ‘O Text if I could say this in fewer words I would.))
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Technically being trans is caused by the gender part of the brain developing separately from the other gendered bits
Good podcast
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Dawg can y’all stop
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- Années d’activité2023 - 2025
- Épisodes677