Who Let the Dogma Out?

"Where doctrine has dominion over all of life" In a time of compromise and theological softness, the church must recover the fortitude to be dogmatic about the things that matter. In this podcast we explore the theological beliefs everyone holds and show how they practically affect everything we say and do.
Why Jesus’ humanity means more than you think was outstanding.
Asking why would you want a God that you can fully comprehend is such a thought provoking question.
Finally some real truth and raw talk about what is going on in the world and what the Bible says about it. Plus I like the camaraderie between the guys. 😄 Keep it real but enjoyable!
This podcast is Spot on with Truth
It is very encouraging that these men are courageous to speak the truth. We as people must not lean on our own understanding. The heart of man is so easily corruptible. Proverbs 3:5-6 ESV [5] Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. [6] In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
I love listening to these guys. They pull everything together with scripture.
Another fantastic resource from Focus Press
Focus Press is doing a great work so I was thrilled to see another resource on much needed topics. I look forward to hearing more from these three great men. Keep up the great work in speaking the truth!
I told myself I would give the first 3 episodes a listen, when my wife told me about this podcast from a person I knew in college. To speak of this podcast generously, I’ll say this: I have no reason to doubt these men sincerely believe in a supremely holy god, and their theology appears to trickle down consistently from this font. The move from holy god, to inerrant scripture, to that scripture’s sufficiency for ordering life and behavior is logical enough (i.e. a god intent on having well-behaved worshippers would not allow themselves to be represented by an error-filled text). The hosts also appear committed to this god unwaveringly, on the supposition that the Bible is authoritative and dictated by their god. Despite this, I still want badly to write a review of every utterance with which I disagreed, but doubt the hosts care. So, My chief complaints are two: 1) the callousness with which they confront human experience; 2) failure to allow the Bible to speak on its own terms. On callousness: to say the Bible calls homosexuality a sin, and therefore their god disapproves of it—fine, that’s logical within their system. However, when one host said he’d rather see the break-up of a committed family with children, because the adults are gay is unconscionable. To say that a transgender experience would be evidence that their god made a mistake is cruel to those whose human existence is out-of-sync with their biological sex and expectant roles that should come with. I won’t abide this; I won’t worship this god. On failure to allow the Bible to speak on its own terms: I don’t believe they take the Bible seriously. Their proof-texting of Gen 1–11 is an example, in that none sought to explore genre, organization, or mythic elements, and that these things together can help one know about the god of the Bible and expectations for humanity—and they could even still claim inerrancy (of that section of the Bible), without having to say it’s historical, because it records theology, not history. Further, the assertion that to point to two apparently contradictory texts as evidence of a lack of faith in a holy god is disingenuous. Those who struggle with the Bible take it seriously. It is complex, and represents a wide range of beliefs that the ancients thought were within the bounds of orthodoxy—apostles fought with one another, and may not have come to an agreement, but books apparently written by them appear side-by-side. Ultimately, in my lefty United Church of Christ leanings, I find this podcast reprehensible, and I cannot recommend it. It appears to be three white men, who feel the need to have their voices heard, despite having the only spot on stage on Sunday. The Church doesn’t need any more of that; the world doesn’t need any more of that. Spend your time reading poetry, or learning a new language, or serving the poor, or helping the disenfranchised get the right to vote—you and God are better served in these things.
Yada yada yada
Another podcast from the people at Focus Press where the hosts have all the answers, and you’re wrong if you don’t share either their same concerns or their views. You heretic!
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