Who the Hell is Hamish?

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He was born Hamish Watson, a surfie dude from Sydney – but he could morph into whatever you needed him to be. Hamish is due to be sentenced to jail in early 2019 for swindling a handful of victims out of more than $7m. But these crimes are just the final pages in a resume too thick to staple; for decades he’s duped victims in the US, Canada, Britain, Hong Kong and Australia. How did he do it? How did he evade authorities around the world for so long and what’s he done with all those tens of millions of dollars he stole?
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Hamish the predator
My heart aches for Jane. She was a CHILD. He groomed her and he is at fault for all of it. She was not able to discern the dangerousness of this man and she was in no way complicit. My heart aches for the blame she feels. She was A CHILD! Excellent podcast.
Excellent Podcast
Compelling story. Extremely well investigated.
Such good storytelling
This podcast was such great storytelling! No episode felt unnecessary, and despite my limited knowledge of the financial world Hamish operated in, I still was able to understand the impact of his duplicity. I’m also glad that the final episode referred to him as a predator and clarified that his relationship with Jane was predatory. I’m so glad the victims got some sense of relief through his sentencing.
Interview with Jane was so accusatory
The way he spoke to and shamed Jane was disgusting. She was a victim of child sexual assault and emotional abuse by the hands of Hamish. Ruined the entire program for me.
- Channel
- CreatorThe Australian
- Episodes19
- Seasons1
- RatingClean
- Copyright© 2025 News Corp Australia
- Show Website
- ProviderNews Corp Australia
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