Who Turned The Lights On?

Shannon Eastman
Who Turned The Lights On?

Formerly Trauma Informed Growth. Life after Complex-PTSD, and just beyond those first stages of recovery, is a lot like having someone turn the lights on after years navigating in the dark. On this side of it, I reckon a lot more can be done to improve the sign posts that mark the way out. This podcast exists to discuss life in the dark, compare notes on mapping the way out, and explore what life is like with the lights on. ​

  1. 1 DAY AGO

    Dysregulated Nervous System & Toxic Workplaces

    It started offline as a challenge about using the word 'toxic' to describe workplaces, cultures, teams that were being made sick by dysregulated leaders. 3 minutes in to this debate and Roseanne and I hit record. This felt like one for the library.    Roseanne Reilly, joins this series as a master practitioner of nervous system restoration. She speaks fluently on the topic of trauma, stress, body, and behaviour joining me (Shannon Eastman) for deep dives into the practical application of this science in business. I've brought up the idea of the toxic boss for a year now after looking in my own rearview mirror at my past self and seeing that my dysregulated nervous system, dysregulated others. Was that what we mean by toxic bosses? Roseanne says No! Let's not be hasty as toxic is a big word, void of compassion for a lot of people suffering and leaking all over the shop.    We also flipped the table and looked at this from the perspective of the dysregulated employee, working in the dysregulated business and got honest about what they might call it on the receiving end of working with/for a toxic boss.    Roseanne brings her insight and expertise to the table to explain what, why and how this is happening, and when we might want to call it toxic, and when we might want to call it something else.    While we don't bring any specific direction to labels, and constructs, we do open up a big conversation about what is going in the workplace through, and why, at the bottom of toxic workplaces, we find a lot of dysregulated nervous systems.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOUT ROSEANNE REILLY Roseanne Reilly LinkedIn >  HandsofTimeHealing.com  R.I.S.E. by Roseanne: her Flagship Self-Directed Program for $97 USD >    ABOUT SHANNON EASTMAN  Shannon Eastman on LinkedIn >  NeuroRituals.com  NB3.io    ABOUT #WTTLO?  Life after Complex-PTSD, and just beyond those first stages of recovery, is a lot like having someone turn the lights on after years navigating in the dark.  On this side of it, I reckon a lot more can be done to improve the sign posts that mark the way out. This podcast exists to discuss life in the dark, compare notes on mapping the way out, and explore what life is like with the lights on.  ​ ​Who Turned On The Lights is the evolution of Trauma Informed Growth. All 27 episodes from Trauma Informed Growth, Season 2 will remain available on this channel.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow the WTTLO?  LinkedIn Page > Subscribe to the #WTTLO? newsletter  if you want details on impromptu live classes, industry reports, and exclusives.  www.whoturnedthelightson.com - #WTTLO #WhoTurnedTheLightsOn #Wellbeing #MentalHealth #Anxiety #CPTSD -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An important disclaimer  Your mental health, wellbeing and felt senses of safety is really important.  Working with a trauma-informed practitioner can make all the difference.  We (myself, the host of this show, and the guests) have many qualified health practitioners that we can recommend - many of whom will be on this show.   And should you need one now, we have a Directory on our website www.whoturnedthelightson.com for you to peruse. We tend to attract Trauma Informed Psycholgists, Psychiatrists, Psychotherapists who have a specific interest in the 40+ professional and/or work well with organisations.  So the information provided across "Who Turned The Lights On?" is for informational and edutainment purposes and not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  #CPTSD, #mental health, #40+ Professionals  #Wellbeing, #Mental Health, #Nervous System, #Wellbeing At Work, #Nervous System Regulation, #C-PTSD, #Nervous System Basics, #Nervous System Informed Approach

    49 min
  2. JAN 7

    S3:E8 How To Communicate Why Your Nervous System Is So Important Personally & Professionally

    A Behind-The-Scenes conversation with Roseanne Reilly as we resolve how best to incorporate feedback we've received on our 2025 content plans. We have been exploring how best to communicate why the nervous system is so important to you personally and professionally. As it goes, this podcast left me (Shannon Eastman) with new take aways, new perspectives and a bit more clarity on how to package, prioritise and present what Roseanne calls, a nervous system informed approach to living a life that feels good.  This is the evolution of Trauma Informed.  You'll hear the challenges, the debate and some criticism of how, and when and why along with a fair bit of Roseanne and I comparing notes that align her subject matter expertise, with my feelings, ideas and thoughts on the 40+ professional who is Highly Functioning, Not OK, and how we go about marrying the two.  This #WTTLO content initiative we're organsing for 2025 is personal and important. Personal becuase Roseanne and I both know life before and after nervous system regulation, and important because this information has the potential to change your life if we get it's delivery just so.  If you have an opinion, feedback or ideas to add to this exploration, you are welcome to get in touch with Roseanne or myself directly on email, whatsapp or linkedin.  If you want to be involved as a content contributor, we'd love to hear from you too. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOUT ROSEANNE REILLY Roseanne Reilly LinkedIn >  HandsofTimeHealing.com  R.I.S.E. by Roseanne: her Flagship Self-Directed Program for $97 USD >    ABOUT SHANNON EASTMAN  Shannon Eastman on LinkedIn >  NeuroRituals.com  NB3.io    ABOUT #WTTLO?  Life after Complex-PTSD, and just beyond those first stages of recovery, is a lot like having someone turn the lights on after years navigating in the dark.  On this side of it, I reckon a lot more can be done to improve the sign posts that mark the way out. This podcast exists to discuss life in the dark, compare notes on mapping the way out, and explore what life is like with the lights on.  ​ ​Who Turned On The Lights is the evolution of Trauma Informed Growth. All 27 episodes from Trauma Informed Growth, Season 2 will remain available on this channel.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow the WTTLO?  LinkedIn Page > Subscribe to the #WTTLO? newsletter  if you want details on impromptu live classes, industry reports, and exclusives.  www.whoturnedthelightson.com - #WTTLO #WhoTurnedTheLightsOn #Wellbeing #MentalHealth #Anxiety #CPTSD -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An important disclaimer  Your mental health, wellbeing and felt senses of safety is really important.  Working with a trauma-informed practitioner can make all the difference.  We (myself, the host of this show, and the guests) have many qualified health practitioners that we can recommend - many of whom will be on this show.   And should you need one now, we have a Directory on our website www.whoturnedthelightson.com for you to peruse. We tend to attract Trauma Informed Psycholgists, Psychiatrists, Psychotherapists who have a specific interest in the 40+ professional and/or work well with organisations.  So the information provided across "Who Turned The Lights On?" is for informational and edutainment purposes and not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  #CPTSD, #mental health, #40+ Professionals

    46 min
  3. 12/10/2024

    Resilience! I got the t-shirt, now what?

    Resilience is a common word that can feel hard to pin down. Particularly when we find there is cheap brassy imitation Resilience, and Authentic Resilience, the kind that feels more like cashmere.  But what is it? Where does it come from? How do we get more of it? What zaps it? What does it do and why do we need it?  Basic questions about a big topic that is mission critical to the 40+ professionals, the ones who are over achieving, super competent and - can't help but notice that life feels harder, heavier and it's getting smaller. Roseanne Reilly is a master Nervous System Restoration Practitioner. She is a special guest on a few episodes (You're welcome) and today, we bring questions, examples, and situations related to resilience, so we can get to the bottom of this concept, from a unique lens of 40+, recovery and your nervous system. (The holy grail of recovery).  ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOUT ROSEANNE REILLY Roseanne Reilly LinkedIn >  HandsofTimeHealing.com  R.I.S.E. by Roseanne: her Flagship Self-Directed Program for $97 USD >    ABOUT SHANNON EASTMAN  Shannon Eastman on LinkedIn >  NeuroRituals.com  NB3.io    ABOUT #WTTLO?  Life after Complex-PTSD, and just beyond those first stages of recovery, is a lot like having someone turn the lights on after years navigating in the dark.  On this side of it, I reckon a lot more can be done to improve the sign posts that mark the way out. This podcast exists to discuss life in the dark, compare notes on mapping the way out, and explore what life is like with the lights on.  ​ ​Who Turned On The Lights is the evolution of Trauma Informed Growth. All 27 episodes from Trauma Informed Growth, Season 2 will remain available on this channel.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow the WTTLO?  LinkedIn Page > Subscribe to the #WTTLO? newsletter  if you want details on impromptu live classes, industry reports, and exclusives.  www.whoturnedthelightson.com - #WTTLO #WhoTurnedTheLightsOn #Wellbeing #MentalHealth #Anxiety #CPTSD -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An important disclaimer  Your mental health, wellbeing and felt senses of safety is really important.  Working with a trauma-informed practitioner can make all the difference.  We (myself, the host of this show, and the guests) have many qualified health practitioners that we can recommend - many of whom will be on this show.   And should you need one now, we have a Directory on our website www.whoturnedthelightson.com for you to peruse. We tend to attract Trauma Informed Psycholgists, Psychiatrists, Psychotherapists who have a specific interest in the 40+ professional and/or work well with organisations.  So the information provided across "Who Turned The Lights On?" is for informational and edutainment purposes and not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  #CPTSD, #mental health, #40+ Professionals Resilience: I got the t-shirt, now what?

    30 min
  4. 12/10/2024

    S3:E6 Round Up: 7 Insights on Recovery When You’re 40+ & Newish To This

    Roseanne and I round up 7 of the bigger insights we've covered to date sharing our respective take on each. This podcast debates, explores and maps the way out of the dark. We look at all of this through the lens of the 40+ professional from a high stress childhood and an ongoing stress career.  Typically these are the overachievers, the super competent, and the very confident - but for the most part, only when they are at work. Those 7 Insights include: 1. Loved correctly, means you love correctly.  2. If you are not feeling It, You're spinning your wheels in (sh)it.  3. Kindness is the side effect of self-regulation. Kindness is harder to find in people who are lost in dysregulation. 4. The Nervous System is the Holy Grail to Recovery  5. Peace Comes From Within..... The Nervous System 6. Just "Manage Stress Better", "Think more Positive", "It's not Your Fault, You're a Type A Personality" - All Said On The Highway to Burnout.  7. Listening Matters More Than Shifting ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOUT ROSEANNE REILLY Roseanne Reilly LinkedIn >  HandsofTimeHealing.com  R.I.S.E. by Roseanne: her Flagship Self-Directed Program for $97 USD >    ABOUT SHANNON EASTMAN  Shannon Eastman on LinkedIn >  NeuroRituals.com  NB3.io    ABOUT #WTTLO?  Life after Complex-PTSD, and just beyond those first stages of recovery, is a lot like having someone turn the lights on after years navigating in the dark.  On this side of it, I reckon a lot more can be done to improve the sign posts that mark the way out. This podcast exists to discuss life in the dark, compare notes on mapping the way out, and explore what life is like with the lights on.  ​ ​Who Turned On The Lights is the evolution of Trauma Informed Growth. All 27 episodes from Trauma Informed Growth, Season 2 will remain available on this channel.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow the WTTLO?  LinkedIn Page > Subscribe to the #WTTLO? newsletter  if you want details on impromptu live classes, industry reports, and exclusives.  www.whoturnedthelightson.com - #WTTLO #WhoTurnedTheLightsOn #Wellbeing #MentalHealth #Anxiety #CPTSD -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An important disclaimer  Your mental health, wellbeing and felt senses of safety is really important.  Working with a trauma-informed practitioner can make all the difference.  We (myself, the host of this show, and the guests) have many qualified health practitioners that we can recommend - many of whom will be on this show.   And should you need one now, we have a Directory on our website www.whoturnedthelightson.com for you to peruse. We tend to attract Trauma Informed Psycholgists, Psychiatrists, Psychotherapists who have a specific interest in the 40+ professional and/or work well with organisations.  So the information provided across "Who Turned The Lights On?" is for informational and edutainment purposes and not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  #CPTSD, #mental health, #40+ Professionals

    39 min
  5. 12/09/2024

    S3:E5 Your Nervous System: The Holy Grail of Recovery

    Roseanne Reilly and I (Shannon Eastman) meet in this episode to specifically map out the Nervous System and its 4 unique states. Survival Mode / Dysregulated / Self-Regulated / Co-Regulated and how we express inside each one.  For example, you know someone is in Survival Mode when they are over the top about almost everything. Overreacting, Oversharing, Urgency, Hypervigilant etc.  We do our best to present WHY the nervous system is the holy grail of recovery... for the 40+ professional with a high stress childhood, ongoing stress career and at a point now, where life is getting harder, tighter and smaller. And we go a bit off script towards the end riffing off the other, and sharing a bit of our own experiences before - and - after our nervous system was taken off of survival mode. As it goes, for both of us, we came out of survival mode for the first time in our lives, age 40ish.  You'll hear why Roseanne does what she does, and where to find a few lights that you can turn on now.  This episode is the flag in the ground that marks the beginning of a few more episodes like this as we map our way out of Survival Mode, through Dysregulation and into Self-Regulation on our way to Co-regulator.  Find Roseanne's Self Directed Course - mentioned towards the end of this episode here >  ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOUT ROSEANNE REILLY Roseanne Reilly LinkedIn >  HandsofTimeHealing.com  R.I.S.E. by Roseanne: her Flagship Self-Directed Program for $97 USD >    ABOUT SHANNON EASTMAN  Shannon Eastman on LinkedIn >  NeuroRituals.com  NB3.io    ABOUT #WTTLO?  Life after Complex-PTSD, and just beyond those first stages of recovery, is a lot like having someone turn the lights on after years navigating in the dark.  On this side of it, I reckon a lot more can be done to improve the sign posts that mark the way out. This podcast exists to discuss life in the dark, compare notes on mapping the way out, and explore what life is like with the lights on.  ​ ​Who Turned On The Lights is the evolution of Trauma Informed Growth. All 27 episodes from Trauma Informed Growth, Season 2 will remain available on this channel.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow the WTTLO?  LinkedIn Page > Subscribe to the #WTTLO? newsletter  if you want details on impromptu live classes, industry reports, and exclusives.  www.whoturnedthelightson.com - #WTTLO #WhoTurnedTheLightsOn #Wellbeing #MentalHealth #Anxiety #CPTSD -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An important disclaimer  Your mental health, wellbeing and felt senses of safety is really important.  Working with a trauma-informed practitioner can make all the difference.  We (myself, the host of this show, and the guests) have many qualified health practitioners that we can recommend - many of whom will be on this show.   And should you need one now, we have a Directory on our website www.whoturnedthelightson.com for you to peruse. We tend to attract Trauma Informed Psycholgists, Psychiatrists, Psychotherapists who have a specific interest in the 40+ professional and/or work well with organisations.  So the information provided across "Who Turned The Lights On?" is for informational and edutainment purposes and not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  #CPTSD, #mental health, #40+ Professionals

    49 min
  6. 12/06/2024

    S3:E4 If You’re 40+ and Brand New to Your Nervous System, This One’s For You!

    Your Nervous System matters, a lot. How it works, arguably, matters more. For example, as an infant, your nervous system requires the nervous systems of your caregivers to provide for it, train it, support its development and maturity.  (It's called co-regulation) - in its absence your nervous system gets stuck and disrupts all sorts, through adulthood, well into your 40s, until you deliberately invest in Nervous System Restoration efforts to repair and resolve.  Your nervous system communicates the age your operate at - toddler, teen, young adult. It will drive the agenda, until it can trust you to take over. Your nervous system has the ability to shut off access to parts of your brain, and switch on others.  Roseanne Reilly joins me for this episode on your nervous system - a back to basics for some, and an an entirely new space for the rest of us.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOUT ROSEANNE REILLY Roseanne Reilly LinkedIn >  HandsofTimeHealing.com  R.I.S.E. by Roseanne: her Flagship Self-Directed Program for $97 USD >    ABOUT SHANNON EASTMAN  Shannon Eastman on LinkedIn >  NeuroRituals.com  NB3.io    ABOUT #WTTLO?  Life after Complex-PTSD, and just beyond those first stages of recovery, is a lot like having someone turn the lights on after years navigating in the dark.  On this side of it, I reckon a lot more can be done to improve the sign posts that mark the way out. This podcast exists to discuss life in the dark, compare notes on mapping the way out, and explore what life is like with the lights on.  ​ ​Who Turned On The Lights is the evolution of Trauma Informed Growth. All 27 episodes from Trauma Informed Growth, Season 2 will remain available on this channel.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow the WTTLO?  LinkedIn Page > Subscribe to the #WTTLO? newsletter  if you want details on impromptu live classes, industry reports, and exclusives.  www.whoturnedthelightson.com - #WTTLO #WhoTurnedTheLightsOn #Wellbeing #MentalHealth #Anxiety #CPTSD -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An important disclaimer  Your mental health, wellbeing and felt senses of safety is really important.  Working with a trauma-informed practitioner can make all the difference.  We (myself, the host of this show, and the guests) have many qualified health practitioners that we can recommend - many of whom will be on this show.   And should you need one now, we have a Directory on our website www.whoturnedthelightson.com for you to peruse. We tend to attract Trauma Informed Psycholgists, Psychiatrists, Psychotherapists who have a specific interest in the 40+ professional and/or work well with organisations.  So the information provided across "Who Turned The Lights On?" is for informational and edutainment purposes and not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  #CPTSD, #mental health, #40+ Professionals

    42 min
  7. 12/05/2024

    S3:E3 The Backstory to Shannon & Roseanne, and the plans going forward.

    In this episode Roseanne and I share the backstory about how we met, why we stayed connected all this time, and what we are planning in the coming months. Of course, we will ebb and flow as required.    Roseanne will be joining as a special guest for standalone episodes, and her and I working in the background to cultivate a track of episodes specifically about nervous system restoration and the 40+ professional.  We each share our perspective on how this new joint (ad)venture came to be and our respective ideas about where we think this is going.  ABOUT ROSEANNE REILLY Roseanne Reilly LinkedIn >  HandsofTimeHealing.com  R.I.S.E. by Roseanne: her Flagship Self-Directed Program for $97 USD >    ABOUT SHANNON EASTMAN  Shannon Eastman on LinkedIn >  NeuroRituals.com  NB3.io    ABOUT #WTTLO?  Life after Complex-PTSD, and just beyond those first stages of recovery, is a lot like having someone turn the lights on after years navigating in the dark.  On this side of it, I reckon a lot more can be done to improve the sign posts that mark the way out. This podcast exists to discuss life in the dark, compare notes on mapping the way out, and explore what life is like with the lights on.  ​ ​Who Turned On The Lights is the evolution of Trauma Informed Growth. All 27 episodes from Trauma Informed Growth, Season 2 will remain available on this channel.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow the WTTLO?  LinkedIn Page > Subscribe to the #WTTLO? newsletter  if you want details on impromptu live classes, industry reports, and exclusives.  www.whoturnedthelightson.com - #WTTLO #WhoTurnedTheLightsOn #Wellbeing #MentalHealth #Anxiety #CPTSD -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An important disclaimer  Your mental health, wellbeing and felt senses of safety is really important.  Working with a trauma-informed practitioner can make all the difference.  We (myself, the host of this show, and the guests) have many qualified health practitioners that we can recommend - many of whom will be on this show.   And should you need one now, we have a Directory on our website www.whoturnedthelightson.com for you to peruse. We tend to attract Trauma Informed Psycholgists, Psychiatrists, Psychotherapists who have a specific interest in the 40+ professional and/or work well with organisations.  So the information provided across "Who Turned The Lights On?" is for informational and edutainment purposes and not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  #CPTSD, #mental health, #40+ Professionals

    31 min
  8. 12/05/2024

    "I Know What I Am Supposed To Do - But - Why Can't I Do It? w/ Roseanne Reilly

    This is the query that once haunted me for more than a decade "I know what I am supposted to do, but I just can't do it!" I have invested 6 figures over my lifetime, (desperately) trying to make myself feel normal. I poured tirelessly over teachings -  ancient through modern - studied with some brilliant minds - including one of my all time favourites ever,  Dr. John Demartini - and yet, I still found myself falling down in the dark saying to myself, "I KNOW better. I know what to do.. why can't I just do it? Why is my life like this, why are my relationships like this..." Roseanne Reilly joins #WTTLO? as a special guest for a few episodes over the coming months, to share her lens on a few things taking up too much mental real estate in the 40+ Professional.  And as I suspected, she nails it within the first 60-seconds with a reframe I didn't see coming. An excellent exchange on the what, why, and how that was well worth waiting for.      ABOUT ROSEANNE REILLY Roseanne Reilly LinkedIn >  HandsofTimeHealing.com  R.I.S.E. by Roseanne: her Flagship Self-Directed Program for $97 USD >    ABOUT SHANNON EASTMAN  Shannon Eastman on LinkedIn >  NeuroRituals.com  NB3.io    ABOUT #WTTLO?  Life after Complex-PTSD, and just beyond those first stages of recovery, is a lot like having someone turn the lights on after years navigating in the dark.  On this side of it, I reckon a lot more can be done to improve the sign posts that mark the way out. This podcast exists to discuss life in the dark, compare notes on mapping the way out, and explore what life is like with the lights on.  ​ ​Who Turned On The Lights is the evolution of Trauma Informed Growth. All 27 episodes from Trauma Informed Growth, Season 2 will remain available on this channel.  Follow the WTTLO?  LinkedIn Page > Subscribe to the #WTTLO? newsletter  if you want details on impromptu live classes, industry reports, and exclusives.  www.whoturnedthelightson.com - #WTTLO #WhoTurnedTheLightsOn #Wellbeing #MentalHealth #Anxiety #CPTSD -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An important disclaimer  Your mental health, wellbeing and felt senses of safety is really important.  Working with a trauma-informed practitioner can make all the difference.  We (myself, the host of this show, and the guests) have many qualified health practitioners that we can recommend - many of whom will be on this show.   And should you need one now, we have a Directory on our website www.whoturnedthelightson.com for you to peruse. We tend to attract Trauma Informed Psycholgists, Psychiatrists, Psychotherapists who have a specific interest in the 40+ professional and/or work well with organisations.  So the information provided across "Who Turned The Lights On?" is for informational and edutainment purposes and not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   #CPTSD ,  #mental health ,  #40+ Professionals

    37 min


Formerly Trauma Informed Growth. Life after Complex-PTSD, and just beyond those first stages of recovery, is a lot like having someone turn the lights on after years navigating in the dark. On this side of it, I reckon a lot more can be done to improve the sign posts that mark the way out. This podcast exists to discuss life in the dark, compare notes on mapping the way out, and explore what life is like with the lights on. ​

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