Whole Heart: Crunchy Parenting

Chelsea Vail
Whole Heart: Crunchy Parenting

A podcast for parents who have chosen a natural approach to parenting from birth and beyond! Parenting Specialist, Child Development Specialist, and Play Therapist, Chelsea Vail, educates parents on hot topics from a “crunchy” perspective and drops knowledge on research based techniques for raising loving, happy, healthy kiddos. Chelsea is an advocate for all things Waldorf, anthroposophical, sacred, spiritual and loving. Please support by subscribing and joining the tribe at WholeHeartCrunchyParenting.com

최고 5점
41개의 평가


A podcast for parents who have chosen a natural approach to parenting from birth and beyond! Parenting Specialist, Child Development Specialist, and Play Therapist, Chelsea Vail, educates parents on hot topics from a “crunchy” perspective and drops knowledge on research based techniques for raising loving, happy, healthy kiddos. Chelsea is an advocate for all things Waldorf, anthroposophical, sacred, spiritual and loving. Please support by subscribing and joining the tribe at WholeHeartCrunchyParenting.com

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