Wellness Optimizing Warrior M.D.

Dr. Mirela Cernaianu
Wellness Optimizing Warrior M.D.

Our healthcare system is run and dominated by big Pharma and for profit health insurance companies. No one is fighting for you. Getting great medical advice is very expensive and no one has the time to spend on educating their clients. Entering the health care system for anything can be a struggle. I want to fight for you and be your wellness warrior. Join me in creating a community that educates empowers and nourishes optimal wellness. Our healthcare system needs a revolution. We need change, we need better and easier access to a health care system that promotes wellness and is not fixated on disease and alleviating symptoms. Let’s take back our health and own it!

  1. -6 ДН.

    The Value of an In-Depth Wellness Assessment in Your 30s: Setting the Foundation for Your Future Health Part 1

    What should a physician focus on when their patient is a man or a woman in their 30s? For women, their 30s set the tone for a smooth and easy—or potentially difficult—perimenopause stage. For both men and women, the 30’s should represent a peak in health. Women who are 35 years old and above who are planning on having children should discuss this with their doctor, and the sooner the better. After this point, a woman’s eggs may be of less quality than they once were, and thus conception may be a more difficult process. A comprehensive doctor should perform an in-depth analysis of your health at this stage, helping you discover and deal with any potential problems early on. If you’re experiencing symptoms like fatigue, insomnia, or weight changes, make sure you let your doctor know.  Whether intentionally or unintentionally experiencing disrupted sleep in your 30s, it’s important to address it as early as you can. Your sleep quality has a profound impact on your overall health, and at this stage in life it’s imperative you get the necessary duration and quality.  Intestinal health issues are another one that should not be overlooked, as these can be related to your immune system health. We have a tendency to excuse symptoms like gas and bloating as “normal,” but in reality, these issues should not be ignored. If you’ve had any nagging symptoms in your body in the last twelve months, bring them to your doctor’s attention as soon as possible.   Connect with Dr. Cernaianu https://www.herabeautyandwellness.com/ https://www.instagram.com/herabeautyandwellness/ https://www.facebook.com/people/Hera-Healthcare-Mirela-Cernaianu-MD/100063462643162/

    30 мин.
  2. 25 ОКТ.

    Making the Most of Your Annual Exam - Vital Health Checks Every Young Woman in Her 20s Needs

    Many doctors and health providers of young women are overburdened and overworked. This can cause them to skim over critical aspects for their patients, so it helps to know what to ask for when a wellness check is being done. The more informed you can be as a patient, the more likely you are to receive a better experience.  Height, weight, temperature, heart rate, and last menstrual period are crucial starting points of a wellness exam. Though some of these checks, like weight, can make young women feel uncomfortable, it is imperative that they are done.  Your doctor should also do a review of all your health systems. This includes vision, hearing, cardiovascular, and joint and muscle health. If you are having any gastrointestinal issues, these should be shared with your health care provider. 80% of autoimmune issues happen in women, and they are on the rise. Telltale signs of inflammation are achiness and stiffness. Mental health should also be covered during your health check, and you should also discuss your period. Your doctor will want to know if your period is reliable and whether or not your pain is tolerable. If you aren’t able to go to work or school during your period, it’s a sign of hormonal imbalance or disease.  We are in the midst of a fertility crisis, so if you are a young woman planning to have children, be sure to bring this up at your next doctor’s visit. A woman’s ability to have children declines in her 30s. You can ask your provider to check your ovarian reserve, which is a great indicator for ovarian health. This is especially important if you are planning to have children after 30.   Connect with Dr. Cernaianu https://www.herabeautyandwellness.com/ https://www.instagram.com/herabeautyandwellness/ https://www.facebook.com/people/Hera-Healthcare-Mirela-Cernaianu-MD/100063462643162/

    26 мин.
  3. 18 ОКТ.

    How to Take Charge of Your Own Health: Top Wellness Markers for Young Men That Any Doctor Should Check

    In this episode we’re addressing health in young boys and young men, including what to watch for as far as health checks. The number-one marker for wellness (in both young men and young women) is body composition. This is important to know, as more than 1 in 5 young people struggle with obesity which is associated with serious health issues. 20% of teenagers experience mental health problems in any given year. These problems are often established by age 14. It’s important to check in on the mental health of young people and intervene as early as possible. A check of the sexual organs should also be done in young men to reduce issues and ensure healthy development. Between 15 and 20, it’s a good idea to check hormone levels as well. Certain hormones, like testosterone and thyroid hormones, play a crucial role at this time. Nutritional markers like iron, and B12 should also be monitored if possible. Men aged 20 to 30 are affected heavily by the food habits they’ve picked up in their teen years. Health care providers should also be asking young men about their alcohol, tobacco, and drug use. They should also ask if they are sexually active and promote safe sex practices.  Digestive health issues are often overlooked in young men. Issues with bloating, heartburn, and diarrhea should be noted. The physical exam (which comes after a verbal check) should be followed by comprehensive testing, including hormone testing and sperm analysis. If a young man is going to be confident and well-functioning, healthy hormone levels are a must.   Connect with Dr. Cernaianu https://www.herabeautyandwellness.com/ https://www.instagram.com/herabeautyandwellness/ https://www.facebook.com/people/Hera-Healthcare-Mirela-Cernaianu-MD/100063462643162/

    32 мин.
  4. 11 ОКТ.

    Comprehensive Wellness Exam for a Teenager - Beyond Basic Testing

    What are the signs of health in a young woman? Each doctor may have a different approach to their wellness exams. Knowing the details of what your health provider offers can help you decide if choosing them is the right option for you. This is especially important for women, whose health needs are highly underserved.  Women are usually recommended three specific exams: breast exams, a Papanicolaou (Pap) test, and a general physical. From ages 11-16, it’s important to consider the shift in hormones happening primarily in the ovaries. The importance of endocrine disruptors from their diet and environment shouldn’t be underestimated at this time. Young women should be educated early on about the importance of regular exercise and a healthy diet. They should also be made aware that processed foods are highly addictive. It is much easier to develop healthy habits than it is to change them later down the road. Endocrine disruptors and some pathological issues can lead to early menarche (an early first period) in young women. An early first period is associated with mental health issues, weight issues, early menopause, and more. This is an important health marker to look for in young women. If a young woman is struggling with their health, their doctor should check iron, vitamin D, and vitamin B12. They should also do a simple urine test to check for heavy metals. There should also be an emphasis on interpersonal skills and coping skills to help young women manage stress and feelings of overwhelm. The consequences of failing to address mental health issue at a young age will have an impact in adulthood.   Connect with Dr. Cernaianu https://www.herabeautyandwellness.com/ https://www.instagram.com/herabeautyandwellness/ https://www.facebook.com/people/Hera-Healthcare-Mirela-Cernaianu-MD/100063462643162/

    34 мин.
  5. 4 ОКТ.

    Medication or Prevention - The Choice That Could Change Your Health and Your Life

    If you want to avoid spending money on costly surgeries, procedures, medications, and illnesses, choose a doctor to partner with to better your health. Be sure to pick a physician who will work with you towards your wellness goals. While it will cost money to do this, you can consider it an investment in your health. The tests and labs your insurance usually covers are not always enough to tell your provider if there is a serious medical problem. You can have normal panels in your annual exam and still have underlying health issues. Getting a checkup 1-3 times a year is more important than anything else you could do. You take care of your house and ensure it doesn’t get damaged. You look after your car and get it the maintenance it needs. You have home insurance, and you have car insurance—and you hope you never need it. So why wouldn’t you take these same principles and apply it to your health? It can be frustrating to work in a system that operates slowly, and perhaps you don’t get as much time with your doctor as you’d hoped. Many doctors decide to go into private practice so that they can avoid working with insurance companies and operate with a different business model. Medications are not magic pills designed to help you—-there is usually a price to pay in the form of serious or mild side effects. Don’t wait for disease to see a doctor. Choose a doctor who will talk to you about preventing illness, even if it means disrupting your status quo.   Connect with Dr. Cernaianu https://www.herabeautyandwellness.com/  https://www.instagram.com/herabeautyandwellness/  https://www.facebook.com/people/Hera-Healthcare-Mirela-Cernaianu-MD/100063462643162/

    28 мин.
  6. 27 СЕНТ.

    Food as Medicine: Transform Your Health and Ditch Medications With Holistic Wisdom

    How can you stay healthy in a seemingly uncaring healthcare system? While not every professional in the health space is corrupt or unwilling to help (in fact many are passionate about helping and serving others), the system at large is not designed to allow access to the best possible care. On top of this, many of us are eating food that is overprocessed and lacking in nutrients, which contributes to a host of health-related issues including obesity, arthritis, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. But just as food can harm you, it can also heal you. By eating healthy, colorful food you can reduce the need for medication and improve your overall health. Change is hard, especially when your health professionals haven’t been trained in what is required to be healthy. Doctors of medicine and other medical professionals are trained in how to diagnose and treat disease, but they are not trained in the strategies necessary to avoid getting sick in the first place. Often, doctors will prescribe medications to help combat the symptoms you're experiencing without doing a deep dive on the underlying cause. For example, if you have an autoimmune condition, you may be given medication to reduce the reaction. However, what is actually going on inside your body and with your immunity is never addressed. According to the FDA, there are over 20,000 different prescription drugs available. The top four are statins (for cholesterol), metformin (often used for diabetes), lisinopril, and levothyroxine. Patients are led to believe taking these medications is the only way to control or support their conditions. Instead, they should be educated on how to prevent or correct diseases in a holistic way.   Connect with Dr. Cernaianu https://www.herabeautyandwellness.com/  https://www.instagram.com/herabeautyandwellness/  https://www.facebook.com/people/Hera-Healthcare-Mirela-Cernaianu-MD/100063462643162/

    28 мин.
  7. 16 СЕНТ.

    Why Exercise is Vital in Staying Healthy

    Many people do not truly understand the value of their health until it’s gone. You may even be ignoring the signals your body is giving you, even though the signs may have been present for some time. Yet, when you lose your ability to function optimally, you finally have to confront the reality of your health situation. The truth is you should value your health above almost everything in life—including your work, career, finances, and your to-do list. All the possessions you have lose their importance without your health. A healthy body is important for the healthy movement you might be taking for granted every day. For example, simply walking from A to B. Without proper exercise, your muscles and bones will lose their strength and start to deteriorate. A lack of exercise can also affect the way your body uses nourishment and can lead to mood changes, brain fog, weight gain, and more. All exercise is good exercise, whether it’s yoga, working out in the gym, or running outside. Exercise is important for your body, but it is also important for your brain. When you’re engaged in exercise, you become more present in the moment, which can also be great for your emotional health. Excuses will always be there, but your health won’t—so you have to make it a priority to move your body and find the right kind of exercise for you. The best thing you can do for your health is make exercise a daily non-negotiable activity. It can help you maintain your bones and joints, grow muscle, support your heart health, and maintain a healthier hormone balance, just to name a few. Remember: your body was made to move.   Connect with Dr. Cernaianu https://www.herabeautyandwellness.com/  https://www.instagram.com/herabeautyandwellness/  https://www.facebook.com/people/Hera-Healthcare-Mirela-Cernaianu-MD/100063462643162/

    25 мин.
  8. 6 СЕНТ.

    How to Stay Healthy in a Corrupt and Uncaring Health System

    Why are Americans dealing with so many health issues, including chronic conditions and mental health issues? The first question we need to answer is this: what does it really mean to be healthy? According to the World Health organization, health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing—not just the absence of disease. Only 12% of adults in the US are metabolically healthy, and as a society we are getting sicker and heavier. It’s important for people to work to be at peace in their lives and within themselves. Developing healthy habits is so important for maintaining your physical, mental, and emotional health. This includes movement and healthy sleep habits. Social isolation, domestic violence, relationship breakdowns, and work problems can impact your mental health. Aspects of our modern world, like access to technology and social media, can also hurt mental health when used incorrectly or too often. There are five metabolic health markers you should know about: your blood glucose, your triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, blood pressure, and waist circumference. Elevated blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart and stroke, and you can have high blood pressure without knowing it. The less stress you have, the better for your blood pressure. An increasing number of people are dealing with multiple chronic conditions. In fact, 12% of Americans have at least five chronic conditions. We need to make a change, starting with diet. We are what we eat, and you may not be eating as healthily as you think. Start there if you want to begin making changes to your health today.   Connect with Dr. Cernaianu https://www.herabeautyandwellness.com/  https://www.instagram.com/herabeautyandwellness/  https://www.facebook.com/people/Hera-Healthcare-Mirela-Cernaianu-MD/100063462643162/

    38 мин.
из 5
Оценок: 12

Об этом подкасте

Our healthcare system is run and dominated by big Pharma and for profit health insurance companies. No one is fighting for you. Getting great medical advice is very expensive and no one has the time to spend on educating their clients. Entering the health care system for anything can be a struggle. I want to fight for you and be your wellness warrior. Join me in creating a community that educates empowers and nourishes optimal wellness. Our healthcare system needs a revolution. We need change, we need better and easier access to a health care system that promotes wellness and is not fixated on disease and alleviating symptoms. Let’s take back our health and own it!

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