Why is well-being important?

Wholegrain Leadership

Well-being is on everybody’s mind. Who doesn’t want to be well, healthy and happy, after all? In this episode, Matthias talks to a real expert in this field, Dr. Anat Itay-Sarig.

They discuss what well-being means, why it’s more than just the occasional yoga class or a latte macchiato in the morning, and why you, as a leader, should pay attention to the issue. They cover the spheres of public policy, where wellbeing has been discussed for quite some time and is part of the official government policy of countries such as New Zealand. Still, they also talk a lot about what this means for businesses.

Finally, they connect the dots between well-being, which can be a fluffy concept sometimes, and the hard world of numbers and statistics. Our guest Anat is a data scientist, after all.

About the guest

Dr. Anat Itay-Sarig is an expert on planning and measuring wellbeing, progress, and happiness – particularly incorporating them into strategy and policy for the public, private and third sectors. She was the chief scientist and co-founder of BBetter, a data analytics start-up acquired in 2019.

She holds a Ph.D. from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and conducted a substantial part of her research at UCL, the University of London. She is teaching at the Government & Sustainability program at the IDC Herzliya and the MBA program at the Academic College of Tel-Aviv-Yaffo.

She is a consultant to international organizations, NGOs, governments, and businesses on how to apply a wellbeing prism into their strategies. Anat passionately advocates for using well-being indicators to better plan success.










