Why The Palestinians Will Never Give Up

Ralph Nader Radio Hour

Ralph welcomes acclaimed investigative report, Jeremy Scahill of Drop Site News to give us his report on the state of the ceasefire in Gaza, why both sides tend to undercount the deaths and casualties, the nature of the October 7th assault, and the threat of a wider war with Iran. Plus, Ralph responds to a DOGE supporter, who on social media called him a hypocrite.

Jeremy Scahill is an investigative reporter, war correspondent, and author of the books Dirty Wars: The World Is a Battlefield and Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army. He was one of the founding editors of The Intercept and he is co-founder (with Ryan Grim) of Drop Site News, a non-aligned, investigative news organization dedicated to exposing the crimes of the powerful — particularly in overt and secret conflicts where the U.S. government is playing a key role.

If you study the past 76, 77 years of history of the Palestinians, there is no chance that they are going to voluntarily leave their land. There is no chance that they are going to lay down their arms in a struggle for national liberation. And I think that the only certainty here is that the Palestinians are not going to give up.

Jeremy Scahill

When you're talking about 2,000 families being wiped out, when you're talking about thousands upon thousands of people buried under the rubble of what used to be their homes. And then the Israelis come in with their utterly sadistic macabre tactics where they then bulldozed people, put them in mass graves. I don't think we right now have any sense of the scope of the killing that has happened.

Jeremy Scahill

A friend of mine, Ali Abunima who runs Electronic Intifada, said that the Germans have been punishing the Palestinians for the German mass murder of Jews for many decades now.

Jeremy Scahill

There's more outrage among what I call blue MAGA, these sort of cultish partisan Democrats, over Trump's proposal to take over Gaza as a Middle East Riviera than most of these people ever said during Biden and Harris actively facilitating a genocide.

Jeremy Scahill

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