

Harshaneeyam is a podcast about Literary fiction focussing on Translated works from across the world and Telugu Short stories/Novels. Interviews with Translators from different languages, conversations with Famous Telugu writers and introduction of Novels and Short story collections form the content of our podcast. You can contact us at harshaneeyam@gmail.com #Translations #katha # telugu #telugukatha #story This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis: Podtrac - https://analytics.podtrac.com/privacy-policy-gdrp

  1. Ros Schwartz on TILT - Telugu to English Translation Workshop.

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    Ros Schwartz on TILT - Telugu to English Translation Workshop.

    "In this episode, we have Ros Schwartz discussing TILT—the Telugu to English Online Translation workshop that she is conducting. It aims to develop Telugu-to-English literary translators. Telugu publishers Chaaya and Aju from Hyderabad, India, have collaborated on this unique initiative. Ros discussed the workshop's modalities, the guest speakers who have graced the sessions, and the future paths for the mentees who have attended. Ros Schwartz is an award-winning translator from French. Over the past four decades, she has translated over 100 fiction and non-fiction titles. Alongside literary translation, Ros has served on the boards and committees of key literary and translation organisations including the UK Translators Association; the European Council of Literary Translators Associations (CEATL) the British Centre for Literary Translation (BCLT) and English PEN's Writers in Translation Programme. Currently co-director of Bristol Translates literary translation summer school, she works to develop literary translation as a profession by supporting young translators, initiatingmentoring schemes and summer schools, and giving workshops, and master classes at the Universities of Durham, Middlesex, Westminster, East Anglia, Leicester, Glasgow, City University, the University of Warwick among others, including the Seagull Publishing School in Kolkata. Shehas given talks around the world, notably at the Jaipur Literature Festival. https://www.bristol.ac.uk/sml/translation-interpreting-studies/bristol-translates/ * For your Valuable feedback on this Episode - Please click the link below. https://tinyurl.com/4zbdhrwr Harshaneeyam on Spotify App –https://harshaneeyam.captivate.fm/onspot Harshaneeyam on Apple App – https://harshaneeyam.captivate.fm/onapple *Contact us - harshaneeyam@gmail.com ***Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by Interviewees in interviews conducted by Harshaneeyam Podcast are those of the Interviewees and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Harshaneeyam Podcast. Any content provided by Interviewees is of their opinion and is not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, individual, or anyone or anything. This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis: Podtrac - https://analytics.podtrac.com/privacy-policy-gdrp

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  2. Nancy Naomi Carlson on Poetry, Translation and Musicality

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    Nancy Naomi Carlson on Poetry, Translation and Musicality

    "Today on Harshaneeyam, we welcome Nancy Naomi Carlson, a renowned poet, translator, and musician. We delve into her profound connection between poetry and personal loss, exploring how translation serves as a powerful tool for healing. As a musician, Carlson shares insights on the profound influence of musicality in her translation process. We also discuss her collaboration with Seagull Books and her acclaimed translations, including the recent SOLIO by Samira Negrouche. Carlson is a recipient of numerous awards, including the 2022 Oxford-Weidenfeld Translation Prize, and her work has been recognized by the New York Times. you can buy Solio using the Amazon link in the show notes. Harshaneeyam is a podcast dedicated to exploring the art and craft of literary translation. We've hosted over 70 translators working across 60 languages, offering unique insights into their creative processes. Follow Harshaneeyam on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and other platforms.   Now, Let' 's hear Nancy talking about how she got into writing Poetry. https://tinyurl.com/soliosamira * For your Valuable feedback on this Episode - Please click the link below. https://tinyurl.com/4zbdhrwr Harshaneeyam on Spotify App –https://harshaneeyam.captivate.fm/onspot Harshaneeyam on Apple App – https://harshaneeyam.captivate.fm/onapple *Contact us - harshaneeyam@gmail.com ***Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by Interviewees in interviews conducted by Harshaneeyam Podcast are those of the Interviewees and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Harshaneeyam Podcast. Any content provided by Interviewees is of their opinion and is not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, individual, or anyone or anything. This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis: Podtrac - https://analytics.podtrac.com/privacy-policy-gdrp

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  3. గోదావరి ప్రచురణలు సత్తిబాబు , పావని గార్లతో సంభాషణ .

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    గోదావరి ప్రచురణలు సత్తిబాబు , పావని గార్లతో సంభాషణ .

    హర్షణీయానికి స్వాగతం . ఈ ఎపిసోడ్ లో మనతో గోదావరి ప్రచురణలు స్థాపించిన సత్తి బాబు గారు , వారి శ్రీమతి పావని గారు మనతో మాట్లాడతారు . ఎనిమిదేళ్ళక్రితం ప్రారంభమైన ఈ ప్రచురణ సంస్థ 2020 వ సంవత్సరం నించీ వేగాన్ని పుంజుకుంది . తెలుగు పుస్తకాలు , అనువాదాలు అన్నీ కలిపి దాదాపు ఎనభైకి పైగా పుస్తకాలను ప్రచురించింది . దాదాపు ప్రతి పుస్తకం ఏడువందల కాపీల పైన పాఠకుల చేతుల్లోకి చేరింది . ఏడుగురు యువ రచయితలను పరిచయం చేస్తే అందరి పుస్తకాలు వెయ్యికి పైగా అమ్మగలిగారు . అమెరికన్ రచయిత అయాన్ రాండ్ రాసిన ఫౌంటెన్ హెడ్ అనే ఎనిమిది వందల పేజీల నవల ఇప్పటిదాకా ఎనిమిది రీప్రింట్లు వేశారు . సుప్రసిద్ధ రచయిత మల్లాది వెంకట కృష్ణ మూర్తి గారి పుస్తకాలను, ఇంగ్లీష్ రచయిత విక్రమ్ సంపత్ గారి పుస్తకాలను వరుసగా పాఠకులకు అందిస్తున్నారు . సత్తిబాబు గారు , పావని గారు జంటగా పని చేస్తూ అతి తక్కువ కాలంలో తెలుగు ప్రచురణ రంగంలో తమకంటూ ఒక ప్రత్యేకమైన స్థానాన్ని సంపాదించుకున్నారు . డిసెంబర్ 19 నించీ మొదలయ్యే హైదరాబాద్ ఎక్సిబిషన్లో గోదావరి ప్రచురణల పుస్తకాలు దొరికే స్టాల్ నంబర్లు 246, 247. * For your Valuable feedback on this Episode - Please click the link below. https://tinyurl.com/4zbdhrwr Harshaneeyam on Spotify App –https://harshaneeyam.captivate.fm/onspot Harshaneeyam on Apple App – https://harshaneeyam.captivate.fm/onapple *Contact us - harshaneeyam@gmail.com ***Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by Interviewees in interviews conducted by Harshaneeyam Podcast are those of the Interviewees and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Harshaneeyam Podcast. Any content provided by Interviewees is of their opinion and is not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, individual, or anyone or anything. This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis: Podtrac - https://analytics.podtrac.com/privacy-policy-gdrp

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  4. Writer, Translator KE Semmel about his Debut Novel ' The Book of Losman'

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    Writer, Translator KE Semmel about his Debut Novel ' The Book of Losman'

    Guest for this Episode is KE Semmel. KE Semmel spoke to us about his life in Literature and his debut novel ' The Book of Losman'. He is a writer and a translatorfrom Danish to English. His fiction and nonfiction have appeared in   Lithub, The Millions, Electric Literature, The Writer’s Chronicle, Washington Post, and elsewhere.  The Book of Losman (SFWP) is his debut novel. "Daniel Losman, an American translator living a solitary life in Copenhagen, grapples with loneliness after his girlfriend's departure. His only solace comes from his three-year-old son, whom he fears may inherit his Tourette Syndrome, a neurological disorder characterized by involuntary movements and sounds. When he learns of a groundbreaking drug trial promising to address the root of his condition by accessing childhood memories, Losman, despite his initial skepticism, finds himself drawn in. The unexpected consequences of his participation form the heart of this compelling novel." - You can buy 'the book of Losman' and the books by Danish Writer Simon Frueland using the link given in the show notes. To buy the book - https://tinyurl.com/semmelnb To buy 'Milk and other stories' of Simon Frueland - https://tinyurl.com/simonfmilk To Buy 'The Wold adn Varvara ' of Simon Frueland https://tinyurl.com/varvarasimon * For your Valuable feedback on this Episode - Please click the link below. https://tinyurl.com/4zbdhrwr Harshaneeyam on Spotify App –https://harshaneeyam.captivate.fm/onspot Harshaneeyam on Apple App – https://harshaneeyam.captivate.fm/onapple *Contact us - harshaneeyam@gmail.com ***Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by Interviewees in interviews conducted by Harshaneeyam Podcast are those of the Interviewees and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Harshaneeyam Podcast. Any content provided by Interviewees is of their opinion and is not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, individual, or anyone or anything. This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis: Podtrac - https://analytics.podtrac.com/privacy-policy-gdrp

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  5. మహి బెజవాడ సాహితీ ప్రయాణం

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    మహి బెజవాడ సాహితీ ప్రయాణం

    మహి బెజవాడ రచయిత, ప్రచురణ కర్త, యాడ్ ఫిలిం మేకర్. స్వస్థలం నెల్లూరు జిల్లా, కావలి. ప్రస్తుత నివాసం హైదారాబాద్. పెరిగిన వాతావరణమూ, స్నేహితుల ప్రభావమే తనను మలుచుకోవడానికి కారణం అంటారు. వృత్తిరీత్యా అర్షియో క్రియేటివ్ ఏజెన్సీ, ఆన్వీక్షికి పబ్లిషర్స్, చదువు ఆప్ ఫౌండర్ డైరెక్టర్ గా ఉన్నారు. ఆయన తొలి కథల సంపుటి గన్స్ అండ్ మాన్సూన్స్ 8 డిసెంబర్ ఆవిష్కరణ జరుపుకుని పాఠకుల ప్రశంసలు పొందుతుంది. అన్వీక్షికి సంస్థ నుండి దాదాపు 200 పుస్తకాలతో పుస్తక ప్రేమికుల కోసం డిసెంబర్ 19 నుండి 29 వరకు జరిగే హైదారాబాద్ పుస్తక ప్రదర్శనలో పాల్గొంటున్నారు . 'గన్స్ అండ్ మాన్సూన్స్' పుస్తకం కొనడానికి - https://tinyurl.com/mahibejawada * For your Valuable feedback on this Episode - Please click the link below. https://tinyurl.com/4zbdhrwr Harshaneeyam on Spotify App –https://harshaneeyam.captivate.fm/onspot Harshaneeyam on Apple App – https://harshaneeyam.captivate.fm/onapple *Contact us - harshaneeyam@gmail.com ***Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by Interviewees in interviews conducted by Harshaneeyam Podcast are those of the Interviewees and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Harshaneeyam Podcast. Any content provided by Interviewees is of their opinion and is not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, individual, or anyone or anything. This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis: Podtrac - https://analytics.podtrac.com/privacy-policy-gdrp

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  6. 'The Philosophy of Translation' - Damion Searls

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    'The Philosophy of Translation' - Damion Searls

    Welcome to Harshaneeyam In this episode Damion Searls talked about his new book ‘The philosophy of translation. For any one who is interested in the creative process of translation , this is the book that you should pickup and read. There is a link provided in the show notes to buy the book.     https://tinyurl.com/Damionphil Damion Searls is a translator from German, Norwegian, French, and Dutch, and a writer in English. He has translated about sixty books, including ten by this year's Nobel Prize winner, Jon Fosse, and won numerous translation awards, including Guggenheim and Cullman Center fellowships; the biggest German-to-English translation prize in America, for Uwe Johnson's four-volume ANNIVERSARIES; and the biggest such prize in England, twice, for books by Hans Keilson and Saša Stanišić. His own writing includes poetry, fiction, reviews, and two nonfiction books: * For your Valuable feedback on this Episode - Please click the link below. https://tinyurl.com/4zbdhrwr Harshaneeyam on Spotify App –https://harshaneeyam.captivate.fm/onspot *Contact us - harshaneeyam@gmail.com ***Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by Interviewees in interviews conducted by Harshaneeyam Podcast are those of the Interviewees and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Harshaneeyam Podcast. Any content provided by Interviewees is of their opinion and is not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, individual, or anyone or anything. This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis: Podtrac - https://analytics.podtrac.com/privacy-policy-gdrp

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  7. Ross Benjamin on 'Kafka's Dairies'

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    Ross Benjamin on 'Kafka's Dairies'

    In this Episode , Ross Benjamin spoke about his translation of Kafka's Diaries. Ross Benjamin is a translator of German-language literature living in Nyack, New York. His translations include Friedrich Hölderlin’s Hyperion, , Joseph Roth’s Job, Thomas Pletzinger’s Funeral for a Dog, and Daniel Kehlmann’s You Should Have Left and Tyll. His translation of Tyll was shortlisted for the 2020 Booker International Prize. He was awarded the Helen and Kurt Wolff Translator’s Prize, National Endowment for the Arts Literature Fellowship and a 2015 Guggenheim Fellowship. His translation of Franz Kafka’s complete Diaries was published by Schocken Books in 2022.   * For your Valuable feedback on this Episode - Please click the link below. https://tinyurl.com/4zbdhrwr Harshaneeyam on Spotify App –https://harshaneeyam.captivate.fm/onspot Harshaneeyam on Apple App – https://harshaneeyam.captivate.fm/onapple *Contact us - harshaneeyam@gmail.com ***Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by Interviewees in interviews conducted by Harshaneeyam Podcast are those of the Interviewees and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Harshaneeyam Podcast. Any content provided by Interviewees is of their opinion and is not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, individual, or anyone or anything. This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis: Podtrac - https://analytics.podtrac.com/privacy-policy-gdrp

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التقييمات والمراجعات

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Harshaneeyam is a podcast about Literary fiction focussing on Translated works from across the world and Telugu Short stories/Novels. Interviews with Translators from different languages, conversations with Famous Telugu writers and introduction of Novels and Short story collections form the content of our podcast. You can contact us at harshaneeyam@gmail.com #Translations #katha # telugu #telugukatha #story This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis: Podtrac - https://analytics.podtrac.com/privacy-policy-gdrp

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