William Branham Historical Research

William Branham Historical Research
William Branham Historical Research

William Marrion Branham (A.K.A. William Marvin Branham, 1907-1965) was a Pentecostal minister from Jeffersonville, Indiana credited by some as initiating the Post WWII Healing Revival. He is widely recognized for playing a leading role in the formation of the Latter Rain, Word of Faith, Manifest Sons of God, and New Apostolic Reformation movements.  Some have gone so far as to label Branham as "God's General", fully unaware of the critical information concerning Branham's ministry and the multiple conflicting stage personas Branham used for self-promotion as a self-proclaimed prophet.This podcast walks listeners through time, examining the histories of not only William Branham but also the men who worked with Branham, created his stage personas, and promoted his ministry.  All research material can be found on william-branham.org. Video version of the podcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBSpezVG15TVG-lOYMRXuyQ

  1. 17小时前

    Miracle Healings: When Faith Meets Deception - Escaping NAR

    Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/branham Available on Spotify, Google, and Apple Podcasts: https://william-branham.org/podcast Weaponized Religion: From Christian Identity to the NAR: Paperback: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1735160962 Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DCGGZX3K John and Adam discuss healing ministries, faith healing, and the history of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). They examine the intersection of faith, healing, and the doctrines that shape various religious movements. Through personal experiences and extensive research, they highlight the dangers of conflating salvation with physical healing. This approach can create a burden for believers who are struggling with illnesses or challenges, leading to toxic positivity and unhealthy spiritual frameworks. There is particular emphasis on how such teachings can lead to disillusionment and guilt when healing or spiritual experiences do not occur as promised. The podcast further delves into the historical roots of modern movements, tracing connections from figures like John Alexander Dowie to more recent ministries, including Bethel and IHOP-KC. The hosts discuss the importance of scrutinizing the foundations of these movements, pointing out how some leaders have perpetuated fraudulent or harmful practices. The episode concludes by advocating for a more nuanced, balanced understanding of faith and healing, recognizing the complexities of human experience without resorting to oversimplified or exploitative doctrines.

    1 小时 1 分钟
  2. 3天前

    Our Stories - An Interview With Gaye Newman Lisby

    Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/branham Available on Spotify, Google, and Apple Podcasts: https://william-branham.org/podcast Weaponized Religion: From Christian Identity to the NAR: Paperback: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1735160962 Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DCGGZX3K John invites Gay Lisby to discuss growing up in the Branham cult. The discussion focuses on the emotional and spiritual damage caused by William Branham’s teachings. Gay shares how her father became involved with the cult and how the environment was marked by anger, fear, and confusion. They recall how Branham’s manipulation tactics, such as rigging faith healing events, deceived people into believing in his divine powers. The conversation touches on the pain experienced by women in the cult, especially when Branham compared them to animals, which led Gay to struggle with her self-worth for many years. John adds his own experiences growing up in the cult and notes how Branham’s followers were indoctrinated with teachings that had little to do with the true message of Christianity. As they continue, the pair explore the financial corruption within the organization, discussing how donations were funneled into the Jehovah-Jireh Foundation, enriching Branham’s family while keeping followers in ignorance. John highlights the repeated failures of Branham’s doomsday prophecies, particularly the prediction of the rapture in 1977, which left followers disillusioned. Gay credits her mother for realizing early on that the cult was a harmful environment and taking steps to protect part of the family. Both John and Gay express deep gratitude for the research and revelations that have helped them leave the cult and restore their faith in Christianity. They conclude by encouraging listeners who are still trapped in the cult to seek the truth and find freedom from the lies.

    57 分钟
  3. 4天前

    Mike Bickle and the KCF Prophets: A Different Perspective - With Bob Scott - Detangling IHOPKC

    Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/branham Available on Spotify, Google, and Apple Podcasts: https://william-branham.org/podcast Weaponized Religion: From Christian Identity to the NAR: Paperback: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1735160962 Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DCGGZX3K John invites Bob Scott to discuss the Kansas City Prophets and Mike Bickle’s movement. They explore the contrast between their personal, behind-the-scenes experiences with various religious leaders and the public personas these figures present. The dialogue touches on themes like manipulation within religious organizations, the cult-like dynamics of groups like Kansas City Fellowship (KCF), and how leaders manipulate their followers. They reflect on how people are often kept in a state of urgency and fear, convinced that they are part of a special, end-time movement. As the discussion progresses, they also delve into the human side of these religious figures, showing that many leaders are deeply flawed and can engage in behavior they know to be wrong while believing it serves a higher purpose. This exploration leads to a broader analysis of religious movements’ tendency to exploit their members, whether knowingly or unknowingly, for financial or reputational gain. The conversation also hints at the difficulties in escaping the cycle of manipulation and control, as former members often remain psychologically tied to the same systems they left.

    1 小时 9 分钟
  4. 5天前

    Is That Group a CULT?

    Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/branham Available on Spotify, Google, and Apple Podcasts: https://william-branham.org/podcast Weaponized Religion: From Christian Identity to the NAR: Paperback: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1735160962 Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DCGGZX3K Charles and John examine the cult behavior and signs that one may be in a destructive cult. They discuss the various psychological and organizational manipulations used by cults, particularly their own experiences in the William Branham movement. A significant portion of the episode focuses on the cult's tactics such as behavioral control, thought manipulation, and the use of authoritarian leadership. The hosts reflect on their experiences of leaving the cult and how mind control techniques like positive confession and the demonization of critical thinking were employed to keep members compliant. These techniques often left followers isolated, believing there was no valid reason to leave, and convinced that questioning the cult was equivalent to committing an unforgivable sin. The discussion expands to the influence of the Latter Rain and New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) movements, linking their structures to authoritarianism and destructive tendencies. There is a critical examination of the damage these movements have caused through spiritual abuse and how they warp the gospel to serve the leaders' agendas. Throughout the episode, Collins and Paisley share personal anecdotes and broader examples of how good people in these environments are manipulated into performing harmful actions under the guise of divine authority. They stress the importance of recognizing the signs of destructive cults and the difficulty for members to escape due to the deep psychological control exerted over them.

    1 小时 12 分钟
  5. 6天前

    Bruce Kinsey Part 2 - Faith Assembly Cult History

    Available on Spotify, Google, and Apple Podcasts: https://william-branham.org/podcast Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/branham Chino's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@chinodross The transcript covers a discussion between John Collins and Chino Ross about various events and personalities connected to the Faith Assembly, specifically focusing on the experiences of Bruce Kenzie, a former prominent member. They explore the rise of Kenzie within the Faith Assembly, his eventual disillusionment, and his departure from the group. The conversation touches on the dangers of unchecked leadership within religious movements, highlighting the personal and doctrinal conflicts that arise when authority is concentrated in a single figure like Hobart Freeman. The speakers emphasize the importance of independent thought and the dangers of blind obedience in religious settings, particularly in groups that discourage questioning or external influences. The dialogue also sheds light on the challenges faced by those who leave such groups, both emotionally and socially. Kenzie’s journey from being a highly regarded minister to leaving and facing ostracism is detailed, reflecting the broader issues of control and manipulation within cult-like religious movements. The discussion underscores the need for accountability and the courage to challenge harmful doctrines and practices within religious communities.

    1 小时 9 分钟
  6. 10月7日

    Detangling IHOPKC: The Urgency of the Hour

    Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/branham Available on Spotify, Google, and Apple Podcasts: https://william-branham.org/podcast Weaponized Religion: From Christian Identity to the NAR: Paperback: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1735160962 Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DCGGZX3K John and Brantley discuss the origins and activities of the International House of Prayer (IHOPKC), delving into the role of key figures such as Mike Bickle, Bob Jones, and Paul Cain. The discussion traces how IHOP KC's formation is rooted in a series of prophetic histories and movements, drawing strong parallels between it and earlier movements like the Latter Rain. The conversation exposes questionable narratives regarding Bickle's personal story and the prophetic figures around him, particularly the messianic claims tied to Mike’s brother, Pat Bickle, who was prophesied to be healed but passed away. Despite these failed prophecies, the organization persisted, continuously reshaping its history and vision. The dialogue also raises critical questions about the influence of real estate, finance, and the structural organization of IHOP KC, including its connection to the Kansas City Prophets. The influence of various charismatic leaders, the manipulation of prophetic histories, and the complexities of public perception versus internal realities are explored. The discussion points to potential manipulation in how the movement evolved and spread, using various tactics such as altering public records and encouraging testimonies as a distraction from failures in prophecy or internal controversy.

    59 分钟
  7. 10月4日

    Our Stories: Escape From YWAM - Pascale Chancey

    Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/branham Available on Spotify, Google, and Apple Podcasts: https://william-branham.org/podcast Weaponized Religion: From Christian Identity to the NAR: Paperback: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1735160962 Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DCGGZX3K John invites Pascal Chansy, a former missionary with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) to discuss her escape from the movement. Pascal shares insights into her background, growing up in a multicultural setting in Mali, and later transitioning to involvement in YWAM, highlighting the influence of both her family and Christian networks. She reflects on her time with YWAM, sharing both positive and critical views on its mission work and doctrinal impact. Pascal emphasizes how teachings in YWAM, tied to movements such as the NAR (New Apostolic Reformation), shaped her approach to Christian missions and worldview, particularly in relation to the concept of Dominionism. As the conversation continues, Pascal touches on the challenges he faced after joining YWAM, including the physical and emotional toll of missionary work. She explains how her education at prestigious boarding schools didn't shield him from the lure of mission work, and how her involvement in YWAM eventually led to disillusionment. The interview delves into YWAM's global network, its decentralized structure, and the lasting influence of its founder, Loren Cunningham. Pascal and John also explore YWAM’s connection to broader Christian networks and movements like IHOP (International House of Prayer) and Bethel Church, discussing how these ties fostered the growth of modern charismatic movements.

    59 分钟
  8. 10月2日

    Bruce Kinsey: Faith Assembly Cult History

    Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/branham Available on Spotify, Google, and Apple Podcasts: https://william-branham.org/podcast The discussion centers around Hobart Freeman's Faith Assembly, tracing the events leading to its decline. The conversation highlights how Freeman's authoritarian leadership contributed to the group’s eventual downfall, with key ministers and followers increasingly recognizing flaws in the cult's practices. The psychological aspects of cult leadership are explored, with Freeman's style aligning closely with traits of narcissistic personality disorder. The conversation provides insight into Freeman's approach to maintaining control, often invoking fear and divine threats to retain followers, while the leadership remained oblivious to the assembly's decreasing numbers and growing discontent. Key figures like Bruce Kenzie are introduced, offering a window into the internal dynamics of Faith Assembly. Kenzie’s rise within the church, despite initial resistance from Freeman, shows how power and influence were carefully distributed. His eventual exit marks a critical turning point for the assembly, emphasizing how even those deeply embedded in the cult's leadership can break away. The complex relationships within the leadership and their strategic positions offer an intriguing look into how the assembly functioned and foreshadow its collapse. Chino's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@chinodross

    1 小时 5 分钟
共 5 分
68 个评分


William Marrion Branham (A.K.A. William Marvin Branham, 1907-1965) was a Pentecostal minister from Jeffersonville, Indiana credited by some as initiating the Post WWII Healing Revival. He is widely recognized for playing a leading role in the formation of the Latter Rain, Word of Faith, Manifest Sons of God, and New Apostolic Reformation movements.  Some have gone so far as to label Branham as "God's General", fully unaware of the critical information concerning Branham's ministry and the multiple conflicting stage personas Branham used for self-promotion as a self-proclaimed prophet.This podcast walks listeners through time, examining the histories of not only William Branham but also the men who worked with Branham, created his stage personas, and promoted his ministry.  All research material can be found on william-branham.org. Video version of the podcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBSpezVG15TVG-lOYMRXuyQ








