Wired for Play

Play Saves the World

Previously, We Discussed How Play is Non-Instrumental, Voluntary, and Unnecessary. And yet, as will discover this episode, it is a necessity for human flourishing. It is the "necessary unnecessity."

Playfulness is ubiquitous for animal life

Playfulness in Ubiquitous to Human Experience Since the Beginning - For Adults Too

  • Royal Game of Ur (2500 BC)
  • Barbara Ehrenreich - Dancing in the Streets - A History of Collective Joy
  • Herodotus - Games invented in Lydia (450 BC)
  • Chess, Go, Backgammon, Mancala - Africa, Asia, Middle East
  • Alfonso's Book of Games (1283)

Playfulness is Behind Creativity and Cultural Advancement

  • Steven Johnson - Wonderland: How Play Made the Modern World
  • Banu Musa Brothers (9th century Baghdad)
  • Merlin's Magical Museum (Thomas Denton, 18-19th century England)
  • Punchcards lead to looms lead to computer programming

Play is Essential for Human Development

  • Dr. Stuart Brown has written and taught extensively on this topic, discovering that play is essential for emotional, physical, and mental development and health--and that the absence of play can lead to social and emotional challenges later on in life.
  • Jonothan Haidt has recently also argued for the importance of free play for human development

Play is Therefore a Basic Human Right

  • J. Drew Lanham - People have fought and died for the right of others to play
  • It is not a luxury; it is an essential part of being human
  • Dave Bindewald - In the face of suffering, our task is not to marginalize play, but to double-down on its importance.

Jane McGonigal - Given that We are Wired for Play, How Can We Gamify Life?

  • Would probably still define work and play a little differently than she does (she says play is work we enjoy), but she is great at exploring ways to bring elements of play (voluntary, unnecessary obstacles) to work
  • What are some examples?
  • Quests to do chores
  • Tombstone Hold-Em
  • Crowdsourcing Research - Three Body Problem
  • However, they are still a means to an end.

So What's Going On Here? If Play is Unnecessary, Why is it Such a Necessity?

  • On our next episode, the spiritual necessity of play


  • Play is a universal and essential part of the human experience, not just for children but also for adults.
  • Playfulness and play have been present throughout history and across cultures, from ancient games to modern-day fashion and coding.
  • Animals also engage in play, demonstrating the innate nature of playfulness.
  • Play is a catalyst for human creativity and cultural achievements, shaping our society and civilization.
  • Play allows for experimentation, exploration, and the development of new ideas and concepts. Play is a universal and essential part of the human experience.
  • Bringing elements of play into other areas of life can lead to increased creativity, team building, and enjoyment.
  • Games can be used to crowdsource solutions to complex problems.

Sound Bites

  • "Play is a universal and essential part of the human experience"
  • "Animals play on various levels, demonstrating the innate nature of playfulness"
  • "Playfulness is a major part of human culture and has shaped our creative and cultural achievements"
  • "Energy and capitalism and growth, you know, these new areas and fields inventions come about really through play"
  • "You know, can bypass our normal systems"
  • "Play is not a luxury. It's an essential part of what it means to be human. It's a human right."


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