With Angela Courte Mackenzie

PEP Talk

In a wide-ranging conversation, Andy and Gavin speak with Angela Mackenzie about the role apologetics has had in her life. Her unique blend of artistry, femininity, scholarship and cross-cultural experience are an incredible inspiration as she integrates them all in the service of Christ.

Angela Courte Mackenzie is a musician, speaker, broadcaster, apologist and Florida native. She holds a B.A. in Music and, at age 50, she completed an M.A. in Christian Apologetics exploring the intersection of music, faith, and apologetics. Angela has decades of experience presenting and performing music on television. She currently hosts Praise Around the Piano and directs the Amazing Life Gospel Choir in Stirling. Since 2014, Angela has called Scotland home, where she lives with her husband, Kenneth, and their blended family of 31, including 19 grandchildren. Learn more at angela.org

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