WIWU | Episode 16 | If You Suck, Stop

When I Wake Up Podcast With Tanner Cathcart

In Episode 16, we welcome back the multi-talented Brad Caruso for the third time. Brad is not only a singer-songwriter, but also a skilled guitarist, bassist, and drummer. With his incredible musical prowess and a knack for humor, he never fails to entertain. Currently, Brad rocks the bass in our band called 'Wasted Talent,' but he is also embarking on an exciting solo project that promises to deliver delightful sounds to our ears.

Episode 16 holds a special significance—it falls on my birthday. However, amidst the celebrations, there's a bittersweet twist. This episode reminds us of the importance of cherishing our loved ones and spending quality time with them. It urges us to engage in heartfelt conversations with our family and friends, to let go of grudges even when it feels challenging, and most importantly, to embrace the joy of life in every possible way.

So, on this special day, let us remember to flick away any negativity and revel in the company of those who bring us happiness. Annnnd never forget to flick those nipples!!

Thank You for listening!!!


Go to @streamspaceofficial and watch the Wasted Talent Live set from 5/4!!


Music: Setback or dannyisaname on ALL PLATFORMS

@setback440 (Instagram)

@wheniwakeuppod (TikTok)

@wiwupod (Instagram)

@wiwupod (Twitter)

@wastedtalent_ohio (Instagram)

Guest: Brad Caruso

@bradcaruso1 (Instagram)

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Gene’s Analog mix:

Spirit - Family That Plays Together

The Ant Trip Ceremony - 24 Hours

Gene's Analog Mix Intro Credit:

Song- Chicken

By - Rhinoceros

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