308 episodes

Working People: A podcast by, for, and about the working class today (now in partnership with In These Times magazine and The Real News Network).

Working People is a podcast about working-class lives in 21st-century America. In every episode, you'll hear interviews with workers from around the country, from all walks of life. We'll talk about their life stories, their jobs, politics, and families, their joys and hopes and frustrations. Overall, Working People aims to share and celebrate the diverse stories of working-class people, to remind ourselves that our stories matter, and to build a sense of shared struggle and solidarity between workers around the country.

Working People Working People

    • Society & Culture
    • 4.9 • 250 Ratings

Working People: A podcast by, for, and about the working class today (now in partnership with In These Times magazine and The Real News Network).

Working People is a podcast about working-class lives in 21st-century America. In every episode, you'll hear interviews with workers from around the country, from all walks of life. We'll talk about their life stories, their jobs, politics, and families, their joys and hopes and frustrations. Overall, Working People aims to share and celebrate the diverse stories of working-class people, to remind ourselves that our stories matter, and to build a sense of shared struggle and solidarity between workers around the country.

    Teamsters Members React to Sean O'Brien's RNC Speech (w/ Amber Mathwig, Tony, Chantelle, Rick Smith, Zoey Moretti Niebuhr, Jess Leigh, Kat, & Robert Conklin)

    Teamsters Members React to Sean O'Brien's RNC Speech (w/ Amber Mathwig, Tony, Chantelle, Rick Smith, Zoey Moretti Niebuhr, Jess Leigh, Kat, & Robert Conklin)

    On Monday, July 15, on Day 1 of the Republican National Convention, Sean O’Brien, general president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, became the first Teamsters president ever to address the RNC. Invited by former president Trump, who is now officially the Republican nominee for the 2024 presidential election, O’Brien’s speech was no ordinary RNC filler. And to anyone watching, or anyone paying attention to the political reality in this country, this was no ordinary RNC either. O’brien’s very presence on the RNC stage, and the contents of his speech, which lasted for 17 minutes, have sparked a firestorm of intense reactions and furious debates within the labor movement and the Republican and Democratic parties alike. Everyone is talking about this speech and what it all means for workers, but workers themselves need to be driving that conversation. In this special episode, cohosted by Max and Mel Buer, we bring together a diverse panel of Teamster members from across the country to have a spirited, fair, and productive discussion about O'Brien's speech, the 2024 elections, and the future of the labor movement.
    Speakers include: Amber Mathwig, a UPS warehouse worker and member of Teamsters Local 638 in Minnesota; Tony, a UPS worker, member of Teamsters Local 174 in Seattle, and a member of Teamsters Mobilize; Chantelle, a part-time UPS worker and member of Teamsters Local 177 in New Jersey; Rick Smith, a 35-year Teamster working in the freight industry and host of The Rick Smith Show; Zoey Moretti Niebuhr, a UPS worker, third-generation Teamster, member of Teamsters Local 391 in North Carolina, and president of Pride at Work—North Carolina; Jess Leigh, a UPS worker, shop steward for Teamsters Local 728 in Atlanta, and a member of the Teamsters LBGTQ Caucus and Teamsters Mobilize; Kat, a part-time UPS worker and shop steward for Teamsters Local 70 in Oakland; and Robert Conklin, a third-generation Teamster and member of Teamsters Local 665 in San Francisco.
    Additional links/info below…
    PBS NewsHour, "WATCH: Teamsters President Sean O'Brien speaks at Republican National Convention | 2024 RNC Night 1"
    Sean O'Brien post on X about Sen. Josh Hawley
    Ryan Bort, Rolling Stone, "Union Twitter account goes rogue after president speaks at RNC"
    Maximillian Alvarez, The Real News Network, "Everybody hates Sean"
    The Rick Smith Show website, Facebook page, Twitter/X page, and Instagram
    Teamsters Mobilize website, Facebook page, Twitter/X page, and Instagram
    Teamsters LGBTQ Caucus website
    Pride at Work—North Carolina Instagram 
    Maximillian Alvarez & Teddy Ostrow, The Real News Network, "UPS and Teamsters reach tentative agreement, but is a strike still possible?"
    Teddy Ostrow, The Upsurge / The Real News Network, "The UPS Teamsters contract has been ratified. What now?"
    Permanent links below...
    Working People Patreon page
    Leave us a voicemail and we might play it on the show!
    Labor Radio / Podcast Network website, Facebook page, and Twitter page
    In These Times website, Facebook page, and Twitter page
    The Real News Network website, YouTube channel, podcast feeds, Facebook page, and Twitter page
    Featured Music...
    Jules Taylor, "Working People" Theme Song

    • 1 hr 50 min
    Dispatch from Labor Notes & Railroad Workers United Conferences (Chicago, 2024)

    Dispatch from Labor Notes & Railroad Workers United Conferences (Chicago, 2024)

    Two months ago, from April 17-21, workers and labor organizers of all stripes convened in Chicago for the bi-annual Labor Notes conference, which overlapped with the Railroad Workers United convention. As the registration website rightly noted, “Labor Notes Conferences are the biggest gatherings of grassroots labor activists, union reformers, and all-around troublemakers out there." This is not a buttoned up convention of union officials; this is a real grassroots gathering of people on the frontlines of struggle, talking openly, honestly, and strategically about their struggles, victories, and defeats, about what we can all learn from one another as fellow workers and fighters, and about how we can all contribute to growing the labor movement as fellow members of that movement. In this on-the-ground episode, cohosted by Max and Mel Buer, we speak with attendees at the RWU convention, Labor Notes, and participants in the Labor for Palestine protest that took place outside of Labor Notes on April 19.
    Speakers include: Johnny Walker, a railroad worker and member of the Sheet Metal, Air, Rail, and Transportation Workers—Transportation Division (SMART-TD) Local 610 in Baltimore; Matt Weaver, who has worked on the railroad since 1994, is a member of the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees (BMWED-IBT) Local 2624, where he also serves as legislative director for his state; Marcie Pedraza, an electrician at Ford Chicago Assembly Plant and member of United Auto Workers (UAW) Local 551; Jacob Morrison, a member of the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), president of the North Alabama Labor Council, and cohost of The Valley Labor Report; Leticia Zavala, legendary farm labor organizer working with farm workers in Mexico and the United States, and a member of El Futuro Es Nuestro (It’s Our Future), a farmworker caucus within the Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC, AFL-CIO); Colin Smalley, president of the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE) Local 777 in Chicago; Berenice Navarrete-Perez, vice president of the Association of Legislative Employees (ALE); Annie Shields, former journalist and union organizer with the NewsGuild of New York; and Axel Persson, a locomotive engineer in France and general secretary of the Confédération Générale du Travail (CGT) Railway Workers Union in Trappes.
    Additional links/info below…
    Labor Notes website, Facebook page, and Twitter/X page
    Railroad Workers United website, Facebook page, and Twitter page
    El Futuro Es Nuestro – It's Our Future website and Facebook page
    Labor for Palestine website
    The Valley Labor Report YouTube channel, Facebook page, Twitter/X page, and Patreon
    Duncan Freeman, The Chief Leader: "At Labor Notes conference, a sense of mission and solidarity"
    Axel Persson, ML Today, "CGT leader speaks to Labor Notes conference"
    Martha Grevatt, Workers World, "Militant pro-Palestine demonstration during Labor Notes conference takes the street"
    Permanent links below...
    Working People Patreon page
    Leave us a voicemail and we might play it on the show!
    Labor Radio / Podcast Network website, Facebook page, and Twitter page
    In These Times website, Facebook page, and Twitter page
    The Real News Network website, YouTube channel, podcast feeds, Facebook page, and Twitter page
    Featured Music...
    Jules Taylor, "Working People" Theme Song

    • 1 hr 29 min
    "Safe Staffing Now!": Baltimore Nurses at Largest Catholic Health Network in US Fight On for First Contract (w/ Nicki Horvat)

    "Safe Staffing Now!": Baltimore Nurses at Largest Catholic Health Network in US Fight On for First Contract (w/ Nicki Horvat)

    On the morning of Thursday, June 20, unionized nurses at Ascension St. Agnes Hospital in Baltimore held a rally outside the hospital to raise awareness of their efforts to secure a first contract and to show management that they’re not backing down from their core demands for safe staffing and an operational model that puts patients and patient care first. "St. Agnes nurses are calling on Ascension to accept their proposals to improve safe staffing and, subsequently, nurse retention," a press release from National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United (NNOC/NNU) stated. "Nearly 20 percent of nurses at St. Agnes began employment at the hospital after January 1 of this year. Meanwhile, just over a third of nurses have more than four years of experience at the hospital... The Catholic hospital system is one of the largest in the country with 140 hospitals in 19 states and also one of the wealthiest, with cash reserves, an investment company, and a private equity operation worth billions of dollars—and, because of its nonprofit status, is exempt from paying federal taxes." In this on-the-ground episode, we take you to the NNOC/NNU picket line and speak with Nicki Horvat, an RN in the Neonatal Intensive Care unit at Ascension St. Agnes and member of the bargaining team, about what she and her coworkers are fighting for.
    Additional links/info below…
    National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United website, Facebook page, Twitter/X page, and Instagram
    NNOC/NNU Press Release: "Ascension Saint Agnes nurses demand hospital accept ‘Patients First,’ staffing enforcement policies"
    Angela Roberts, The Baltimore Sun, "Saint Agnes nurses rally for better pay, more patient protections"
    Gino Canella, The Real News Network, "An oral history of the 10-month St. Vincent Hospital strike"
    Gino Canella, The Real News Network, "Striking nurses hold the line against investor-owned healthcare giant"
    Robert Glatter, Peter Papadakos, & Yash Shah, Time Magazine, "American health care faces a staffing crisis and it’s affecting care"
    Maximillian Alvarez, The Real News Network, "Kaiser workers win big after largest healthcare strike in US history"
    Permanent links below...
    Working People Patreon page
    Leave us a voicemail and we might play it on the show!
    Labor Radio / Podcast Network website, Facebook page, and Twitter page
    In These Times website, Facebook page, and Twitter page
    The Real News Network website, YouTube channel, podcast feeds, Facebook page, and Twitter page
    Featured Music...
    Jules Taylor, "Working People" Theme Song

    • 23 min
    In Brazil, the Climate Crisis Is Already Turning Working People into Climate Refugees (w/ Michael Fox)

    In Brazil, the Climate Crisis Is Already Turning Working People into Climate Refugees (w/ Michael Fox)

    “Southern Brazil is facing its worst climate tragedy ever," Latin-America-based journalist Mike Fox wrote from Brazil for the North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) in early May. "Unprecedented floods have impacted 1.4 million people and forced more than 160,000 people from their homes... The images are shocking. Downtown Porto Alegre, the capital of the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul, is underwater... On May 2, a dam collapsed, unleashing an over 6-foot-high wave and worsening flooding in the area... Although the tragedy is a natural disaster, experts have pointed out that the lack of preparedness on the part of state and local officials may have contributed to the devastation. According to one report, Porto Alegre slashed funds for flooding prevention over the last three years and didn’t spend a cent on it in 2023.” In this episode, we talk with Mike about his reporting trip to Southern Brazil, the devastation he witnessed firsthand, and the conversations he had with poor and working-class people who have borne the worst impacts of the floods and who continue to bear the greatest costs of man-made climate chaos.
    Additional links/info below…
    Michael Fox, The Real News Network/NACLA, Under the Shadow (podcast series)
    Michael Fox Patreon page
    Michael Fox, NACLA, "“They’re making it up as they go”: Inside the response to Brazil’s deadly floods"
    Michael Fox, Al Jazeera, "‘The future is dark’: Brazilian businesses shattered by floods"
    Michael Fox, Truthout, "Climate refugees are occupying abandoned buildings in Southern Brazil"
    Bianca Graulau, The Real News Network, "The Puerto Ricans illegally occupying land to resist displacement"
    Maximillian Alvarez, The Real News Network, "‘CSX has got to go!’ Industrially polluted South Baltimore residents want rail giant out of their community"
    Maximillian Alvarez, The Real News Network, "South Baltimore residents on the toxic reality of living in a ‘sacrifice zone’"
    Permanent links below...
    Working People Patreon page
    Leave us a voicemail and we might play it on the show!
    Labor Radio / Podcast Network website, Facebook page, and Twitter page
    In These Times website, Facebook page, and Twitter page
    The Real News Network website, YouTube channel, podcast feeds, Facebook page, and Twitter page
    Featured Music...
    Jules Taylor, "Working People" Theme Song


    • 54 min
    "CSX has got to go!" Industrially Polluted South Baltimore Residents March to "Evict" Rail Giant from Their Community

    "CSX has got to go!" Industrially Polluted South Baltimore Residents March to "Evict" Rail Giant from Their Community

    On June 10, in the working-class community of Curtis Bay in South Baltimore, over 50 residents, activists, and supporters from around the city marched through the streets of Curtis Bay to hold CSX Transportation accountable for polluting their community, homes, and bodies with toxic coal dust. Even after an expansive scientific study co-sponsored by the Community of Curtis Bay Association, the South Baltimore Community Land Trust, Johns Hopkins University, the University of Maryland, and the Maryland Department of Environment confirmed the presence of coal dust in the air of the South Baltimore community of Curtis Bay, CSX has denied culpability and called the study “materially flawed.” Residents say they’re fed up with the company refusing to take responsibility for the coal dust, and with the city government for ignoring their cries for help for years, and they’re not going to stay quiet. 
    “We got to stand together for Curtis Bay, for South Baltimore,” one resident and youth leader, Carlos Sanchez, told the crowd. “We have to remove CSX for the health of our communities.” With other locals watching from their porches, sidewalks, and storefronts, the crowd marched from the Curtis Bay Rec Center all the way up to the gates of the CSX terminal. There, they signed and delivered a giant “Eviction Notice” to CSX, a company that recorded over $10 billion in gross profits last year. In this on-the-ground edition of Working People, Maximillian Alvarez speaks with Curtis Bay residents on the day of the march and takes you to the heart of the action. 
    Speakers in this episode (in order of appearance) include: Shashawnda Campbell of Baltimore Community Land Trust; David Jones, a resident who has lived in Curtis Bay for over 35 years; Angie Shaneyfelt, a resident who has lived in Curtis Bay for 17 years; Angela Smothers, a lifelong resident of Mt. Winans in South Baltimore; Carlos Sanchez, a youth leader born and raised in Lakeland, South Baltimore; Roma Gutierrez, a lifelong resident of Brooklyn, South Baltimore, and an environmental organizer and youth leader with South Baltimore Community Land Trust; an unnamed representative of Malaya Movement Baltimore; and Maria Urbina, a South Baltimore resident.
    Additional links/info below…
    Coal-Free Curtis Bay Facebook page and Instagram
    South Baltimore Community Land Trust website, Twitter/X page, Facebook page, and Instagram
    Maximillian Alvarez, The Real News Network, "South Baltimore residents on the toxic reality of living in a 'sacrifice zone'"
    Aman Azhar, InsideClimate News, “South Baltimore communities press city, state regulators for stricter pollution controls on coal export operations”
    Nicole Fabricant, University of California Press, Fighting to Breathe: Race, Toxicity, and the Rise of Youth Activism in Baltimore
    Nicole Fabricant, The Real News Network, “Opinion | CSX explosion in Curtis Bay should alarm Baltimore City and accelerate real change”
    Michael Middleton & Dr. Sacoby Wilson, Maryland Matters, “Commentary: Maryland deserves a better environmental justice bill”
    Chloe Ahmann, Baltimore Sun, “Curtis Bay residents deserve a coal-free future”
    Christine Condon & Dillon Mullan, Baltimore Sun, “Curtis Bay residents ask state to shut down South Baltimore CSX facility after study documents toll of coal dust”
    Maryland Department of Environment, "New scientific study confirms airborne coal dust in Curtis Bay community"
    Adam Willis, The Baltimore Banner, "A state-backed report found coal dust across Curtis Bay. CSX isn’t convinced"
    Permanent links below...
    Working People Patreon page
    Leave us a voicemail and we might play it on the show!
    Labor Radio / Podcast Network website, Facebook page, and Twitter page
    In These Times website, Facebook page, and Twitter page
    The Real News Network website, YouTube channel, podcast feeds, Facebook pa

    • 40 min
    Liz Oliva Fernández

    Liz Oliva Fernández

    For the past six years on this show, we've talked to working people from across the United States, from virtually every walk of life, about their lives, jobs, dreams, and struggles. But today, we’re going to talk about what it’s like to live and work in a country that has been designated a political enemy of US empire, a country that sits only 90 miles away from the US, a country that American politicians have resolved to strangle into oblivion for the past 60 years. In this episode, we speak with Liz Oliva Fernández from Cuba. Liz is an award-winning Cuban journalist with Belly of the Beast, an independent outlet covering Cuba and US-Cuba relations, and she is the presenter of two new documentaries, Hardliner on the Hudson and Uphill on the Hill. In addition to exposing the sinister interests behind, and the devastating real-world impacts of, the Cold War Cuban policy of Joe Biden’s administration, pushed by powerful hardliners like Senator Bob Menendez, former Chair of the powerful Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the films also document Liz's experience as a Black journalist from the Global South coming to the US to confront the predominantly white politicians and interests waging economic war on her country. We talk about Liz's new films, and we talk about growing up in Cuba, becoming a journalist, and life for woking people in Cuba under the US-imposed blockade and designation of Cuba as a State Sponsor of Terrorism .
    Additional links/info below…
    Belly of the Beast website, Facebook page, Instagram, and YouTube channel
    Belly of the Beast, Hardliner on the Hudson
    Belly of the Beast, Uphill on the Hill
    Andrew Buncombe, The Guardian, “Two Cuban documentaries show effects of US sanctions on island nation"
    Ju-Hyun Park, The Real News Network, "Cuba's protests and the long crisis of US intervention"
    Permanent links below…
    Working People Patreon page
    Leave us a voicemail and we might play it on the show!
    Labor Radio / Podcast Network website, Facebook page, and Twitter page
    In These Times website, Facebook page, and Twitter page
    The Real News Network website, YouTube channel, podcast feeds, Facebook page, and Twitter page
    Featured Music…
    Jules Taylor, “Working People” Theme Song

    • 1 hr 23 min

Customer Reviews

4.9 out of 5
250 Ratings

250 Ratings

fantographicsprwss ,

I look forward to each one

I love how Max gives everyone a voice. The small imperfections in the long discussions put me at ease and inspire trust. The Oil and Gas episode was spot-on accurate in the portrayal of the culture. I loved the Dollar General ones among others. This is important work. Thank you.

Lorin P ,


I started listening to this pod wanting to know more about the railroad and the interworkind of it. But, after listening to a few episodes it’s clear this is just another political podcast only willing to shed light on one side of the issue.

Union brother1 ,


Solidarity is what we need in these times and this pod has it in spades!

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