Wow Whispering

Diane A. Curran
Wow Whispering

Wow is Spontaneous. Open. Expressive. Whispering is Intimate. Still. Receptive. In our modern age, moments rush in or away like quicksilver. Do we even make the time to savor a Wow, or reflect on a Whisper; to notice and value such gifts? We’re ready to do just that, with you right now! Exploring the Heart of Conversation & High Performance Communication with Host Diane A. Curran. We have lots to share with guests aplenty and conversation about life, work, personal journeys, the arts, the skies above, communications, and creativity everywhere!

  1. 01.03.2021

    37: What Was & What Will Be | Musings | Diane A. Curran | Completing S1point5

    You are welcome to muse with us as we consider the impact of 2020, a year when all expectations were upended. Living through a pandemic, then, as now, was never something we expected of modern times. Diane acknowledges the loss, grief, and ongoing challenges we are learning to live with. Yet the wows and whispers never stop coming our way, even if we don't quite pay attention at first. New technology is even there to help us stay connected in ways we may not have thought possible. This episode highlights some of the gifts in Season 1.5 (S1point5) which our deeply caring and thoughtful guests so generously bring forward  in heartfelt conversations from their own lives. May these conversations uplift and inspire, even helping us to find the energy and trust we need to move forward with what will be.  Pleas enjoy Season 1.5, with Wow Whispering Episodes 25 through 37. Please download and  rate us here on our website. Please download on Apple podcasts,  and review and rate us — requesting 5 stars please, to thank our guests the most! • • • How to get in touch with Diane and Wow Whispering: Our website: Apple podcasts: Social media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

    21 мин.
  2. 01.03.2021

    36: Feng Shui’s Ancient Wisdom & Modern Tech | guest P.K. Odle | S1point5

    Direct experience is a powerful teacher, and P.K. Odle's life took a “Wow!” of a turn that suddenly lifted her from a numbing desk job in the travel industry, to one of its most prestigious positions in the LA entertainment world.  But that was only the beginning, as a year later P.K. was headed toward success in a field she never even knew existed until a friend told her to read a book about Feng Shui. She had, and using its remedies immediately shifted her travel job after a weekend of making the changes in her home that it had suggested. When P.K. met American Feng Shui Institute® founder Master Larry Sang, she happily walked away from her corporate career to study there, and seized the opportunity to make positive changes in the world by improving clients’ health, relationships and finances. She is now the Institute’s Executive Director, and a Master Feng Shui Consultant with both a U.S. and  international clientele. In today’s wide-ranging conversation, she shares the 5,000 years-old roots of Feng Shui, and some of its storied history, while explaining just what practical and immediate power Feng Shui brings to anyone’s home or work life. P.K. even connects its ancient techniques with modern technology, so listeners can understand how it can be both old and new. Enjoy! • • • In this episode: P.K. shares a “Wow”  “When I learned that my health, relationships and bottom-line were being influenced by unseen energies in my home and workplace for my entire life.” P.K. shares a “Whisper”  “That I could learn to embrace change and choose to focus on the good things happening in my life to receive more of that.”  Quote: “Changing your mindset is fantastic, especially when combined with optimizing the Feng Shui of your space, which together allow more of what you want to flow into your life.” — P.K. Odle • • • Her special offer for listeners: Email and be sure to put With Wow Whispering in the subject line. In the body of the email  include your 1st Name, Gender & full Date-of-Birth (mm/dd/yyyy), so she can email your complimentary birth TRIGRAM info. Please listen to the episode for more details. • • • More about my special guest: P.K. Odle is a Master Feng Shui Consultant and Executive Director of the renowned American Feng Shui Institute®, where she’s taught since 1998. She is regularly quoted in magazines, newspapers, books and blogs, and is a sought-after broadcast interview guest, appearing on Extreme Makeover Home Edition, in the LA Times, and more. She’s also a popular speaker at home improvement shows, real estate groups and business seminars. Her private consulting firm, The Feng Shui Advantage® offers both on-site and remote evaluations of existing structures and project development. P.K. creates their Personal Directions diagram and teaches them how to maximize all their directions anywhere on Earth for your entire lifetime.  Her consultations and revolutionary Personal Directions TOOLBOX teaches clients how to manage their unique 15° Magnetic Directions according to their date-of-birth and gender, including their Prosperous vs. Consuming; Creative vs. Intellectual; Romance vs. Lonely Pillow directions.  • • • We’d love to hear from you. Your ideas and comments are most welcome about what this episode awakens within you as we share this journey. • • • How to reach P.K. Odle: Website Social Media On Facebook: On LinkedIn: On YouTube: • • • Our Podcast PSA for this episode highlights  Rock the Vote, “Building political power for young voters.”  Visit them online: @RocktheVote

    48 мин.
  3. 28.02.2021

    35: The Unbreakable Peace that Dissolves Suffering | guest Joel Drazner | S1point5

    Join us for a thought experiment that points our conversation directly toward the profound jewels of awareness, in territory that special guest Joel Drazner has made his life’s passion and professional purpose. Most people spend enormous amounts of energy and effort bouncing stressfully among perception, sensation and thoughts. Why? We are seeking to reduce pain and suffering for ourselves and those we love. This episode is a welcome interruption of the frustration that such bouncing builds, despite our moments of success, when using up so much strength and willpower drains us of joy and peace. Temporary and partial relief are not enough, as the next challenge rushes in to overtake us once more. Joel has learned, and teaches, how to step away from that draining circle of entrapment.  In Joel’s work as a Resilience Coach, he offers everyone a deceptively simple technique he has taught to countless people, and uses routinely himself. It does not require “experience” to use, and yields an immediate and profound impact on anyone who opens themselves to a new world of non-duality, firmed rooted in unconditional love. With self-deference and respect for anyone who chooses to listen, Joel offers true gems in this conversation. Enjoy! • • • In this episode: Joel shares a “Wow”  “Underlying and saturating all your experiences in life, no matter how challenging they may be on the surface, is an unbreakable peace made of unconditional love.” Joel shares a “Whisper”  “I am the KNOWER of all my experience, not merely the content that is known.”  Quote:“I love to share a simple universal truth about life, that's hiding in plain sight, that, once seen, can help dissolve suffering permanently.” — Joel Drazner  • • • More about my special guest: Profession: Joel is a resilience, or end-of-suffering coach. Joel Drazner (MA in Spiritual Psychology) is a resilience coach for individuals, businesses, students, K-12 teachers, and families with loved ones in treatment or recovery. He works with clients globally and has been a keynote speaker at various commerce and service organizations.  Joel has worked with incarcerated women, high-schoolers, teachers, business leaders, military veterans, and attorneys grappling with stress and anxiety. He is a former radio show host, and is currently working with actors in Los Angeles on issues surrounding performance anxiety.  Joel is also curriculum director for the International Committee of Artists for Peace, with programs addressing bullying, dropping out, and drug use among K-12 students, as well as bringing out their potential and revealing their indestructible resilience. • • • We’d love to hear from you. Your ideas and comments are most welcome about what this episode awakens within you as we share this journey.  • • • How to reach Joel Drazner: Website His special offer for listeners: A complimentary 30-minute conversation around whatever might be interrupting your peace, for those who are new to this work. Visit the website contact page to make your request. Social Media On Facebook: On LinkedIn: • • • Our Podcast PSA for this episode highlights  edX “Online courses from @Harvard, @MIT + more of the world's top schools.”  Visit them online: @edXOnline

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  4. 28.02.2021

    34: Soul, Heart & Being Unapologetically Human | guest Zak Lioutas | S1point5

    What is being human? Zak Lioutas has taught herself, with vibrant inner spiritual guidance, to see the light in adversity, and to be grounded in heart and soul, so she can fly.  She learned that words can stop you from living fully, just as when her mother told her from childhood to be free like a bird, yet held her so tightly so that she felt completely caged. Zak experienced depression from the inside out, not just once, but far too many times in cycles, requiring her to learn so much more than she could know was needed to fully transform that repetitive cycle.  She talks abut the two-by-four wake-up calls in her life when lessons came hard. Yet the whispers inside never deserted her, and she shares that wisdom with us in this conversation.  Today, people seek her out to teach them; she generously shows them not her way, but the openings available to their find their way. When the energy of Earth called her, saying “Please come in for a landing…” she fought it, and then finally accepted that call. It brought her the gift of learning how to become one with everything, no matter whether suffering or light, and Zak gained an even more wondrous gift: authenticity.  You are invited to hear from a powerful soul, Zak, who’s earned her Wows! • • • In this episode: Zak shares a “Wow”  “You are stronger than you will ever recognize.” Zak shares a “Whisper”  “Recognizing the depth of my spirits willpower to rise from the ashes and tap deeper into my gifts.”  • • • We’d love to hear from you. Your ideas and comments are most welcome about what this episode awakens within you as we share this journey. • • • More about my special guest: Zak Lioutas is a Soul Activator as well as as  Spiritual Teacher, Mentor, Healer.  She is the Founder and C.E.O. of Be Bold, Fierce, Unstoppable. Stay tuned for news of her book, available very soon in 2021. Zack is the Host of the Apple Podcasts series Unf*ck Your Mind (UFYM) about awakening and activating your spirit. Quote: “I guide men and women that are at a crossroads of their life to find and create their bliss by living in their power and being authentically who they are.” — Zak Lioutas  Zak explains about the focus of her own podcast: “You’ll hear stories of people’s struggle to what they have done to become visionaries of the collective that is assisting humanity to join in this incredible movement [about activating and awakening your spirit]. The podcasts are real, raw conversations about life, and what people do in order to handle adversity and continue to thrive at a higher vibration. It’s not how many times you fall, it’s how fast you jump up and get at it again with a different mindset.”  • • • How to reach Zak Lioutas: Social Media On Facebook: On LinkedIn: On Twitter @spiritualhstlr • • • Our Podcast PSA for this episode:  We highlight The Paralympic Games. Sport for athletes with an impairment has existed for more than 100 years. In time, rehabilitation sport evolved to recreational sport and then to competitive sport. The first such games were held in Rome, Italy in 1960 and featured 400 athletes from 23 countries. The Games are now the second biggest sporting event in the world. Visit them online: @Paralympics

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  5. 27.02.2021

    33: Creative Vision, Intentionality & High Performance | Michelle Hammons | S1point5

    High performance accomplishment and profoundly reverent breathing aren’t often linked together in our minds. Michelle Hammons has a unique way of doing just that, which she shares in this episode’s can-do conversation.  She unites creative exploration, a very artistic view of life, and the grounded good sense it takes to accomplish very big goals, all while being aligned with the universe’s often unpredictable requirements. She has so much to teach us all in this arena, and she does so easily, with great good humor along the way. She share tools that she herself succeeded with, so you know they’re tried and true. Michelle also shares recollections about caring for her mother while she transitioned beyond life, vividly communicating how grateful she was for the gifts of insight and discovery her mother was able to give her even then. Listen into to this lively spirit who sparkles with real-world intentionality coupled with delightful inspiration that reconnects with our own visions for life. Here’s to you, Michelle Hammons! • • • Michelle shares a “Wow”  “Being courageous and having unwavering belief. We don't always have certainty before we make our next move. Pushing through the resistance and fear,  for a better future.” Michelle shares a “Whisper”  “Honoring each breath; we take for granted that we are going to breathe without thinking about it too much. The is a delicate, sacred, difference between the breath of life and death, one nanosecond we are here and the next we are gone. Being aware we are gifted each new day and there are no guarantees for any of us.” • • • Episode Quote: “As a Certified High Performance™ Coach, I help others succeed above standard norms over the long-haul by building High Performance routines and habits.”— Michelle Hammons Listeners take note: “I have been a serial entrepreneur, live debt free, paid off my house and achieved many things above and beyond the average. The foundation of High Performance Habits led me to these results. As a coach, I love helping others by cheering them on, holding them accountable, and helping clients raise their belief level and their results. I am focused on Group Coaching to make it more accessible to a broader audience. My current goal is to impact 10,000 people through coaching.” • • • More about my special guest: Michelle Hammons is a Certified High Performance Coach™ with a multi-disciplinary background working as an entrepreneur and corporate leader. Her career spans Professional Photography, Art, Information Technology, and Leadership; she enjoys developing ideas, process, and technology to help others leverage their creative strengths. Michelle utilizes a variety of creative solutions to help you gain clarity on your vision, provide you with a strategy to reach your goals, and drive the commitment to stick to that strategy. • • • We’d love to hear from you. Your ideas and comments are most welcome about what this episode awakens within you as we share this journey. • • • How to reach Michelle Hammons: Website Social Media • • • Our Podcast PSA for this episode: We highlight “Updates on how you can take action to stop bullying. Parents, kids, educators & communities all play a role.”  Visit them online: (a US based resource) @StopBullyingGov

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  6. 26.02.2021

    32: Hypnosis & Making Shift Happen | guest Britt Sheflin | S1point5

    Self hypnosis is a natural state, as the masterful Britt Sheflin, Master Hypnotist and Certified Hypnotherapist, reminds us in this free-flowing conversation. We spend the early part of our childhood (until about age 8) enjoying learning and the mindset of discovery every day.  She explains how, as we grow, new confining filters fit themselves over us and block so much from our awareness, all in the interest of automatic behaviors that seem to make life efficient. Efficient, but dull. And too often full of unsolvable fears or even phobias that settle in upon us.  Britt opens a fresh window for everyone to more clearly see these confining patterns and what we can do to invite more ‘Shift” into our lives.  Enjoy the ease with which Britt shares her own discoveries, and what she knows works, to give people access to the freedom and spontaneity that allows for a fulfilling life!  • • • In this episode: Britt shares a “Wow”  “The moment I first realized that I had the ability to help other people change their lives for the better. It was my very first client during my internship, and I helped remove a debilitating, irrational fear. There's nothing better than helping someone find that freedom!” Britt shares a “Whisper”  “My first Whisper in regards to hypnosis and the mind/body connection was when I was a kid with severe asthma, and realized that I could stop or prevent an attack with the power of my own mind. ” • • • Episode Quote: “My personal mission is to provide channels for people of all income levels to receive the benefits of hypnotherapy, even if they cannot afford one-on-one sessions. ” — Britt Sheflin Listeners please  note: Britt fulfills on this mission by offering creating affordable DIY hypnosis kits tailored to each person's suggestibility type, where they receive an instructional e-booklet with cognitive tools, as well as hypnosis session recordings, and unlimited email support during their process of change. • • • About my special guest: As a small child, Britt would delve so deeply into her private fantasy land (self-hypnosis), that she would be fully immersed in whole worlds that were rich and wonderful layers to add to her daily experience of life. It was these journeys where she first discovered that imagination was a powerful tool, not only for entertainment, but for creating desired change.  In young adulthood, Britt made those far-fetched childhood fantasies reality, by moving to Alaska. There she learned about homesteading, permaculture, traveling the world, treehouses, and dance performance. Her performance career landed her in Las Vegas, where she briefly worked in a hypnosis show, and became fascinated with how powerful hypnosis is. After moving to Los Angeles to continue performing and teaching dance, Britt developed a successful career as a private chef and a burgeoning filmmaker. Shortly thereafter, Britt met her wonderful partner and future father of their child.  She decided to use her self-hypnosis skills for her own labor and delivery. It resulted in a very peaceful, and incredibly comfortable childbirth that inspired her to study hypnosis in a professional capacity. In 2017, Britt  went through the excellent Internship Program at HMI in Tarzana, California. Since then, Britt has become a Master Hypnotist, Certified Hypnotherapist, member of the American Hypnosis Association, and the Hypnotherapist's Union, Local 472. Britt continues her lifelong studies of hypnosis through continuing education programs, and earning supplemental certifications, as well as by sharing her knowledge with others through workshops and presentations. Britt looks forward to continuing her hypnotherapy journey, and sharing her unique ability to help her clients make shift happen. • • • We’d love to hear from you. Your ideas and comments are most welcome about what this episode awakens within you as we share this journey. • • • How to reach Britt Sheflin: Website Soci

    48 мин.
  7. 25.02.2021

    31: The Sacred Whispers in Executive Coaching | guest Jenna Dillon | Season1point5

    Discover how being a professional dancer in Chicago was the perfect preparation for a thriving career as an Executive Coach for life-long people-lover Jenna Dillon. In our conversation, Jenna shares the creative combination of curiosity and grit that blends beautifully in her way of being. She reflects on her sense of life’s adventure, and her willingness to live the work ethic that is required to explore and fulfill any passion of purpose. She unites her own wows and whispers, as she speaks with natural appreciation of “the sacred parts of life.”  After listening to Jenna, you’ll fine your own senses awakened newly to “the way people tick” as a worthy interest to explore more deeply for yourself, inviting in the rewards that becoming more curious can bring to your world, too.   Enjoy this fresh take on High Performance Communication!  • • • In this episode: Jenna shares a “Wow”  “When I first started working with an executive coach as a client!” Jenna shares a “Whisper”  “The timing of my grandfather passing and how I choose to honor his life/passing while on a solo trip to Italy.” • • • Episode Quote: “ It is so important to be alive to sacred parts of life— the whispers that only you hear, only you have experienced within yourself.” — Jenna Dillon • • • A special offer for our listeners: Listeners can schedule a complimentary 60-minute intro coaching session with Jenna to explore what they're capable of. • • • About my special guest: Jenna Dillon is an Executive Performance Coach committed to working with high performing individuals and companies who are up to exploring what they’re capable of achieving within their lives, careers, company culture and leadership.  Jenna has been trained in several professional development programs in phenomenology, ontological coaching via transformational coaching, neuroscience/neuroplasticity, psychology and sociology. Mentoring different types of business owners for several years, Jenna partners with her clients to uncover the values, beliefs or rules that, up until now, have controlled the way they think and run their life. She creates an environment where authenticity, vulnerability, and empowerment live in accordance with each other.  Her list of clients includes entrepreneurs, c-suite executives, engineers, business owners, artist, doctors, physiotherapists, non-profit organizations, financial advisors, mortgage bankers, and other high performing individuals. A few of the companies and/or company leaders she’s partnered with include The Allbright, DreamWorks Universal Studios, Northwestern Mutual, NASA, and First American. Although Jenna resides in the Los Angeles area, she has worked with clients around the US, the UK, Australia and Canada. Jenna is committed and passionate about empowering her clients, standing with them and for them, so they have the tools to break through barriers and create exponential, extraordinary results.  • • • We’d love to hear from you. Your ideas and comments are most welcome about what this episode awakens within you as we share this journey. • • • How to reach Jeanne Dillon: Websites Social Media Facebook  LinkedIn: Instagram • • • Our Podcast PSA for this episode: We highlight the most visited museums in the world. Find them online: 1. The Louvre . 2. National Museum of China . 3. The Metropolitan Museum of Art (The MET) . 4. The Vatican Museum . 5. The British Museum .

    31 мин.
  8. 24.02.2021

    30: Opening to Intuition & How Animals Help Us | guest Carolyn Osborn | Season1point5

    Intuition is a mystery to many, yet for Carolyn Osborn, it is a way of life, and a calling. She is an Energy Intuitive who answered that call when the universe sent her several undeniable, and difficult, messages to guide her. She vividly shares with us some key moments and insights that altered the focus and purpose of her life. Carolyn carries her extraordinary tenacity with quiet ease.  Trained as a violinist from age four, both her talent snd skills put her onstage for a fruitful and rewarding concert career. She also turned her passionate girl-crush on horses into medal-winning Dressage honors, and a lifelong kinship with the equine world.    Quiet for decades about another early passion of hers— the world of energy and how it brings healing to animals and people— once the universe got her attention, she elevated her commitment with the same diligence as always. She trained extensively and certified with the best, engages in continual learning, and as the Founder of Chiron Energy Medicine, she maintains a client practice, consults, teaches, and brings her calling to the world. Enjoy being In the Heart of Conversation!  • • •  In this episode: Carolyn shares a “Wow”  “After a very traumatic event, I was distraught and in so much pain. One of my friends did an energy balancing on me, and it really helped me. I saw at that moment how powerful and effective energy work an be having experienced it myself.” Carolyn shares a “Whisper”  “By talking to an animal and their owner close to the animals transition, I was able to see how important and helpful that is to both parties. It is a simple but such an important gift I can give. Episode Quote: “I am an Energy Intuitive. I use my skills as a Medical Intuitive, Energy Medicine Practitioner, and Animal Communicator to help my animal and people clients to find answers and healing.” — Carolyn Osborn • • •  And as promised... Here is the link to the video of the miraculous Netherlands Horse Rescue mentioned in our podcast conversation: • • •  About my special guest: As a Certified Medical Intuitive Practitioner (CMIP), Carolyn Osborn uses her Intuitive skills and in-depth training to assess what is going on in the physical and energetic levels of the body/mind. Carolyn came to her work as an intuitive healer of energy medicine in 2007 through her love of animals and through her experiences and 40 year career as a professional violinist.  As a Certified Accunect® (CAP), BodyTalk® (CBP), and Animal Energy® Practitioner (Level 1 & 2), and Certified Accunect SelfCare® Instructor, she can bring both people and animals into balance on the physical, emotional and energetic levels, enabling the body to start the healing process.  Carolyn is able to help her animal friends – horses, dogs, cats, birds, etc - improve their physical, emotional and mental health as an Animal Communicator.  As a horse owner and rider who has extensive experience in Show Jumping and Dressage (Bronze Medalist) herself, Carolyn’s specialty and affinity is working with horses, with a unique ability to help both horse and rider work better as a team in either a recreational or show environment.  She is also a speaker who regularly presents interactive lecture and workshops about Energy Medicine, Animal Communication, Medical Intuition, and related healing topics. As a Mindset/Performance Mentor, she helps musicians, actors, athletes, students, etc improve their performance abilities to the highest level. She is uniquely qualified to help people with their fears, insecurities, or just wanting to be the best at what they do.  • • •  We’d love to hear from you. Your ideas and comments are most welcome about what this episode awakens within you as we share this journey. • • •  Get a free offer from Carolyn: Click the link to learn about & get her FREE Mini-Course, "The Six Stages of Presentation." This easy self-guided course is designed to support anyone who presents, performs

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Оценок: 8

Об этом подкасте

Wow is Spontaneous. Open. Expressive. Whispering is Intimate. Still. Receptive. In our modern age, moments rush in or away like quicksilver. Do we even make the time to savor a Wow, or reflect on a Whisper; to notice and value such gifts? We’re ready to do just that, with you right now! Exploring the Heart of Conversation & High Performance Communication with Host Diane A. Curran. We have lots to share with guests aplenty and conversation about life, work, personal journeys, the arts, the skies above, communications, and creativity everywhere!

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