Avoid These 5 Common Business Mistakes
Did you know that businesses, no matter how big or small, experience similar obstacles as they move from idea to goals to finishing a project? In over 25 years of training, teaching and executive experience, Jen McFarland has discovered these common obstacles. Join WTR host Kevin Dumont and guest expert Jen McFarland in rooting out 5 common mistakes many business owners make and unearth how to solve them. Jen McFarlandWebsite https://www.womenconquerbiz.com LinkedIn URL https://www.linkedin.com/in/jensmcfarland/ Facebook URL https://www.facebook.com/womenconquerbiz Twitter URL https://twitter.com/jensmcfarland YouTube URL https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4gqaZ96ns7jJzMMYQP-r7Q/ Instagram Instagram Notes:Kevin_Dumont: [00:00:00] Welcome to another discussion with Wealth Tactic Rebels, the podcast for people who see things differently. I'm your host, Kevin Dumont. I've been thinking differently in the wealth field for nearly 15 years today. I'm joined by a host. Jen McFarland. Jen, how are you today? Well, I appreciate you being here today and sharing your time and your knowledge with our wealth at the rebels. So Jen is an entrepreneur in business consultant and, she has a particular expertise in business and, kind of like the Wealth Tactic Rebel philosophy, where we believe that you have a lot more to be had by first avoiding losses, before you go chasing a rate of return, like it's the same thing in business, Someone like Jen who's had a lot of experience has seen a lot of mistakes that people commonly make when they're trying to run their business. And if you can first learn those ahead of time, but through someone like Jen and look out to avoid those, you know, you have a lot better shot at having a more successful business. So today's discussion is avoid these five common business mistakes. we're going to discuss those. It has to do with it mindset, willingness to poke holes in what you think is a success. and assessing risk and, time. And we also talked a little bit about, uh, with different ways that, that you can accomplish things. Before we get into that though, Wealth Tactic Rebls, if you would do as a favor after this episode on whatever your preferred listening platform is, please just go there, give us a rating review and a, you can drop us a line. You can do it there. You can do it on a Wealth Tactic Rebles Facebook page. let us know what you found inspiring about today's episode, what you think may have helped you or someone, you know, Jen let's, let's get into a little bit, but before we get too far, would you mind sharing a little bit with our listeners about a little bit about where you came from and what inspired you to do what you do today? Jen_McFarland: [00:01:48] Sure. Thank you, Kevin. And thanks again for having me on. so my name is, my name is Jen McFarland. Um, I have 25 years of teaching training and executive experience in leadership projects and marketing, and the way that I got really into. All of this was after college. I got really interested in the peace Corps. One of my best friends went