You and Me Both with Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton sits down for candid, in-depth, and sometimes hilarious conversations with people she finds fascinating. With help from her guests, Hillary will tackle the topics that shape our lives, from faith to the pressing political issues of our time to cooking tips for the cooking-challenged.
Hosts & Guests
So inspiring
Jan 26
Every episode is filled with warmth, candor, optimism, and humor. I’m consistently amazed by her knowledge and intelligence. She always asks the right questions and inspires me to read more and stay engaged with the pressing issues facing our world. I’m so grateful to be living in the same timeline as Hillary Clinton. I really hope this show returns with a new season. I will never get tired of hearing her insightful conversations. 🤍
Please Run
You will Definitely WIN
Second grade analysis
You want the mainstream, consensus-class lukewarm take on any current issue? This show is definitely for you! I tried to listen to this show and EVEN with a class of chardonnay it is unbearable and HRC is completely insufferable. Her guests regurgitate establishment talking points to the point where it’s entirely predictable… Blah blah blah.
Hillary PLEASE run for president again ASAP - we need you!
Hillary Please consider a 2024 last minute run- your supporters will work for you!
- Channel
- CreatoriHeartPodcasts
- Years Active2020 - 2023
- Episodes64
- RatingClean
- Copyright2025 iHeartMedia, Inc. © Any use of this intellectual property for text and data mining or computational analysis including as training material for artificial intelligence systems is strictly prohibited without express written consent from iHeartMedia
- Show Website
- ProvideriHeartMedia + Entertainment, Inc
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