Your Guides Wanna Chat w/ Psychic Medium Caroline Brown

Witch Sweat

Buckle up, baby, we’re jumping into the fascinating world of psychic medium Caroline Brown. Cherished by many for her incredible mediumship abilities, Caroline shares her journey from being an accountant to becoming a conduit to the Spirit world and helping people connect to their Beloved Dead.

We discuss how to talk to your Spirit team when you’re scared out of your gourd, and how to develop an ongoing relationship with them like you’re yakking with your middle school bestie on the landline well past bedtime.

It’s easy to forget that we GET to ask for help from our Spirit Team - they’re ALWAYS available for guidance, support, feedback and directives. It’s just a matter of learning to refine our listening…

Whether you're curious about the Spirit world or seeking to develop your own psychic capabilities, this episode brings us right into the heart of mediumship.

Mentioned in the Episode —

Caroline's Website

Join me for Enter the Sweat Portal - a workshop for creating your own daily somatic movement practice

Book 1:1 Creative Coaching time with Melissa

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  • Follow Melissa’s Instagram for hot art memes
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Big thanks to Ben Coleman for composing our theme music, and Gavin Bernard for vocals








