87 episodes

This is more than a podcast. It’s an experience that will elevate you. Designed to completely redefine what having a brand means for entrepreneurs, the Your Legacy Brand Podcast with Tiffany Neuman is a conversational, intimate podcast that digs into the true meaning of building a legacy and what it means to be a legacy leader. Each month we’ll dive into a new topic on branding and business complete with solo episodes, guided visualizations so you can integrate concepts, plus interviews with Legacy Leaders who open up about their journeys to greatness. We will answer questions such as, why should I care about building a legacy? How does creating a legacy impact my brand? What can a legacy do for my business, family, and clients? And most importantly, how can I elevate my income, influence and impact?Host Tiffany Neuman is a legacy advocate, educator, and thought leader. With over 15 years of experience working with Fortune 500 brands and companies such as Burt's Bees, Stoli, Fed Ex and Adidas, Tiffany has developed the Legacy Brand Method™ which has been featured in Forbes and Entrepreneur. Now, Tiffany is taking her passion for legacy to the next level by sharing her knowledge with high-achieving, mission-driven entrepreneurs who yearn to turn their business into a legacy that stands the test of time. Your business is a reflection of your genius. Your brand is the doorway to your everlasting legacy. If you’re ready to use your brand to reach your wildest business dreams, you’re in the right place.Connect with Tiffany:Website: yourlegacybrand.comInstagram: @tiffanyneumancreative

Your Legacy Brand Podcast with Tiffany Neuman Tiffany Neuman

    • Business
    • 5.0 • 6 Ratings

This is more than a podcast. It’s an experience that will elevate you. Designed to completely redefine what having a brand means for entrepreneurs, the Your Legacy Brand Podcast with Tiffany Neuman is a conversational, intimate podcast that digs into the true meaning of building a legacy and what it means to be a legacy leader. Each month we’ll dive into a new topic on branding and business complete with solo episodes, guided visualizations so you can integrate concepts, plus interviews with Legacy Leaders who open up about their journeys to greatness. We will answer questions such as, why should I care about building a legacy? How does creating a legacy impact my brand? What can a legacy do for my business, family, and clients? And most importantly, how can I elevate my income, influence and impact?Host Tiffany Neuman is a legacy advocate, educator, and thought leader. With over 15 years of experience working with Fortune 500 brands and companies such as Burt's Bees, Stoli, Fed Ex and Adidas, Tiffany has developed the Legacy Brand Method™ which has been featured in Forbes and Entrepreneur. Now, Tiffany is taking her passion for legacy to the next level by sharing her knowledge with high-achieving, mission-driven entrepreneurs who yearn to turn their business into a legacy that stands the test of time. Your business is a reflection of your genius. Your brand is the doorway to your everlasting legacy. If you’re ready to use your brand to reach your wildest business dreams, you’re in the right place.Connect with Tiffany:Website: yourlegacybrand.comInstagram: @tiffanyneumancreative

    Grow Your Brand Without the Burnout

    Grow Your Brand Without the Burnout

    In this episode, we discuss how to grow your brand without burning out. Lately, I've heard from many in my community about their struggle with the constant hustle. While occasional busyness is inevitable, it's crucial to avoid the hamster wheel that leads to burnout. 

    A concept I find essential? The 10x mindset. 

    This mindset is about aiming for audacious goals and cutting out the 80% that doesn't serve your vision. It's about being intentional with your efforts.

    If your goal is to onboard 10 new clients a month, imagine scaling that to 100. It doesn't mean working 10 times harder; it means refining your processes and making every effort count. This leads to sustainable growth, where your business expands without compromising your well-being.

    My Practical Tips for Sustainable Growth:

    Set Clear Boundaries: Define your work hours and stick to them. Create a clear distinction between work and personal time to avoid burnout.

    Focus on High-Impact Activities: Identify and double down on activities that significantly impact your business. For instance, if speaking engagements bring in more clients than social media, focus on securing more speaking opportunities.

    Delegate and Automate: Hire assistance and invest in automation tools to free up your time for high-level strategies and client relationships.

    Build a Strong Brand: Your brand is the foundation of your business. Ensure it reflects your core values and mission to foster loyalty and trust. If you do it right, your brand will work FOR you!

    Prioritize Self-Care: Take breaks, plan vacations, and ensure you have time to recharge. A well-rested mind is more productive and innovative.

    Remember, scaling sustainably means growing your business in a way that feels good and supports your well-being. 

    It's about enjoying the journey, not just the destination.

    To get ALL the juicy details, listen in to this episode where I share more of my personal story and go deeper on the 10X mindset concept!

    I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. Let's continue this journey together, creating businesses that thrive and legacies that last!

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    • 27 min
    Scaling Down to Speed Up: A New Approach To Business

    Scaling Down to Speed Up: A New Approach To Business

    We've all heard the gurus who claim they sit on the beach while the money rolls in effortlessly. But behind the scenes, there's still a lot of hustle. Evergreen offers that need updating, the constant tether of social, ads running nonstop, and a team working tirelessly. 

    It's easy to get caught up in these myths and feel like we're not doing enough.

    The truth is, every successful business involves hard work, strategy, and intention. 

    It's not about working less but working smarter. It's about being a disruptor and choosing your own path, not following what everyone else says you should do.

    For me, that means focusing on what truly matters: creating a brand that's scalable, sustainable, and sellable (which is also what we keep in mind as an intention for all clients). 

    Because your brand is your most valuable asset. 

    Your brand is not just about logos, colors, or fonts. It's about the energy and passion you pour into it. It's the legacy you're building, the message you want to share with the world. 

    For those of us who are here to make an impact and play the long game, it’s not about making quick money; it's about building something that can stand the test of time.

    I'm on a mission… 

    to prove that we can thrive without being tied to social media. to prove that we can stop the hustle and still have a thriving, sustainable business. to prove that we can overcome any circumstances in the world  and continue to thrive, because we are being called to do work that will help heal the planet.
    I'm experimenting with new strategies, and I'd love for you to join me on the journey!

    Start by tuning in to this week’s episode of the Your Legacy Brand Podcast where I go deeper into this topic as well as talk about HOW to take action and feel great about carving your own path to success

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    And always make sure you’re following the podcast so you never miss an episode. Follow now!

    • 32 min
    The Uncommon Secret to Unforgettable Storytelling

    The Uncommon Secret to Unforgettable Storytelling

    In this episode, we explore the impact of incorporating heroic vulnerability into your storytelling to connect with your audience on a deeper level. Learn how to strike a balance and share personal challenges authentically.

    Heroic vulnerability is about sharing your personal challenges and triumphs to create authenticity and trust. Unlike the structured hero’s journey, this technique can be used at various points to make your message more relatable and impactful.

    And no, this does NOT mean you have to cry on IG, share your MOST vulnerable stories or share every detail…

    Listen in to learn the details on exactly how to use heroic vulnerability to connect with your audience on a deeper level.

    And as a reminder, next week I'll be hosting special Q+A sessions for all the incredible women business owners who signed up for my Authority Amplification Summer Session: Craft Your Signature Talk.

    There is still time to dive in to begin crafting your talk and get my live feedback - for only $47! I break down the process into easy-to-follow steps, ensuring you walk away with a powerful talk that has people ready to say yes to whatever you offer!

    If you're ready to elevate your speaking skills and inspire action, I’d love for you to join us!

    Links Mentioned In This Episode:

    Authority Amplification Summer Session: Craft Your Signature Talk

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    • 33 min
    Turn Your Audience into Clients, Easily and Effortlessly

    Turn Your Audience into Clients, Easily and Effortlessly

    I’m excited to take you even deeper into the transformative power of a signature talk. It’s not just about inspiring; it’s about converting.

    You can share it from the stage, on podcasts, in workshops – the possibilities are endless. Even if you’re the type of person who avoids the limelight, this will help you strengthen your day-to-day content and drive conversions.

    Join me on this week's episode of the Your Legacy Brand Podcast where I show you how to turn your audience into clients. We’ll cover:

    The keys to building engagement and trustHow to craft an amazing call to action (without feeling salesy)Steps to deeply understanding your audience, so you can speak to their soulHow and why measuring the success of your talks is a game-changer
    Plus, I share my personal journey from being terrified of public speaking to mastering the art of the signature talk. Believe me, if I can do it, so can you!

    Join us as we uncover the key strategies for delivering a powerful signature talk that drives action and makes a meaningful impact on your audience.

    Don't miss out on this valuable episode that will help you take your speaking skills to the next level and elevate your brand presence.

    If you're interested in perfecting your signature talk, join my upcoming Authority Amplification Summer Session: Craft Your Signature Talk where I will share my exact framework to craft your signature story that will drive revenue, have audience members running up to work with you afterward, and make a massive impact through your work.

    Links Mentioned In This Episode:

    Authority Amplification Summer Session: Craft Your Signature Talk

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    And always make sure you’re following the podcast so you never miss an episode. Follow now!

    • 40 min
    How to Craft a Signature Talk that Converts

    How to Craft a Signature Talk that Converts

    This episode is focused on the power of developing a signature talk for your brand.
    Just as a lighthouse helps sailors find their way to safe harbor, your signature talk guides your audience toward the solutions they seek. It’s a beacon of hope, inspiration, and transformation, helping your audience navigate their own challenges and find their way to success.
    I truly believe that speaking is one of the most powerful tools in your branding arsenal, because it offers a genuine connection to your audience and effortlessly grows your business.

    Speaking with no strategy leads to visibility, but having a powerful signature talk takes it step further, it ensures you’re converting the audience!
    You need a Signature Talk in your brand ecosystem so you can:
    Establish Authority: Showcase your expertise and build trust with your audience.Engage and Inspire: Deliver a message that resonates deeply and motivates action.Be Versatile and Adaptable: The framework is perfect for various platforms and lengths, from short podcast snippets to extended conference talks.Drive Conversions: Turn your audience into clients without feeling “salesy” or manipulative.Ready to elevate your business and brand presence without the constant grind of social media?
    Join my upcoming Authority Amplification Summer Session: Craft Your Signature Talk where I will help you craft your signature story that will drive revenue, have audience members running up to work with you afterward, and make a massive impact through your work – in just one week!
    It’s valued at $1997, but for my loyal listeners, it’s only $47!
    Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your speaking skills and inspire action with your message. Get the details HERE.
    Links Mentioned In This Episode:
    Authority Amplification Summer Session: Craft Your Signature Talk
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    • 31 min
    Amplify Your Authority and Make Your Message a Movement

    Amplify Your Authority and Make Your Message a Movement

    In this episode, we dive into the power of speaking to amplify your authority, to turn your audience into advocates, and your message into a movement that will create a ripple effect. 

    We all know that speaking gives you credibility, positions you as an authority, and amplifies your reach. In this episode, I dive deeper into:

    The deeper reasons speaking is the #1 way to build your brand What platforms create the most momentum (not just for visibility, but to also drive revenue)How and where to start getting or get better speaking opportunitiesWhy you should craft powerful signature talk that drives conversions (no matter what level you are currently at) and has people running up to work with you afterwards
    If you're interested in perfecting your signature talk, join my upcoming Authority Amplification Summer Session: Craft Your Signature Talk where I will share my exact framework to craft your signature story that will drive revenue, have audience members running up to work with you afterward, and make a massive impact through your work.

     In just one week, you’ll have: 

    ✅ A powerful, conversion-focused signature talk that you feel beyond excited to share with the world
    ✅ A compelling talk that truly represents you and your brand
    ✅ Confidence to get even more visible and step up as the authority you know you are

    a.k.a. You’ll be ready to showcase your expertise, engage your audience more meaningfully, and boost your conversion rates.

    Plus, as part of this Summer Session, you’ll also get: 

    🎁 FREE access to our Authority Amplification Kit which includes my signature talk masterclass, a beautiful speaker one-sheet template, and a powerful visibility breakthrough session.

    📚 BONUS trainings + workbooks to select your most impactful story, clarify your vision and develop your most powerful teaching for your talk.

    📲 3 live implementation calls during the week + access to a private community for support during the week

    That’s a $1,997 value for just $47! 

    Don't miss this opportunity to transform your speaking skills and inspire action with your message. Let's make a difference together! Get the details HERE.

    Links Mentioned In This Episode:

    Authority Amplification Summer Session: Craft Your Signature Talk

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    If you loved this episode, leave us a review.

    And always make sure you’re following the podcast so you never miss an episode. Follow now!

    • 37 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
6 Ratings

6 Ratings

Alex Pursglove ,

A powerful dive into branding and so much more!

I love the variety of content that is all in support of helping you develop a legacy brand. Tiffany offers clear, simple, and powerful strategies, tips and affirmations - I highly recommend tuning in!

Emily194827 ,

New favorite show!

Tiffany’s approach to branding and legacy is a breath of fresh air. The clear takeaways make this show very actionable - inspiration is good, action is better! Love it.

clcip ,

10-minute episodes that get you thinking AND acting!

I love how Tiffany shares powerful insights, gives clear guidance, and creates opportunities for meaningful action in these fluff-free yet never rushed episodes. What a treat to be able digest and act on each ep in one go, instead of adding more 'to finish" episodes to my already overflowing list. I love that the season is split into monthly themes, and that wee get a special guided meditation each month! This isn't like any other podcast I've listened to before, and I love it!

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