436 episodes

Welcome to the Your Virtual Upline podcast hosted by Bob Heilig. This weekly podcast will give you the mindset, strategies, and skills you need to build the network marketing business and life of your dreams.

Each week Bob takes a deep dive into topics like leadership, social media, prospecting, recruiting, and so much more! Bob is the founder of ‘The Legacy Leader Movement’, a totally new approach to building a network marketing business. The core values that guide his work, and the messages on this podcast are - faith, love, service, and growth.

Join us each week and discover how to tap into the power of this purpose-driven approach to building your business!

Your Virtual Upline Podcast Bob Heilig

    • Business
    • 4.9 • 1.6K Ratings

Welcome to the Your Virtual Upline podcast hosted by Bob Heilig. This weekly podcast will give you the mindset, strategies, and skills you need to build the network marketing business and life of your dreams.

Each week Bob takes a deep dive into topics like leadership, social media, prospecting, recruiting, and so much more! Bob is the founder of ‘The Legacy Leader Movement’, a totally new approach to building a network marketing business. The core values that guide his work, and the messages on this podcast are - faith, love, service, and growth.

Join us each week and discover how to tap into the power of this purpose-driven approach to building your business!

    437: How Jess Grew Her VIP Group to Over 1,700 People

    437: How Jess Grew Her VIP Group to Over 1,700 People

    Today I’m introducing you to one of our students, Jess Touchette. She took her VIP customer group that she wasn’t using and turned it into a profitable tool for her business using our key strategies that we teach inside our program!
    Over the last 3 years, Jess has shown up differently in her group and as a result, she has seen major growth! She has more engaged members, and is making $2K to $3K in sales a month from her group alone! In fact, right now her VIP group is the number one business building tool that Jess has, with a thriving community of over 1,700 people that she loves spending time with and serving. In this episode, Jess reveals exactly how she did it.
    If you’re feeling frustrated and wondering if your group is something you should be focusing on, I hope this conversation with Jess will inspire and educate you!
    Would you like to turn your Facebook Group into a money-making machine for your business, like Jess has done? If so, I’ll be hosting a free 3-day workshop on July 23rd to July 25th called How to Revive + Monetize Your VIP Customer Group. We’ll show you how to grow your group, dramatically increase engagement and how to make consistent sales, completely transforming your group -  in 30 days or less! If this sounds like something you want and need, you can register now at www.yourvirtualupline.com/vipgroup. 
    Listen to Learn
    4:37 - Why Jess initially started her VIP group in 2020 and how she was feeling about her group and business overall at that time 
    8:30 - What started to happen for Jess once she started using the philosophy of marketing that we teach our students 
    12:00 - How a lot of people in our industry misunderstand connection content and the way this is holding them back in their business 
    13:13 - Exciting details for our free upcoming workshop to that will help you revive and monetize your VIP customer group
    16:08 - A look at the creative and fun things that Jess now does on her live broadcasts in the group 
    18:05 - How the sales conversions naturally began happening for Jess with the right processes and systems in place  
    24:37 - The biggest benefits she has seen by getting the direct support of our coaches inside of our program 
    27:42 - A final note and message from Jess about the real power of using a VIP group 
    Register for Our Free 3-Day Workshop, How to Revive + Monetize Your VIP Customer Group! 
    436: The CORE 4 Activities
    433: A Proven Way to Increase Engagement in Facebook Groups
    414: Turning Likes into Sales Using Authentic Outreach
    411: Steal Our 4-Part Transformational Content Plan 
    Follow me on Threads & Instagram at @bob_heilig
    Join our free Network Marketing Community
    Subscribe to our YouTube Channel

    • 30 min
    436: The CORE 4 Activities

    436: The CORE 4 Activities

    Today I want to talk about “The CORE 4” activities that we teach all of our students inside of our programs, because I think this can shed a lot of light on why some of you may not be seeing the results that you want in your business.
    These are the four most important activities of a love lead business, and if you can do each of them consistently over time and master them, you will make more money while helping more people!
    Would you like to turn your Facebook Group into a money-making machine for your business? If so, I’ll be hosting a free 3-day workshop on July 23rd to July 25th called How to Revive + Monetize Your VIP Customer Group. We’ll show you how to grow your group, dramatically increase engagement and how to make consistent sales, completely transforming your group -  in 30 days or less! If this sounds like something you want and need, you can register now at www.yourvirtualupline.com/vipgroup. 
    Listen to Learn
    6:50 - Why we teach our students to serve before trying to sell and what this really looks like 
    9:40 - What you’ll see happen to your engagement if you truly are serving through transformational content and by delivering value
    11:18 - Exciting details for our free upcoming workshop to that will help you revive and monetize your VIP customer group 
    12:01 - The three categories in hot leads outreach and the huge opportunity that exists that so many are overlooking  
    15:43 - The two types of people that are considered warm leads and why starting conversations with them, authentically, is such a powerful strategy
    20:21 - Why we don’t coach cold prospecting inside of our programs 
    22:08 - An important reminder about value add follow-ups
    Register for Our Free 3-Day Workshop, How to Revive + Monetize Your VIP Customer Group! 
    414: Turning Likes into Sales Using Authentic Outreach
    411: Steal Our 4-Part Transformational Content Plan 
    Follow me on Threads & Instagram at @bob_heilig
    Join our free Network Marketing Community
    Subscribe to our YouTube Channel

    • 24 min
    435: 2 Steps to Lead Your Team to Better Results

    435: 2 Steps to Lead Your Team to Better Results

    Are you somebody who has a team, but you’re feeling frustrated, lost and confused because you’re not sure what to do to help them win? This is the episode you’ve been waiting for, because what I have to share will help you transform your results and motivate your team to win, by teaching you a practical plan that you can implement today!
    Would you like to turn your Facebook Group into a money-making machine for your business? If so, I’ll be hosting a free 3-day workshop on July 23rd to July 25th called How to Revive + Monetize Your VIP Customer Group. We’ll show you how to grow your group, dramatically increase engagement and how to make consistent sales, completely transforming your group -  in 30 days or less! If this sounds like something you want and need, you can register now at www.yourvirtualupline.com/vipgroup. 
    Listen to Learn
    4:02 - What I mean when I say that in order to help your team, it requires you to help yourself first
    6:58 - The critical skill set that is missing for most people who are leading others 
    8:30 - How using accountability check-ins in a highly structured way will lead to long-term development and growth for everybody  
    9:13 - The real reason why most people don't have strong independent leaders on their team 
    12:57 - Exciting details for our free upcoming workshop to that will help you revive and monetize your VIP customer group 
    13:40 - What will happen when you teach your team to create content and master outreach 
    16:16- The hardest leadership lesson that I have had to learn on my own journey
    Register for Our Free 3-Day Workshop, How to Revive + Monetize Your VIP Customer Group! 
    Follow me on Threads & Instagram at @bob_heilig
    Join our free Network Marketing Community
    Subscribe to our YouTube Channel

    • 26 min
    434: My Thoughts on What's Happening With SEINT

    434: My Thoughts on What's Happening With SEINT

    Today I want to talk about what is happening right now with SEINT, a popular company in our space and one that I’ve worked extensively with. If you haven’t heard already, SEINT just announced that they are changing their compensation model to a pure affiliate model, which means that SEINT will be getting rid of the team building side and focus solely on product sales.
    This is a big deal and sad news for our profession, and I want to share my thoughts on it because as a company, it’s our mission to elevate the standards in this space. Not only by the way that all of us practice business, but also to hold the companies accountable by having some of the difficult conversions that need to be had, so we can educate you in what to look for in the companies that you align with.
    Although people are seeing this as a sign that our industry is falling apart, you’ll see why I think this could not be further from the truth. With the fear and uncertainty out there, I’ve spent the last few days gathering my thoughts so that I can speak to you about what is happening, and I went live to do that.
    Today, I’m re-sharing that livestream that I did here on the podcast. The big message I want to bring to the SEINT artists who are feeling afraid is that I’ve been through this situation myself twice in my career, and we’re here to support you. Whether you’re in SEINT or not, if you’re in this profession and serious about building a future in it, this is going to be a very important message for you to hear today.
    Listen to Learn
    4:47 - The 3 specific things I want to accomplish by openly sharing my thoughts on this situation 
    9:33 - My message to SEINT artists and a reminder about the powerful choice you can make 
    11:08 - Why I am so thankful now that I had a similar thing happen to me twice before 
    13:39 - My advice when it comes to picking companies and what you don’t want to do
    17:26 - How I know that our profession is not dying, but the ways in which it is absolutely changing 
    20:18 - The main problem I have with SEINT’s change in the compensation model they’re using
    28:34 - What I see for the future of this space and the role that each one us has in making in better 
    Follow me on Threads & Instagram at @bob_heilig
    Join our free Network Marketing Community
    Subscribe to our YouTube Channel

    • 33 min
    433: A Proven Way to Increase Engagement in Facebook Groups

    433: A Proven Way to Increase Engagement in Facebook Groups

    Recently you’ve been hearing me talk about Facebook Groups on the podcast. As I believe that they are one of, if not the most, powerful business building tools that you have on social media today.
    If you have a Facebook Group for your business, or you’re thinking of starting one, then this episode is for you, because today I reveal how using a combination of the right content and outreach strategies will completely transform your group - and business!
    As I’ve been sharing, I’ll be hosting a free 3-day workshop on July 23rd to July 25th called How to Revive + Monetize Your VIP Customer Group, and you can register now at www.yourvirtualupline.com/vipgroup
    Listen to Learn
    5:14 - How to set up your group and position it properly by having a clear mission
    6:04 - Ways to create the four different types of content to be successful in your group 
    6:18 - Why proactively crafting outreach to the members of your group is key 
    7:11 - A special ask for you regarding how you can support this podcast and its message
    8:05 - How it all starts with thinking about the problems that you solve in your business
    9:04 - Outreach techniques to find out the struggles or problems your members have right now
    10:17 - More on creating engaging content based on conversations and outreach
    11:08 - What to keep in mind about the follow up with group members 
    Register for Our Free 3-Day Workshop, How to Revive + Monetize Your VIP Customer Group! 
    430: 5 Reasons to Have a Facebook Group in 2024
    431: How to Find Your Dream Customers on Social Media
    Follow me on Threads & Instagram at @bob_heilig
    Join our free Network Marketing Community
    Subscribe to our YouTube Channel

    • 15 min
    432: Changing Companies and Starting Over at 52

    432: Changing Companies and Starting Over at 52

    Today I have a special episode for you. I’m sharing an interview that I did with a client of ours who has been a really important member of our community for quite some time, Kim Lima.
    In this episode, Kim talks about her journey of starting over and changing companies, after she built a successful business over more than a decade with her previous company. You’ll hear how Kim did this in a season of big change in her life, and she reveals her thoughts before and after moving from a company that she no longer felt passionate about or aligned with. This wasn’t an easy decision for Kim to make at the age of 52, but not only did she make the move, but in less than a year she has been able to build a business that rivals the previous one she built over many years! 
    This conversation Kim and I have is a very important one. I want to normalise the idea of changing companies, and this is something that not a lot of people talk about or it is often viewed as being something negative or bad to do. I don’t necessarily believe this is true, and as Kim’s story proves, there absolutely are certain times and situations when changing companies is the right thing to do. This is something that only you can answer for yourself, but what I feel really matters is the way you go about doing it, in the right way as Kim has done.
    If you’re considering making a change, hopefully this episode gives you the other side of the story to help you make an educated decision that is the right one for you and your family!
    As I’ve been sharing, I’ll be hosting a free 3-day workshop on July 23rd to July 25th called How to Revive + Monetize Your VIP Customer Group, and you can register now at www.yourvirtualupliine.com/vipgroup!
    Listen to Learn
    5:32 - What ultimately led Kim to make the decision to go in a different direction with her business 
    8:22 - Although people often change companies for the wrong reasons, why this can be a positive move to make 
    10:32 - The way in which Kim set the tone with her company before leaving and why this was so important to her to do 
    13:12 - The mindset she had as she embarked on a new venture and why she says that betting on herself made all the difference 
    19:51 - A special ask for you regarding how you can support this podcast and its message
    23:21 - How the groundworks Kim laid over the years led her to what she says is the perfect business for her and her customers 
    32:47 - What the record month she had looked like, and why she is upfront and honest about the months that aren’t record breaking ones 
    37:08 - Kim’s final thoughts and advice for anyone considering to make a move like she did 
    Register for Our Free 3-Day Workshop, How to Revive + Monetize Your VIP Customer Group! 
    Follow me on Threads & Instagram at @bob_heilig
    Join our free Network Marketing Community
    Subscribe to our YouTube Channel

    • 39 min

Customer Reviews

4.9 out of 5
1.6K Ratings

1.6K Ratings

Rhyme'n Reason ,

Recommended listening!

I love listening to Bob for inspiration to be better and do better! Thank you for providing quality programming for those of us navigating uncertain waters.

Mr_Bill333 ,

Great Value…Great Use of Time

I am always impressed by how much value and how many actionable steps I get to move the needle forward in my social selling needle. And the focus of serving is great!

EKElliott ,

Love serve grow is great!

Wonderful content. Straight forward with no bull.

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