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Podcast de YLYK learning



  1. 12/01/2021

    1.12 封号、弹劾、起诉,特朗普将面临怎样的追责?

    封号、弹劾、起诉,特朗普将面临怎样的追责? 2021.01.12 肖云照 CSE9 课程导读 上周美国国会大厦遭受特朗普支持者冲击,让原本被很多人赋予美好希望的2021开年不利。虽然暴乱在当天就得到控制,但仍旧后续不断。即将下台的特朗普,会被追究国会大厦事件的责任吗?目前仍身为一国总统的他,如果被追责,又会面临什么样的后果呢?一起来听今天的讲解。 本文封面图片选自Australia online news,如有版权问题,请联系删除。 本篇课程首发于2021年1月12日 英文原文 Will Trump and His Republican Allies Ever Face Consequences? 特朗普和他的共和党盟友会受到惩罚吗? By Spencer Bokat-Lindell On Wednesday, a mob of President Trump’s supporters acting at his behest launched a destructive assault on the Capitol that led to the police fatally shooting a woman in the halls of Congress. 周三,一群特朗普总统的支持者在他的要求下,对国会大厦发动了破坏性袭击,在这次袭击中警方在国会大厅击毙了一名女性。 At the center of the campaign was President Trump, who has courted extremists like QAnon adherents and the Proud Boys in a bid to subvert the election. Politicians and pundits have proposed a few ways of holding him accountable. 这次活动的关键人物是特朗普总统,他向“匿名者Q”(QAnon)组织追随者和“骄傲男孩”(Proud Boys)组织等极端分子示好,企图颠覆选举结果。政界人士和专家提出了几种追责手段。 The 25th Amendment: The 25th Amendment of the Constitution allows for the removal of the president from office if the vice president and a majority of the cabinet determine that he is unfit. 第二十五条修正案:《宪法》第二十五条修正案规定,如果副总统和多数内阁成员认为在任总统不适合担任总统,可以将其免职。 Impeachment: Deeming him “too dangerous to leave in office for even another minute,” the Times columnist Bret Stephens argues Congress must immediately impeach and convict Mr. Trump, which could potentially bar him from ever holding office again. 弹劾:《纽约时报》专栏作家布雷特·斯蒂芬斯认为,特朗普“太危险,在总统的位置上一分钟都不能多待”,国会必须立即对其进行弹劾、定罪,这样可能将避免他以后再当总统。 Prosecution: Some have argued that at this point, simply removing Mr. Trump from office would be an insufficient punishment, given that participating in an attempted overthrow of the government is a federal crime. 起诉:一些人认为,鉴于参与政变未遂属于联邦罪行,目前仅仅罢免特朗普是不够的。 Deplatforming: After the mayhem on Wednesday, the president was suspended from Twitter for 12 hours and from Facebook for at least the next two weeks, but Greg Bensinger argues in The Times that the bans should be permanent. 关闭社交媒体账号:在周三的混乱之后,特朗普总统的Twitter账号被临时关闭12个小时,Facebook账号被冻结至少两周,但格雷格·本辛格在《纽约时报》上提出,特朗普的账号应该永久性关停。 【内容拓展】 托克维尔在《论美国的民主》中写道: “美国人的巨大优点,在于他们允许犯错误,而事后又能纠正错误。我认为,对于公务人员的甄选,一般说来也是如此。不难发现,美国的民主常在选择受托执政的人员方面犯错误;但要解释在被选错的人执政期间,美国为什么会照样繁荣,那就不容易了。”

    21 min
  2. 11/01/2021

    1.11 有气味的电影,会引领下一场观影风潮吗?

    有气味的电影,会引领下一场观影风潮吗? 2021.01.11 Mat CSE8 课程导读 如今,人们尝试通过各种技术手段来营造更为真实的场景体验,比如3D电影、VR技术,都从视觉和听觉方面给人带来一种身临其境的感觉。然而,嗅觉也是重要的感官之一,自二十世纪初期以来,制片人们就开始尝试为电影配上气味,以提升人们的观影体验。气味如何通过电视、电影传递?为什么这种技术没有实现普及?一起来听今天的讲解。 本文封面图片选自1001 Consejos,如有版权问题,请联系删除。 本篇课程首发于2021年1月11日 英文原文 The people who want to send smells through your TV 那些想用电视向你传递气味的人 By Mark Ellwood Frederik Duerinck isn't a jeweller, but his next project is a necklace. This piece, though, doesn't feature a precious stone as a pendant, but rather a small box. Inside the cube is a battery and scenting system designed to deliver a puff of fragrance on demand. 弗雷德克·迪林克并非珠宝商,但他接下来的计划是做项链。不过,这种“项链”的特色不是用一颗宝石作吊坠,而是挂了一个小盒子。在这个小盒子里有一块电池和气味装置,用来随时按需传递香气。 In the movie era, attempts to add scent began as early as 1916. Then came Smellovision, unveiled in 1939, it was little more than a series of pipes attached to viewers' chairs through which a projectionist could deliver smell in sync with the images they were showing. Smellovision itself, was a flop, largely because the scent technology worked so poorly – the scents were too diffuse to give a satisfactory experience. Clearing an odour in a timely fashion for the next to waft freely was also troublesome. A rival system, known as Aromarama, displayed similar shortcomings. 电影诞生后,人们早在1916年就开始尝试给电影配上气味。然后是1939年推出的Smellovision气味装置,它只不过是连接在观众椅子上的一系列管道,放映员可以用这些管道传递与他们正在放映的图像同步的气味。Smellovision这个尝试还是失败了,很大程度上是因为这种传递气味的技术效果太差:气味太发散,观众体验感并不好。而且,及时清除空间里残留的气味,给另一种气味让道,也是一件麻烦事。它的竞争对手AromaRama装置也有类似的缺陷。 The filmmaker John Waters tried scratch and sniff cards in the early 1980s, but no other filmmaker copied his gimmick. 在20世纪80年代初,电影制片人约翰·沃特斯尝试做了气味刮刮卡,但没有哪个电影制片人模仿他的小把戏。 Even now, though, as the world of entertainment has become more high-tech, and immersive with virtual reality headsets, odour remains the one element that is elusive and hard to replicate. Perhaps the most fundamental problem is that we don't yet fully understand how our sense of smell functions. 然而,即便是现在,随着娱乐界越来越高科技,虚拟现实耳机让人身临其境,气味仍然是一个难以捉摸和复制的元素。也许最根本的问题是,我们都还没有完全了解我们的嗅觉是如何运作的。 应版权方要求,此内容仅对英国以外地区开放

    23 min
  3. 10/01/2021

    1.10 为《纽约时报》抓错别字,是种什么体验

    为《纽约时报》抓错别字,是种什么体验? 2021.01.10 韩冰彬 CSE7 课程导读 提供准确的信息,是新闻从业者重要的职业准则。审校编辑是一份报纸付印前的质量把关人,即使是微小的错误,也会让他们彻夜难眠。近日,《纽约时报》的一位审校编辑撰文,以幽默的语言风格谈论了自己的工作感受。《纽约时报》对编辑们有什么要求?当一篇稿件中出现不可避免的错误时,编辑们如何应对?一起来听今天的讲解。 本文封面图片选自unsplash.com,如有版权问题,请联系删除。 本篇课程首发于2021年1月10日 英文原文 Because of an Editing Error “因编辑失误……” By David Vecsey My job, simply speaking, is to get things right. So there is no worse feeling than the realization that you have entered a correctable error into print and that a correction will appear a day or two later to proclaim, "Because of an editing error …" 简而言之,我的职责就是确保登报的内容无误。因此,最糟糕的感觉,莫过于在付印之后,你意识到自己犯了一个原可以避免的错误,而一两天后,报纸上将刊登一条勘误声明:“因编辑失误……” There is no escaping the page of the newspaper that you have marred; it reappears everywhere you look: blowing down the sidewalk, on a subway car, wrapped around the sea bass you've just bought at the market. 你休想摆脱被自己玷污的那页报纸。它会一次次出现在你的眼前:它要么在人行道上随风飘荡,要么现身于地铁车厢,要么你去趟市场,它都会被用来包你买的海鲈鱼。 The Times has strict policies on corrections: If it's wrong, even if just for a few minutes online or in one edition of the print newspaper, it is supposed to get a correction. Reporters and editors are expected to self-report their mistakes, which can make you feel a little like Bart Simpson writing on the blackboard, "I will never misquote Shakespeare again." But it is this dedication to accuracy that earns the trust of our readers. 《纽约时报》对勘误的规定很严格。如果出了错,即使只是上线了几分钟,或者只是在一个印版中出现,那就要出勘误。记者和编辑们都要自己报错,这感觉就好像在著名的动画场景里,巴特·辛普森被罚写黑板:“我再也不乱引用莎士比亚了”。然而,正是这份对准确的执着,赢得了读者对我们的信任。 The Corrections listings are one of the first things I read every day, and that is a common practice among many copy editors. It's not necessarily an act of schadenfreude as much as it's a daily reminder of the importance of diligence: Double-check your math. Look up even the most famous of quotations. 每天一早,我首先要读的内容之一就是勘误信息栏。这也是不少审校编辑的例行公事。这倒不全是一种幸灾乐祸的乐趣,也是一种日常提醒:细致很重要。必须反复确认。就算是最广为人知的名人名言,也要检查出处。 But Times corrections are so much more than pedestrian spelling mistakes. They are wonderfully nuanced cultural explorations. When we misidentified the name of Bilbo Baggins's sword in "The Hobbit" as Orcrist the Goblin Cleaver, it was both the greatest and the nerdiest correction of all time. 但《纽约时报》勘误绝不仅是平平无奇的拼写错误。它是一场文化探索,其中充满了美妙的细枝末节。小说《霍比特人》中,比尔博·巴金斯有一把剑。我们曾把它的名字误写成了“名为兽咬剑的斩妖刀”。这种错误,只有读书成痴的人才纠得出。这也是迄今为止最令人叫绝的一次勘误。 One of the veteran reporters said, "Doctors bury their mistakes. Lawyers lock theirs away. But reporters print theirs for the whole damn world to see." 一位资深记者

    21 min
  4. 09/01/2021

    1.09 Get新技能,永远都不晚

    Get新技能,永远都不晚 2021.01.09 肖云照 CSE5 课程导读 你的新年计划里,还有学习新技能这一项吗?有人认为随着年龄的增长,自己不再适合学新东西了。其实只要多学习,学习速度就会越来越快,年龄并不是羁绊。从近期一项针对婴儿学步的研究中,我们了解到,新技能的养成需要一点时间和耐心,也需要不断挑战自己的能力极限。如何做到活到老学到老?如何让自己成为更好的初学者?一起来听今天的讲解。 本篇外刊封面图选自WSJ,如有版权问题,请联系删除。 本篇课程首发于2021年1月9日。 英文原文 For New Year’s Resolutions, Never Think You’re Too Old to Become a Beginner 新年立目标,做个初学者,永远不晚 By Tom Vanderbilt As we head into a new year there is one thing from the outgoing annus horribilis we should carry forward and even deepen: the spirit of the novice. 在迈入新年之际,有一样东西,我们应该从刚刚过去的这多灾多难的一年承袭下来并发扬光大:那就是初学者心态。 Many people, in the face of such disruption, decided that they wanted to learn new things. But there’s a caveat: The older you are, the harder you’re going to have to work. There’s a happy twist, however: The more learning that older adults take on, the faster they seem to learn—the more they become like younger adults. 面对被疫情搅乱的生活,很多人决定去学一些新东西。但有一种告诫是:年纪越大,你要学新东西所付出的努力越多。然而令人欣喜的转机是:年长的人越是多学习,就越能够像年轻人那样快速地学习。 How, then, to prepare ourselves to become better beginners? We can draw crucial guidance from a group of research subjects: infants learning to walk. 那么我们如何能让自己成为更好的初学者呢?我们可以从一组研究对象,即蹒跚学步的孩童身上,获得一些重要的启发。 For adults, the lessons are clear. One is that skills take time. Infants spend roughly a third of their day for six solid months practicing walking. So don’t worry if you’re still terrible at tennis after a few months. 成年人可以从中吸取的经验是很清晰的。首先,掌握新技能会花些时间。婴儿每天大致用1/3的时间练习走路,要花上整整六个月才能学会。因此,如果你学了几个月网球,但还是打得很烂,不要着急。 Infants also remind us that progress is often not linear. Infants seem to learn best “when operating near the limits of their current skill level.” In other words: Always be at the edge of what you can’t currently do. 婴儿们的经历也提醒我们,学习新技能的进展通常不是线性的。当婴儿们触碰到了自己现有技能的天花板时,他们似乎学得最好。换言之:始终挑战自己当前能力的极限。 None of this is easy. If it feels easy, you’re not learning. If you don’t learn to fail, you’ll fail to learn. So let “beginner” be your watchword for 2021. But watch for overreach in your resolutions. 这些都不容易做到。如果你觉得容易,你就没有真的在学习。如果你不学习接受失败,你就学不会。所以让“初学者”成为你2021年的口号。但是也要小心,在制定新年计划时不要好高骛远。 【内容拓展】 ① Progress is often U-shaped. 进步常常是呈现为U型的,有时前进,有时后退。学习新事物不会是一帆风顺的,过程中会有挫折(setback)、障碍(obstacle),且需要通过反复试验、试错(trial and error)来继续前进,甚至有时需要绕道而行(take a detour)。 ② 通过调换调整单词的顺序,或许就有可能创造一个金句。 例:Some live to eat, but some eat to live. Some live to work, but some work to live. ③ 设定目标时,可以

    20 min
  5. 08/01/2021


    “钢琴诗人”傅聪辞世,留存音乐与家书 2021.01.08 何迅 CSE6 课程导读 在2020年的最后几日,“钢琴诗人”傅聪,也就是傅雷的长子,因感染新冠病毒在英国伦敦逝世,享年86岁。除钢琴造诣之外,傅聪被大众所熟知的另一个原因就是他父亲留下的书信,后来被汇编为《傅雷家书》出版。傅聪为何可以获得如此高的音乐成就?父亲对他的成长有着什么样的影响?一起来听今天的讲解。 本文封面图片选自Global Times,如有版权问题,请联系删除。 本篇课程首发于2021年1月8日 英文原文 Fou Ts’ong, Pianist Whose Family Letters Inspired a Generation, Dies at 86 家书影响一代人:钢琴家傅聪离世,享年86岁 By AMY QIN Fou Ts’ong, a Chinese-born pianist known for his sensitive interpretations of Chopin, Debussy and Mozart, and whose letters from his father, a noted translator and writer, influenced a generation of Chinese readers, died on Monday at a hospital in London, where he had lived for many years. He was 86. The cause was the coronavirus. 周一,钢琴家傅聪在伦敦的一家医院去世。他出生于中国,在伦敦生活多年,以对肖邦、德彪西和莫扎特的细腻诠释而闻名。他的父亲是著名翻译家和作家(傅雷),他写给儿子傅聪的信影响了一整代中国读者。傅聪因感染新冠病毒离世,享年86岁。 In 1981, a volume of letters written by Mr. Fou’s father, primarily to Mr. Fou, was published in China. Full of advice, encouragement, life teachings and stern paternal love, the book, “Fu Lei’s Family Letters,” became a best seller in China. 1981年,傅雷写给家人的书信被汇编成书在中国出版。这本《傅雷家书》中的书信主要是写给傅聪的,里面充满忠告、鼓励、人生教诲和严厉的父爱,在中国成为了畅销书。 “My father had a saying that ‘First you must be a person, then an artist, and then a musician, and only then can you be a pianist,’” Mr. Fou once recalled in an interview. “Even now, I believe in this order — that it should be this way and that I am this way.” 傅聪在采访中回忆道,“我爸爸有句名言就是,‘得先做人,其次是做艺术家,然后是做音乐家,只有这样最后才能做一名钢琴家’。我到现在都对这个次序深以为然。就应该是这个顺序,我也是这样过来的。” Mr. Fou remained devoted to music in his later years, playing piano for hours every day even as his fingers grew frail. It was a love that he invoked in interviews, alongside nuggets of wisdom from his father. 傅聪在晚年仍然保有对音乐的热爱,即便手指日渐无力,也还是每天都要弹几个小时琴。他在采访中一再提到这种热爱,还有那些父亲带给他的点滴智慧。 “When I was very young, I wrote to my father from Poland that I was sad and lonely,” he once recalled. “He wrote back: ‘You could never be lonely. Don’t you think you are living with the greatest souls of the history of mankind all the time?’”“Now that’s how I feel, always,” Mr. Fou said. 傅聪曾回忆道,“小时候,我在波兰给父亲写信,说我很难过,也很孤独。他回信说:‘你永远不会孤独。古今的名著,时时刻刻给你精神上的养料!’”“现在我感受到了,一向如此,”傅聪说。

    21 min
  6. 07/01/2021

    1.07 《心灵奇旅》:皮克斯如何让动画片既好玩又深刻

    《心灵奇旅》:皮克斯如何让动画片既好玩又深刻? 2021.01.07 王海迪 CSE7 课程导读 近日上映的皮克斯动画电影《心灵奇旅》(Soul)口碑爆棚。电影通过高超的制作水准,不仅温柔地抚慰了人心,更启发了观众思考人生的意义。这部电影是如何创作出来的?一起来听今天的讲解。(内无剧透,请放心食用) 本文封面图片选自Pixar,如有版权问题,请联系删除。 本篇课程首发于2021年01月07日 英文原文 How Pixar Brings ‘Soul’ and Existential Ideas to Life 皮克斯如何为“心灵奇旅”和存在主义思想赋予了生命 By John Jurgensen How does Pixar distill big existential concepts into animated family movies? The studio is taking a run at the metaphysical with “Soul.” 皮克斯会如何将宏大的存在主义概念提炼出来,浓缩到一部老少皆宜的动画电影里?新作《心灵奇旅》就是这家动画工作室为了诠释“形而上学”而作出的尝试。 In the movie, Joe is a middle-aged jazz musician on the verge of his big break. A very cartoony accident—Joe stepping into an open manhole—triggers a near-death journey through a realm where souls exit and enter existence. Joe’s attempt to escape the afterlife leads to a caper with a soul avoiding Earth, and lots of colorful speculation about life’s purpose and how personalities get formed. 在电影中,乔是一位中年爵士乐手,即将迎来人生重大机遇。像动画片一贯的事故场景一样,乔踏入一个打开的井盖,掉进了下水道,由此开启了一段与死亡亲密接触的旅程,他穿越到了另一个世界,灵魂们可以通过这里转世到人间。乔试图逃离这个世界,并因此结识了一个不愿转世的灵魂,由此引发了一场闹剧,也引发了他们对人生意义以及不同性格如何形成等问题的有趣猜测。 The filmmakers did research on such matters with priests, rabbis and other advisers, but most of their work was more straightforward. How do you draw a soul? Should the afterlife beckon with a bright light, as reported, or be rendered in a different way? 电影制片团队的确曾与神父、拉比以及其他顾问们就这些主题进行过研究,但他们的大部分工作与电影制作有更加直接的联系,例如:如何画出灵魂的样子?另一个世界是不是应该像报道里说的那样,会用一束明亮的白光来召唤灵魂,抑或是另一番景象? The Pixar team learned that many traditions regard the human soul as invisible, like breath. Not easy to draw. Artists initially drew souls as foggy, fuzzy, see-through figures, but their expressions and gestures were hard to read. So they added more definition and other details for the souls preparing for life on Earth, including purple eyes, because that color doesn’t naturally exist in humans. 皮克斯团队发现,在多数传统意象中,人类的灵魂就像呼吸一样,是无影无形的,要描绘出来很困难。最初,艺术家画笔下的灵魂是如迷雾一般,模糊又透明,这些灵魂的表情和手势很难读懂。于是他们把准备好要转世到人间的灵魂画得更清晰,添加了其他细节,例如紫色的眼睛,因为这种颜色在人类身上并不存在。 “In the end we went full circle. They sort of are ghosts. They’re just ghosts who haven’t lived yet,” says director and writer Pete Docter, chief creative officer of Pixar Animation Studios. 皮克斯动画工作室首席创意总监兼导演皮特·多克特说:“电影的最后,我们回到了原点。他们有点像鬼魂,只不过还没在人世间活过的鬼魂。” 【内容拓展】 1. syllepsis(一语双叙) 一种修辞手法,即在同一个句子里,一个关键词可以跟两个或两个以上的词语搭配,而且这些搭配无论在语法规则上还是语义上都是

    21 min
  7. 06/01/2021

    1.06 远程会议太多,刺激整形需求大爆发

    远程会议太多,刺激整形需求大爆发 2021.01.06 覃晔 难度:CSE9 课程导读 新冠疫情期间,英国整容需求大幅增加,这背后的原因竟然是频繁的视频会议。人们从屏幕上看到自己的“禁足脸”,于是产生了“改善”外貌的想法。那么,整容需求的增长究竟反映了人们怎样的心态?最受欢迎的整容项目又是什么呢?一起进入今天的讲解。 本文封面图片选自Russia Today,如有版权问题,请联系删除。 本篇课程首发于2021年1月6日 英文原文 'Lockdown Face' fears drive 'Zoom boom' in UK cosmetic surgery requests 恐惧“禁足脸”,视频通话刺激英国整容需求 By Gill Plimmer Fears about "Lockdown Face" during videoconferences have driven a "Zoom boom" in requests for cosmetic surgery and body "tweakments" since the pandemic struck the UK, according to fresh research and providers. 根据最新研究和整容机构的说法,自从新冠大流行在英国爆发以来,由于人们担忧视频会议中自己的“禁足脸”形象,Zoom视频通话引发了整容手术和身体“微调”需求的激增。 The lockdown in March put most treatment on hold but there has been a surge in consultation requests as people sought to improve their appearance after looking at themselves on screens, said LaingBuisson, a healthcare data specialist that advises the Office for National Statistics. 为国家统计局提供专业建议的医疗数据机构LaingBuisson表示,3月(2020年)实行的封锁措施致使大多数医疗整容遭到搁置,但由于人们在屏幕上看到自己后希望提升形象,相关的咨询需求在短期内大幅度提高。 "The use of video calling has apparently triggered significant interest and demand for those wishing to 'polish' their appearance," said Liz Heath, author of the LaingBuisson report. "While this could be related to personal vanity, it is for some people also an important feature of their career and professional development." LaingBuisson报告的作者利茲•希思表示:“很明显,在那些希望‘美化’外形的人当中,视频通话激起了巨大的兴趣和需求。虽然这可能与他们个人的虚荣相关,但是对于一些人来说,这对他们的职业生涯和专业发展也是至关重要的一点。” Ms Heath said most surgeries had reported a "significant" increase in demand, with some surgeries seeing a fivefold rise in requests for surgery compared with last year. 希思表示,多数诊所都报告需求“显著”增加,有些机构的手术需求是去年的五倍。 Breast enlargement remains the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure, followed by tummy tucks and liposuction, although hair implants are growing in popularity, the report said. 报告显示,虽然植发手术越来越受欢迎,但最受欢迎的项目依然是丰胸手术,紧随其后的是腹部整形和抽脂手术。 The Zoom boom will come as a relief to cosmetic surgery providers, which had seen the market stall over the previous five years. The biggest growth has been in the £3bn market for "tweakments" — smaller non-clinical procedures — which may have depressed demand for cosmetic surgery.  在过去五年中,整容市场陷入了停滞状态,这一波视频通话带来的热潮让整容机构松了一口气。最大的增长来自价值30亿英镑的“微整形”市场,即小型非临床手术,这可能抑制了人们对整容手术的需求。 【内容拓展】 写作 tips 1. 当要列举两个方面的原因,而且这两方面是有对比关系的时候,可以用 while 从句加主句的方式,一次带俩,而且突出主句的这个原因。 2. 【most…with some…】这样的句式,能高效地在一个句子中,把广度和高度都涵盖进去。并且with 这个部分重点突出,可帮助达到一个聚焦的效果。

    25 min
  8. 05/01/2021

    1.01 一个征服山峰的故事:愿2021的你能找到治愈之路

    一个征服山峰的故事:愿2021的你能找到治愈之路 2021.01.01 韩冰彬 难度:CSE7 课程导读 2020被很多人称为史上最糟糕的一年,它被疫情、隔离、封城、贸易战、熔断等自带消极的词蒙上了一层阴影。然而,许多人还是用自己的方式找到了治愈之路。有人通过学习提升自己,有人培养兴趣转移注意力,而我们今天这篇文章的主人公则是依靠登山获得了心灵的慰藉。2021年,人们如何从疫情的阴霾下走出悲伤?人的治愈能力究竟可以有多强?一起来听今天的讲解。 本篇外刊封面图选自yolo.style,如有版权问题,请联系删除。 本篇课程首发于2021年1月1日 英文原文 The 48 Mountains That Held My Grief 那48座山峰寄托了我的悲伤 By Carrie Thompson My son, Ben, 23 when he died, was always most at home when he was outside. The year after his death, I hiked 48 of the state’s tallest mountains in his memory. Every step, trail and summit — whether socked in or wide open — has been a way to heal. 我的儿子Ben离世的时候只有23岁,他生前是个喜欢户外活动的人,在户外甚至要比在家里还自在。在他离世后的那一年,我徒步穿越了新罕布什尔州最高的48座山峰,以此来纪念他。每一步,每一条小道,每一个山顶,无论是跌跌撞撞,还是一路坦途,都是治愈之路。 About a month after his death, my husband and I hiked Carter Dome and Mount Hight, grief weighing heavy in our hearts and legs. Standing on the summit, I looked out across the mountains my son loved. For a moment, the magnitude of Ben’s death faded into the timeless expanse, and I could breathe. 大概在Ben离世后一个月,我和丈夫去了卡特穹顶和蒙特高山,丧子之痛让我们心情压抑,步伐沉重。站在山顶,我望向那些儿子曾热爱的山峰。一时间,Ben离世所带来的沉重打击,逐渐消解在了永恒的浩瀚当中,我仿佛终于喘了一口气。本外刊由我们爱学习更新,其他皆为倒卖 The next weekend found us on Mount Moosilauke. Then Mount Cannon, Mount Flume, Mount Liberty and so on. Hiking the 4Ks became a series of firsts, of struggles and overcoming them — navigating at night, climbing slides and rock scrambles, camping solo, finding trails and planning routes. 接下来的一周,我们去爬了穆西劳克山,然后又去了炮台山、激流山、自由山……登上这些海拔4千多英尺(约等于1200米)高的山峰造就了我的很多第一次,第一次遭遇这么多艰难险阻,也第一次克服它们。比如说在黑夜中寻找方向,翻越滑石和山岩,独自露营,寻觅山间小路,以及设计线路。 Six days before the anniversary of Ben’s death, I hiked my 48th and final peak: Mount Carrigain. As I stood on the observation platform at the summit and sobbed, I found the essential truth I had been grasping to express for months: The only place that feels vast enough to hold grief this deep and wide is the top of a mountain, looking out into forever. 在距离Ben的一周年祭还有六天的时候,我终于登上了第48座山峰,也就是最后一座顶峰卡里根山。我站在山顶的观景台,止不住地抽泣,此时,我找到了这几个月以来我一直苦于不知如何表达的真理:唯一能广阔到可以寄托悲之深痛之辽的地方就是山顶,一个可以望向永恒的地方。本外刊由我们爱学习更新,其他皆为倒卖 These days, I hike not to hide, but to seek. I find Ben, but I also find myself: someone broken, now reassembling into someone braver and more capable. The forced isolation of grief becomes the welcome solitude of the trail; the peace of nature replaces the pain of loss. Hiking is both exhausting and exhilarating, and it teaches us that grief and joy can coexist. 现在,我徒步不再是为了逃避,而是

    20 min
  9. 05/01/2021

    1.03 词语的力量:一个单词,让丹麦团结起来

    每日外刊精读 词语的力量:一个单词,让丹麦团结起来 肖云照 在疫情期间,丹麦总理梅特·弗雷德里克森重新启用了一个源于二战时期的词汇,“samfundssind”,并以此激活了丹麦民众的社会责任感,让大家在危难关头团结一心。这个词是什么意思?它何以具有如此广泛的影响力?一起来听今天的讲解。 本篇课程首发于2020年8月7日 文本难度:CSE 9 CSE的全称是Chinese Standard of English,即"中国英语能力等级量表",是教育部推出的专门针对中国英语学习者的能力评价标准,共分九级。比如,CSE五级对应雅思总成绩5.5分,CSE六级对应雅思总成绩6分,CSE七级对应雅思总成绩7分,以此类推。 How a long-forgotten word rallied a nation 一个被遗忘的词如何团结了一国民众 By Mark Johanson A word buried in the history books helped Danes mobilise during the pandemic, flattening the curve and lifting community spirit. 一个埋藏于历史书中的单词让丹麦人在疫情期间集结了起来,抑制了新增病例,并提升了整个社会的士气。 By 19 March, Danish chef Rasmus Munk had pivoted from serving 2,900kr ($450) worth of molecular gastronomy for 48 nightly guests to whipping up 600 daily portions of down-to-earth staples for Copenhagen’s homeless and socially vulnerable residents. 今年3月19日,丹麦大厨拉斯姆斯·蒙克做了一次转型:原先,他每晚为48位顾客提供2900克朗(450美元)一餐的分子料理;在这之后,他每天都为哥本哈根的流浪汉和弱势社会群体快速制作600份接地气的主食。 “We all could have been at home relaxing, but I think we felt like we were obligated to do something that was beyond our own needs,” he says. “Of course, it was not just us. Denmark really came together, and I think samfundssind was a big part of it.” 他说:“我们原本可以都待在家里放松,但我觉得,我们感受到自己似乎有义务去做一些超出自己需求范围的事儿。当然,有这种感觉的不只是我们。整个丹麦都团结起来了,而我觉得samfundssind这个思想在其中起了很大的作用。” There’s no direct English translation of samfundssind. You can think of it as putting the good of the greater society above your own personal interests. “samfundssind”这个词并没有直接对应的英语翻译。你可以把它的意思理解为“把更广泛的社会利益置于个人利益之上”。 Samfundssind worked because the prime minister introduced it as a new norm, and the society, which trusted her, embraced it voluntarily. It’s a model the rest of the world may seek to replicate, albeit one that’s less easily adaptable in nations as politically polarised as the US or UK, where polls show little public confidence in leadership’s handling of the pandemic. 这个词之所以起了作用,是因为丹麦首相把它当作了一种新常规来推行,而丹麦社会则出于对她的信任而主动拥抱了这个概念。这也许是世界其他国家会效仿的模式,但在英国和美国这样政治分化严重的国家,类似的操作很可能水土不服,而民意调查也显示,这些国家的民众对于其领导人处理疫情的能力几乎没有什么信心。 拓展: 1. 新闻写作典型的写法: 在正文第一段将标题进行扩写,交代文章的主要内容。和标题一样,设置悬念(suspense),吸引读者继续往下读。 悬念的设置,是写作中的一把利器。在常规的记叙文六要素之外加上悬念,可以使得原本比较平铺直叙的故事,变得更加引人入胜。 2. 在丹麦语中,有和Samfundssind意思相近的词,写作:solidaritet,和英文中的solidarity是对等的,意思是“团结一致”。

    20 min
  10. 05/01/2021

    1.02 真·活到老学到老:意大利爷爷96岁大学毕业

    精选 | 真·活到老学到老:意大利爷爷96岁大学毕业 2021.01.02 覃晔 难度:CSE6 课程导读 今年夏天,一位名叫朱塞佩·帕特诺的意大利老人在自己97岁生日之前获得了学士学位,成为了意大利有史以来年龄最大的大学毕业生。帕特诺爷爷为何会决定在晚年步入大学校园?他的下一步计划是什么?一起来听今天的讲解。 本篇外刊封面图选自SHUTTERSTOCK,如有版权问题,请联系删除。 本篇课程首发于2020年9月30日 英文原文 It's Never Too Late to Pursue a Dream, a Graduate Says. He Can Back It Up. 一名毕业生说:追梦永不晚。他可以为此证明。 By Elisabetta Povoledo Six weeks shy of his 97th birthday, Giuseppe Paternò fulfilled the dream of a lifetime: He got a university degree. 还有六周就要过97岁生日的朱塞佩·帕特诺终于得偿毕生所愿:取得了学士学位。 Mr. Paternò's graduation has inspired news coverage around the world, partly because of his age. But he has also drawn attention because his life story speaks of commitment, a theme that has resonated as millions of schoolchildren in Italy and elsewhere face extraordinary uncertainty amid the coronavirus pandemic. 帕特诺的毕业引发了世界各地的媒体报道,有部分原因是他的年龄。但他之所以引人关注,是因为他的人生故事体现了笃定的精神。这引起了共鸣,因为意大利等各国的数百万学童都在疫情之中面临着由未知带来的强烈不安。 Born in Palermo in 1923, the first of seven children in a "very poor family," Mr. Paternò began working soon after finishing elementary school. It was only after he retired, in the mid-1980s, that he returned to his books. 1923年,帕特诺出生于意大利巴勒莫,家庭穷苦,而他是七个孩子里的老大。小学毕业不久后,他便开始工作,直到1980年代中期退休之后,才又重新捡起了书本。 "His story is proof that dreams can come true and that you can remain young - if not in age at least in spirit - if you cultivate interests," said Rossella Cancila, his thesis adviser and a professor of history at the University of Palermo. 罗塞拉·坎西拉是巴勒莫大学的历史教授,也是帕特诺的毕业论文导师。她说:“他的故事证明了梦想可以成为现实,而且只要一个人能培养自己的兴趣,就算年岁会增加,但在精神状态上也能永葆青春。” Italy's university system is based on a three-year degree, followed by a two-year master's course. University officials are hoping that Mr. Paternò will continue his studies. 意大利的大学体系里,最基本的是3年制的学士学位,之后是2年制的硕士课程。学校的负责人们都希望帕特诺继续他的学业。 He isn't so sure. "I have to confess that in this moment, I don't know whether I would tackle it with the same spirit," he said, noting that all the attention had been a bit wearying. Still, Mr. Paternò said, he would probably enroll anyway. "I want to keep my options open.” 但他自己还没想好。他说:“我得承认,我不确定我现在还能否拿出同样的干劲儿去应对学业。” 他表示,最近的关注让自己有些疲惫,但他应该会先入学,因为他要保留选择的余地。 片尾曲:Young At Heart 演唱:Frank Sinatra

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  11. 05/01/2021

    01.05 疫苗与拜登:2021,这个世界会好吗?

    疫苗与拜登:2021,这个世界会好吗? 2021.01.05 林伯虎 难度:CSE7 课程导读 近日,英国《金融时报》对一系列重大国际问题在2021年的发展趋势进行了分析,我们从中挑选了两个大家最关心的话题:今年是否能实现全球接种新冠疫苗?中美贸易关系能否有所缓和?一起来听今天的讲解。 本文封面图片选自《金融时报》,如有版权问题,请联系删除。 本篇课程首发于2021年1月5日 英文原文 Forecasting the world in 2021 2021世界趋势预测 Will the majority of the world's 5bn adult population be vaccinated? 全球有50亿成年人,其中的大部分会接种疫苗吗? No. While governments and health leaders are seized with the knowledge that only the successful global rollout of the vaccine will halt the spread of Covid-19, the extent of coverage looks set to become yet another point of division between rich and poor countries.  不会。各国政府和卫生官员都深信:只有疫苗在全球成功推广,才能阻止新冠疫情的蔓延。但目前看来,疫苗接种率会成为贫富国家间的另一个分水岭。 Efforts are under way to close the gap. Covax, the global initiative for equitable access to immunisation, has agreements in place to secure almost 2bn doses. But logistical difficulties and probable funding shortfalls mean some needy nations will struggle to implement mass inoculation programmes.  各界正在作出努力,缩小这一差距。新冠肺炎疫苗实施计划(Covax)是一个全球项目,旨在让每个人都有接种疫苗的机会。目前,已有多国签署该协议,未来将向全球提供近20亿剂疫苗。然而,物流困难和潜在资金短缺,意味着一些贫困国家将难以实施大规模接种计划。 Even in the UK and US, vaccine hesitancy — a key issue for 2021 — will blunt the effort to ensure a large majority of citizens is protected.  即使在英国和美国,民众对疫苗接种的犹豫也是2021年的一个关键问题,这会使得让大多数人受到保护的努力受到阻碍。 Will the US and China reach a trade deal? 美国和中国会达成贸易协定吗? No. While the world will see a much more conciliatory tone between the incoming Biden administration and Beijing, none of the fundamental issues between the two countries are likely to be resolved.  不会。尽管新一届拜登政府与中国政府之间的沟通会缓和不少,但两国间的根本问题不太可能得到解决。 Mr Biden cannot afford to look soft on the Middle Kingdom for fear of losing swing state support before midterm elections. And China has announced it wants to be independent of US technology and supply chains by 2035.  因为担心在中期选举前失去摇摆州的支持,拜登对中国不能表现得软弱。而中国也已经宣布,它希望在2035年停止依赖美国的技术和供应链。 The “one world, two systems” problem will prevail.  “一个世界,两种制度”的局面将会持续下去。

    26 min
  12. 05/01/2021

    01.04 英国人骨子里的高冷劲儿,是从哪来的?

    英国人骨子里的高冷劲儿,是从哪来的? 2021.01.04 Mat 难度:CSE9 课程导读 一提到英国人,我们会联想到高冷、古板、矜持、克制等一系列关键词,这是我们对英国人的刻板印象,也是他们不管走到哪里都如影随形的枷锁。英国人的矜持,和斯多葛主义一脉相承,可以在危机到来之时,升级为一种坚忍的精神,一种面对苦难不低头的态度。关于英国人的矜持,我们有哪些误解?英国人真的一向如此高冷吗?一起来听今天的讲解。 本篇外刊封面图选自Pinterest,如有版权问题,请联系删除。 本篇课程首发于2021年1月4日 英文原文 British Stoicism  英国人的斯多葛主义 By Olivier Guiberteau We all lug stereotypes around, our perennial ball and chain. We British, according to many outsiders, are reserved, repressed, resilient, unemotional and self-controlled. Categorised by our “stiff upper lip” – the famous but now out-of-fashion form of extreme British stoicism – we are often pigeonholed as stunted stoics.  刻板印象总是和我们如影随形,是我们挣脱不掉的枷锁。在许多外人看来,我们英国人保守、克制、坚韧、不苟言笑,且有自制力。“绷紧的上唇”这一标签,是英国人极度矜持的代名词,虽然这种说法现在已经过时,但曾经人尽皆知。因为这个标签,英国人通常被看作是情感发育不良的斯多葛主义者。 Stoicism, which has its roots in Ancient Greece, originated as a philosophy of understanding pain and hardship and being able to deal with them without complaint. And it’s certainly true that there is a charming stoicism about the British, from the well-worn British mantra “keep calm and carry on” to the vehement belief that a cup of tea is the only appropriate response to a crisis. 斯多葛主义缘起于古希腊时期的一个哲学流派,主张去体会痛苦和磨难,并能够做到毫无怨言地应对。可以肯定地说,存在一种关于英国人的迷人的斯多葛主义,从“保持冷静,继续前进”这种老生常谈的口号,到“危机面前,饮饮茶”这种笃定的信念。 Visitors to the UK will notice that our lexicon comes with a wonderfully wide variety of phrases that encourage or urge on in the face of adversity. “Muddle through”, “plug away”, “chin up”, “soldier on”, to name just a few. Facing adversity with one’s head held high is an intoxicating image for British people.  游客们会注意到,英国的语汇里有大量各式各样鼓舞鞭策我们直面困难的短语。比如“扛过去”,“坚持不懈”,“振作起来”,“迎难而上”。面对苦难不低头,是令英国人陶醉的自我形象。 British stoicism reached its zenith during the first half of the 20th Century. The country emerged victorious from both World Wars but was appallingly scarred – both socially and economically.  英国人的斯多葛主义精神在20世纪前半叶达到了顶峰。虽然英国在两次世界大战中都获胜了,但是英国社会和经济都受到了空前的重创。 应版权方要求,此内容仅对英国以外地区开放。 【内容拓展】 Brit UK /brɪt/ US /brɪt/ n. a short way to say a British person You could tell by their accents that they were Brits. 你可以从他们的口音听出他们是英国人。

    21 min

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