Rise Up Roses (Previously A Calm Kid)

Angela Rosas President of Rise Up Roses
Podcast Rise Up Roses (Previously A Calm Kid)

Rise Up Roses Podcast (previously A Calm Kid Podcast) is a connection and self regulation tool for families to listen to together.  Rise Up Roses is a 501c3 nonprofit that helps caregivers and children by providing mindfulness tools through movement so they experience a stronger belief in themselves, emotional regulation, inner awareness, and transformation in their overall health.  We are in Chesterfield County Schools near Richmond Virginia and hold 6 week programs in person for elementary school kids.We all want a calm child but in reality all humans have a range of emotions. This podcast is a safe space for child and caregiver to connect, breathe, and be present with one another. First, find a comfy spot for you both to be together, put down the phone or tv distractions, and take 5 to 10 minutes to listen to the podcast. You and your child will find magic in the moment by breathing, moving the body, listening to a short story using guided imagery, learning life lessons from the characters, nurturing a growth mindset by using affirmations, and having fun going on an adventure together. Then afterwards you both can share what you enjoyed together. We are so honored to open this space for you and your family to connect, self regulate, listen, and be together.

Giới Thiệu

Rise Up Roses Podcast (previously A Calm Kid Podcast) is a connection and self regulation tool for families to listen to together.  Rise Up Roses is a 501c3 nonprofit that helps caregivers and children by providing mindfulness tools through movement so they experience a stronger belief in themselves, emotional regulation, inner awareness, and transformation in their overall health.  We are in Chesterfield County Schools near Richmond Virginia and hold 6 week programs in person for elementary school kids.We all want a calm child but in reality all humans have a range of emotions. This podcast is a safe space for child and caregiver to connect, breathe, and be present with one another. First, find a comfy spot for you both to be together, put down the phone or tv distractions, and take 5 to 10 minutes to listen to the podcast. You and your child will find magic in the moment by breathing, moving the body, listening to a short story using guided imagery, learning life lessons from the characters, nurturing a growth mindset by using affirmations, and having fun going on an adventure together. Then afterwards you both can share what you enjoyed together. We are so honored to open this space for you and your family to connect, self regulate, listen, and be together.

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