Business benefits of functional programming and how to make it work for your company

Podcast Scale fast with Scalac

Functional Programming is consistently gaining market share, and its popularity is growing.

Why is that?

Answer for CEO: Because Functional Programming goes exceptionally with business and scalability. In functional programming, there's less code, and there are fewer dependencies, so it enables you to develop different parts of your system/business independently. Especially in complex systems, it's the only reasonable way to scale.

Answer for CTO: Functional programming means: Less code, fewer bugs, code open for parallel computation, and concurrent programming.

But what you'll learn in this episode of our podcast is that it's not about throwing away your object-oriented program to enter functional programming.

We're going to help you find your approach, whether you're a beginner or more experience in functional programming concepts.

Here's some of the stuff we're going to cover in today's episode.

How #FunctionalProgramming is helping the #business

Strongly typed and statically typed Functional Languages

Differences between strictly typed and dynamically typed languages

Benefits of Functional Programming:

Object-oriented vs. functional programming - why some companies still choose object-oriented languages?

Ways teams can start building projects in a more functional approach

Scala evangelist that creates a team from scratch

The whole company decides to shift to Functional Programming

Simple steps you can take to be more functional - changing the way the team thinks about the code

#DomainDrivenDesign, #EventSourcing, #CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) functional nature

Advice for more experienced teams

How to switch to functional programming on JVM - from JVM to Scala

Why are people still not choosing functional programming as their first choice?

Changes in functional programming communities - FP gaining popularity.

ZIO library by John De Goes - a simple solution to get functional programming benefits without the hassle

Conclusions about Functional Programming future - is it going to become mainstream?

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