The Leaders Lifestyle Podcast

Mark Bryant
The Leaders Lifestyle Podcast Podcast

Meet Mark Bryant, a terminal cancer survivor, entrepreneur, and Ironman. After claiming his own life insurance and rebuilding his immune system, he now coaches others to overcome adversity and achieve their goals. On his podcast, Mark dives into deep and powerful conversations that inspire, educate, and empower listeners to become the best version of themselves. Tune in for an enriching experience.


  1. 15/06/2023

    Episode 10 - How to Play to Win with Matt Grady

    Welcome to Episode 10 of The Leaders Lifestyle Podcast with special guest Matt Grady. In this episode, Matt dives deep into the mindset of a professional athlete and reveals what it truly takes to achieve success. When it comes to winning, many find it to be a daunting concept. However, when we shift our focus to the Inner Game, a whole new set of questions arises: What potential are you leaving untapped? Where are you holding back instead of being bold and courageous? Are you stuck in fear and procrastination, missing out on boundless opportunities? During a retreat in Dubai with our LIV100 Mastermind Community, Matt shared this powerful mindset that resonated with everyone in the room. It has become a cornerstone of the guidance we provide to our clients. Matt Grady boasts an impressive career as a Professional Golfer, formerly competing in the PGA and playing on various renowned tournament circuits internationally. Throughout his journey, Matt set an astounding 15 course records and spent two years in Dubai overseeing the establishment of the esteemed European Tour venue, Alhamra Golf Club and Resort. Transitioning into the sales domain, particularly in recruitment and executive search, Matt thrived for 11 years as a top-tier consultant to CEOs across organizations ranging from small private enterprises to multinational corporations on every continent. In 2023, Matt embarked on his new venture as a Mental Performance Coach. As a published best-selling author of "Making the Cut: Turning Pro in Sport, Life, and Business," and with his upcoming book, "Playing to Win," slated for release in the summer of 2023, Matt shares his expertise on winning the inner game through his podcast and as a regular guest on other shows. Leveraging his 20+ years of outstanding performance, Matt now coaches his clients and mastermind community on high-performance strategies and tactics in sports, life, and business. Don't miss out on Matt's book, available for purchase at [insert Amazon link:]. For the latest news and upcoming events, visit my website: [insert website URL:]. Stay tuned for captivating discussions on mental performance coaching, overcoming impossible goals, and triumphing in the face of adversity. Join the conversation using hashtags: #mentalperformancecoaching #terminalcancer #impossiblegoals #terminaltotriathlon.

    29 min
  2. Episode 7 - Laura Martin and Breast Cancer Survival


    Episode 7 - Laura Martin and Breast Cancer Survival

    Before you head into the show notes, if you haven't already, please get behind my mission to inspire, educate and empower cancer patients and help change  the current health care system. Website:   Go Fund Me: __________________ In this episode I interview Laura Martin a breast cancer survivor who has one of the most inspirational stories I have ever heard.  In this episode we discuss: Laura’s journey from feeling a lump in her breast to being told she had triple positive breast cancerHow working with other cancer patients before being diagnosed helped her shape the decision she finally took. How the current health care system disempowers patients meaning that they feel there is nothing they can do to influence their healing journey. The process of her lumpectomy and that she wasn’t informed they were also removing lymph nodes as well.When she was referred to a psychiatrist for asking questions to help make the most important decision of her life. The moment she decided to go all in on Rick Simpson Protocol whilst she was on her way to the hospital and the fear that she felt disappeared and never returned. How the NHS refused to monitor Laura’s progress so had to find her own way back to full health. How an encounter with mould a few years before her diagnosis could of contributed to the weakening of her immune system. The most important lesson she learned during her deep healing process which was to take back her own power and channel that energy to deeply heal from within. Her new path which included launching her own yoga studio Faith & Embrace Health & Wellness where she teaches Kundalini Yoga and Reiki Level 1 – 3. Below are the useful links we discuss in the show. Laura’s Instagram:        Laura’s Website:            Me Again CIC:                 Me Again Instagram:    Me Again App:                Med Scan Skemersdale: ______ Please get behind my mission to inspire, educate and empower cancer patients and help change  the current health care system. Website:   Go Fund Me: Support the show

    1h 12m
  3. Episode 6 - Mark & Nici Burns from Nibu Naturals


    Episode 6 - Mark & Nici Burns from Nibu Naturals

    In this episode I interview Nici Burns, the founder and creator of one of the UK’s leading Natural skin and beauty ranges.   In this Episode we discuss:  How low self-esteem as a young child led to Nici to developing an eating disorder that lasted 15 years.How social media is having a devastating impact on the younger generation We discuss the lifelong subtle symptoms of a weakened immune system that later resulted in the diagnosis of lupus when she was 34.Symptoms included bone pain, blistering skin particularly in the sun, chloasma and vitilago, swollen feet and hands. How Nici felt the diagnosis was a death sentence having lost a dear friend to it which added to the stress. How she become empowered with her own healing journey by discovering Paul McKenna, mindfulness, meditation and yoga which has lead her back to health.And finally how her passion and love for natural beauty products lead her to launching Nibu Naturals which is one of the most decorated product ranges in the beauty space and used by supermodels and health optimisers around the world.  Please go check out her amazing products and give them a road test by using the discount code below. ______________________________________________________________________________ Discount Code:           MARK15 Website:             Instagram:          Facebook:           Nici Burns:          Support the show

    35 min
  4. Episode 5 - Immune Regenerative Medicine with Dr Maharaj


    Episode 5 - Immune Regenerative Medicine with Dr Maharaj

    Dr. Dipnarine Maharaj is the Founder and Medical Director of the Maharaj Institute of Immune Regenerative Medicine and its affiliates, the Stem Cell Cryobank and the Advanced Stem Cell Education Program (ASTEP).  Dr. Maharaj obtained his medical degree from the University of Glasgow Medical School, Scotland and completed his internship and residency in Internal Medicine and Haematology followed by specialist fellowship training in Haematology, Oncology and Bone Marrow Stem Cell Transplantation at the University's Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Scotland.  In this Episode, Mark and Dr Maharaj discuss: The history of stem cell transplants and how they began in the 60’s and 70’s and now form part of standard care. He explains how stem cells are the basis of the immune system and how the early research he did inspired him into immune regenerative medicine. How the treatment Mark received was as intensive as the radiation exposure casualties of Chernobyl experienced. The prognosis and mortality of a typical transplant recipient. How his approach is about minimising toxicity and maximising immune system recovery.How anyone can harvest their mature immune system and store them as insurance for future healthcareThe three areas for immune regenerative medicine:Replacement – store your healthy stem cells as insurance for healthy adultsRestoration – fix a damaged or broken immune systemReprogramming – for aging and immune senescenceA discussion that the potential cure for cancer is about immune system regeneration and a whole person approach and keeping toxic burden to a low. Study Published by Dr Maharaj on Mark’s treatment.  Contact Dr Maharaj: ___________________________ Please become a supporter of the Terminal to Triathlon by visiting our website and GoFundMe Page :  Website:   Go Fund Me: Support the show

    48 min
  5. 12/07/2021

    Episode 4 - Using Endurance Training for Healing and Personal Development

    Mark Bryant has a conversation with Calum Stronach about how they are both using an endurance event they are both training for to aide their healing journey. They are good friends and training buddies for The Roc Endurance event taking place on the 4th September 2021. Calum  is a registered nutritionist specialising in elite sport nutrition and disordered eating.   He has worked with sporting national governing bodies including British Weightlifting, Welsh Weightlifting, Sport Wales and British Athletics whilst helping hundred’s of people turn their relationship with food around.  In this episode they they discuss:  When Calum discovered the Japanese practice of Misogy and how he incorporates that into his own lifestyle practices Check out this  article that explains a little more about the practice.  The moment when Calum reached burnout in the lead up to his 2nd attempt at the 24 hour burpee challenge which triggered a need to focus on his own healing.  Why being part of a community is so important when it comes to training and achieving goalsHow spending time in nature can improve natural killer cell function and two use ful links are below. On to a study about the benefits of forest bathing and the second about how to incorporate it into your life. Published Study:  Article: What it has been like for Calum who has trained at a high level in cross fit and now moved onto an endurance based training programme. And how they were both inspired to complete the event by their inner child. To keep in touch with Calum, go check him out on Facebook and Instagram using the links below: Website: Instagram: _____________________ Please become a supporter of the Terminal to Triathlon head on over to our website and Go Fund Me Campaign:  Website:   Go Fund Me: Support the show

    53 min
  6. 28/06/2021

    Episode 3 - Peter Mcleave - Swab to Save a Live

    Before you delve into the show notes, please head on over to the Terminal to Triathlon website and Go Fund Me Campaign. Website:   Go Fund Me: _____________________ After a 3 months of searching for the cause of Pete's declining health the doctor gave him the devastating news that he was diagnosed with Myeloma. At first he didn't know what it was until part way through the conversation the big C word was used.  'Cancer' In this episode Mark & Pete explore: How and why Pete launched 10,000donors.comThe urgency for the general public to get themselves on the stem cell donor list. Only 2% of UK Population are registeredOnly 0.4% of the Global Population are registeredWhy Peter is looking towards West America to find his genetic match which includes  Chinese and Portuguese decent.  How Mark & Peter became connected through Triathlon (Particularly Iron Man)How anyone can register between 17 and 55 and are considered in good health - so far Pete's campaign has found 16 matches. What Peter has learned about resilience and how he builds these lessons into his talks, workshops and training sessions. To keep up to date with Pete's Mission to find himself a match, stay in contact with him on his Instagram Channel, Blog and 10, Please support the creation of this Podcast  and help Mark bring more great conversation to the air about his journey from illness to wellness. His personal goal is to use a combination of modern medicine, health optimisation strategies and triathlon training to bring focus to a challenging terminal diagnosis. He believes he can become all clear and use his story to inspire, education and empower others on a similar journey. please head on over to the Terminal to Triathlon website and Go Fund Me Campaign. Website:   Go Fund Me: Support the show

    33 min
  7. 21/06/2021

    Episode 2 - Dr Scott Sherr Explains The Benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

    Before you delve into the show notes, please head on over to the Terminal to Triathlon website and Go Fund Me Campaign. Website:   Go Fund Me: _____________________ Dr Scott Sherr is a Board Certified  Internal Medicine physician specialising in Health Optimization Medicine (HOMe/HOPe) and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT). He is the COO and Founding Organiser of Health Optimisation Medicine (HOMe/HOPe)–USA and the Founder of Integrative HBOT, a website that is dedicated to the power of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. He has an online consulting practice as well as clinics in San Francisco, New York, and Oregon with affiliations across the country and the world. In this episode of the Terminal To Triathlon Podcast Mark & Scott discuss: The history of hyperbaric chamber and how Dr Scott Sherr become inspired by the potential of the therapy once he had learned how impactful it was in trauma settings. How HBOT works and can be used for almost any condition and circumstance and why it is becoming a more popular therapy for health, healing and high performance. Dr Scott's medical training and why he decided to set up his own integrative practice specialising in HBOT therapy.An explanation of how Health Optimisation Medicine supports good HBOT application.Dr Scott Sherr explains the difference between medical grade and lower pressure chambers and how there is growing evidence to support its efficacy in conventional medicine. What HBOT is and isn't approved for by FDA  and how it can support different conditions and applications. The importance of the psyco, social & emotional element of healing and stress reduction.Dr Scotts shares his daily practice to stay optimised himself. Contact Dr Scott Sherr: Instagram: Dr Scott Sherr's Global HBOT Consultancy Practice: Link: ______ Health Optimisation Medicine and Practice Association (HOMe/HOPe) One free module available on their Foundation Course. With Dr. Ted Achacoso _________ Flourish Wellness Pod - Llandudno Junction, North Wales Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Chester, North Wales, Liverpool. __________ Ryan Carter Support the show

    42 min
  8. 13/06/2021

    Episode 1 - Mark & Jonathan Miles Talk About their Personal Encounters with Cancer

    Before you dive into the show notes, please head on over to the Terminal to Triathlon website and Go Fund Me Campaign and see how you can support this project. Website:   Go Fund Me: _____________________ Jonathan Miles has been a radio presenter for over 45 years and his shows are always engaging, funny and push the boundaries when it comes to broadcasting.  In this launch episode of the Podcast, Mark & Jonathan discuss their personal cancer journeys and bring humour to what can be a very challenging time: How they met in 1999 at a dive centre in Khor Fakkan and they spent six months partying in DubaiWhy self help may not be the secret and mindset is more importantHow Mark's back pain turned into leukaemia in June 2015 and how he navigated a full intensity stem cell transplant. The moment Mark became empowered with his own healing journey which was a defining moment on his healing journey.How Louise Hay's book Heal Your Life played such an important role in Mark & Jonathan's journey.Mark shares how he has developed his spiritual practice over the last 5 years and how these books have played an important role in his healingJoe Dispenza: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself Jamie Wheal: Recapture the RaptureAn inside out approach to transformation and how psychedelics have helped Mark access new levels of awareness and consciousness to bring about his own healing.Why vision and action are equally important in the creation of the life you desire.How Aubrey Marcus is helping Mark develop his understanding about his own spiritual practiceThe moment Jonathan found out he had prostate cancer and how he discovered a new pain threshold when taking a pee after his biopsy.Jonathan shares humorously the life changing impact his treatment has had on his life and how it continues to cause frustrations including the breakdown he had the moment his grief finally caught up with him. The moment Mark learned he was confirmed infertile but still potent and how in this instance he didn't defy science. Why openness and vulnerability is important and what Mark & Jonathan will be covering in their next show together. Click this link for Prostate Cancer guidance._________________________ If you haven't done so already, please head on over to the Terminal to Triathlon website and Go Fund Me Campaign and see how you can support this project. Website:   Go Fund Me: Support the show

    59 min


Meet Mark Bryant, a terminal cancer survivor, entrepreneur, and Ironman. After claiming his own life insurance and rebuilding his immune system, he now coaches others to overcome adversity and achieve their goals. On his podcast, Mark dives into deep and powerful conversations that inspire, educate, and empower listeners to become the best version of themselves. Tune in for an enriching experience.

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