The Third Place

Mary Allard and David Gaines
The Third Place Podcast

The Third Place podcast is a breath of fresh air. It is an invitation to the grey... A space that is safe where deeper connections are fostered through challenging, empowering, and engaging dialogue. We welcome you to explore the third place with us, where you will walk away with a deeper understanding of self, equipped to exchange with others in life’s complex conversations. We thank you for listening, engaging, and supporting us, and we invite you into The Third Place

  1. 01/07/2022

    A Pause and a New Beginning with Mary and David - Ep 81

    Mary and David reflect on the last two years of the Third Place Podcast and share what has been emerging in part because of this work. Our society is in a moment where we need the principles of the Third Place now more than ever. As we wrestle with this difficult season, the question remains, how can we create safe places for ourselves and for others by offering postures of humility, curiosity, and offering generous perspectives. Our hope is that you have learned to embodied the third place into your everyday lives and you feel equipped to offer a new depth and safety in all of your relationships. And as always, be well! ******* Learn more about Mary's next chapter of work here: David's next chapter can be found here: ******* The Third Place Podcast is a weekly podcast that invites listeners into the hard conversations that we have a tendency to avoid. We “go there” on things such as… How anger is beautifulHow to find presence amidst chaosHow to have difficult conversationsHow to be an allyHow to live with grief The Third Place is a safe place where curiosity is encouraged, differences are welcomed, and empathy is embraced through healthy dialogue. We've forgotten how to talk to each other… Life has become polarized and dualistic - you’re either with me or against me. To embrace the complex human experience is to see the world through other’s eyes. The Third Place podcast helps with the disconnect. This looks like less conflict and tension and more like a peaceful existence with others. The Third Place podcast restores the art of dialogue. Support this podcast at —

    45 min
  2. 10/06/2022

    Third Places: Their History and Significance with Lani Kingston - Ep 80

    Lani is a well known coffee-writer and global food industry consultant, and has has published best-selling coffee books in the USA, Finland, Sweden, China, Korea, Thailand and the UK. In her work, she has written about the history of what a third place is through the lens of the coffee shop. She has over a decade of experience in every corner of the food industry (and every corner of the world), including serving as a barista in London. This interview is a lot of fun and shows how important third places are in our lives. After talking with Lani, we would even say that to fully live this human experience is to include finding your own Third Place. ******* In addition to writing books about coffee, Lani has written culinary articles for a range of print magazines and newspapers; set-up and managed London’s largest bean-to-bar chocolate factory; headed up a cooking school run entirely with ‘food waste’; worked as one of Chef Dan Barber’s senior managers at his World 50 Best Restaurant Blue Hill at Stone Barns in Upstate New York; judged food and coffee for the UK’s prestigious annual Great Taste Awards; set up food brands and retail stores in Singapore; and traveled and researched food production and preparation all around the world. With over a decade of experience in every corner of the industry (and every corner of the world), Lani saw first hand where food businesses were most in need of support. In response, she started a global food and beverage support agency, Four Seasons of Food, offering on-call, highly experienced and affordable staff for the movers and shakers of the food world. What Lani loves most about her work is that she never stops exploring and learning. Throughout her career, she's been lucky enough to bake pies in English bakeries, learn about hunting reindeer from Fäviken’s gunsmith, tap maple trees in Wisconsin, mill flour in an 1800’s Lincolnshire windmill, cook Peranakan cakes with Singaporean grandmothers, eat rattlesnake in the Arizona desert, forage for wild food at River Cottage, spend Swedish Midsummer on a potato farm, venture deep under the streets of London to harvest herbs from disused Air Raid bunkers, harvest cacao with local farmers in the hills of Kerala, India – and much more! ******* The Third Place Podcast is a weekly podcast that invites listeners into the hard conversations that we have a tendency to avoid. We “go there” on things such as… How anger is beautifulHow to find presence amidst chaosHow to have difficult conversationsHow to be an allyHow to live with grief The Third Place is a safe place where curiosity is encouraged, differences are welcomed, and empathy is embraced through healthy dialogue. We've forgotten how to talk to each other… Life has become polarized and dualistic - you’re either with me or against me. To embrace the complex human experience is to see the world through other’s eyes. The Third Place podcast helps with the disconnect. This looks like less conflict and tension and more like a peaceful existence with others. The Third Place podcast restores the art of dialogue. Support this podcast at —

    33 min
  3. 14/04/2022

    Healthy Conflict: a Conversation with Mary and David - Ep 79

    Conflict. As the world has continued to recover from lockdowns and physically being with people, the environment has left us all in a tense state and it seems like conflicts are all around us. We don't like conflict and most try to avoid it at all costs. That being said, it is one of the topics that we enjoy talking about the most - not because we love conflict, but because every relationship has it. And when you can “do conflict” well - when you can meet in that messy grey third place and bring in both perspectives - then it can really lead to new depths of relationship, which is such a beautiful gift. ******* Do you lead a team and are looking for help with resolving conflict, or developing a vibrant and healthy team culture? We would be happy to connect about our consulting work and how we could help you bring the Third Place to your organization. Email us and we'll set up a time to connect at ******* The Third Place Podcast is a weekly podcast that invites listeners into the hard conversations that we have a tendency to avoid. We “go there” on things such as… How anger is beautifulHow to find presence amidst chaosHow to have difficult conversationsHow to be an allyHow to live with grief The Third Place is a safe place where curiosity is encouraged, differences are welcomed, and empathy is embraced through healthy dialogue. We've forgotten how to talk to each other… Life has become polarized and dualistic - you’re either with me or against me. To embrace the complex human experience is to see the world through other’s eyes. The Third Place podcast helps with the disconnect. This looks like less conflict and tension and more like a peaceful existence with others. The Third Place podcast restores the art of dialogue. For additional resources and if you're interested in supporting the work of The Third Place Podcast, check out our Patreon page. Support this podcast at —

    33 min
  4. 10/03/2022

    Pronouns and Why They Matter with Silen Wellington - Ep 78

    For many cisgender people who are working to become advocates for others, there can be a learning curve when it comes to using new pronouns for non-binary individuals. One common hurdle for many people is that we are often surrounded by people who look like us. So when we have the opportunity to meet someone outside of our life’s experiences, and we can meet in a safe place to learn from each other, it’s a moment that we can come to treasure greatly in helping us to expand my worldviews.  That is why Mary and David were so happy to invite Silen Wellington the to podcast. Silen Wellington is a member of the LGBTQ+ community and is striving to make the world a better place as the Alliance for Suicide Prevetion’s LGBTQ+ Youth Outreach Coordinator. Silen believes every young person needs a space to explore who they are and be witnessed for their unique gifts. ******* Silen’s background is in psychology and music composition, and they are passionate about mental health, advocacy, and community building. Outside of work, they enjoy world-building through performance art, harvesting stories, continual transformation, and unhinged-unfettered-unapologetic dance. Silen’s superpower is creating spaces where people feel safe to come closer to their authentic selves. ******* The Third Place Podcast is a weekly podcast that invites listeners into the hard conversations that we have a tendency to avoid. We “go there” on things such as… How anger is beautifulHow to find presence amidst chaosHow to have difficult conversationsHow to be an allyHow to live with grief The Third Place is a safe place where curiosity is encouraged, differences are welcomed, and empathy is embraced through healthy dialogue. We've forgotten how to talk to each other… Life has become polarized and dualistic - you’re either with me or against me. To embrace the complex human experience is to see the world through other’s eyes. The Third Place podcast helps with the disconnect. This looks like less conflict and tension and more like a peaceful existence with others. The Third Place podcast restores the art of dialogue. For additional resources and if you're interested in supporting the work of The Third Place Podcast, check out our Patreon page. Support this podcast at —

    39 min
  5. 24/02/2022

    Middle School: Finding the Magic with Chris Balme - Ep 77

    Middle School. Even saying this phrase can immediately bring up memories of awkwardness for many people. But it's also a formative time of life that gives us space to develop our relational skills and shape who we are. As we learn in our conversation with Chris Balme, there are new possibilities when we shift our perspective to view this as an opportunity to build into young people. This can radically change our perspective about this time and equip us as adults to be better guides for this foundational moment of life. ******* Click HERE to learn how to support Chris's Kickstarter campaign. ******* Chris Balme is an education leader, writing, and school founder, passionate about helping young people discover more of their human potential. As Co-Founder and Head of School at Millennium School, a lab school in San Francisco, Chris helped pioneer new learning methods for middle schoolers, based in developmental science. Chris then founded Argonaut, an online program to bring social-emotional learning to more students. He received the Ashoka Fellowship as a leading change-maker in education, and regularly speaks, trains, and writes for parents and teachers around the world. His book, Finding the Magic in Middle School is about how we can use developmental science to understand and enjoy the middle school years much more, whether we're parents, teachers, or in the broader education world, and will be released in September 2022. ******* The Third Place Podcast is a weekly podcast that invites listeners into the hard conversations that we have a tendency to avoid. We “go there” on things such as… How anger is beautifulHow to find presence amidst chaosHow to have difficult conversationsHow to be an allyHow to live with grief The Third Place is a safe place where curiosity is encouraged, differences are welcomed, and empathy is embraced through healthy dialogue. We've forgotten how to talk to each other… Life has become polarized and dualistic - you’re either with me or against me. To embrace the complex human experience is to see the world through other’s eyes. The Third Place podcast helps with the disconnect. This looks like less conflict and tension and more like a peaceful existence with others. The Third Place podcast restores the art of dialogue. For additional resources and if you're interested in supporting the work of The Third Place Podcast, check out our Patreon page. Support this podcast at —

    39 min
  6. 10/02/2022

    Polyvagal Theory and the Nervous System with Deb Dana - Ep 76

    Two years into the pandemic of COVID-19, many people are feeling overwhelmed and over stressed. Our nervous systems are exhausted and we can more easily be in heightened states of emotions, including our fight or flight responses. Polyvagal Theory gives us language to help us understand how our nervous systems processes our emotions in states of safety and in fight or flight, and can help us navigate how to better process and interact with others. Deb Dana, LCSW is a clinician, consultant and author specializing in complex trauma. Her work is focused on using the lens of Polyvagal Theory to understand and resolve the impact of trauma, and creating ways of working that honor the role of the autonomic nervous system. She is a founding member of the Polyvagal Institute and developer of the signature Rhythm of Regulation Clinical Training Series. Deb is well known for translating Polyvagal Theory into a language and application that is both understandable and accessible - for clinicians and curious people alike. ******* Deb’s clinical work published with W.W. Norton includes The Polyvagal Theory in Therapy: Engaging the Rhythm of Regulation, Polyvagal Exercises for Safety and Connection: 50 Client Centered Practices, and the Polyvagal Flip Chart. She partners with Sounds True to bring her polyvagal perspective to a general audience through the audio program Befriending Your Nervous System: Looking Through the Lens of Polyvagal Theory and her print book Anchored: How to Befriend Your Nervous System Using Polyvagal Theory.   Deb can be contacted via her website ******* The Third Place Podcast is a weekly podcast that invites listeners into the hard conversations that we have a tendency to avoid. We “go there” on things such as… How anger is beautifulHow to find presence amidst chaosHow to have difficult conversationsHow to be an allyHow to live with grief The Third Place is a safe place where curiosity is encouraged, differences are welcomed, and empathy is embraced through healthy dialogue. We've forgotten how to talk to each other… Life has become polarized and dualistic - you’re either with me or against me. To embrace the complex human experience is to see the world through other’s eyes. The Third Place podcast helps with the disconnect. This looks like less conflict and tension and more like a peaceful existence with others. The Third Place podcast restores the art of dialogue. For additional resources and if you're interested in supporting the work of The Third Place Podcast, check out our Patreon page. Support this podcast at —

    52 min
  7. 27/01/2022

    Sex and Sexuality with Erwan Davon - Ep 75

    How do we talk about sex? When thinking about uncomfortable conversations, it’s always one of the first questions comes to mind. How and when do we talk about it with our kids? How do we talk about it with our partner? And in thinking about things like the “Me too” movement and realizing that we’re at an age when we need safer boundaries around sex and pursuing healthier masculinity and femininity, it’s one of the areas of life where we need to have better communication and language. Over the past 25 years, Erwan Davon and his wife Alicia have successfully taught over 12,000 singles and couples how to have exceptional relationships, and have become the go-to experts for those seeking a higher level of relationship support. ******* Erwan is the founder, senior teacher and president of San Francisco based Erwan Davon Teachings. Together with Alicia, they specialize in supporting singles in getting into passionate and successful relationships, and helping couples take their relationships to new heights of romance and intimacy. Being based in the San Francisco Bay Area, Erwan and Alicia provide a high end boutique service that gives their clients an effective way to enhance their relationships. They also offer all of their coaching and classes online and support students all over the world. ******* The Third Place Podcast is a weekly podcast that invites listeners into the hard conversations that we have a tendency to avoid. We “go there” on things such as… How anger is beautifulHow to find presence amidst chaosHow to have difficult conversationsHow to be an allyHow to live with grief The Third Place is a safe place where curiosity is encouraged, differences are welcomed, and empathy is embraced through healthy dialogue. We've forgotten how to talk to each other… Life has become polarized and dualistic - you’re either with me or against me. To embrace the complex human experience is to see the world through other’s eyes. The Third Place podcast helps with the disconnect. This looks like less conflict and tension and more like a peaceful existence with others. The Third Place podcast restores the art of dialogue. For additional resources and if you're interested in supporting the work of The Third Place Podcast, check out our Patreon page. Support this podcast at —

    40 min
  8. 13/01/2022

    Peak Performance with Bob Lessor - Ep 74

    All of us wrestle with finding meaning, fulfillment and purpose in our lives. Empowering people find their purpose while also becoming the best version of ourselves is the passion that led our guest Bob Lessor to write his book, The Peak Performance Formula. In this actionable guide to achieving one's peak performance, Lesser shares his analysis of the three pillars of success: purpose, values, and vision. He incorporates case studies from real-life peak performers: people and organizations that are the best and the brightest. ******* Bob is a trained psychotherapist and executive coach working primarily with start-up founders in the San Francisco Bay Area, New York City, Boston, Canada and elsewhere. He studied management, negotiation and leadership at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government where he holds a Masters Degree and obtained his BA in sociology from Vassar College. Bob also lived in Vietnam where he studied meditation and buddhism. He lives in Oakland, California with his wife and three children. Book: The Peak Performance Formula ******* The Third Place Podcast is a weekly podcast that invites listeners into the hard conversations that we have a tendency to avoid. We “go there” on things such as… How anger is beautifulHow to find presence amidst chaosHow to have difficult conversationsHow to be an allyHow to live with grief The Third Place is a safe place where curiosity is encouraged, differences are welcomed, and empathy is embraced through healthy dialogue. We've forgotten how to talk to each other… Life has become polarized and dualistic - you’re either with me or against me. To embrace the complex human experience is to see the world through other’s eyes. The Third Place podcast helps with the disconnect. This looks like less conflict and tension and more like a peaceful existence with others. The Third Place podcast restores the art of dialogue. For additional resources and if you're interested in supporting the work of The Third Place Podcast, check out our Patreon page. Support this podcast at —

    43 min


The Third Place podcast is a breath of fresh air. It is an invitation to the grey... A space that is safe where deeper connections are fostered through challenging, empowering, and engaging dialogue. We welcome you to explore the third place with us, where you will walk away with a deeper understanding of self, equipped to exchange with others in life’s complex conversations. We thank you for listening, engaging, and supporting us, and we invite you into The Third Place

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