31 min

Jesus Wouldn't be President MCC Podcast

    • Christianity

This weekend we will continue our Ick series where we’re talking about those things in our lives where when someone brings them up, in our minds we go, “Ick.”

I don’t want to talk about that.

Stop talking about that.

So we thought we’d talk about that. You’re welcome. This weekend I will be addressing the ick of politics.

I realize that the only thing that might be more icky than politics, is talking about politics in church. And what I’m going to share this weekend, I actually shared 4 years ago.

And so you know, this message is not intended for you to change your political party or your political views. It’s intended to help us think about something MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than who lives in the White House for the next 4 years.

And don’t hear what I’m not saying. I’m not saying that’s not important.

I’m not saying disengage from the privilege we have to vote.

I’m not saying your vote isn’t important.

Not at all.

And I will say this about voting, although this is not what I’ll be talking about this weekend. But It does seem obvious to say that your vote ought to reflect the principles of the Kingdom. As disciples of Jesus we are to reflect Kingdom values in all areas of our lives and should inform how we vote.

Jesus didn’t talk about voting because they didn’t get to vote. But what we see that Jesus didn’t say and did say IS intended to make all of us think about the way we respond to each other in such a volatile political climate. I’m looking forward to walking through this with you.

This weekend we will continue our Ick series where we’re talking about those things in our lives where when someone brings them up, in our minds we go, “Ick.”

I don’t want to talk about that.

Stop talking about that.

So we thought we’d talk about that. You’re welcome. This weekend I will be addressing the ick of politics.

I realize that the only thing that might be more icky than politics, is talking about politics in church. And what I’m going to share this weekend, I actually shared 4 years ago.

And so you know, this message is not intended for you to change your political party or your political views. It’s intended to help us think about something MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than who lives in the White House for the next 4 years.

And don’t hear what I’m not saying. I’m not saying that’s not important.

I’m not saying disengage from the privilege we have to vote.

I’m not saying your vote isn’t important.

Not at all.

And I will say this about voting, although this is not what I’ll be talking about this weekend. But It does seem obvious to say that your vote ought to reflect the principles of the Kingdom. As disciples of Jesus we are to reflect Kingdom values in all areas of our lives and should inform how we vote.

Jesus didn’t talk about voting because they didn’t get to vote. But what we see that Jesus didn’t say and did say IS intended to make all of us think about the way we respond to each other in such a volatile political climate. I’m looking forward to walking through this with you.

31 min