Unchaos Yourself with Tina Anderson

Tina Anderson
Unchaos Yourself with Tina Anderson Podcast

Change your life and Party with the Universe! Welcome to doses of clarity, levity, and personal stories; affirmations, inspiration, encouragement, and intuitive hits; all to uplift, encourage, and help you "know what to do next." Let's party with the Universe! Why do these things keep happening to me? What’s the meaning or the purpose? How can I get clarity and confidence in my decision-making? I don’t know what to do next. These are just some of the questions Tina Anderson heard for many years as an intuitive counselor and spiritual coach and even as a personal trainer and fitness professional. It’s why she created her UnChaos Yourself five-step process and breakthrough transformational coaching program which is now an experiential book. UnChaos Yourself is also about helping us understand what we do and why we do it from a deeper perspective. See things clearly. Unburden. Cut through the confusion and stop that broken record syndrome. As a host, Tina combines many years of award-winning careers and projects from public relations, events, and writing to fitness, acting, voiceover, and speaking, to radio and production. Her own spiritual awakening and acknowledgment of her metaphysical gifts led to a unique coalescence between all of them. Surprise intuitive hits along the way! You just never know when Tina's Spirit Team will channel a message - the exact one you need to hear at that exact moment. It happens all of the time in her work and it will start happening in these podcasts as well. Direct link to Amazon and direct link to subscribe to my updates: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BYHW4HGM/ https://mailchi.mp/9e4f2ad2699b/tina Social Media links: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tinaanderson/ https://www.facebook.com/tinaandersonOC https://www.instagram.com/tinaandersonoc/ https://twitter.com/tinaandersonOC https://www.youtube.com/tinaandersonoc

  1. Get and Stay Motivated, Feel Empowered + Vagina PT part 1


    Get and Stay Motivated, Feel Empowered + Vagina PT part 1

    Join the conversation with your host, Tina Anderson, as she shares more about empowerment, how to be intentional, get out of low vibration, and stay motivated. You are doing important things with your journey. She will help you learn how to accept, appreciate, use, and lean into wherever you are until you are directed elsewhere. Also, Tina shares her very personal story about painful sex and a surprising discovery about her body. Remember that with all the noise around us and our internal dialogue, it's easy to get into lower vibrations and tire from getting ourselves back up every time. Whenever you feel discouraged and unmotivated, use that aspect of your journey for discovery, self-awareness, personal and professional growth, and evolvement. No matter what you are going through, you are still on your Hero's Journey, and the world needs you to carry on. It is all part of the bigger picture. Get ready to be inspired! Let’s jump in! Key Highlights from the Episode [00:01] Episode intro and what’s in for You [00:40] Affirmation to call in love and high energetic frequencies [03:47] Empowerment and getting out of lower vibration [05:41] What is empowerment, and where it comes from [06:15] A quick awareness checking and visualization of empowerment [10:53] Lessons from the Hero's Journey [14:51] Intention: focusing on the invisible progress [17:31] Storytime: My vagina’s physical therapy journey [21:00] Wrap-up and end of the show Notable Quotes ● Feeling empowered is an inside job. ● We are all called to focus on our journey, stay in our Lane and trust the bigger picture. ● No matter the details, every person's journey matters. ● When you are struggling, focus on your intention and why for the work you're doing or attempting to accomplish. ● Results create confidence, but if you're not there yet, you have to go back to your intention and why you’re doing it and focus on that to fuel your power basket. Let’s Connect Life-changing emails! https://mailchi.mp/9e4f2ad2699b/tina Get the book! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BYHW4HGM/ Website: https://tinaandersonoc.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tinaandersonoc/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/176149129073136 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tinaanderson/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tinaandersonoc/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/tinaandersonoc Book an Intuitive/Clairvoyant Reading: https://tinaandersonoc.com/readings

    22 min
  2. 13/04/2023

    My Story: The Assault, Forgiveness and Why You Must.

    My Story of Assault And Forgiveness + Why You Must Join the conversation with your host, Tina Anderson, as she shares her story of “the assault and the forgiveness” along with practical and life-changing forgiveness tips. She is reading from page 60 of her book, Unchaos Yourself..We don't always understand hurts and betrayals. We don't always understand what happened to us, and we don't understand what we have done to others, but it is all part of life's big puzzle, and forgiveness helps us heal. We are on a journey of constant learning and growing, and we have to forgive ourselves and others over and over again because we’re all doing the best we can with the current state and level of knowledge and wisdom we have. When you hold onto resentment, you will re-live the experience that created it. The only one who benefits is your ego because it feels right and justified. Deciding not to forgive anchors you in anger and resentment. Forgive yourself and the other person for any part you've had. Forgive the unconscious for the unconscious behaviors to move on to the next best version of yourself. Forgive to no longer take on the role of a victim and take back your power. Here is Tina’s story of assault and forgiveness. Get inspired! Let’s jump in! Key Highlights from the Episode [00:01] Episode intro and what’s in it for You [00:44] Let’s start with affirmation [01:38] Storytime- Tina’s story of assault and forgiveness [09:18] How our human journey works with forgiveness at the center [10:10] Looking at forgiveness as the way to healing [11:00] How unforgiveness anchors us in anger and resentment [12:39] Learning the lessons to rectifying a scene in your life movie [13:15] Forgiveness as an expression of self-care and self-love [15:11] The energy of forgiveness: Make this your Mantra [16:28] Wrap-up and end of the show Notable Quotes If you numb out to stuff, you cannot just numb out to bad stuff; you also numb out to good stuff.Guilt and shame are two of the lowest forms f energy that you can be in at any given time in your life.Forgiveness allows you to change your relationship with what happened. It is one of the highest and most profound expressions of self-love and self-care.You know you’ve been healed when you no longer regret the situation and can embrace it as part of your soul journey.Let’s Connect Website: https://tinaandersonoc.com/ Get my book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BYHW4HGM/ Get my UnChaos Tips and More: https://mailchi.mp/9e4f2ad2699b/tinaI nstagram: https://www.instagram.com/tinaandersonoc/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/176149129073136 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tinaanderson/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tinaandersonoc/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/tinaandersonoc

    18 min
  3. 06/04/2023

    How to Accept Your Life + Support

    How to Accept Your Life and Support For YOU Sometimes life is challenging and can feel like an uphill battle making us foggy, confused, overwhelmed, and angry. However, allowing yourself to feel whatever you need to feel and be in the moment is being human, and the deeper you feel it, the more you feel the good side of it, and this is acceptance. Acceptance is not easy, and it’s all about accepting what is coming in and resting in the present moment so you can make decisions to support how you want to feel and, ultimately, how you want to live your life. Acceptance is not passive resignation or condoning what happened or is happening right now. It’s a radical acceptance and a shift in how you look at your life, what has happened, what is happening, and accepting the truth. In this episode, Tina shares more about acceptance to help you look at everything in your life with a purpose. Learn how to tap into your experiences, solve and evolve. The only way to make beneficial decisions for your soul journey is to be in the moment. Stop focusing on something you did or something you're afraid it's going to happen, and start seeking acceptance and significance to stay grounded on your path. Get prepared to connect the peace, serenity, calm, and clarity needed to get out of the cycle of suffering and regret. Your experiences are there for you to work with, and accepting them gives you the freedom to live in the moment. Let’s jump in! Key Highlights from the Episode [00:01] Episode intro and what’s in for you [00:19] Accept whatever comes to you [01:40] Calling ourselves in the current scene of our life movie with acceptance and grace [04:41] Acceptance mindset; The paradox of hidden fullness [07:27] How trust and acceptance free you to live in the moment [08:46] How Tina deals with her triggers around the injustice that make her heartache [11:07] Allowing yourself to sit and feel whatever happened without judgments [13:51] Wrap-up and calls to action Notable Quotes ● “Accept whatever comes to you woven in the pattern of your destiny, for what could more aptly fit your needs?” by Marcus Aurelius. ● What we resist will persist, and we add more energy to it when we resist. ● When we solve, we evolve. ● Our toughest experiences are the most significant teachers and the biggest opening for evolvement, transcendent, and growth. ● Acceptance frees you to live in the moment. Resources Mentioned Let Your Life Speak by Hans J. Palmers: https://www.amazon.com/Let-Your-Life-Speak-Listening/dp/0787947350. Let’s Connect Get my life-changing emails! https://mailchi.mp/9e4f2ad2699b/tina Get my (Amazon bestselling) book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BYHW4HGM/ https://www.youtube.com/tinaandersonoc https://www.tiktok.com/@tinaandersonoc Invite me to speak/emcee or facilitate: https://tinaandersonoc.com/speaking Check out my website/invite me to speak: https://tinaandersonoc.com a href="https://www.instagram.com/tinaandersonoc/"...

    15 min
  4. 30/03/2023

    The Overpowering Nature of UnMet Needs + Mini Reading

    The Overpowering Nature of Unmet Needs The overpowering nature of unmet needs creates chaos, resulting from influence, and can lead us to do things we don't want to do. When we continuously make decisions that are not beneficial and put us in a loop, we feel out of control, weak, depleted, and terrible about ourselves. These lead to boredom, frustration, anxiety, loneliness, and struggle, which result in cravings for self-destructive ways to meet our needs. When we meet our needs in unhealthy ways, we self-criticize and take ourselves out of the present moment, making it difficult to make decisions aligned with what we truly desire. In this episode, Tina shares more about the overpowering nature of unmet needs and how to meet our needs healthily to avoid craving for self-destructed ways. When dealing with an out-of-control situation, there are unconscious needs that are driving us, and if we don’t meet them in a healthy way, we'll meet them in a way that is not legitimately and authentically the right way. Unmet needs will not go away. Stop trying to operate on your willpower and learn how to ID, move to acceptance and decide how to proceed! Get to know what your soul wants for you and allow the full expression of your potential and the magic life has for you. Don't allow unmet needs to rule your decisions. Let’s jump in! Key Highlights from the Episode [00:01] Episode intro and what’s in for you [00:23] The overpowering nature of unmet needs [01:17] Craving self-destructive ways to meet our needs [02:51] Meeting your unmet needs in an unhealthy way [04:00] Using the willpower to navigate and its limited nature [06:07] ID the need and decide how to proceed [09:04] How numbing your unmet needs diminishes legitimate needs and emotions [10:32] Opening up the high vibe card deck Live and your message [15:55] Choosing kindness for yourself and what it means [17:19] Wrap-up and calls to action Quotes If you don’t meet your needs in a healthy way, you'll meet them artificially by Dr. Omar Manejwala.Unmet needs are going to be met; they are not going away.Focus on your triggers with compassion and curiosity; your unmet needs are teaching you something.Our emotions are the road maps to our soul's journey; we just need to learn how to read and navigate them.You cannot numb your unmet needs without diminishing other legitimate needs and emotions.You're right where you're supposed to be, and your goal is to figure out what you want and the path that will get you there.Resources Mentioned: Craving: Why We Can't Seem to Get Enough by Dr. Omar Manejwala: https://www.amazon.com/Craving-Why-Cant-Seem-Enough/dp/1616492627Let’s Connect: Get Tina's life-changing emails: https://mailchi.mp/9e4f2ad2699b/tina Get Tina's new (amazon bestselling) book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BYHW4HGM/ Check out her website/invite her to speak: https://tinaandersonoc.com https://www.instagram.com/tinaandersonoc/ https://www.facebook.com/tinaandersonOC/ Connect via other SM? All links are on my website.

    18 min
  5. 23/03/2023

    Awareness Exercise (Pulling Back the Curtain), Pot Roast Story & More!

    Awareness Exercise (Pulling Back the Curtain), the Pot Roast Story, and More! Are you aware of the unconscious habits and patterns that govern your life? It’s so easy to function on autopilot until something drastic happens or a wake-up call that jolts you out of your sameness, complexity, or ignorance. Just because you’ve been doing something forever doesn’t mean it’s the best way. It’s easy to fall into patterns that do not serve you without giving it a thought. Awareness is understanding your habits and your influences from early conditioning, and it’s a must-have to make progress in any area of your life. You have the power to change anything in your life that does not align with your dream life to step into alignment and create conscious habits. In this episode, Tina shares the first part of her unchaos yourself transformational breakthrough process; Awareness to help step out of yourself and become an observer of yourself, your life, and your decision. Learn how to take your Awareness, turn it into action, and start looking at yourself and everyone in your life with a new perspective. Small changes add up and make a big difference. Here is Tina’s first part of the unchaos yourself transformational breakthrough process. Get inspired! Let’s jump in! Key Highlights from the Episode [00:01] Episode intro and what’s in for you in today’s show [01:22] An affirmation to repeat silently or loudly to ground yourself [05:44] Awareness; a must-have tool to make progress [06:39] Ignorance and how it shows up in our life [07:30] A story about how easy it’s to fall into a pattern and not give it a thought [10:54] Being aware of the patterns and habits in your dream life trajectory [11:50] The mini-aware review, pulling back the curtains [16:35] Turning your Awareness into action [17:12] Wrap-up and calls to action Notable Quotes ● Awareness is a must-have to make progress in any area of your life. ● With more knowledge, we do better; when you know better, you do better. ● Just because you have been doing it doesn’t mean it’s the best way. ● Always approach Awareness with curiosity. ● Even the smallest amount adds up; it’s the small steps you take that will get you there. Let’s Connect • Get my life-changing emails! https://mailchi.mp/9e4f2ad2699b/tina • Get my book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BYHW4HGM/ https://www.youtube.com/tinaandersonoc https://www.tiktok.com/@tinaandersonoc • Book an Intuitive/Clairvoyant Reading: https://tinaandersonoc.com/readings • Invite me to speak/emcee or facilitate: https://tinaandersonoc.com/speaking • Website: https://tinaandersonoc.com https://www.facebook.com/taanderson https://www.instagram.com/tinaandersonoc/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/tinaanderson/ https://twitter.com/tinaandersonOC

    19 min


Change your life and Party with the Universe! Welcome to doses of clarity, levity, and personal stories; affirmations, inspiration, encouragement, and intuitive hits; all to uplift, encourage, and help you "know what to do next." Let's party with the Universe! Why do these things keep happening to me? What’s the meaning or the purpose? How can I get clarity and confidence in my decision-making? I don’t know what to do next. These are just some of the questions Tina Anderson heard for many years as an intuitive counselor and spiritual coach and even as a personal trainer and fitness professional. It’s why she created her UnChaos Yourself five-step process and breakthrough transformational coaching program which is now an experiential book. UnChaos Yourself is also about helping us understand what we do and why we do it from a deeper perspective. See things clearly. Unburden. Cut through the confusion and stop that broken record syndrome. As a host, Tina combines many years of award-winning careers and projects from public relations, events, and writing to fitness, acting, voiceover, and speaking, to radio and production. Her own spiritual awakening and acknowledgment of her metaphysical gifts led to a unique coalescence between all of them. Surprise intuitive hits along the way! You just never know when Tina's Spirit Team will channel a message - the exact one you need to hear at that exact moment. It happens all of the time in her work and it will start happening in these podcasts as well. Direct link to Amazon and direct link to subscribe to my updates: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BYHW4HGM/ https://mailchi.mp/9e4f2ad2699b/tina Social Media links: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tinaanderson/ https://www.facebook.com/tinaandersonOC https://www.instagram.com/tinaandersonoc/ https://twitter.com/tinaandersonOC https://www.youtube.com/tinaandersonoc

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