Climate Action Show

Climate Action Collective
Climate Action Show Podcast

Climate change - what's hot and what's not. Find out what is happening in community campaigns around the country, as well as the latest science and the solutions that are available now.

  1. 5 AUG


    CLIMATE ACTION RADIO SHOWProduced by Vivien LangfordAugust 5th 2024ENERGY, ARCHITECTURE +BRAVERY AT RISING TIDE GuestsDr Peter Sainsbury - Climate&Environment writer at Pearls and IrritationsSimon Knott and Deb Adams - B_K_K ArchitectsDavid Rovics - Song "Humanitarian Pause"Polly Hemming - Director of the Australia Institute's Climate and Energy Programme at the launch ofThe People’s Blockade Tues Nov 19 — Thurs Nov 28Protestival: Fri 22 - Sun 24Everyone invited . To register :'s%20Blockade%202024%20will,Muloobinba%20(Newcastle)%20on%20Awabakal%20andAs Polly Hemming says if it is lack of bravery which got us into the dire climate situation we are in, it is BRAVERY which will get us out. She was talking to a committed group preparing for the big blockade of Newcastle Coal  Port in November. Please consider coming up to Newcastle.Polly Hemming on Gas v Green Manufacturing Peter Sainsbury talks about the shift away from the right in French  and British elections. The importance of a forward looking climate policy in USA and India and the rise of China in renwable energy. Simon Knott and Deb Adams talk about trend in architecture to retrofit buildings to save on energy including the gold standard of the Passive House. The photo above is of a Sydney building called Quay Quarter Tower which  retains over 65% of the original structure (beams, columns, and slabs) and 95% of the original core, resulting in an embodied carbon saving of 12,000 tonnes (the equivalent of 35,000 flights between Sydney and Melbourne). “Mid and late 20th century towers are reaching the end of their usable lifespans. We know that we can no longer demolish and build the way we have in the past – that we must instead extend the life and potential of the buildings we already have. This is the most essential definition of sustainability in architecture – and the driving force behind Quay Quarter Tower."Kim Herforth Nielsen, Founder and Creative Director at 3XN Architects

  2. 29 JUL


    CLIMATE  ACTION  SHOW (Rpt)July 29th 2024Produced by Vivien Langford ROSS GARNAUT -  SUPERPOWER  TRANSFORMATIONKAY WENNAGEL  - ELECTRIC VEHICLE BULK BUY Guests ROSS GARNAUT -  Professor Emeritus in  Economics at Melbourne University. His recent book isThe Superpower Transformation  - Making Australia's Zero Carbon Future. is external)Ross sees two disruptive events in 2022. The election of the ALP in Australia and the disruption of oil and gas exports to Europe after Russia invaded Ukraine. He says "Europe hesitated then COMMITTED decisively to the new economy" Will Australia make the same committment?We talked about :Regional transformations, such as making agricultural UREA with green hydrogen instead of importing 92% from countries where it is produced using coal  or gas as feedstock. Industrial Transformations, such  as helping China lower its costs of decarbonisation by producing GREEN STEEL here with local iron ore. Methane Transformations by stopping subsidies to new coal and gas projects and mandating the strict prevention of FUGITIVE METHANE EMISSIONS from leaky pipes and mines. A more thorny problem for us, if we want to manufacture zero carbon goods with our superpower resources of wind and solar energy,  is how to extract the TRANSITION MINERALS  here and abroad without riding rough shod over precious ecosystems and sacred places? Ross argues that they are essential for  zero carbon modern medicine and modern life but as a quarry nation we have a huge responsibiliy NOT to continue extracting here and overseas in a damaging way. We did not discuss the alternatives of a post extractivist, steady state economics but we welcome any contributions next year to discuss this VITAL matter. Ross talks about the recent savaging of training for geophysics and mettalurgy specialists. Australia  once had a proud reputation in this field but more money now  goes to moon research  than to manage the use of the transition minerals so much in demand! He says the jobs summit made some headway but a lot more needs to be done to protect the environment and  insists that engaging  indigenous people at the forefront of these transformations is essential.    KAY WENNAGEL - interviewed by Michael Staindl. Good Car Company is a social enterprise dedicated to decarbonising transport and has been working with community groups and local councils across Australia to accelerate the take-up of affordable electric cars through community bulk buys. Australia wide+61  MUSIC - The coal owner and the Pittman's wife sung by Robert Farmer This ballad is believed to date from the Durham strike of 1844 and to have been written by William Hornsby, a collier of Shotton Moor, Durham. The ballad was discovered among a collection of papers relating to the strike by a studious Lancashire miner, J.S. Bell. The tune was supplied by J. Dennison, of Walker and, together with the text, can be found in A.L. Lloyd’s Come All Ye Bold Miners(link is external).A challenge to listeners to send us the ballads of Green Extractivism - the songs of the species. Contact us at Radio 3CR - (03 ) 94198377

  3. 22 JUL


    CLIMATE ACTION SHOWJuly 22nd 2024 PRODUCED BY VIVIEN LANGFORDS A V I N G   F O R E S T S   I S   C L I M A T E   A C T I O N (rpt)Immediate protection of Australia’s native forests is one of the most effective ways to tackle climate and biodiversity crises. Our Federal government could do it. NZ has banned Native forest logging since 2002. Why are we logging the Great Koala National Park? Video 11mins with Mark Graham, Gumbaynggir man Uncle MIcklo Jarrett and Environmentalist Meredith Stanton :  Guests:Mark Graham -  Meet the team: Mark Graham, ecologist — The White Bluff Project(link is external) Dorothee Babeck - Bob Brown Foundation Campaigner NSW End Native Forest Logging Now - Bob Brown Foundation  Sue Higginson - MLC NSW Parliament. Former CEO of Environment Defenders OfficeSaving Forests is Climate Action - Sue Higginson MLC(link is external)“I have been on the frontline of forest defence myself and I have represented countless other forest defenders through the courts as they seek to protect the environment from senseless destruction.NSW has the highest rates of extinction in the country and the Forestry Corporation is directly driving these extinctions through destruction of habitat in forests that are either struggling to recover from the 2019/20 bushfires or are the last remaining unburnt areas in the landscape." Dr Kim Loo - Doctors for the Environment ABC: Scientists say WA government’s prescribed burns targets have no scientific basis - DEAChats for Change Episode One: Can Trees Save Us? | WWF-Australia | Chats for Change Episode One: Can Trees Save Us? | WWF Australia Senator Dr.Mehreen Faruqui - Green Party Federal Government- Animal Welfare PortfolioEnvironmental activists rally in Sydney to end native forest logging ( is external)“We know that it is reckless regional forestry agreements, and weak and broken federal environmental laws that have allowed native forest logging to go on indiscriminately, which has put our wildlife at the brink of extinction,”  An Environmental Activist Has Been Killed Every Other Day for the Past Decade ( is external)At least 1,733 environmental activists and land defenders have been killed for their work over the past decade, according to a new report from the nonprofit Global Witness. That means that a person defending the environment is killed every other day, a harrowing statistic especially in the context of the worsening climate and biodiversity crisis. To take climate action with a focus on human rights AI might be the group for you : Environmental Crisis - Amnesty International Australia. You can receive  urgent action requests which give you all you need to write in defence of environmental activist round the world. GROUPS YOU CAN SUPPORT TO BAN NATIVE FOREST LOGGING1. LEAN -  A_National_Forest_Protection_and_Workforce_Plan_for_Australia_LEAN.pdf ( NORTH EAST FOREST ALLIANCE -Time to stop Logging Koalas to Extinction - North East Forest Alliance (  SOUTH EAST REGION CONSERVATION ALLIANCE INC. – A record of the endeavours to save the native forests of south east NSW from logging. ( Wilderness Society | DeforestationLet us know of other groups you recommend : sends e-mail)Remember : SAVING FORESTS IS CLIMATE ACTION

  4. 15 JUL


    CLIMATE ACTION SHOWJuly 15th 2024 (repeat)PRODUCED BY Vivien LangfordTAMBORAN AGM - "DON'T FRACK THE NT"andPACIFIC CLIMATE WARRIORS TOUR GOMEROI COUNTRYGUESTS:Aunty Rhonda Dixon-Madden - Welcome to countryTamika Sadler and Larissa Baldwin-Roberts - Get UpMilima May -Larrakia  and Bradley Farrar- Alawa   from Beetaloo  who travelled from NT to this AGM of TamboranDr Emma Skowronski - Doctors for the EnvironmentThanks to organisers from, AYCC and Get Up!Pacific Climate Warriors Gabriel Veigaunavinaka in FijiJacybnta Fa'Amau in Australia In early November, Gomeroi and Gamilaraay traditional owners, Pacific Climate Warriors and activists, school strikers, local farmers, Move Beyond Coal community members and more came together on Gomeroi country in north-west NSW. Together, we shared stories of resistance and resilience, built deeper relationships and stood in solidarity with Gomeroi & Gamilaraay custodians - whose land is being exploited by fossil fuel companies such as Whitehaven Coal and Santos.This is a recount of what happened over the course of that special weekend - the stories that were told, the fights that were shared, and the solidarity built between communities. (Thanks to Move Beyond Coal)When country expands beyond what your eyes can comprehend, melting into the horizon, it’s beyond beautiful, and quite indescribable. This is what I experienced as I watched the landscapes change towards our destination, the colours of the trees and land changing every so often. I knew from this point, that the trip to Narrabri on Gomeroi country, where devastating coal and gas extraction projects are widespread, would be one to remember. On arrival, we were welcomed by Gomeroi custodian Karra Kinchela and her family, by the Namoi river, as the wind rustled through the trees and soon after, embraced the young dancers and Karra’s cousin, Clinton Lamb, who led the welcome to country. The stars eventually dressed the night sky as the night crept in, whilst the Pacific Climate Warriors thanked those who welcomed us with their own traditional fijian kava ceremony. Joy and laughter filled the campsite of our initial meeting place, which would reflect the real essence of the people who were fighting for Gomeroi country in Narrabri.Our second day on Gomeroi country, Karra showed us around, first at a site in the Pilliga Forest where water is filtered through to the underground water and finds its way to sea. She talked about how even on country that is considered freshwater, it is still connected to saltwater, and that whatever happens on her country is inherently connected to all countries. This lit up the fire in many people and for some, only added wood to the fire. There were direct connections being made between the effects coal and gas companies like Whitehaven Coal and Santos had on Narrabri and those close by, but also to the ocean and the Pacific Islands.Karra continued the tour by taking us to the front gates of Santos’ Lee Wood gas facility.. She described how mining companies enjoy interacting with communities in order to claim, through social licensing, that those communities support their plans. Karra explained that continuing to participate in rallies and actions for Gomeroi country is one of the best ways to combat these false claims of support. She went on to explain how Whitehaven Coal, with numerous coal mines in the area with plans to expand, has eaten a lot of their country. Whitehaven promises all of these jobs and benefits to the community and Indigenous peoples, but these promises are only fallacies, with only a select few hired; their attempt to divert everyone's attention away from the reality that they are not only destroying country, but endangering the lives of those who live in the towns where they mine.We then headed to Maules Creek for lunch, where we were joined by one of the local Gamilaraay elders, Uncle Neville Sampson, who alongside a few other locals who have been fighting fossil

  5. 8 JUL


    CLIMATE ACTION SHOWJULY 8TH 2024PRODUCED BY VIVIEN  LANGFORD D O N ' T    L O O K   A W A Y.FROM PLUMES OF SMOKE IN THE FOREST, FROM FUGITIVE METHANE NEAR GAS WELLS AND FROM STARVATION IN PALESTINEGuests: Dr Philip Zylstra - Curtin University and UNSW -Expert at nipping bushfires in the bud. is external) Piper Rollins Climate Campaigner from Australian Conservation Foundation David Rovics with his new album Notes from a Holocaust is external) Don't look away from Palestine - Rovics Concerts this week in MelbourneNorthcote July 12th - 7pm July 14th  2024 -2pm Don't look away from actual Bushfire BehaviourAssociate Professor Philip Zylstra, from Curtin University, said: “If they’re too tall to catch fire, plants calm bushfires by slowing the wind beneath them. If disturbance kills those taller plants, replacements regrow from the ground and add to the fuel. Prescribed burns are a fire mitigation tool used with the aim of reducing fuel load to minimise the intensity and severity of fires.  However, while prescribed burns can sometimes decrease flammability in the short term, the way they disrupt forest ecosystems can create longer periods of additional flammability.  “Very frequent burning close to homes or control lines could create defendable spaces, but large, remote and infrequent burns maintain the landscape at maximum fire risk because they undermine the natural controls that forests place on fire," Associate Professor Zylstra said. The remote areas that burn have often been extensively logged eg Eden NSWRECENT MESSAGE FROM BOB BROWN FOUNDATION JULY1STAn end to native forest logging should have happened more than a decade ago but this list is another killing plan to feed export woodchippers, Malaysian timber company Ta Ann, and Victorian sawmills that have no social licence,” Jenny Weber, Bob Brown Foundation’s Campaigns Manager said.“Kilometres of new wilderness-destroying roads will be slashed into ancient forests that have never seen a chainsaw, including taxpayer-funded roads into untouched Takayna rainforests and 6km into the Wentworth Hills near Lake St Clair. Clearfell operations in areas essential to the critically- endangered migratory Swift Parrot have been drafted despite the threat that poses to the species,” said Erik Hayward, Bob Brown Foundation Campaigner. “Lines on maps have been drawn that carve up some of the most remarkable natural landscapes this globe has to offer. For the defence of our natural world we will remain committed and defiant in the face of this complete abandon,” said Erik Hayward.“Over the last six weeks, hundreds of Australians joined the largest protest against native forest logging in Tasmania in the last decade, in Takayna. Prime Minister Albanese needs to immediately put an end to such native forest logging in Australia, which is requested by more than 75% of Labor’s voters,” said Jenny Weber. Don't look away from methane :  An investigation by ACF and the global non-profit Clean Air Task Force last year detected methane escaping from more than 100 sources at 35 industrial sites in Queensland and NSW.  “When it comes to rapidly reducing Australia’s most potent climate heating pollution, cutting methane emissions from the coal and gas industry is low hanging fruit.”Methane emissions are believed to account for about 30% of the global temperature rise(link is external) since the industrial revolution.  David Rovics' new album of songs was composed between October and December 2023He says "  I wrote them to bear witness to the geno

  6. 1 JUL


    CLIMATE ACTION SHOWPRODUCED  by Vivien Langford and Rosie GaninoJuly 1st 2024 BLASTED SEA    and   DESERT JUNGLE Guests:Tomothy Erik Strom -  Editor of Arena on line Professor Laurie Laurenson - Clean Ocean Foundation OCEAN activists care of We are Explorers- Act Local Baker - Author of Desert JungleDavid Rovics singing "Land and Freedom"Jono Row - Uniting Church Advocacy :This is a disappointing distraction from the urgent need to transition our country to clean and affordable renewable energy- Rev. Mata Havea Hiliau  The Moderator of the Uniting Church Synod of NSW/ACT, Rev. Mata Havea Hiliau, is calling for urgent, real and meaningful action on climate change in the wake of the Federal Opposition’s reckless nuclear energy proposal yesterday.“This is a disappointing distraction from the urgent need to transition our country to clean and affordable renewable energy,” Rev. Mata Havea Hiliau said. “The proposal announced yesterday, which appears very light on detail, will only further delay the transition to renewables and lock us in too many more years of reliance on harmful fossil fuels, that are already proving devastating to our planet.“If this proposal actually eventuates – in a decade or two, and longer – our communities will be suffering from ever more dangerous extreme weather events and islands in the Pacific will be inundated by rising sea levels.“As a faith leader, and a daughter of the Pacific, I know what’s at stake if we don’t address this climate crisis urgently.“We are seeing in real time, the unfolding impacts of the climate crisis, not only for our communities here in Australia but for the people of the Pacific, whose livelihoods, homes and culture are under immediate threat.“Realistically, today’s proposal would mean another 20 years of climate inaction which will prove absolutely devastating for our climate and those on the frontlines of this climate crisis – First Nations and Pasifika communities.“These are the communities that contribute the least to this issue, but will be harmed first, hardest and longest by climate change and today’s proposal will lock them into this fate.“Climate change remains one of the most important social and moral challenges in human history and we have lost too much time on pointless political debate,” Rev. Mata Havea Hiliau said.Uniting NSW.ACT’s Head of Media and Advocacy Alice Salomon said: “We strongly support moves for COP 31 in 2026 to take place in Australia and the Pacific. And the world will be watching us.“I urge our communities not to get distracted – we need climate action now and the solutions to a safe climate future are within our grasp.“We have readily available, reliable and cost-saving renewable energy solutions.“We have the blueprint and the tools to help safeguard a positive and hopeful future for all – right now, today “We must transition without delay to clean, cheap renewable energy in Australia – we don’t have a day to wait,” Alice said. Letter  by OCEAN to MP Catherine KingYou can let let Minister King know that we need an end to seismic blasting by writing something along these lines. Even a postcard will show her that we cannot let this go on.A Special Prospecting Authority (SPA) is a specific type of permit that allows companies to buy access to large areas of our oceans to use seismic blasting to search for oil and gas, and Carbon Capture and Storage locations below the ocean floor.Seismic blasts are how the oil and gas industry surveys the ocean floor. Seismic vessels tow an array of airguns and audio receivers (hydrophones) behind them in the water. These powerful airguns fire loud blasts of compressed air every 10 to 15 seconds, 24 hours a day. The sound waves produced penetrate deep into the seabed and bounce back to the audio receivers. From the sound patterns detected, companies can work


Climate change - what's hot and what's not. Find out what is happening in community campaigns around the country, as well as the latest science and the solutions that are available now.

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