
一席英语·脱口秀:老外来了 Podcast

这档节目-目的是跨文化。 国际化的形式下,我们特别想帮助大家实现双文化视野。带你了解中西方文化差异。

  1. 3 DAYS AGO

    老外来了特辑 | 俩老外谈小时候在中国的经历,让人哭笑不得…

    主播:Maelle(法国)+Selah(美国) 歌曲:Colorful 今天的节目是一个special edition(特别版),由Maelle和Selah两位外国主播来聊一下她们在中国成长的经历。 其实她们经常会聊这样的话题,因为她俩都有相似的经历,特别是她们都上过中国学校!So it is indeed really fun to talk about it. Many foreigners in China have had this experience. (图中间的小女孩为Selah) They both attended a Chinese school. Maelle started from kindergarten all the way to 5th grade (从幼儿园一直到五年级). Selah attended Chinese kindergarten and then attended primary school (小学) for 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade (从幼儿园一直到三年级). (梅莉和她的双胞胎妹妹) 01. Unique experiences Selah said “the first time I felt different is when I realized that I was the only one in the whole school that looked like me (全校没有一个人长得像我一样), and kids used to call me a 芭比娃娃.” (Because Selah has blond hair.) (小时候的Selah) “The Chinese teacher would also ask me to help her teach English class for her and even asked me to grade the tests when I was only in 2nd grade (甚至让我在二年级的时候就给考试打分)! I also had a TV station come to school once and interview me (接受电视采访).” Maelle totally got that: “For me, I think I never really saw myself as different from the other kids, other than physically obviously (除了身体上的明显差别).” “But I realized when it came to things that holidays and all. Christmas was a big deal for my family. If it happened to be in the middle of the week we would often skip school to celebrate as a family (如果它碰巧是在周中,我们经常会不去学校,然后全家庆祝圣诞节).” “当时我们中国学校的同学都不怎么会特别庆祝这个节日,但是过年的时候当然就不一样了!” 02. Interesting stories on campus 校园趣事 (1) Distinctive appearance 与众不同的外貌 Selah问梅莉:“你还记得第一次上学的时候发生了什么吗?” Maelle: “The first time I was in Chinese school I do not remember because I was very young, but I remember some of my classmates would touch my hair because it was different, or even ask me to give them a strand of hair because they thought it was gold (有一些同学甚至会问我要一根头发,因为他们以为是金子) haha!” (梅莉和她的双胞胎妹妹) Selah: “Me too! They actually did that exact same thing to me, and they would use my hair as bookmarks (书签)… but they would lose it so I would always have to get new ones for them (给他们一根新的), haha! Especially for other little girls, they would touch my eyelashes (眼睫毛) too, and say that it looked like a horse!” (小时候的Selah) Maelle agreed: “Since I have a high nose, everyone loved to touch my nose!” Selah: “I also have a lot of freckles (雀斑) on my face, and they would ask to touch it or whether I was sick with a disease (问是不是我生病了).” (童年时的Selah) (2) Cultural differences文化差异 Maelle thinks one of the most memorable parts of school in China was some cultural differences she encountered (她遇到的文化差异). “我们小时候掉牙的时候会把掉的牙齿放在枕头下面,然后会得到钱,当然那是爸爸妈妈给我们的,但是我们不知道。我们以为是tooth fairy(牙仙子:传说中如果儿童把脱落的牙齿放在枕下,牙仙子会在他们睡着时把牙齿取走,留下硬币)。” “So we would tell our Chinese classmates to do the same!” “但是因为在中国没有这个传统,所以很多家长没有这个做法。她们有朋友会尝试但不会告诉他们的爸爸妈妈,所以他们不会得到钱,就会觉得很奇怪。” “They would come back to school and tell us about it and we would think it was very weird as well (

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  2. 6 DAYS AGO


    主播:Wendi(中国)+Selah(美国) 歌曲:Birds of A Feather 今天的节目我们来聊一聊time management(时间管理),尤其是“四象限法则”。This is such an important skill today when we often have to multitask. ·multitask v. 多任务工作 01. Four Quadrants Work Method 四象限工作法 The Four Quadrant Method, also known as the Eisenhower Matrix (艾森豪威尔矩阵) or the Time Management Matrix (时间管理矩阵), is a popular tool for prioritizing tasks based on their urgency and importance (紧急性和重要性). So, it is a tool for time management. 它的基本原则就是根据任务的轻重缓急来决定处理的先后顺序。It was popularized by Stephen Rechards Covey (史蒂芬·柯维) in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (《高效人士的七个习惯》). 这个四象限工作法则就是在这本书里被带火了。 It was created by Dwight David Eisenhower (德怀特·戴维·艾森豪威尔). 根据urgency and importance这两个维度,任务被分成了四种类型。Its key benefits are that it clarifies priorities (明确优先级), helps with decision-making (决策制定), and improves focus on important tasks. 02. The four categories (1) Quadrant I: Urgent and Important 象限1——紧急且重要 These tasks require immediate attention and are critical to achieving your goals. They often include crises (危机), pressing deadlines (紧迫的最后期限), and emergency issues (紧急问题). (2) Quadrant II: Not Urgent but Important 象限2——不紧急但重要 象限2的这些任务一般对我们的long-term success(长期发展)很重要,比如personal growth(个人成长),building relationships(建立人际关系),and long-term planning(长期规划)。 Examples: strategic planning (战略规划), relationship-building, self-care, exercise, learning, and professional development (专业发展). (3) Quadrant III: Urgent but Not Important 象限3——紧急但不重要 These tasks demand immediate attention but do not contribute significantly to (对......有重大贡献) your long-term goals. They are often interruptions or distractions (干扰或者导致我们分心的事情). Examples: some emails, phone calls, meetings, and minor issues (不重要的问题) that feel pressing but aren't crucial. (4) Quadrant IV: Not Urgent and Not Important 象限4——不紧急且不重要 These tasks often leading to time-wasting activities. They can be a source of procrastination (拖延症的根源). Examples: mindless web browsing (漫无目的地刷手机), excessive social media use (过度使用社交媒体), watching TV, or engaging in trivial activities (从事琐碎的活动). 03. How do we use it? (1) Categorize Tasks (任务分类): List all your tasks and place them into one of the four quadrants based on their urgency and importance (把你目前的任务按照紧急性和重要性这两个维度放到这四个象限中). (2) Prioritize Quadrant II (重点关注象限2): Focus on activities in Quadrant II to achieve long-term success (获取长期成功) and reduce the time spent in Quadrant I. 也就是说在完成这些紧急且重要的事的时候要提高效率,不要占用太多时间。 (3) Minimize Quadrant III (缩减象限3): Try to delegate or limit the time spent on tasks in Quadrant III. (4) Avoid Quadrant IV (取消象限4): Eliminate or minimize (取消或缩减) activities in Quadrant IV to use your time more effectively. Overall, this method of prioritizing your tasks based on the four quadrants sounds really workable (可行的). 但实际上第一步可能相当困难,因为你必须要figure out which task is truly important to you (弄清楚哪项任务对你来说是真正重要的). That is why it takes time to evaluate (评估) what is important and why things might need to be done in a certain order (为什么事情可能需要按照一定的顺序来做). Does i

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  3. 13 SEPT


    主播:Flora(中国)+Erin(美国)  歌曲:黄风起兮 关于《黑神话:悟空》我们已经谈了两期节目了,但是最近有一件事不知道大家有没有关注:Tesla(特斯拉)和SpaceX(太空探索技术公司)的CEO马斯克(Elon Reeve Musk)在X也就是原来的Twitter(推特)上发布了一条关于黑神话的内容。 他发了一张AI-generated image(AI合成的图片),把自己的脸P到了游戏中的悟空身上,还配文说“impressive 3A game from China(来自中国的让人印象深刻的3A游戏)”。We have to say that the influence of this game has spread all over the world. 今天我们就来谈一谈Black Myth: Wukong这款游戏为什么不只是在中国,而是在全球都making waves(掀起了波澜)! 01. A Fresh Mythological World 全新的神话体系 你敢相信吗?黑神话还没正式发行就已经在多个地区登顶pre-sale charts(预售排行榜)了。这简直是不可思议!So, what makes this game so special? 首先就是《黑神话:悟空》给世界带来的全新的游戏世界观,或者说a fresh mythological world(一个全新的神话体系)。Actually, 3A games are typically dominated by major western and Japanese studios (3A游戏常年由西方和日本的一些大型工作室主导). As for China, the main focus of its gaming industry is often on mobile games (手机游戏). 其实在此之前,西方的一些3A games的世界观就来自它的神话体系。There are a lot of game canons out there that take cues in (汲取) their world-building (世界构建) from existing mythologies (现存的神话). Hades (《哈迪斯》), God Of War (《战神》), Valheim (《瓦尔海姆》), and Assassin's Creed (《刺客信条》) build around foundations that have existed for centuries. canon /ˈkænən/ 规则,标准 说到西方神话体系,就不得不提到:Egyptian Mythology(埃及神话)、Greek Mythology(希腊神话)和 Norse Mythology(北欧神话)了。These are classic Western myths. People are already familiar with these mythic systems, so it's very exciting when players are exposed to (接触到) a new kind of world-building. 有一个玩家是这么说的:对于3A游戏界而言,黑神话绝对是满满的异文化冲击,那是一种神秘、有历史感、高壁垒,又让人忍不住去探索的未知领域。It's a mysterious kind of culture shock (神奇的文化冲击). But let’s not ignore the fact that this game could be a bit hard to get into for those not familiar with Chinese culture (对那些不了解中国文化的人来说会有些困难). But it is normal that we always have to put in a lot of effort (花很多精力) when learning something new. Just as we have learned about Western culture before by looking up information (查阅信息), learning their language, etc. Now is perhaps the best time for the world to learn about China. It hasn’t stopped international players from wanting to dive deeper into (更深入地了解) the story and cultural background. For example, some players learn about the myth by reading Journey to the West and watching the Journey to the West TV series. Erin thinks it actually made the game more intriguing (有趣) since it is so different. 02. Hardcore Technology 硬核技术 接下来我们从technical aspects(技术方面)聊一聊这部游戏的影响力。 Game Science used a cutting-edge (尖端的) tool called Unreal Engine 5 (虚幻引擎5). 其实“虚幻5”是2020年才发布的一款软件,而在此之前《黑神话:悟空》已经启动了好几年了。所以它算是中途切换到了一个新的graphic engines(图形引擎),但是这一换可以说是让这个游戏的画面清晰度直接提了几个等级。 Unreal Engine 5 is the latest version of Unreal Engine (虚幻引擎的最新版本) developed by Epic Games. Nanite 虚拟几何体(virtual

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  4. 10 SEPT


    主播:翩翩(中国)+Selah(美国) 歌曲:Hero 最近,青岛发生了一些事。 身为青岛市民,我们觉得好难过。It’s really heartbreaking to see these stories. 感觉青岛在叹息(the city is sighing). 青岛是一个非常美好的城市,而且,青岛还是一个非常值得的城市。Please don’t let this create any prejudice against Qingdao. 01 青岛的三件“人间值得” 来青岛前,要知道来青岛图什么(what you’re looking for in Qingdao)? There are three main things to visit in Qingdao: * the beautiful scenery 美景 有人说青岛就像济州岛的城市版,老上海的青春版。 青岛是一座山海小城,the roads wind up and down(道路起起伏伏),and the seaside setting gives it a very fairytale-like feel(沿路都是海景,让整个城市充满了童话梦幻感). 在青岛,其实不用去网红点看人从众,如果是为了美景的话,随便一条街走走就很漂亮。And as you walk around, you'll eventually come across the sea. 在青岛走着走着,就会碰到大海了。 我们有一个朋友,她是江苏人,前些年搬到青岛市南区定居,她每天上班前一定是去海边看海,海边有些人在晨起散步、运动;而且一年四季大海的颜色都是不一样的,她会每天认真地记录。这是一位很会在青岛生活的人。 我们还有一些青岛的朋友go hiking in Mount Laoshan or Mount Fushan every weekend(每个周末去爬崂山、浮山),到山顶看山海一色———这是在青岛应该体验的。 *the great food (especially seafood and beer) 海鲜和啤酒 来青岛的话,其他菜系就不要考虑了,当地特色就是海鲜,以及最正宗的青岛啤酒。(You should focus on trying the seafood and beer. Don't worry too much about other cuisines.)并且,尽量不要在景区吃海鲜(Try not to get seafood at tourist spots.) 其实青岛本地人有一种吃法,就是从市场买海鲜,去啤酒屋买点扎啤,顺便让店家把海鲜给加工了。在家吃就比较简单了:市场上买回来,回家自己一蒸,很简单就可以上桌了。It's straightforward, but fresh and delicious. *the opportunities it offers 机会 为什么定居青岛? 作为生活在青岛二十多年的外地人,翩翩说: 我当时在青岛读大学,because my major was English, and back then, there were a lot of native English speakers in Qingdao. 所以我当时真的觉得如鱼得水,英文很快练好了。 青岛这个城市has a really diverse culture(文化非常多元)。大学毕业之后我在自己的城市一直没有找到合适的工作,感觉跟周围的世界格格不入。最终还是回到了青岛,这边企业多,机会很多,而且毕竟是港口城市,得风气之先,自己很多年轻的不成熟的想法和创意,都被这个城市包容和接纳了。就像Selah说的:This city has welcomed me. 我当年两手空空而来,是青岛给了我机会,给了我工作、给了我朋友、爱人、给了我家,而且还给了我们“一席”,让理想成为现实。 我一直觉得,青岛是一个允许年轻人有梦想的城市。It’s a city of dreams. 大家还关注的一个问题:Do you think people in Qingdao are hostile towards outsiders?(你觉得青岛排外吗?) No, never. 我们从来没有感受到过。 作为一个从外地来青岛的outsider, 我所见过的青岛本地人,都非常地朴实、善良。反而很多青岛的老百姓会羡慕济南、北京、杭州等一些城市厚重的历史和人文积淀,因为that’s something you don't find in Qingdao(这是青岛没有的)。 总之,没有感受到丝毫的hostile, 就像Selah说的:Qingdao is home. 02 每一位市民,都代表着你的城市作为青岛市民,有责任维护城市形象,it’s our responsibility to maintain and share Qingdao's positive image。 每

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  5. 5 SEPT


    主播:Flora(中国)+Selah(美国)  歌曲:Turnin' 今天,我们从电子游戏的角度谈一谈不同的人对《黑神话:悟空》等游戏的看法。 01. Impressive video games Some things you should know about Black Myth: Wukong is that it has many achievements, like being the first 3A game in China (中国的第一部3A游戏). 此外,关注游戏的朋友可能知道Gamescom(科隆游戏展)——世界上最大的游戏盛会。而Black Myth: Wukong正是在这个展会上获得了“Best Visuals(最佳视觉效果奖)”。 该展会呈现了the latest trailers (最新的预告片) and announcements (公告) from the international games industry,由Geoff Keighley(加拿大电子游戏记者、电视节目主持人)主持。 《黑神话:悟空》火了之后,当然不乏鲜花和掌声,但是其中也有一些不同的声音。 For some reason, there are stereotypes (刻板印象) about video games that they are only detrimental (有害的) to learning and life. Selah thinks this view is a bit one-sided (有点片面). People can sometimes get relaxed (放松) and relieve stress (缓解压力) with video games, and a good gaming experience can change your mood for the better (让心情变得更好). And a good video game is always something to look forward to, it may carry a lot of cultural information (承载很多文化信息). Assassin's Creed (《刺客信条》), a historical action-adventure (历史动作冒险类) video game series (系列电子游戏), depicts a fictional millennia-old struggle (虚构的千年斗争) between the Order of Assassins (刺客组织), who fight for peace and free will (自由意志), and the Knights Templar (圣殿骑士团), who desire peace through order and control. In most games, players control a historical Assassin while also playing as an Assassin Initiate (新成员). Many people are impressed by this game because players can crouch on top of (蹲在......顶端) various famous buildings in Europe, talk and interact with historical and mythological figures (历史和神话人物), see what those relics and monuments (文物古迹) looked like when they were just built. 02. Video games: the Ninth Art(第九艺术)? 有些人把电子游戏称作“the Ninth Art(第九艺术)”。 关于前八项艺术,其实也有不同的说法。比较常见的一种说法是:Architecture (建筑)、 Sculpture(雕塑)、 Music、Dance、Literature、 Film、Theatre(戏剧)。 但是把电子游戏称为“第九艺术”这个结论目前还有争议。While this is a rather controversial conclusion, it does reflect what people expect from video games. · controversial /ˌkɑ:ntrəˈvɜ:rʃ(ə)l/ adj. 有争议的 There's a reason people say that. Video games can often communicate their messages (传达信息) better than the movies they’re based on. 前八种艺术,不管是听还是看都是在appreciating the results of a work of art(欣赏一个艺术作品的结果)。 电子游戏的不同之处就在于它的interactivity(交互性)。In the game, people are no longer spectators (旁观者), but someone integrated into (融入) the whole game world, in which you can become whatever you want to be and can have a different story. 但是,要被列为“第九大艺术”确实不是一件容易的事情。Over all, the first eight are representative of their times (有时代的代表性) and are widely recognized (被广泛认可). 03. Prejudice against video games 对电子游戏的偏见 就像不是所有的书都能称得上是文学艺术,游戏也有优劣之分。There are some great games like Black Myth: Wukong, but we cannot deny there are some bad quality, illegal games (低质量、非法游戏). We must learn to distinguish between them (学会分辨). 不过有些人确实是对电子游戏是有偏见的。Some parents were like: I don’t care if it is a g

    11 min
  6. 1 SEPT


    主播:翩翩(中国)+Selah(美国) 歌曲:Love Story Selah recently got engaged!!! Selah最近订婚啦!!! 今天,我们一起来盘点一下外网热议的话题:the best relationship advice we have ever gotten (你听过哪些最好的恋爱建议)。 1. 常感恩 (Show appreciation often.) Never take each other for granted. Show appreciation often. “我从来不会把对方的好当作理所当然,我会经常对我爱人表达感激、肯定与欣赏。” 2.吵架时,你俩也是一伙的。(You are a team) When you are resolving an issue, you and your partner are a team, not people fighting against each other. It is the two of you versus the problem itself. (吵架的时候你对抗的,不应该是你的另一半,而应该是你们俩一起对抗问题。) “对两个相爱的人来说,吵架除了破坏身体健康、耽误事儿、以及事后后悔之外,没有其他的用处,所以有不愉快的时候,尽量提醒彼此及时止损,互相配合着把问题解决掉,而不是把对方解决掉。It’s all about the issue. It’s not personal. 3. 让你人生充实的,不是伴侣。(It’s your own responsibility.) They can never make you ultimately happy and fulfill everything you need in life. (让你获得最终幸福,以及让你人生充实的不是你的伴侣。) 能做到这些的,有且只有你自己。It’s your own responsibility to have a happy and fulfilling life. They will make your life better, but they cannot guarantee your happiness. 好的伴侣会让你的生活更甜蜜,但不能为你的人生幸福做担保。 因为,幸福在自身之内,不在自身之外。True happiness cannot be found in another person。 4. 跟谁结婚?(Marry your best friend.) You should marry your best friend and someone you enjoy spending time with.(跟那个能成为你最好朋友的人结婚,跟那个你喜欢与其过日子的人结婚。) 无论对方多么地make you feel a certain way, “感觉”,都是靠不太住的。 Feelings change but friendship can help you stand the test of time. (感觉会变,但友谊经得住时间考验。) “我跟我爱人都认识十多年了,现在依然是每天聊不完的天,我们真的是对方最好的朋友。所以我觉得感情保鲜的秘诀里,一定有一条是友谊。” 5. 爱是一件又一件的小事 (little acts of love) 影视剧会给我们另一种misconception(误解),就是love is about big gestures(爱是惊天动地的大事),但是,many times, little acts of love mean more。 The New York Times《纽约时报》出过一个特刊,征集了100位读者说说how they show their affection day-in and day-out(日常怎么通过一些小的行为表达爱意)。题目叫做 ‘100 Small Acts of Love’ (一百件爱的小事)。 很多读者的回答琐碎而动人,比如: 每天晚上刷牙时会顺便在对方的牙刷上放上牙膏(put toothpaste on the other person’s toothbrush); 每次上车、下车时,互相亲吻对方一下(kiss each other every time they get in and out of the car)。 一位加州的女士说:21年了,我丈夫总是会把最后一口甜点留给我。(For more than 21 years, my husband has given me the last bite of his dessert, always.) 真的都是一些small acts, but strong relationships need this kind of regular care and attention。 6. 他/她不会读心术( They cannot read your mind.) If there is something bothering you, you should talk about it. 你的伴侣不会读心术(your partner cannot read your mind),所以心里话要及时说出来,要告诉对方,及时沟通。 不然,憋久了,you will feel bitter about everything(会看什么都怨气冲天)。 那我们今天关于“你听过哪些最好的恋爱建议”就盘点到这里,每段感情都会有起伏(every relationship has its ups and downs),但是只要多一些努力和理解,感情

    8 min
  7. 30 AUG


    主播:Flora(中国)+Erin(美国)  歌曲:云宫迅音 今天距离《黑神话:悟空》正式发售已经有一周多了,但是它的热度依然不减。这期节目我们就聊一聊中国首个国产3A游戏大作——Black Myth: Wukong。 01. Introduction of the Game 游戏介绍 This is actually the first 3A game in China. 其实,3A游戏是类似于影视作品中的大片的概念。It’s a 3A title, which means it’s a super high-budget (高预算的) game with top-tier production values (有着顶级的制作价值). Some people say "3A" stands for (代表): a lot of time, a lot of money, a lot of resources. 同时,它创下了中国single-player game(单机游戏)的新纪录。 ·tier /tɪr/ n. 一层 Also, it is particularly hot in the US (在美国也很火). Within an hour of its release (上线不到1小时), it topped the Steam charts (登上了Steam榜首) , 同时在线玩家当天晚些时候数量突破了150万。 Flora has found people discussing whether this is a Souls-like game (魂系游戏) or not on the internet. So what exactly is a souls-like game? 这种Souls-like games一般难度比较高,而且通常是in a dark fantasy setting(有暗黑、奇幻的背景设定)。Such as Dark Souls (《黑暗之魂》) and Elden Ring (《艾尔登法环》)。And it really tests your skills (非常考验你的操作). So is Black Myth: Wukong a Souls-like game or not?Some say yes, because of its tough combat (艰苦的战斗) and intricate gameplay (复杂的游戏玩法). But others argue it stands out with (以......而突出) its unique storytelling (独特的故事情节) and rich Chinese cultural elements (丰富的中国文化元素). ·combat /ˈkɑ:mbæt/ n. 战斗 ·intricate /ˈɪntrɪkət/ adj. 错综复杂的 ·stand out v. 突出 So there's a diversity of views (人们观点不一). 这样看的话,Souls-like game好像也没有一个fixed criteria(固定的标准)。Everyone has a different Souls-like game in mind. ·criteria /kraɪˈtɪriə/ n.(评判或做决定的)标准 Erin believes Game Science has really hit it out of the park (一鸣惊人) with this one. Flora and Erin both agree it’s a game that deserves the hype (这个游戏值得大肆宣传). 不过,在一片赞美声中也有一些声音表示困惑。 ·hit it out of the park 大获成功 ·hype /haɪp/ n. 大肆的宣传广告 Erin asked: “Did you know that some people are mixing up (混淆) China’s legendary Sun Wukong (中国神话中的孙悟空) with Japan’s Goku from Dragon Ball (日本《七龙珠》中的Goku)?”  Flora answered : “They are definitely not the same.” 只不过悟空是七龙珠中Goku的原型。 ·legendary /ˈledʒənderi/ adj. 传说(中)的 孙悟空是中国经典小说Journey to the West(《西游记》)的中心人物,也是中国真正的cultural icon(文化偶像)。Meanwhile, Goku, or “Son Goku,” is a Japanese character created by Akira Toriyama (鸟山明——日本漫画家). 其灵感来自孙悟空,但故事情节和背景都截然不同。 孙悟空来自于Chinese mythology(中国神话),而七龙珠中的Goku是诞生于modern Japanese pop culture(日本的流行文化)。We need to know that. People may have been more familiar with Goku before (人们可能之前对Goku更加熟悉). But Black Myth: Wukong is reintroducing the world (向世界重新介绍) to the original Chinese Wukong and making waves (掀起波澜) in the correct format (以一种正确的形式).  02. Global Reception of Black Myth: Wukong《黑神话:悟空》的全球反响 There was a lot of discussion about this game, especially when the game started to be released (尤其是当游戏正式发售时). 因为自Game Science(游戏科学——《黑神话:悟空》的开发商)发布第一个live demo video(实机演示视频)后,到如今已经整整过了四年

    13 min
  8. 18 AUG


    主播:Flora(中国)+Selah(美国)  歌曲:Stray Nights 今日,中元。中元节又叫“鬼节”。其实除了中元节之外,万圣节、亡灵节也被称为“鬼节”。今天我们就来聊一聊不同的“鬼节”分别体现了什么样的“生死观”。 On Chinese Zhong Yuan Festival (中元节), we usually float river lanterns (放河灯) to honor our ancestors (祭祖). It’s also known as the "Ghost Festival (鬼节)." · ghost /ɡoʊst/ n. 鬼,幽灵 其实很多国家也都有“鬼节”,像Halloween (万圣节), Day of the Dead (亡灵节)等。关于万圣节的传统,相信大家都比较熟悉,比如:雕刻南瓜灯(carving pumpkins)、不给糖就捣蛋(trick or treating)。今天我们重点聊一聊亡灵节(Day of the Dead)。 01 Day of the Dead 亡灵节在墨西哥是一个非常重大的节日。People celebrate the Day of the Dead with songs and dances (载歌载舞) while honoring their ancestors(纪念他们的祖先). 在这一天,他们带着鲜花和美食gather at cemeteries(聚集在墓地),awaken the spirits of the departed(唤醒逝者的灵魂),offer flower petals(献上花瓣),guide their ancestors home(引导他们的祖先回家)。 单就载歌载舞这一点来讲,this is nothing like the Chinese Ghost Festival (这和中国的鬼节一点也不一样)。 02 Zhong Yuan Festival 在中元节这天,有些地方的人们会bring out the ancestral tablets(拿出祖宗的排位),respectfully place them on a special offering table(恭敬地把它们放在贡品桌上),light incense(点上香),并且offer tea and food for the ancestors to enjoy(供茶和食物供祖先享用)。然后,他们为祖先磕头(kowtow)、烧纸钱(burn paper money)。 · tablet n. 匾 但是现在烧纸钱的人越来越少了。Because it's bad for the environment, easy to start fires (容易引起火灾), etc. 而且,现在也提倡文明祭祀。 So anyways, we are in a very reverent state of mind (怀着一颗敬畏的心) when it comes to rituals (谈到仪式)。现场的气氛也非常庄严肃穆(solemn)。 · reverent /ˈrevərənt/ adj. 恭敬的 · solemn /ˈsɑ:ləm/ adj.(仪式)庄严的,隆重的 03 同样是缅怀先人,但表现大不同。生死观有差异! 今天我们来谈一下不同的生死观(Different Views of Life and Death)。 其实我们很少谈论“死亡”这个话题,甚至可以说是非常避讳。 (1)我们的生死观第一个特点就是:回避死亡相关的话题,注重当下的生活。 Selah believes it's quite nice to focus on the present (专注于当下挺好的), but it may not be sensible to avoid talking about death (避免谈论死亡可能是不明智的). 因为我们迟早要面对它(sooner or later we have to face it)。 That's probably why people who have a vague concept of death (对死亡概念模糊) may go to extremes (可能会走向极端) after encountering some difficulties (遇到一些困难之后).  · vague /veɪɡ/ adj. 不明确的 (2)第二个特点就是:追求生命的价值(it seeks the value of life),尤其是社会价值(especially the social value)而不是它本身存在的自然价值(rather than the natural value of its own existence)。 所以我们才会有“杀生成仁”“舍身取义”这样的成语,也会有“人固有一死,或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛(Though death befalls all men alike, it may be weightier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather)”的名句。 这实际上和我们的文化传统有关(This is actually related to our cultural tradition)。 儒家文化强调:我们要在社会价值中实现生命的意义(it is in the pursuit of social values that human natural life has a meaning of existence)。That may be the reason why we value the collective interest over the individual (重视集体利益

    11 min

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