
和Emily一起练口语(附中英双语字幕) Podcast

更多精彩内容点击 欢迎订阅 每周6更,早间6点更新(记得起床收听哦~) 节目亮点 练习英语口语最要注意循序渐进,那些简单生活口语,往往最实用。 1. 每日精选高频率实用句子(5-10条),帮助你脱口而出地道表达; 2. 精简小对话,模拟生活场景,覆盖日常生活方方面面(餐饮、购物、看病、旅游、学习、工作等),聊天不尴尬; 适合谁听 1. 词汇量小,口语表达不成句的英语学习者; 2. 想要夯实自己听说能力的初级学习者; 3. 想要提高发音和培养英语语感的英语爱好者; 你将获得 1. 1000+实用口语表达 2. 3000+日常生活词汇,扩充词汇量 3. 学会地道表达,应对日常生活各类场景

  1. 6 DAYS AGO


    欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily 在微信公众号里回复:课程 获取10节精品视频课程 A: John beat me black and blue yesterday.  约翰昨天把我打的鼻青脸肿。 B: Why?  为什么? A: Because I told the teacher about his cheating in the exam.  因为我告诉老师,他考试作弊了。 B: He goes too far.  他太过分了。 A: I'm determined to pay him back in his own coin. 我想以牙还牙。 B: You can never do that. 你千万别那么样。 pay sb back in one's own coin 以其人之道还治其人之身;以牙还牙 My boyfriend always arrives late. Last night I decided to pay him back in his own coin by keeping him waiting for half an hour. 因为我男友约会总是迟到,所以我昨晚决定以牙还牙,让他等了我半个小时。 The neighbor always plays loud music at night, so I paid him back in his own coin by having a small party during his nap time.  邻居晚上总是放很大声的音乐,所以我以他的方式回敬,在他午休时举办了一个小型派对 My brother took my snack, so I paid him back in his own coin by hiding his video game console.  我哥哥吃了我的零食,所以我以他的方式回敬,藏起了他的游戏机。 black and blue 遍体鳞伤;青一块紫一块 He fell off his bike and was black and blue all over.  他骑自行车摔倒了,全身都是青一块紫一块的。  My brother got into a fight and came home black and blue.  我哥哥打架后回家,全身都是青一块紫一块的。  After the car accident, her legs were black and blue.  车祸之后,她的腿上都是青一块紫一块的。  go too far 做的过分;走极端 He joked about her weight, but he went too far and hurt her feelings.  他拿她的体重开玩笑,但他说得太过分了,伤害了她的感情。  He exercised every day, but he went too far and injured his knee.  他每天都锻炼,但做得太过分,结果伤了膝盖。  She tried to save money, but she went too far and now she never goes out.  她试图省钱,但做得太过分,现在她从不外出。

    9 min
  2. 17 SEPT


    欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily 在微信公众号里回复:课程 即可获取10节精品视频课程 告别哑巴英语 全面提高听力,发音,口语 A: Stay with me, okay? I don't feel like staying here by myself.  留下来陪陪我吧,好吗?我不喜欢自己待在这里。 B: Well, okay, if something does turn up, I'll just play it by ear. 好吧,如果有事的话,我就只好看情况而定了。 A: There's a new movie on campus. Have you heard of it?  我们学校要放映一部新电影,你听说了吗? B: Yes, it's a comedy. Let's go to cinema then. 听说了,是个喜剧,那咱们去看电影吧。 play it by ear 见机行事;随机应变 We don't have a fixed plan for the weekend; we'll just play it by ear. 我们周末没有固定的计划,到时候看情况再说。 He's not sure if he can make it to the party; he'll play it by ear and let us know later.  他不确定是否能来参加派对,他会视情况而定,稍后告诉我们。 The weather is unpredictable today, so we'll play it by ear whether to go for a picnic or not.  今天天气不可预测,所以我们到时候再看是否去野餐。 相近表达 "play it by ear" 这个短语的意思是根据情况灵活应对,没有事先的计划。以下是一些意思相近的表达: Wing it: 随机应变,即没有准备就即兴发挥。 We didn't prepare a speech, so we'll have to wing it. 我没有准备演讲,所以只能即兴发挥了。 Go with the flow: 随波逐流,顺其自然。 We don't have a set plan for the day; we're just going to go with the flow. 我们今天没有固定得计划,只能顺其自然。 Take things as they come: 接受事情的自然发展,不强求。 I try not to worry about the future; I just take things as they come. 我尽量不去担心未来。我就接受事情得发展。

    10 min
  3. 13 SEPT


    欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily 在微信公众号里回复:课程 即可领取十节精品视频课程 全面提高听力,发音,口语 A: You're sure to be lagged behind if you rest on your laurels.  如果你满足于现有成绩的话,很快就会被甩在后面了。 B: I know what I should do in the future. I'll continue my effort. 我知道该怎么办,我会继续努力的。 rest/sit on one's laurels 安于现状;吃老本;固步自封 You can't rest on your laurels if you want to stay ahead in this competitive industry.  如果你想在这个竞争激烈的行业保持领先,就不能躺在过去的荣誉上。 The company needs to innovate instead of resting on its laurels if it wants to maintain its market position.  如果这家公司想要保持其市场地位,就需要创新,而不是依赖过去的成就。 She decided to pursue further education instead of resting on her laurels from high school.  她决定继深造,而不是依赖过去的成就。 lag behind 落后;滞后;追不上 She felt she was lagging behind her peers in terms of career progression.  她感觉在职业发展方面落后于她的同龄人。 The economic development of the region has been lagging behind the national average.  该地区的经济发展一直落后于全国平均水平。 If you lag behind in your studies, you'll find it hard to catch up later. 如果你学习上落后了,以后你会发现很难追上来。 相近表达 Live on past glory:  依靠过去的荣耀生活,不再创造新的成就。 例:The team is living on past glory; they haven't won a championship in years. 这支球队靠过去的辉煌生活;他们已经好几年没赢过冠军了。 Rest upon past achievements:  依赖于过去的成就。 例:She refuses to rest upon past achievements and continues to push herself to learn and grow. 她拒绝停留在过去的成就上,继续推动自己学习和成长。 Bask in past success:  沉浸在过去的成功之中。 例: Rather than basking in past success, the entrepreneur is focused on developing new products. 这位企业家没有沉浸在过去的成功中,而是专注于开发新产品。

    11 min
  4. 11 SEPT


    欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily 在微信公众号里回复:课程 即可领取十节精品课程 全面提高听力,口语,发音技巧 A: I've been worried about the examination results all afternoon. 我整个下午都为考试结果担心。 B: Don't be silly. I think you must have passed. 别傻了,你一定会通过的。 A: I'm not sure. 我没把握。 B: You can call the teacher to ask about it and it will put your mind at rest. 你可以打电话问问老师,那样的话你就放心了。 put one's mind at rest 使某人安心、放心 The doctor's reassurance put my mind at rest about the surgery.  医生的安慰让我对手术放心。 I know you're anxious to hear how your father is doing after the surgery, so let me put your mind at rest. He's going to make a full recovery. 我知道你急于想知道你父亲手术后的情况,所以我告诉你,他会完全康复的,这样你会放心了。 After installing a home security system, the homeowner was able to put his mind at rest about potential break-ins when he was away on business trips.  在安装了家庭安全系统后,房主能够在出差时放心,不再担心可能的入室盗窃。 相近表达 Settle someone's nerves - 使某人平静下来 例:The warm welcome from the host settled the guests' nerves as they entered the party.  主人热情的欢迎让客人们在进入派对时平静下来。 Relieve someone of their worries - 解除某人的忧虑 例:The financial advisor relieved the couple of their worries about retirement planning.  财务顾问解除了这对夫妇对退休计划的忧虑。 Soothe someone's concerns - 缓解某人的担忧 例:The manager soothed the employee's concerns about job security during the company meeting.  经理在公司会议上缓解了员工对工作保障的担忧。 Lay someone's fears to rest - 消除某人的恐惧 例:The doctor's positive prognosis laid the patient's fears to rest regarding the surgery outcome.  医生乐观的预后消除了病人对手术结果的恐惧。

    5 min


更多精彩内容点击 欢迎订阅 每周6更,早间6点更新(记得起床收听哦~) 节目亮点 练习英语口语最要注意循序渐进,那些简单生活口语,往往最实用。 1. 每日精选高频率实用句子(5-10条),帮助你脱口而出地道表达; 2. 精简小对话,模拟生活场景,覆盖日常生活方方面面(餐饮、购物、看病、旅游、学习、工作等),聊天不尴尬; 适合谁听 1. 词汇量小,口语表达不成句的英语学习者; 2. 想要夯实自己听说能力的初级学习者; 3. 想要提高发音和培养英语语感的英语爱好者; 你将获得 1. 1000+实用口语表达 2. 3000+日常生活词汇,扩充词汇量 3. 学会地道表达,应对日常生活各类场景

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