40 min

Business awards: the good, bad + ugly | Erin Huckle Rise & Shine

    • Marketing

Not all business awards are created equal. Which is why I’m chatting with Erin Huckle, awards writer and PR pro from Chuckle Communications. She works for creative, innovative and ethical businesses and has an 89% success rate helping clients win or be a finalist in awards.
Why awards are good for your business
What judges are looking for in your entry
Benefits of winning (the good)
Awards with questionable cred – what to look for to know it’s worth your time (the bad)
Award programs as sales funnels (the ugly)
Pay to play – should we have to pay to enter awards?
Practical ways to harness your award to reach more people and grow
How to write a powerful award entry
PR for small business tips 
Work with me  
Work with Erin + get your awards calendar
Find me on Instagram

Not all business awards are created equal. Which is why I’m chatting with Erin Huckle, awards writer and PR pro from Chuckle Communications. She works for creative, innovative and ethical businesses and has an 89% success rate helping clients win or be a finalist in awards.
Why awards are good for your business
What judges are looking for in your entry
Benefits of winning (the good)
Awards with questionable cred – what to look for to know it’s worth your time (the bad)
Award programs as sales funnels (the ugly)
Pay to play – should we have to pay to enter awards?
Practical ways to harness your award to reach more people and grow
How to write a powerful award entry
PR for small business tips 
Work with me  
Work with Erin + get your awards calendar
Find me on Instagram

40 min