Expat Chat Podcast

Atlas Wealth Management
Expat Chat Podcast

The Expat Chat Podcast by Atlas Wealth Management is a podcast for Aussie expats living overseas who want to learn more about managing their finances as an expat. Atlas Wealth Management is a specialist in providing Australian expat financial advice and planning and has been providing these services to Australian expats in over 38 countries

  1. Expat Chat Episode 133 - Can An Expat Retire Between Two Countries?

    1 DAY AGO

    Expat Chat Episode 133 - Can An Expat Retire Between Two Countries?

    Welcome to the one hundred and thirty third episode of the #Expatchat podcasts where we discuss the latest tax and financial issues affecting an #Australianexpat. In today’s Expat Chat we discuss can Australian expats retire between two countries and if so how can they do it. Like everything in life the answer is it depends. It depends on where you want to move or retire to, what passports you hold and the type of tax outcome Australian expats are looking for. A lot of Australian expats will tie themselves in knots trying to find the perfect solution however unfortunately it doesn't exist. There will be a trade off in lifestyle for cost or tax outcomes and its important to itemise what is the most important thing to you and make that your focus. If a particular country, scenery or location is the important thing then it is important to find the most tax optimised solution to that particular location or jurisdiction. There maybe better tax optimised locations for you however it may not provide the other things that are important to you. In this episode we run through the following topics: • Can a Australian expat simply retire anywhere? • What does an Australian expat need to be aware of when looking to retire in a foreign jurisdiction? • Why its okay for an Australian expat to be classified as a Australian tax resident when looking to spend time and retire overseas for at least part of the year? Links that we discussed in this episode include: • Upcoming events - https://atlaswealth.com/events • Facebook Group - Australian Expat Financial Forum Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/Australianexpatfinancialforum • Ask Atlas - Have your questions answered on the podcast by clicking this link - https://atlaswealth.com/news-media/australian-expat-podcasts/questions-or-feedback-for-the-expat-podcast/ • Expat Mortgage Podcast - https://atlaswealth.com/news-media/australian-expat-podcasts/expat-mortgage-podcast/ If you like the content make sure you let us know by hitting the thumbs up and subscribing as well as providing some feedback in the comments below. Atlas Wealth Management is a specialist in providing tax financial planning advice to every Australian #expat. Whether you are based in Asia, the Middle East, Europe or the Americas, we have the experience in providing wealth management and planning services to the expatriate community. Atlas Wealth Management was born out of the demand from expats who wanted a financial adviser to help them navigate the tax and financial maze of living abroad as well as assisting them make the most out of their time overseas. To find out more about Atlas Wealth Management and how we can help Australian expats please go to https://www.atlaswealth.com. Make sure you connect with us on our respective social media channels: Facebook: www.facebook.com/atlaswealthmgmt LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/atlas-wealth-management Twitter: www.twitter.com/atlaswealthmgmt Instagram: www.instagram.com/atlaswealthmgmt

    19 min
  2. Expat Chat Episode 132 - Managing Sharia Law as an Australian Expat

    7 FEB

    Expat Chat Episode 132 - Managing Sharia Law as an Australian Expat

    Welcome to the one hundred and thirty second episode of the #Expatchat podcasts where we discuss the latest tax and financial issues affecting an #Australianexpat. In today’s Expat Chat we discuss how Australian expats manage sharia law when they move to the Middle East or any other country that's governing law is based on the Islamic faith. With destinations like Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia and Qatar becoming popular destinations for Australian expats its important for those looking to move to the region have a understanding of the law not only to avoid breaking it but to also anticipate how to navigate this when things go wrong. In the majority of cases the time an Australian expat in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Saudi or Qatar have to face Sharia Law and its implications on your finances is when there is a death in the family. Generally speaking under Sharia Law when it comes to succession an individuals testamentary as to who gets what assets is limited to between one third and one quarter of their assets (depending in whether the law is based on Sunni or Shi'i schemes of inheritance) whilst the remaining amount is passes to their legal heirs. Who these legal heirs are can vary wildly depending on which scheme of inheritance is employed. In this episode we run through the following topics: • How to navigate sharia law as a Australian expat in the region? • What an Australian expat can do to prepare? • How important are wills to helping Australian expats navigate sharia law? Links that we discussed in this episode include: • Upcoming events - https://atlaswealth.com/events • Facebook Group - Australian Expat Financial Forum Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/Australianexpatfinancialforum • Ask Atlas - Have your questions answered on the podcast by clicking this link - https://atlaswealth.com/news-media/australian-expat-podcasts/questions-or-feedback-for-the-expat-podcast/ • Expat Mortgage Podcast - https://atlaswealth.com/news-media/australian-expat-podcasts/expat-mortgage-podcast/ If you like the content make sure you let us know by hitting the thumbs up and subscribing as well as providing some feedback in the comments below. Atlas Wealth Management is a specialist in providing tax financial planning advice to every Australian #expat. Whether you are based in Asia, the Middle East, Europe or the Americas, we have the experience in providing wealth management and planning services to the expatriate community. Atlas Wealth Management was born out of the demand from expats who wanted a financial adviser to help them navigate the tax and financial maze of living abroad as well as assisting them make the most out of their time overseas. To find out more about Atlas Wealth Management and how we can help Australian expats please go to https://www.atlaswealth.com. Make sure you connect with us on our respective social media channels: Facebook: www.facebook.com/atlaswealthmgmt LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/atlas-wealth-management Twitter: www.twitter.com/atlaswealthmgmt Instagram: www.instagram.com/atlaswealthmgmt

    15 min
  3. Expat Chat Episode 131 - We're Back for 2025

    3 FEB

    Expat Chat Episode 131 - We're Back for 2025

    Welcome to the one hundred and thirty first episode and we are back for another year of the #Expatchat podcasts where we discuss the latest tax and financial issues affecting an #Australianexpat. In today’s Expat Chat we provide a review of the year that has been and what we expect to in the year to come. We also talk about the recent announcement of Atlas forming a partnership with local mortgage broker Holo Mortgages in the UAE that will enable our clients in Dubai and Abu Dhabi to get the best deal when securing finance to purchase their home or investment property in the UAE. We'll also be running many webinars and seminars in 2025 so keep an eye on your emails as well as our social media pages as we look to visit our usual locations plus a number of new additions including Asia and North America. Links that we discussed in this episode include: • Upcoming events - https://atlaswealth.com/events • Facebook Group - Australian Expat Financial Forum Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/Australianexpatfinancialforum • Ask Atlas - Have your questions answered on the podcast by clicking this link - https://atlaswealth.com/news-media/australian-expat-podcasts/questions-or-feedback-for-the-expat-podcast/ • Expat Mortgage Podcast - https://atlaswealth.com/news-media/australian-expat-podcasts/expat-mortgage-podcast/ If you like the content make sure you let us know by hitting the thumbs up and subscribing as well as providing some feedback in the comments below. Atlas Wealth Management is a specialist in providing tax financial planning advice to every Australian #expat. Whether you are based in Asia, the Middle East, Europe or the Americas, we have the experience in providing wealth management and planning services to the expatriate community. Atlas Wealth Management was born out of the demand from expats who wanted a financial adviser to help them navigate the tax and financial maze of living abroad as well as assisting them make the most out of their time overseas. To find out more about Atlas Wealth Management and how we can help Australian expats please go to https://www.atlaswealth.com. Make sure you connect with us on our respective social media channels: Facebook: www.facebook.com/atlaswealthmgmt LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/atlas-wealth-management Twitter: www.twitter.com/atlaswealthmgmt Instagram: www.instagram.com/atlaswealthmgmt

    23 min
  4. Expat Chat Episode 130 - End Of 2024 Wrap Up


    Expat Chat Episode 130 - End Of 2024 Wrap Up

    Welcome to the one hundred and thirtieth episode of the #Expatchat podcast where we discuss the latest tax and financial issues affecting an #Australianexpat. In today’s Expat Chat we don't talk about financial advice. No acronyms, no fancy jargon, no confusing terms. Nope, just James and Brett thanking all of our listeners for tuning in every week as well as providing their feedback and questions for our last episode of 2024. Its been a very busy year with a lot to talk about and the podcast enables us to have those conversations at scale with Australian expats all around the world If you are celebrating we hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas and to everyone have a great break and may 2025 be a great year for you as part of your Australian expat journey. If you like the content make sure you let us know by hitting the thumbs up and subscribing as well as providing some feedback in the comments below. Atlas Wealth Management is a specialist in providing tax financial planning advice to every Australian #expat. Whether you are based in Asia, the Middle East, Europe or the Americas, we have the experience in providing wealth management and planning services to the expatriate community. Atlas Wealth Management was born out of the demand from expats who wanted a financial adviser to help them navigate the tax and financial maze of living abroad as well as assisting them make the most out of their time overseas. To find out more about Atlas Wealth Management and how we can help Australian expats please go to https://www.atlaswealth.com. Make sure you connect with us on our respective social media channels: Facebook: www.facebook.com/atlaswealthmgmt LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/atlas-wealth-management Twitter: www.twitter.com/atlaswealthmgmt Instagram: www.instagram.com/atlaswealthmgmt

    10 min
  5. Expat Chat Episode 129 - Expat Facebook Group Q&A Part 3


    Expat Chat Episode 129 - Expat Facebook Group Q&A Part 3

    Welcome to the one hundred and twenty ninth episode of the #Expatchat podcast where we discuss the latest tax and financial issues affecting an #Australianexpat. In today’s Expat Chat we provide the last part of our Australian Expat Financial Forum Facebook Q&A. With more and more Australians looking to move overseas and become an expat its important that everyone is aware of the little things that help you make infortmed decisions and avoid the pitfalls than many face. We love producing episodes like these as it enables us to get to the coal face of Australian expats and answer the questions that you have. If you're not in our FaceBook group make sure you join by searching for the Australian Expat Financial Forum group on the Facebook app or desktop login. In this episode we run through the following topics: • Can a Australian expat use equity in their property to buy other properties? • If a Australian expat has a HECS or HELP debt does this affect their borrowing power in Australia? • How does a Australian expat remove their exposure to the UK inheritance tax? • What is the best way to make foreign currency transfers? • What tax obligations does a Australian expat have to the ATO when managing their 401k? Links that we discussed in this episode include: • Upcoming events - https://atlaswealth.com/events • Facebook Group - Australian Expat Financial Forum Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/Australianexpatfinancialforum • Ask Atlas - Have your questions answered on the podcast by clicking this link - https://atlaswealth.com/news-media/australian-expat-podcasts/questions-or-feedback-for-the-expat-podcast/ • Expat Mortgage Podcast - https://atlaswealth.com/news-media/australian-expat-podcasts/expat-mortgage-podcast/ If you like the content make sure you let us know by hitting the thumbs up and subscribing as well as providing some feedback in the comments below. Atlas Wealth Management is a specialist in providing tax financial planning advice to every Australian #expat. Whether you are based in Asia, the Middle East, Europe or the Americas, we have the experience in providing wealth management and planning services to the expatriate community. Atlas Wealth Management was born out of the demand from expats who wanted a financial adviser to help them navigate the tax and financial maze of living abroad as well as assisting them make the most out of their time overseas. To find out more about Atlas Wealth Management and how we can help Australian expats please go to https://www.atlaswealth.com. Make sure you connect with us on our respective social media channels: Facebook: www.facebook.com/atlaswealthmgmt LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/atlas-wealth-management Twitter: www.twitter.com/atlaswealthmgmt Instagram: www.instagram.com/atlaswealthmgmt

    19 min
  6. Expat Chat Episode 128 - Australian Arrival Card Considerations for Expats


    Expat Chat Episode 128 - Australian Arrival Card Considerations for Expats

    Welcome to the one hundred and twenty eighth episode of the #Expatchat podcast where we discuss the latest tax and financial issues affecting an #Australianexpat. In today’s Expat Chat talk about the incoming passenger arrival card that you need to complete when landing at an Australian airport. With many Australian expats looking to return home over the Christmas holidays to visit family and friends there is often confusion as to what box you tick on the passenger arrival card before you land. In the past there was quite a lot of apathy towards these cards but in todays digital world and with government departments linked electronically what you declare on these cards can make a dramatic difference as to whether it is plain sailing or greater scrutiny by government departments including the ATO. We have seen over the last couple of years these cards being used as evidence in court by the ATO when trying to argue a Australian expats residency. In this episode we run through the following topics: • What options are available to select? • Which box should I tick? • What happens to these cards after they are collected? Links that we discussed in this episode include: • Upcoming events - https://atlaswealth.com/events • Facebook Group - Australian Expat Financial Forum Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/Australianexpatfinancialforum • Ask Atlas - Have your questions answered on the podcast by clicking this link - https://atlaswealth.com/news-media/australian-expat-podcasts/questions-or-feedback-for-the-expat-podcast/ • Expat Mortgage Podcast - https://atlaswealth.com/news-media/australian-expat-podcasts/expat-mortgage-podcast/ If you like the content make sure you let us know by hitting the thumbs up and subscribing as well as providing some feedback in the comments below. Atlas Wealth Management is a specialist in providing tax financial planning advice to every Australian #expat. Whether you are based in Asia, the Middle East, Europe or the Americas, we have the experience in providing wealth management and planning services to the expatriate community. Atlas Wealth Management was born out of the demand from expats who wanted a financial adviser to help them navigate the tax and financial maze of living abroad as well as assisting them make the most out of their time overseas. To find out more about Atlas Wealth Management and how we can help Australian expats please go to https://www.atlaswealth.com. Make sure you connect with us on our respective social media channels: Facebook: www.facebook.com/atlaswealthmgmt LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/atlas-wealth-management Twitter: www.twitter.com/atlaswealthmgmt Instagram: www.instagram.com/atlaswealthmgmt

    13 min
  7. Expat Chat Episode 127 - Expat Facebook Group Q&A Part 2


    Expat Chat Episode 127 - Expat Facebook Group Q&A Part 2

    Welcome to the one hundred and twenty seventh episode of the #Expatchat podcast where we discuss the latest tax and financial issues affecting an #Australianexpat. In today’s Expat Chat we run through some more questions that have been asked in the Australian Expat Financial Forum Facebook group that we manage. Social media is a great tool for Australian expats living overseas as not only does it keep us in contact with friends and family back home but it can also be used to research and understand topics that affect you as an expat. With a plethora of Australian expat Facebook groups it is a common place to ask questions relating to expat life - where can I buy vegemite, what's a good school for my kids and many more. Many Australian expats will also ask questions relating to their personal financial circumstances and whilst it is great that everyone wants to help and share their opinion quite often there are incorrect answers being provided. That's why we started the Australian Expat Financial Forum. Its a place that Australian expats can share their expat financial war stories as well as ask questions that we can answer on this podcast. In this episode we run through the following topics: • How to setup a will across multiple jurisdictions? • How to setup for retirement when you don't know which country you will be in? • Can a Australian expat gift a property and not pay any tax? • What are the ATO obligations for drawing on a US 401k when residing in Australia? Links that we discussed in this episode include: • Upcoming events - https://atlaswealth.com/events • Facebook Group - Australian Expat Financial Forum Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/Australianexpatfinancialforum • Ask Atlas - Have your questions answered on the podcast by clicking this link - https://atlaswealth.com/news-media/australian-expat-podcasts/questions-or-feedback-for-the-expat-podcast/ • Expat Mortgage Podcast - https://atlaswealth.com/news-media/australian-expat-podcasts/expat-mortgage-podcast/ If you like the content make sure you let us know by hitting the thumbs up and subscribing as well as providing some feedback in the comments below. Atlas Wealth Management is a specialist in providing tax financial planning advice to every Australian #expat. Whether you are based in Asia, the Middle East, Europe or the Americas, we have the experience in providing wealth management and planning services to the expatriate community. Atlas Wealth Management was born out of the demand from expats who wanted a financial adviser to help them navigate the tax and financial maze of living abroad as well as assisting them make the most out of their time overseas. To find out more about Atlas Wealth Management and how we can help Australian expats please go to https://www.atlaswealth.com. Make sure you connect with us on our respective social media channels: Facebook: www.facebook.com/atlaswealthmgmt LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/atlas-wealth-management Twitter: www.twitter.com/atlaswealthmgmt Instagram: www.instagram.com/atlaswealthmgmt

    19 min
  8. Expat Chat Episode 126 - Expat Facebook Group Q&A Part 1


    Expat Chat Episode 126 - Expat Facebook Group Q&A Part 1

    Welcome to the one hundred and twenty sixth episode of the #Expatchat podcast where we discuss the latest tax and financial issues affecting an #Australianexpat. In today’s Expat Chat we run through some of the questions that have been asked in the Australian Expat Financial Forum Facebook group that we manage. Social media is a great tool for Australian expats living overseas as not only does it keep us in contact with friends and family back home but it can also be used to research and understand topics that affect you as an expat. With a plethora of Australian expat Facebook groups it is a common place to ask questions relating to expat life - where can I buy vegemite, what's a good school for my kids and many more. Many Australian expats will also ask questions relating to their personal financial circumstances and whilst it is great that everyone wants to help and share their opinion quite often there are incorrect answers being provided. That's why we started the Australian Expat Financial Forum. Its a place that Australian expats can share their expat financial war stories as well as ask questions that we can answer on this podcast. In this episode we run through the following topics: • Does voting affect your non-resident tax status? • What are the Pros and Cons to having both a UK pension and Australian Superannuation account? • Australian expats inheriting assets in Australia • Withholding tax considerations when expats sell a property in Australia Links that we discussed in this episode include: • Upcoming events - https://atlaswealth.com/events • Facebook Group - Australian Expat Financial Forum Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/Australianexpatfinancialforum • Ask Atlas - Have your questions answered on the podcast by clicking this link - https://atlaswealth.com/news-media/australian-expat-podcasts/questions-or-feedback-for-the-expat-podcast/ • Expat Mortgage Podcast - https://atlaswealth.com/news-media/australian-expat-podcasts/expat-mortgage-podcast/ If you like the content make sure you let us know by hitting the thumbs up and subscribing as well as providing some feedback in the comments below. Atlas Wealth Management is a specialist in providing tax financial planning advice to every Australian #expat. Whether you are based in Asia, the Middle East, Europe or the Americas, we have the experience in providing wealth management and planning services to the expatriate community. Atlas Wealth Management was born out of the demand from expats who wanted a financial adviser to help them navigate the tax and financial maze of living abroad as well as assisting them make the most out of their time overseas. To find out more about Atlas Wealth Management and how we can help Australian expats please go to https://www.atlaswealth.com. Make sure you connect with us on our respective social media channels: Facebook: www.facebook.com/atlaswealthmgmt LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/atlas-wealth-management Twitter: www.twitter.com/atlaswealthmgmt Instagram: www.instagram.com/atlaswealthmgmt

    16 min
out of 5
26 Ratings


The Expat Chat Podcast by Atlas Wealth Management is a podcast for Aussie expats living overseas who want to learn more about managing their finances as an expat. Atlas Wealth Management is a specialist in providing Australian expat financial advice and planning and has been providing these services to Australian expats in over 38 countries

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