First Name Basis Podcast

Jasmine Bradshaw
First Name Basis Podcast

As parents, we all want to teach our kids to be inclusive, but how? Join Jasmine Bradshaw each week as she gives you the tools and practical strategies that you need to talk to your children about race, religion, and culture. If you are a parent who values inclusion and wants to teach your children how to truly love those who are different from them, this podcast is for you!

  1. 25/06/2024

    Big Changes

    We’ve got some changes coming at First Name Basis! I started the First Name Basis Podcast back in 2019 when I looked at my tiny daughter and wanted to make the world a better place for her — a place that would be more inclusive, kind and anti-racist.  In the past almost 5 years, we’ve created this beautiful community where we’ve had so many hard but productive conversations both on social media and through the podcast. As I prepare to welcome our third little one into our family, it feels like time to change how a few things are done here at First Name Basis, including: Putting the podcast on hold so I can focus on my consulting clients. Transitioning all of our paid resources to only be available for purchase by schools and community organizations for now. Changing the way we deliver our paid resources to those who have already invested in them. Running a sale with the biggest discounts we’ve ever offered! Listen in to hear all of the details! Thank you for being here with me in this work. These last 5 years have been a dream come true, and I’m excited to continue the work in this new way. And don’t worry — I don’t think I’ll be able to stay away from my podcast microphone forever. As always, I am SO GLAD that you are here. You are what has made First Name Basis what it is.   Don’t miss our big sale! If you have been waiting to purchase any of our paid resources, now is your final chance to do so before they’re put to bed for the next few years. We’re offering BIG discounts, and the sooner you buy, the bigger the discount you get! From now until July 1, you can use the code FNB50 for 50% off any of our products. **This is the biggest discount we will offer during the sale, so don’t wait to snag what you’ve had your eye on!** From July 2 until July 8, use the code FNB40 for 40% off! And from July 9 until July 15, use the code FNB30 for 30% off! So don’t wait to snag those products you’ve been keeping your eye on! Head over to to learn more.   Invite Jasmine to work with your school! Are you a parent or teacher who wants to help your school turn good intentions into positive action by making anti-racist education a priority? First Name Basis is here to help! Jasmine Bradshaw is an anti-racist educator and former second-grade teacher who has a passion for helping schools make real change. From providing professional development for teachers to curriculum consulting to implementing her unique anti-racist resources to parent education events, Jasmine is your go-to anti-bias and anti-racist education resource. Email or visit for more information.   Song credit: “Clapping Music” by BrightestAvenue and “Sunshine” by lemonmusicstudio

    16 min
  2. 01/02/2024

    Don’t Do THIS During Black History Month

    In case you haven’t noticed yet, I’m passionate about Black History Month. I did not enjoy learning about Black history growing up. It felt more like grieving than celebrating for me, and because of that it’s my dream to make Black History Month a positive experience for ALL children and students. So today, as part of that, I’m talking about 3 mistakes parents and teachers should avoid when talking to kids and students about Black History: 1. Don’t say “because they were Black.” It’s time to put the onus on racism. 2. Don’t refer to Black people as “non-white.” This makes it seem as if being white is the “norm.” Just use the correct identifiers and describe people for what they ARE instead of what they aren’t. 3. Don’t only focus on struggle. When we do this, it doesn’t just harm Black students. It harms ALL students. And this is why I created Bite-Sized Black History, to be able to celebrate all the joyful things about being Black. And y’all know me, I would never give you 3 things NOT to do without also giving you lots of things to DO, so press play on the episode to learn more about these three don’ts and to get ideas for some actionable steps for making Black History Month a meaningful celebration.   Bite-Sized Black History Bite-Sized Black History is a collection of mini-podcast episodes that empower you to teach kiddos about brilliant Black Americans who have been largely overlooked by our history books. You know about Dr. King and Rosa Parks — now it’s time to explore other Black leaders and learn from their stories! I just released 12 new episodes as part of Bite-Sized Black History Season 4 — bringing the total number of episodes in the library up to 40! The catalog includes activists, inventors, scientists, entertainers, artists and more, and each episode comes with an accompanying coloring page and reflection questions to help you have meaningful conversations with the kiddos in your life. From now until the end of February, you can use the code BSBH29 for 29% off any Bite-Sized Black History package — 29% in honor of leap year giving us an extra day to celebrate Black History Month. Head over to to learn more and to have a meaningful Black History Month by getting your copy of Bite-Sized Black History today.   Invite Jasmine to work with your school! Are you a parent or teacher who wants to help your school turn good intentions into positive action by making anti-racist education a priority? First Name Basis is here to help! Jasmine Bradshaw, the host and founder of the First Name Basis Podcast, is an anti-racist educator and former second-grade teacher who has a passion for helping schools make real change. From providing professional development for teachers to curriculum consulting to implementing her unique anti-racist resources, Jasmine is your go-to anti-bias and anti-racist education resource. Email or visit for more information!   Articles, Studies & Podcasts Referenced in the Episode “Anti-Bias Education for Young Children and Ourselves,” by Julie Olsen Edwards and Louise Derman-Sparks Song Credit: “Clapping Music” by BrightestAvenue and “Sunshine” by lemonmusicstudio

    24 min
  3. 23/01/2024

    Let’s Celebrate Black History Month

    Can you believe February is right around the corner?! And with it comes BLACK HISTORY MONTH! Celebrating Black History Month is so important for ALL kids, not just Black children, and I created Bite-Sized Black History to help kiddos everywhere be able to learn about Black history in a way that is both meaningful and joyful. In this episode, I’m telling you all about Bite-Sized Black History and including a sample episode for you to check out that is all about singer, actor and activist Harry Belafonte! Bite-Sized Black History is a collection of mini-podcast episodes that empower you to teach kiddos about brilliant Black Americans who have been largely overlooked by our history books. You know about Dr. King and Rosa Parks — now it’s time to explore other Black leaders and learn from their stories. Each Bite-Sized Black History lesson will give you everything you need to foster meaningful conversations that go beyond the bounds of civil rights and enslavement to celebrate the creativity, ingenuity, joy, and brilliance of the Black community. Season 4 is now available and features 12 new episodes bringing the total number of episodes in our library up to 40! The catalog includes activists, inventors, scientists, entertainers, artists and more, and each episode comes with an accompanying coloring page and reflection questions to help you have meaningful conversations with the kiddos in your life. Press play to learn more and to hear the sample episode! Be sure to check out our sale! And, as a special treat, from now until the end of February, you can use the coupon code BSBH29 for 29% off any Bite-Sized Black History package — 29% in honor of leap year giving us an extra day to celebrate Black History Month. Head over to to learn more and to have a meaningful Black History Month by getting your copy of Bite-Sized Black History today.   Song credit: “Clapping Music” by BrightestAvenue and “Sunshine” by lemonmusicstudio

    28 min
  4. 25/10/2023

    Work With Me: First Name Basis

    We’re wrapping up Season 8 with this episode, and it’s got me thinking all about our evolution over the years. From beginning as a tiny Instagram account to starting the podcast, from working with families to working with schools, First Name Basis has grown in ways that is a dream come true! I consult with schools across the country to implement anti-racist education. But as some of you have said, you’re not sure what that would look like, so in this episode, I’m giving all the details of what it looks like for me to work with your school! It’s one thing to know that anti-racism is important but it’s another thing altogether to get it started. So many schools have diversity statements for prioritizing anti-bias and anti-racist learning, and getting those good intentions to be practical action is what I’m here for! In this episode, I talk all about:  • Why it’s important to have anti-racism in schools • What a partnership with me looks like • How to get a partnership started   • What you can do to get the ball rolling at your school   Invite Jasmine to work with your school! Are you a parent or teacher who wants to help your school turn good intentions into positive action by making anti-racist education a priority? First Name Basis is here to help! Jasmine Bradshaw, the host and founder of the First Name Basis Podcast, is an anti-racist educator and former second-grade teacher who has a passion for helping schools make real change. From providing professional development for teachers to curriculum consulting to implementing her unique anti-racist resources, Jasmine is your go-to anti-bias and anti-racist education resource. Email or visit for more information!   Articles, Studies & Podcasts Referenced in the Episode Head to to get our school consulting guide where I explain  First Name Basis Podcast, Season 6 Episode 9: “Creating Change in the Classroom” with Patrick Harris    Song Credit: “Clapping Music” by BrightestAvenue and “Sunshine” by lemonmusicstudio

    29 min
  5. 10/10/2023

    Black and Brown Emojis Are Not a Punch Line

    This episode can be summarized with one sentence: Please stop using Black and Brown emojis if you are not Black or Brown. Skin color is something that should be celebrated, not laughed at, but I have seen people using emojis that don’t match their skin tone time and time again. I think a lot of the time people aren’t intentionally trying to do something racist, but when you peel back the layers you realize that the only reason why doing this could be funny is because of racism, and racism is not funny. And, like we talk about all the time, the IMPACT of an action always outweighs the INTENT. In this episode, we’ll look at: • A brief look at what digital blackface is. • An explanation on why using Black and Brown emojis as a joke is harmful. • How you can respond when you see people misusing Black and Brown emojis.   Invite Jasmine to work with your school! Are you a parent or teacher who wants to help your school turn good intentions into positive action by making anti-racist education a priority? First Name Basis is here to help! Jasmine Bradshaw, the host and founder of the First Name Basis Podcast, is an anti-racist educator and former second-grade teacher who has a passion for helping schools make real change. From providing professional development for teachers to curriculum consulting to implementing her unique anti-racist resources, Jasmine is your go-to anti-bias and anti-racist education resource. Email or visit for more information!   Articles, Studies & Podcasts Referenced in the Episode “Blackface has resurged in the internet age. And you might be part of the problem,” by Tor Haugan, Berkeley Library “What Is Digital Blackface? Experts Explain Why The Social Media Practice Is Problematic,” by Madeline Howard, Women’s Health “​​Digital Blackface: How 21st Century Internet Language Reinforces Racism” by Erinn Wong Song Credit: “Clapping Music” by BrightestAvenue and “Sunshine” by lemonmusicstudio

    17 min
  6. 03/10/2023

    Invisible Lynching and What It Says About the Fight for Justice

    Trigger warning: Before you continue reading these show notes or listening to this episode, please be aware that it discusses lynching and white supremacist violence. Lynching is a reality both now and in the past. Yet despite the fact that lynching continues to happen, it took more than 120 years to get an anti-lynching bill passed.  In that time, more than 200 iterations of bills that would make lynching a federal crime were introduced and failed to pass over and over again — including one that was voted down only three days before Ahmaud Arbery was lynched in February 2020. It wasn’t until May of 2020 that Ahmaud Arbery’s story became national news. Before then, it was an invisible lynching — one that wasn’t widely known. But that doesn’t mean it should just be ignored, and the fact that these “invisible lynchings” still happen says a lot about what still needs to be done in the fight for justice. In this episode, I talk more about: The work I’m doing with a company called Litby that sparked the research for this episode. The struggle to pass an anti-lynching bill The importance of continuing to fight against lynching and other acts of racism — both the ones that make big headlines and those that don’t.   Invite Jasmine to work with your school! Are you a parent or teacher who wants to help your school turn good intentions into positive action by making anti-racist education a priority? First Name Basis is here to help! Jasmine Bradshaw, the host and founder of the First Name Basis Podcast, is an anti-racist educator and former second-grade teacher who has a passion for helping schools make real change. From providing professional development for teachers to curriculum consulting to implementing her unique anti-racist resources, Jasmine is your go-to anti-bias and anti-racist education resource. Email or visit for more information! Articles, Studies, & Podcasts Referenced in the Episode First Name Basis Podcast, Season 2 Episode 17: “Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd: Unpacking Racism” First Name Basis Podcast, Season 2 Episode 4: “3 Steps To A More Inclusive Bookshelf” Litby offers a supplemental novel study program that supports students in reading, comprehending, and engaging with rigorous novels.  Invite Jasmine to work with your school at “Lynching is now a federal hate crime after a century of blocked efforts” by Eric McDaniel and Elena Moore, NPR “U.S. House To Vote On Anti-Lynching Act — Finally,” All Things Considered, NPR   Song Credit: “Clapping Music” by BrightestAvenue and “Sunshine” by lemonmusicstudio

    31 min
  7. 12/09/2023

    Raising Multiracial Children

    Growing up as a multiracial child, I often felt my racial identity shifting and developing — heck, even as an adult I do! Navigating what it means to be multiracial continues to be a journey for me, which is why I was so excited to be able to interview Dr. Jennifer Noble. Dr. Jenn, as she’s known online, is a licensed psychologist, parent coach and associate professor of psychology, who shares her expertise both in her private practice in Los Angeles and online. She focuses on identity and mixed race experience as she works with mixed race teens, BIPOC women and other marginalized groups. In our conversation, we discuss: • The experience many multiracial children have of shifting identity development. • How parents can help their multiracial children prepare to answer questions about their identity. • Affirming identity in the face of other people’s assumptions. • How terminology can change based on where the mixed race person is in their identity journey. • Building resilience in kids and their parents through open communication. I hope any of you listeners out there who are multiracial or raising multiracial kiddos leave listening to this conversation feeling like you can be more fully connected to your family and your identity. And for anyone who is monoracial, I hope this gives you a better understanding of how you can support the multiracial people in your life.   Invite Jasmine to work with your school! Are you a parent or teacher who wants to help your school turn good intentions into positive action by making anti-racist education a priority? First Name Basis is here to help! Jasmine Bradshaw, the host and founder of the First Name Basis Podcast, is an anti-racist educator and former second-grade teacher who has a passion for helping schools make real change. Whether you’re looking for a keynote speaker at your next PTA event, want to implement our Ally Elementary curriculum at your school, or need someone to consult with your school and provide teacher trainings, Jasmine is your go-to resource. Email or visit for more information!   Get your Little Allies Activity Book If you’re looking for activities for your kids or students to do that are both fun and meaningful, we’ve got something for you! Our Little Allies Activity Book is now available! It’s a coloring book that is focused on allyship, and all the activities are based around anti-racism. The Little Allies Activity Book includes:  Color by number  Protest I Spy  Dot to dot Anti-racist word search  Black history unscramble  And more! Get your hands on it today by heading to!   Articles, Studies & Podcasts Referenced in the Episode Dr. Jenn’s website, which includes information about Mixed Life Academy Dr. Jenn’s Instagram account @drjennpsych Dr. Noble’s therapy practice website Multiracial Bill of Rights by Dr. Maria Root “One Drop of Love” by Fanshen Cox “50 Experiences of Racially Mixed People” by Dr. Maria Root   Video of a mom in England giving her son a shirt to tell him he’s leaving the school where he’s been bullied   Song Credit: “Clapping Music” by BrightestAvenue and “Sunshine” by lemonmusicstudio

    55 min

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As parents, we all want to teach our kids to be inclusive, but how? Join Jasmine Bradshaw each week as she gives you the tools and practical strategies that you need to talk to your children about race, religion, and culture. If you are a parent who values inclusion and wants to teach your children how to truly love those who are different from them, this podcast is for you!

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