What does Clive Palmer do now? — Osher Gunsberg, Floyd Alexander-Hunt, Dan Ilic, Lewis Hobba + Judy Hannan

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G’day Fearmongers —
Happy Superbowl weekend, we have juicy podcast served with a side of ranch dressing and celery sticks — BUT before we get to that, you should know:
Tickets are on sale now for A Rational Fear live in a city near you!
Adelaide Fringe — March 4th
Brisbane World Science Festival — March 26th
Melbourne International Comedy Festival — APRIL 2nd
We’ve got great line-ups for each show. And we have a limited number of discounted tickets for podcast listeners for Adelaide and Melbourne: “PODCAST” is the code.
On the podcast this week we have some wonderful guests:
Osher Gunsberg
Floyd Alexander-Hunt
Lewis Hobba
Dan Ilic
+ we warm up for the NSW elections with the Independant Candidate for Wollondilliy and The Southern Highlands, Judy Hannan.
We talk about Clive Palmer’s failed mine bid.
How to save Australia Post.
New Zealand’s HUGE cocaine haul.
EXTRA FEAR only on the Patreon & Apple Subscription — we talk Alan Tudge's resignation.
🤑 CHIP IN TO OUR PATREON https://www.patreon.com/ARationalFear
📨 SUBSCRIBE TO OUR EMAIL LIST: http://www.arationalfear.com/
This podcast is supported in part by Australian ethical. Good morning or good evening, Lewis.
Hello. Yes, good, good. Whatever day off time time of day this finds you.
It's a flat circle. No one, no one really has a good handle on time. Time is irrelevant. Now, there was an article in the BBC saying that time is a construct, we actually time doesn't actually exist, which I have to
agree that in the BBC before that when you like, Oh, I thought God gave it to us.
Other time was brought down by Neptune. Neptune gave us time. Big news, Louis. You You know this news, by the way. Oh, yeah. But you are a new dad. This is so exciting. Congratulations.
Thank you. It's actually so rare that when you tell me that we have news that I actually am across a rare and precious fact. Yes. thrilled. I have a five week old daughter her name's olive. She's a really good baby, but pretty into her. And that's why I've been away for the law. I missed last week. I tried to join kinda, but it was a mess. It's also I genuinely have no idea what's happening. Like, whatever comes up today will be relatively new information.
Great. It'd be fresh years and we really, yeah, well, it means also, the Patreon is more important than ever, because we've got more mouths to feed, we gotta feed olive. I don't give Lewis any of the Patreon money but the point is, you know, in principle, chipping, chipping, like Nick or rock voiceover actor who was in last week's episode, he just I wanted to give him money. He said, No, I'm gonna give you money and become a patreon supporter. Thank you, Nick. David Bluestein. Comedian and game developer also signed up for Patreon this week. Thank you, Dave Lewis, we've got some live shows so you can spend less time with your new family around the country. Adelaide is happening in four weeks Andrew Hanson, Gabby Bolte, Alice, Fraser Lewis and myself. Then we've got April 2 at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. Huge show. Gabby Alice Grace time Vidya Rajan. That's what I reckon Sammy Shah, and then Brisbane, coming up at the end of March with a huge show for World Science Festival. Mark Humphries. Mel bottle Mandy, darlin Lewis and myself. Also, Louis, we are talking with onstage live. Someone who is a Brisbane native Her name is Dr. Jesse Christianson sees the head of the NASA exoplanet library. And she works on the JW S T. She's probably one of the smartest people we've ever had on the show. So it's very excited. We have we've had some smart people on the show. You know, we've had that the Bondi hipsters. We've had Dr.
Cow. I don't even understand what her job is what from what you've just told me like, well, it's an exoplanet. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
We'll have to wait and see in Brisbane. So that's exciting. Anyway, join us in Brisbane at the end of March. It's going to be very exciting. I'm recording mine of irrational fear on Gadigal land in the urination. Sovereignty was never seated. When did a treaty Let's start the show.
A rational fear contains naughty words like bricks. Canberra, fed gum and section 40 of a rational view recommended listening by immature audiences.
Tonight family reunions breakout across the world as Twitter outage causes people to put down their phones and pay attention to their loved ones for one hour and sports bit paid $9,000 for the communications minister on election Eve paid for dinner Minister Roland said it wasn't lobbying. It was just the same dinner multi and former Prime Minister Tony Abbott joins a climate sceptic Think Tank A sentence that makes more sense in the phrase former Prime Minister Tony Abbott. It's the ninth of February 2023. And this is the only media outlet that is not sued by Ben Robert Smith. This is irrational fear.
Welcome to rational feet. I'm your host, former Green Senator Dan Ilic. And this is the podcast that takes the news and puts it into blender with some protein powder. Let's meet our fear mongers for tonight. She's put on hold the money and the stability of being a lawyer for something much more exciting. Yes, she's a comedian Floyd Alexander. Hi and welcome to irrational fear.
Thanks so much for having me back.
Look, my pleasure look why why shouldn't comedy be the backup job here? Shouldn't you be you know, all gung ho for a for a proper career in law, that's where the money is a short
I think it's that my parents were really it was it was like, when I said I was gonna do law, they were really disappointed in me. So I was like, I was very confused.
And his career is long serving, but his hip is brand new. It's broadcaster podcaster and Rose distributor. Asha, Gunzburg. Asha. You've got a new haircut. Are you planning on any more upgrades in the future? No, I'm
actually I might hit number. I've walked on hip number one and hit number five. There was yeah, it's been a long and winding journey but I'm finally here tonight. And I'm grateful that none of you got that guy Sebastian Australian Idol season one job but fine. That's it No, I'm not planning on any more upgrades.
I was listening out for the words battle and scars Asha I couldn't hear battle and scars together in a sentence so totally love
never get behind me at the airport. I will always, always be touched by security guy every time for the rest of my life.
It feels like you've been a contestant on like the grandad bachelor where instead of giving metal hips
pretty much I brought this great misconception, Louis as I never actually touched the roses. I just can't touch the
drug deal. I like it. The development of drug dealer kingpin never touches the gear. He's the only broadcaster at Triple J who gets called Daddy, it's Louis harbour
I did beforehand as well. So writing right on through
coming up later, we are getting warmed up for the New South Wales state elections we're gonna be chatting with independent candidate for a while and really shy and the Southern Highlands Judy Hannon will ask her is the gumnut Bakery overrated. But first heard this message from this week's sponsor?
Hi, Peter Dutton here, I'm calling on albeau to provide more information of the indigenous voice to Parliament, but not in the format of a 270 page report. That's too much information. And not in a format of a series of one on one consultations from constitutional experts and the Prime Minister himself. That information is to oral and as you know, I've heard of listening, which is why I refuse to hear members of my own party advocating for a yes position. You could try to make a pamphlet with pictures that move when you pull a little tab, but it'll go straight into the shredder. If a report, briefings, conventions, pamphlets, a decade of development, and even lobbying from my own party won't convince me Peter
Hosts & Guests
- Show
- FrequencyUpdated Weekly
- Published10 February 2023 at 6:03 am UTC
- Length28 min
- Season2K
- Episode182
- RatingClean