Opposing Bases: Air Traffic Talk

Air Traffic Talk
Podcast de Opposing Bases: Air Traffic Talk

RH and AG are two experienced air traffic controllers and pilots that host a weekly show answering listener questions, breaking down complex aviation topics, and relating their experiences to everyday occurrences in the national airspace system. The hosts and guests do not represent the FAA or NATCA and express their own views and opinions.

  1. Dirty Bippees

    HACE 5 H

    Dirty Bippees

    Episode 351 Show Notes   Topic of the show: On this week’s show, AG and RH discuss more feedback about aviation medical exams, peer-to-peer support programs for general aviation pilots, and a real-life emergency that had a good outcome due to aviation training.  This episode is full of valuable aviation intel and you don’t want to miss it!   Links:   https://www.faa.gov/ame_guide   Timely Feedback: 1. Patron JP sends feedback about AME’s and the medical process 2. Patron Dr IC gives us the AME reference we asked for! 3. Patron DDC sends a follow up to the show topic from 350 4. SGAC Patron SE shares a story about flight following lite 5. Patron LGT discusses creating a peer support system   Feedback 1. SGAC Patron MC sent audio about a recent emergency 2. Patron DS has flown to a LOT of airports in the PNW 3. Patron JH tells RH to never give up on getting to a gate on time. 4. Patron DD encourages others to go out and do a soft field landing with a CFI 5. Patron CC asks about an unusual feed he was given to the runway by a tower controller.   Have a great week and thanks for listening!  Visit our website at OpposingBases.com You can support our show using Patreon or visiting our support page on the website.  Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com.  Music bumpers by audionautix.com.  Third party audio provided by liveatc.net.  Legal Notice The views and opinions expressed on Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk are for entertainment purposes only and do not represent the views, opinions, or official positions of the FAA, Penguin Airlines, or the United States Army.  Episodes shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent. For official guidance on laws, rules, and regulations, consult an aviation attorney or certified flight instructor.

    1 h y 22 min
  2. The AME Circle of Trust

    17 SEPT

    The AME Circle of Trust

    Episode 350 Show Notes   Topic of the show: Medical Shouldn’t be Scary by Patron DDC On this week’s show, RH and AG read feedback from Patron DDC about why your FAA Flight Physical shouldn’t be as scary as we all make it out to be.  We also discuss RH’s ability to predict the future, global computer meltdowns, and more of your awesome aviation feedback! Enjoy!   Links: https://www.koin.com/news/federal-aviation-administration-take-on-mental-health-after-off-duty-pilot-diverts-plane/   Timely Feedback: 1. Patron TGM shares info on the Barbie Jet and speculates on Canadian controllers ability to see avionics info. 2. Patron EM recognizes that RH is in the groove with favorite restaurants at regular layovers. 3. Patron JM sent an audio feedback story about departing right during a tower closing. 4. Patron RC asks about controllers using aircraft callsigns when making traffic calls.   Feedback 1. Patron RR sent audio feedback about the CRJ flying no transponder 2. SGAC Patron AM wonders if RH and AG have Nostradamus-like qualities in predicting future events 3. Patron EM asks about the global IT meltdown. 4. Patron GK also asks about IT meltdown.   Have a great week and thanks for listening!  Visit our website at OpposingBases.com You can support our show using Patreon or visiting our support page on the website.  Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com.  Music bumpers by audionautix.com.  Third party audio provided by liveatc.net.  Legal Notice The views and opinions expressed on Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk are for entertainment purposes only and do not represent the views, opinions, or official positions of the FAA, Penguin Airlines, or the United States Army.  Episodes shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent. For official guidance on laws, rules, and regulations, consult an aviation attorney or certified flight instructor.

    1 h y 22 min
  3. Dazzling DPEs Since 2018

    10 SEPT

    Dazzling DPEs Since 2018

    Episode 349 Show Notes   Topic of the show: Incorrect Altimeters by Patron SE On this week’s show, RH and AG discuss the findings of a report about an incident involving an incorrect altimeter setting and a near miss with terrain. We discuss techniques for controllers and pilots to prevent this from happening and illustrate how important altimeter inputs are for modern avionics.  We also discuss northeast ATC escape routes, altitude filing on zigzag flights, and more of your awesome feedback.  This episode is packed with important information and you don’t want to miss it!   Links:   Reason for Routing: https://www.fly.faa.gov/adv/adv_otherdis.jsp?advn=51&adv_date=05242024&facId=DCC&title=ATCSCC%26nbsp%3BADVZY%26nbsp%3B051%26nbsp%3BDCC%26nbsp%3B05%2F24%2F24%26nbsp%3BROUTE+RQD+%2FFL%3CBR%3ENAME%3A+SERMN_SOUTH_PARTIAL%3CBR%3ECONSTRAINED+AREA%3A+ZNY%3CBR%3EVALID%3A+ETD+241245+TO+241700&titleDate=05/24/24   More info on “weather” escape routes: Northbound: https://www.fly.faa.gov/Operations/playbook/playbook_html/palybook022003-64.htm Southbound: https://www.fly.faa.gov/Operations/playbook/playbook_html/palybook022003-65.htm   Near CFIT incident report: https://bea.aero/en/investigation-reports/notified-events/detail/serious-incident-to-the-airbus-a320-registered-9h-emu-operated-by-airhub-on-23-05-2022-at-paris-charles-de-gaulle-ad/   Video: https://youtu.be/7wev6VGg-2M   I Tried ATC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hiegWGUDjU     Timely Feedback: 1. Patron PS provides some info on weather routes used in the Northeast US 2. Patron SD shares an important story 3. Patron SW still wants to listen to OB whilst flying   Feedback 1. Patron DF uncovers a shocking conspiracy inside Spotify 2. Patron IM shares the view of “Airport in the Sky” 3. Patron DBC sent audio feedback about busting over the border 4. Patron TW has a question about filed enroute altitudes for direction of flight   Have a great week and thanks for listening!  Visit our website at OpposingBases.com You can support our show using Patreon or visiting our support page on the website.  Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com.  Music bumpers by audionautix.com.  Third party audio provided by liveatc.net.  Legal Notice The views and opinions expressed on Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk are for entertainment purposes only and do not represent the views, opinions, or official positions of the FAA, Penguin Airlines, or the United States Army.  Episodes shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent. For official guidance on laws, rules, and regulations, consult an aviation attorney or certified flight instructor.

    1 h y 25 min
  4. Don't Butcher My Mona Lisa

    3 SEPT

    Don't Butcher My Mona Lisa

    Episode 348 Show Notes   Topic of the show: Relief Briefings by Patron JEC On this week’s show, AG and RH discuss pilot and controller overlaps and the briefings involved in making a safe transition from one person to another.  What items are discussed?  When is the best time to do an overlap briefing?  What if something happens after the briefing; who is to blame?  We also discuss real life preparation for ATC at the Academy, intersection departure considerations, and more of your awesome aviation questions and feedback!  You don’t want to miss this fun episode!   Links: https://www.code7700.com https://code7700.com/pdfs/bca/bca_departure_obstacles_2016-05.pdf https://www.21fivepodcast.com   Timely Feedback: 1. Patron JS shows how Garmin Pilot has realized RH’s dreams of automated Notams 2. SGAC Patron AM asks about priority handling for public benefit flights 3. Patron ES sends a lost comms story   Feedback 1. Controller QZ encourages people to apply for ATC 2. Patron PV lays out the necessary skills for AG to save the world in a Gyroplane 3. Patron JMR talks intersection departures and single engine obstacle capabilities   Have a great week and thanks for listening!  Visit our website at OpposingBases.com You can support our show using Patreon or visiting our support page on the website.  Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com.  Music bumpers by audionautix.com.  Third party audio provided by liveatc.net.  Legal Notice The views and opinions expressed on Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk are for entertainment purposes only and do not represent the views, opinions, or official positions of the FAA, Penguin Airlines, or the United States Army.  Episodes shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent. For official guidance on laws, rules, and regulations, consult an aviation attorney or certified flight instructor.

    1 h y 28 min
  5. Universal Flight Following

    27 AGO

    Universal Flight Following

    Episode 347 Show Notes   Topic of the show: More on Universal FLIGHT FOLLOWING from Patrons JH and MB   Links: Flying Midwest Podcast episode 63 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-63-opposing-bases-parallel-approaches-with-ag/id1601680150?i=1000664300528   https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/flying-midwest-podcast-flying-midwest-media-mqBC8RWcH-4/#google_vignette   FAA Transponder Codes: (https://www.faa.gov/documentLibrary/media/Order/FAA_Order_JO_7110.66G_NBCAP.pdf).     Timely Feedback: 1. SGAC Patron SE sends info on Canadian ATC and ADS-B and C 2. Patron RD sends great info on alternator failures 3. Patron JS makes a correction to the best and worst BBQ   Feedback 1. Patron AR sends an audio story about a checkride 2. Patron MRM sends audio about reroutes and when not to accept them.   Have a great week and thanks for listening!  Visit our website at OpposingBases.com You can support our show using Patreon or visiting our support page on the website.  Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com.  Music bumpers by audionautix.com.  Third party audio provided by liveatc.net.  Legal Notice The views and opinions expressed on Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk are for entertainment purposes only and do not represent the views, opinions, or official positions of the FAA, Penguin Airlines, or the United States Army.  Episodes shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent. For official guidance on laws, rules, and regulations, consult an aviation attorney or certified flight instructor.

    1 h y 26 min
  6. Big Brother is Watching You

    19 AGO

    Big Brother is Watching You

    Episode 346 Show Notes    Topic of the show: On this week’s show, AG and RH discuss ADS-C and the information available to non-US controllers, busy tracon controller communication issues, and a mountain of Patron feedback.  We also share our views and opinions about a recent interaction between ATC and a pilot that should serve as a reminder we are all human, mistakes happen, and it’s our job to work through it professionally and with respect for the person on the other side of the microphone.    Feedback  1. SGAC Patron SA asks about ADS-C in Canada.  Check out this link to learn more about ADS-C. https://www.eurocontrol.int/service/automatic-dependent-surveillance-contract-ats-b2 2. Patron BAS got lost in frequency land but found his way out quickly! 3. Patron SVO shared FSDO follow up after a lost communication/emergency. 4. Patron DG asked about multiple runway crossing clearances in one transmission. 5. Patron WM took a diversion during a cross country flight and ATC made it happen! 6. Patron SD shared a YouTube video and we will share our thoughts.   Have a great week and thanks for listening!  Visit our website at OpposingBases.com You can support our show using Patreon or visiting our support page on the website.  Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com.  Music bumpers by audionautix.com.  Third party audio provided by liveatc.net.  Legal Notice The views and opinions expressed on Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk are for entertainment purposes only and do not represent the views, opinions, or official positions of the FAA, Penguin Airlines, or the United States Army.  Episodes shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent. For official guidance on laws, rules, and regulations, consult an aviation attorney or certified flight instructor.

    1 h y 18 min
  7. Tie Goes to the Jet

    13 AGO

    Tie Goes to the Jet

    Episode 345 Show Notes Topic of the show: Putting “Proceed on Course” to Bed. On this week’s show, AG and RH discuss the ambiguity of “proceed on course” for both VFR and IFR pilots.  We also discuss clearances to join radials, electrical issues at night, and more of your aviation questions and feedback.  This episode is packed with nuggets of aviation gold and you don’t want to miss it!   Links: https://www.ifr-magazine.com/charts-plates/cutting-you-loose/    Timely Feedback: 1. Patron SPE sent a quick announcement and note about OSH 2. Patron DF sends a story about an alternator failure 3. Patron PU talks joining VOR radials with Windy City   Feedback 1. Patron TW has questions on Proceed on Course 2. Patron BW gets jets sent over the top on final 3. Patron BZ has a local, heartwarming story.   Have a great week and thanks for listening!  Visit our website at OpposingBases.com You can support our show using Patreon or visiting our support page on the website.  Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com.  Music bumpers by audionautix.com.  Third party audio provided by liveatc.net.  Legal Notice The views and opinions expressed on Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk are for entertainment purposes only and do not represent the views, opinions, or official positions of the FAA, Penguin Airlines, or the United States Army.  Episodes shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent. For official guidance on laws, rules, and regulations, consult an aviation attorney or certified flight instructor.

    1 h y 17 min
  8. Vectors to Final, Approach Fix

    6 AGO

    Vectors to Final, Approach Fix

    Episode 344 Show Notes   Topic of the show: The Benefits of Simulation in Aviation On this week’s show, AG and RH discuss how simulators played a part in both the flying side of the mic and the air traffic side of the operation.  For general aviation and aspiring controllers, there is a world of online simulation that can provide a practical and realistic training environment.  We also discuss vectors to final, coordination for departures off airports near a boundary, and more of your awesome aviation questions and feedback.  This is a fun episode and you don’t want to miss it!    Links: TOP DOWN https://www.youtube.com/live/_haoRw-ZfNI Training Syllabus here  EVENT FOOTAGE https://www.youtube.com/live/ordoEySqahw Global Site: https://vatsim.net USA Site: https://www.vatusa.net     Timely Feedback: 1. Patron WTF talks about runway renumbering 2. Patron ACF decorates dead trees with useful aviation info 3. Patron BG solos at 16 and has a story   Feedback 1. Patron DGL sent audio feedback about the Triangle of Conflict and an AG imitation 2. Patron WTF asks about boundary airport ops 3. Patron DF has a tip on GPS use and vectors to final   Have a great week and thanks for listening!  Visit our website at OpposingBases.com You can support our show using Patreon or visiting our support page on the website.  Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com.  Music bumpers by audionautix.com.  Third party audio provided by liveatc.net.  Legal Notice The views and opinions expressed on Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk are for entertainment purposes only and do not represent the views, opinions, or official positions of the FAA, Penguin Airlines, or the United States Army.  Episodes shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent. For official guidance on laws, rules, and regulations, consult an aviation attorney or certified flight instructor.

    1 h y 23 min

Acerca de

RH and AG are two experienced air traffic controllers and pilots that host a weekly show answering listener questions, breaking down complex aviation topics, and relating their experiences to everyday occurrences in the national airspace system. The hosts and guests do not represent the FAA or NATCA and express their own views and opinions.

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