53 min

Cracking Charity Chat. Ep. 22. Paul Streets, Lloyds Bank Foundation Cracking Charity Chat

    • Governo

A chat with Paul Streets, CEO of Lloyds Bank Foundation, recorded July 2020. Paul shares his leadership journey, including the influence of working in the family's greengrocers in his teens, and as a social worker early in his career. Paul talks about some inspirational people who have influenced his work; Lloyds Bank Foundation's response to the crisis and its new Covid Recovery Fund; the new leadership style emerging with particular reference to infrastructure organisations and our sector's collective ability to influence Government.

A chat with Paul Streets, CEO of Lloyds Bank Foundation, recorded July 2020. Paul shares his leadership journey, including the influence of working in the family's greengrocers in his teens, and as a social worker early in his career. Paul talks about some inspirational people who have influenced his work; Lloyds Bank Foundation's response to the crisis and its new Covid Recovery Fund; the new leadership style emerging with particular reference to infrastructure organisations and our sector's collective ability to influence Government.

53 min

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