81 episódios

Grow Through It, is a podcast on all things mindset, self love, energy and purpose. Hosted by Phi Dang, a human design life coach known as ‘The Positivity Queen,’ this podcast is for you if you are looking for not just inspiration and motivation to live your best life but practical tips and strategies you can implement in your daily life. Connect with Phi on her instagram @thephidang or visit phidang.com

Grow Through It Podcast With Phi Dang Phi Dang

    • Saúde e fitness

Grow Through It, is a podcast on all things mindset, self love, energy and purpose. Hosted by Phi Dang, a human design life coach known as ‘The Positivity Queen,’ this podcast is for you if you are looking for not just inspiration and motivation to live your best life but practical tips and strategies you can implement in your daily life. Connect with Phi on her instagram @thephidang or visit phidang.com

    The Great Unlearning: 1st Anniversary

    The Great Unlearning: 1st Anniversary

    Join me on this special anniversary episode celebrating the first birthday of The Great Unlearning! I share the journey from inception to impact of my first debut book. This episode weaves in human design as to how I approached writing the book as well as updates from key experiences of my life I shared in the book too! Expect stories, musings and reflections.

    Resources from today's episode

    Work with Phi

    * Learn more about 1:1 Coaching with Phi here.

    * Apply for 1:1 Coaching with Phi here.

    * Book a Human Design Reading with Phi here.

    * Phi's book; The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life.

    The journey of The Great Unlearning

    Hello beautiful soul,

    I can’t believe I am saying this and it still feels surreal, Happy 1st birthday to my debut first book - The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and authentic life. It was one year ago today on June 23rd 2023 that she was released and I’m honestly still taking a moment to reflect on the year that’s gone by and this is where this episode is coming in! Celebrations, reflections and musing in honour of TGU’s 1st birthday.

    I still remember when the book was a seedling of an idea around the time I launched in her vitality which was previously my Instagram handle when I first started a mental health passion project which was that page and it’s now evolved to well me @thephidang and being a life coach.

    I’ve just had a look on Instagram and I started my page on August 3rd 2019, which then became my own personal brand which was around 200 weeks ago so around the end of August/beginning September 2020! I remember I was so scared going from anonymous, to showing my face and then fully making the account ‘me.’ Shortly after that I began life coaching on demand, as a side hustle to my corporate career and in September 2021 I resigned to go all in and full time as a life coach. At the beginning of 2022 was when I signed my book deal, started writing The Great Unlearning and the publication date June 23 2023. Wow! What a journey it’s been.

    A lifelong childhood dream fulfilled

    It still remains and will remain as one of the best moments of my life to have fulfilled a life long dream to not only write a book but publish one, I still get so giddy seeing the book in a bookstore or having someone share their thoughts and experience in reading the book! Which I will cheekily say, it would mean the world to me to have your support, if you have read it to please leave a book review somewhere or talk about it with a friend, it helps me spread the word and get it read by more people on my mission to help everyone unlearn everything that holds you back.

    Diving into this episode I thought I would take you behind the scenes of what it’s like to get an idea for a book. to write it and have it published too. From having the idea to write a book, looking back in hindsight through the lens of human design: from a young age I’ve always loved literature, my Dad was an English teacher in Vietnam and I remember him reading me books before I would sleep every night. I have this clear memory of starting school, being in kindergarten and our teacher asked us to draw pictures of what we did over the weekend. I remember drawing a soccer ball and house, writing ‘house’ and ‘ball’ underneath. The memory is so vivid because my teacher was shocked asking how did I already know how to write and I proudly said my dad taught me at home! I have really lovely memories of him reading to me but also helping me write and draw shapes.

    Being seen as a hermit, 2, in human design

    • 23 min
    79: Uranus Opposition Human Design

    79: Uranus Opposition Human Design

    All about experiencing your Uranus Opposition from a human design lens. Your Uranus Opposition is from your late 30's into your 40's. This episode explains what your Uranus Opposition means for you including a breakdown of Uranus Opposition themes, archetypes and explanations. It will provide a guide on what to expect from your Uranus Opposition and how to harness this astrological energetic transit for your personal growth and development.

    Resources from today's episode

    Work with Phi

    * Learn more about 1:1 Coaching with Phi here.

    * Apply for 1:1 Coaching with Phi here.

    * Book a Uranus Opposition Human Design Reading/Uranus Opposition Human Design Blueprint here.

    * Book a Foundational Human Design Reading with Phi here.

    * Phi's book; The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life.

    Uranus Opposition Context

    Hello beautiful soul,

    We all know about Saturn Return, one of if not the universal pivotal transit that everyone goes through between the ages of 27-31. I have previously done a dedicated podcast episode (34) and today this episode is all about your Uranus Opposition which isn’t as mainstream as knowing about your Saturn Return has become. To simplify Saturn Return late 20’s to 30s, your Uranus Opposition is late 30’s to 40. After that comes your Chiron Return your late 40’s to entering your 50’s. They are the big 3 transits that everyone will experience in their life at the same time.

    Comparing your Saturn Return to your Uranus Opposition

    As with all energetic transits and changes in your life, human design can help you uncover and understand your Uranus Opposition. Your Saturn return is your coming of age, the spiritual equivalent of turning 21, it has the energy of taking a leap of faith. It is a period of your life where you mature, taking on responsibilities, being disciplined in alignment with them and making significant life decisions that shape your future. It’s about committing to a path and building a solid foundation as more of a conscious being.

    In contrast, your Uranus Opposition can be likened to your spiritual equivalent of a ‘mid life crisis.’ It often happens around your 40’s and from my experience I’ve seen people as early as from their mid 30’s beginning to feel the energies of their Uranus Opposition transit. It’s when you really start to feel into what is the meaning and purpose of your life. If you’ve had a deeper human design reading with me, this is where it really shifts from where you came from to where you are going, your destiny.

    What is your Uranus Opposition Human Design

    Your Uranus Opposition transit is about breaking free from established patterns and embracing change and innovation. It’s less about building and more about exploring and transforming. It can symbolise a period of significant upheaval and transformation, marked by a journey and quest for authenticity and freedom. It challenges you to break away from the familiar and embrace new and unconventional paths, often leading to profound personal growth and a redefined sense of self.

    Hence, your Uranus Opposition can be a shocking time in your life, Uranus itself is a planet known for change - extremes, breakdowns, breakthroughs. It's known as the 'awakener' for bringing sudden shocks and changes. In fact Uranus’ energy is very electric in nature. It brings a jolt when you’re in this stage of life where you don’t feel very old but you’re not young either, you’re in between. It can feel awkward and clunky. You had all these hopes,

    • 16 min
    78: Precision over perfection, be willing to wobble

    78: Precision over perfection, be willing to wobble

    Perfectionism often holds us back from reaching our full potential, paralysing us with the fear of making mistakes. But what if we shifted our focus from achieving perfection to striving for precision? What if we embraced wobble moments, and in fact leaned into the wobble? That there is so much strength embedded in imperfection.

    Resources from today's episode

    Work with Phi

    * Learn more about 1:1 Coaching with Phi here.

    * Apply for 1:1 Coaching with Phi here.

    * Book a Human Design Reading with Phi here.

    * Phi's book; The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life.

    Inspired by wobbling, the wobble moments

    Hello beautiful soul, how is your heart and soul today? Earlier this week I wrote a piece on wobbling that’s on my Instagram: “It’s okay, even though it doesn’t seem or appear to be. It’s okay to wobble, to fall, to stumble, to trip. It happens when you’re doing your best outside your comfort zone. It happens when you are pushing beyond the edges of your fears to expand. This is the space, the void, where growth truly occurs, where you discover strengths you never knew you had. It’s in these moments of uncertainty, instability and challenge that you build resilience and character. Every step taken beyond your familiar is a stride towards a more courageous, confident, and capable version of yourself. Embracing discomfort is not easy, but you’re doing it beautiful soul because you’re unlocking your full potential and that’s a beautiful, brave thing. Keep going.”

    Wobbling and life coaching

    This was inspired by my coaching clients as I have the privilege of holding space, guiding and supporting them. Seeing wobbles in different contexts and areas of life. Please note I share these examples with strict anonymity and confidentiality. Names, situations have been tweaked and changed so I can share with you examples of life coaching and the power of it.

    Emily has been feeling stuck in her job for years, dreaming of pursuing her passion for photography full-time. However, the idea of leaving the stability of her job is daunting, and she's uncertain about whether she can make it as a professional photographer. During coaching sessions, Emily experiences moments of doubt and fear, wondering if she's making the right decision. Through coaching and working together, Emily realises that her fear is a sign that she's stepping outside of her comfort zone and pursuing her dreams. The fear is a wobble but her strength is aligning in her purpose, her passion.

    Ashley, a client struggling with communication issues in his relationship, experiences a wobble when he and his partner have a disagreement. Feeling frustrated and unsure of how to move forward, that’s when Ashley decided to do life coaching with me. In our conversations we uncover underlying patterns and beliefs that contribute to his communication challenges. The wobbles manifest as unconsciously picking fights or self sabotaging based self worth. As Ashley gains insight into his own triggers and behaviours, he begins to see his wobble as an opportunity to deepen his connection with his partner. To do the work first within himself to improve the relationship and to open up his heart and be more vulnerable about past experiences that have led to these triggers and behaviours.

    How to cope with wobbling through life coaching

    These are only just two examples! If you’re feeling the pull and resonating with what I’m sharing, I have 1:1 coaching spots open and invite you to get in touch so I can set up a free call to chat with you to see if we aligned and a fit for working together to help yo...

    • 16 min
    77: Embracing Ageing and Life-ing (The Gift of Years)

    77: Embracing Ageing and Life-ing (The Gift of Years)

    This episode is a deep dive on ageing. It will provide you with powerful perspective shifts on what it means to age and get older. How to embrace ageing and why it is such a gift to do so. Expect a thought provoking podcast that will make you think.

    Resources from today's episode

    Work with Phi

    * Learn more about 1:1 Coaching with Phi here.

    * Apply for 1:1 Coaching with Phi here.

    * Book a Human Design Reading with Phi here.

    * Phi's book; The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life.

    Intuitive message on ageing

    Hi Beautiful Souls, how is your heart and soul today? I’ve been doing some wonderful 1:1 coaching calls and human design readings and a theme that has come through strongly of lately is ageing. Now ageing isn’t unique to some people, it’s a universal passage and journey that we will all experience.

    It inspired a recent Instagram post I wrote:

    “And suddenly you’re older. Fear hits you like a truck as does the anxiety and panic. Here’s the the thing, what a privilege it is to age. You are also wiser. You are also stronger. You are also more resilient. Age has made you more agile and adaptable. You’ll never be as young as you are right now. Your spirit is eternal. Your spirit is endless. The sum of who you are in this moment is every age that you’ve been. Think of who you’ve been before, who you are now and who you are becoming. That is oh so very beautiful.”

    Phi Dang

    Astrological energetic transits ageing

    I’ve been doing Saturn Return readings for those currently in the lead up to and their transit 27-30 which is the spiritual equivalent of turning 21, your coming of age. Many of which this week happened to be karmic in nature.

    I also did a reading for a projector who’s in her 30’s and trying to understand the purpose of why she went through what she did and the current phase after her life (because to have your Saturn Return is one thing, Saturn is about discipline after all so it’s about maintaining the lessons and growth from your Saturn Return) until you hit your 40’s whereby it’s all about your Uranus Opposition, the spiritual mid life point or for some mid life crisis vibes.

    I’ve also been coaching clients this week particularly aged 20-24 and talking about how each year of your 20’s is so different.

    At any given point in time there’s astrological transits to help you expand and grow more, to become more aligned with yourself - that’s an episode for another day but essentially if you’re feeling a curiosity around how you’re feeling in relation to a certain age, chances are you’re in a transit. You can find out more in 1:1 coaching or a human design reading with me!

    Oracle card ageing

    I also pulled a collective oracle card for anyone listening to this podcast and no surprises the ‘aging’ one came out with this mantra: I am one with unlimited love, beyond all seeming restrictions of age. I am filled with joy, energy and beauty - a vessel for the divine.

    Redefining ageing

    Society often portrays aging, especially for women, as something to be feared or avoided. But aging is a natural, inevitable part of life that brings wisdom, experience, and new opportunities.

    “It is commonly thought that time is the particular enemy of women. Because we supposedly have so much to lose: our ‘looks’, our fertility, our cultural capital… But there are other ways of looking at it. That women have timepieces built into their bodies – ‘primarily biological clocks’ and the menopause – signs that must eventually be heeded, signs that are, finally,

    76: Sagittarius Full Moon May 2024

    76: Sagittarius Full Moon May 2024

    All about the Sagittarius full moon taking place during Gemini season of May 2024. Found out themes related to the Sagittarius full moon such as abundance, perspective and foundations. This episode includes journaling prompts for the Sagittarius full moon in May 2024 too.

    Resources from today's episode

    Work with Phi* Learn more about 1:1 Coaching with Phi here.* Apply for 1:1 Coaching with Phi here.* Book a Human Design Reading with Phi here.* Phi's book; The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life.

    Collective energy leading up to Sagittarius full moon

    Hi beautiful soul, how are you? It’s been a little break since the last podcast episode however this morning I woke up with a strong, clear message to do a podcast on the full moon that is taking place in Sagittarius on the 23rd of May. The portal will be open over the next few days and will likely ease next week.It’s a beautiful one nicknamed the flower moon. Know that if you’ve been feeling heavier, denser, more tired and emotional that you aren’t alone, the collective energies have been definitely feeling that way so this is a powerful time to reset and let go. It’s also really interesting I feel like there’s been a lot of karmic healing, growth and lessons taking place, it’s something that’s been really strong in the human design readings I’ve done this week and I’m really feeling a call to do more karmic work with clients and within readings which on a side note if you are interested, I do have availability so if you’re feeling the call, I invite you to book into a human design reading with me!

    Challenges and blessings of this Sagittarius full moon

    It makes a lot of sense given Sagittarius is the sign of the centaur and as many of you will know of which is the symbol for Chiron, the wounded healer. This is amplified given Pluto in the sky whilst the full moon is taking place too (all about the subconscious and spiritual rebirth energy), heightening emotions, relationships and situations at this time. We are always rewarded for doing the work including delving into our deepest wounds and shadow work, this moon very much has a lucky, auspicious and optimistic energy that accompanies it too for the blessed planets of Venus and Jupiter are meeting in the sign of Taurus which won’t happen again for another 12 years! Something of note should you have Taurus placements within your chart. In contrast to other episodes I’ve done where I typically share journaling questions all at the end, for this one I’ll be sprinkling them throughout with the themes that arise so it’s one of those podcasts you may like to listen fully once, go back and go through or as you go pause, reflect or journal.Let’s divine into the Sagittarius full moon taking place on May 23 2024 this year.

    Perspective and acceptance

    What I’m feeling called to share is that this is a full moon of perspective, it’s abundant and invites us to dissolve the seriousness and heaviness into a feeling of lightness. A key to a part of this is acceptance, where are you perhaps resisting accepting something because when we can accept something, whilst we may not like it, it removes a sense of burden. Maybe you’re frustrated at doing things recently and you can’t see any progress yet. This full moon assures you that everything is adding up and culminating into the bigger picture. The littlest of things do count.Is there anything in your life that calls for acceptance right now? Perhaps something you’ve been resistant, why? Can you find a way to accept what it is?

    Reconnect with the new moon in Sagittarius

    • 7 min
    75: Your Feelings are Always Valid

    75: Your Feelings are Always Valid

    Let's delve into the layered intricate world of your emotions. In this episode, we're exploring a fundamental truth: Your feelings are always valid. In a world that often dismisses or invalidates emotions, this episode serves as a reminder that what you experience holds weight and significance. We'll navigate the nuances of your feelings are always valid and go deeper together.

    Resources from today's episode

    Work with Phi

    * Learn more about 1:1 Coaching with Phi here.

    * Apply for 1:1 Coaching with Phi here.

    * Book a Human Design Reading with Phi here.

    * Phi's book; The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life.

    Feelings and emotions: astrology and human design

    This episode is all about the feels… and you know I feel deeply with all the Scorpio in my chart (a water sign) and being an emotional authority in human design, I’m designed to deeply feel (in fact 50% of the world are emotional authorities too!).

    It was such a game changer for me learning that I am meant to be what can be labeled as emotional, sensitive or moody (many of which are likely people with an open solar plexus in human design or those who themselves are not comfortable with feeling).

    Cultural conditioning and emotions

    Growing up with an Asian heritage as Vietnamese and Chinese, I was conditioned to keep my feelings to myself.  Emotions were reinforced as private matters, to be dealt with internally rather than expressed outwardly. This cultural upbringing instills a sense of stoicism and self-reliance, where showing vulnerability was equated with weakness. It was all about saving face, not rocking the boat, maintaining harmony even at the expense of our own emotional well-being.

    Societal conditioning, women and emotions

    It’s not just cultural conditioning either it’s also societal, the stigma surrounding women and emotions often stems from outdated societal beliefs and gender stereotypes. Women have historically been portrayed as overly emotional or irrational, undermining women's credibility and perpetuating harmful gender norms. It’s judged upon and easily dismissed being attributed to hormonal fluctuations or back to the classic irrational it doesn’t make sense (hello emotions aren’t rational!).

    It’s hard to get it right because if you don’t display your emotions as a woman particularly warmth, you may be labelled as cold, unfeeling or lacking femininity. This double bind creates a challenging dynamic for women, as we feel pressure to navigate a narrow range of acceptable emotional expression.

    The reality is that we we live a world that sometimes dismisses or invalidates our feelings. However I truly believe this is getting better especially post pandemic with the rising awareness, interest and social recognition on the importance of mental health now more than ever. As a coach one are in particular I work on a lot with clients is to support and guide my clients into feeling their feelings. Whilst you don’t have to understand them to feel them, a lot of clients feel better when there can be an understanding of what’s going on beneath the surface which is where  I can come in with subconscious work, intuition and human design to support and assist.

    Your feelings are always valid

    Accordingly today’s episode centres around the perspective that your feelings are always valid. You always have a right to feel what you feel. The nature of emotions is subjective. It’s the acknowledgement of hello, yes as I’m existing right now, I am feeling this, right here and now in this moment. Your feelings are valid because you feel them.

    • 9 min

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