20 episódios

Why is mental health important?

Mental health is important because it can help you to:

* Cope with the stresses of life
* Be physically healthy
* Have good relationships
* Make meaningful contributions to your community
* Work productively
* Realize your full potential

Our self help motivational audios will help you with all aspects of your lives.

Self Help - Tools for Motivation Self Help Motivation

    • Saúde e fitness

Why is mental health important?

Mental health is important because it can help you to:

* Cope with the stresses of life
* Be physically healthy
* Have good relationships
* Make meaningful contributions to your community
* Work productively
* Realize your full potential

Our self help motivational audios will help you with all aspects of your lives.

    4 Easy Ways to Train Your Brain to Be More Creative

    4 Easy Ways to Train Your Brain to Be More Creative

    You might be surprised to hear that you can actually train your brain to be more creative. Oftentimes, people think that creativity is some mystical, innate skill, and you either have it, or you don’t. But research has shown that there are some strategies you can use to stimulate creativity in your everyday life and benefit from new ways of thinking and problem solving.

    1. Switch up your regular routine

    It’s easy to get stuck in a rut of doing things the same way every day. But the more you stimulate your brain with change and novelty, the more flexible and creative your brain gets.

    Keep your creative mind on its toes by reading new books, trying different foods and places to eat, even trying different routes through your neighborhood. Switching up your usual routines will stimulate your mind and get you thinking about new possibilities and approaches to life.

    2. Relax the rules

    So much of what you do is bounded by shoulds and oughts. From those eight glasses of water you’re supposed to drink, the right foods to eat, and how much and when, to whether it’s okay to talk in the elevator, much of your life is probably restricted by how you think you should behave.

    Try breaking some of the rules today. Smile and say hi to the waiter or the bus driver. Crack a joke in that silent elevator. Open up a bit and allow your creative, maybe even slightly anarchic brain to flourish.

    3. Look around you

    Another good way of relaxing your mind and allowing your creativity to grow is to simply sit in the present and observe what’s going on around you. Work your way through each of your senses and really notice your environment. What can you hear, see, smell, feel, even taste? Notice everything and then write down what comes into your head.

    When you walk down the street, look up and around. Chances are you’ll be the only person not looking at their phone or frowning into the idle distance. Don’t miss out on noticing the signs of spring or autumn. Look up and around and see how many colors and textures are right there in front of you.

    4. Really talk to people

    How much of your conversation is either you talking or being talked at? Step back a little and really engage with other people. Don’t just talk or think of what you’re going to say next. Practice active listening and give the other person space to speak.

    Real conversation can open up all sorts of possibilities and creative solutions you might never have thought of.

    • 2 min
    5 Ways in Which Creative People Make Outstanding Entrepreneurs

    5 Ways in Which Creative People Make Outstanding Entrepreneurs

    You might think that being creative doesn’t stack up well with business. After all, the stereotype of the suffering artist or writer wrestling with the Muse doesn’t sound like a great candidate to be running a company, right? But in fact,creative people make outstanding entrepreneurs.

    Researchers have found that there are a number of characteristics creatives share, which can make them innovative and successful businesspeople.

    1. Creatives are innovative

    Creative people tend to take a different, even quirky view of the world. They have flexible, adaptive minds and can often find solutions to tricky problems. And they’re really good at coming up with lots of new ideas.

    2. Creative processes mirror business processes.

    It might sound surprising, but the stages of developing a creative project are very similar to those involved in setting up a business. Commonly there are four steps to each enterprise. There is a research phase, gathering information about an issue, product, or problem. There is an ‘incubation; stage where this information gets processed, followed by a big breakthrough Eureka moment when the solution becomes clear. Then comes the final testing phase, where the creative/entrepreneur tests the solution to see if it works. This applies whether you’re setting up a business, launching a new product, or writing a novel.

    3. Creatives and entrepreneurs work in the same conditions

    Both creatives and entrepreneurs work in a flexible, highly changeable environment. There is the freedom to float and test new ideas in a less structured environment than a regular job or company.

    There are risks and sometimes high stakes involved, but for the creative and entrepreneur alike, this is fertile ground that can allow innovative ideas to flourish.

    4. They make connections

    One of the hallmarks of the creative mind is being able to think outside the box and make connections between superficially unrelated ideas. They are also intensely curious and want to know the ‘why’s and ‘why nots’ about the world.

    Entrepreneurs are also eclectic thinkers who are not afraid to try new strategies and ideas to see what happens. Both types are big on the ‘what if’ approach to the world.

    5. They are great at communicating their message

    Both creatives and entrepreneurs are likely to be passionate about their work and have great powers of persuasion. They have thought about it and worked at it and lived it, so they know it inside out, and they care about sharing their passion with the world.

    • 2 min
    5 Common Roadblocks to Getting into Creative Flow

    5 Common Roadblocks to Getting into Creative Flow

    You know the feeling. There’s a deadline looming, and your mind has gone completely blank. Nothing, nada. It’s like your brain has frozen. Luckily the latest research shows us the most common roadblocks to creativity, and how to move past them and get on with the job.

    1. Fear of failure

    Most people are afraid of failing because they see it as a one-way street to disaster, rejection, and a stain on their reputation forever. Perversely, fear of failure is the mirror image of perfectionism. The idea that nothing you can do will be good enough, and that this failure defines your identity.

    Fear of failure means you’re less likely to take risks, and you put off even starting. And those are two things that can kill creativity stone dead. Redefine creativity as a series of experiments, with failure as a kind of course-correction and an inevitable part of the process.

    2. There’s not enough time

    The ticking clock is another creativity killer. If you’re like most people, your schedule is probably crammed, and you feel like you’ll never catch up. If your checklist just keeps growing, you won’t be able to relax in the creative process and let the ideas flow.

    A surprising way to find more time is to quarantine some chillout time in your diary. Priorities some downtime to listen to music, meditate, or just sit quietly. You’ll feel much less stressed and open to the creative flow.

    3. You’re still staring at the screen

    Sitting at your desk, staring at the computer or the blank page is not a good way to get creative. If you’ve been trying to write or problem-solve and it’s just not happening, the best thing you can do is go for a walk or make a coffee. Get out of the environment that’s keeping you stuck, get moving, and your mental gears can disengage and relax enough to be ready when inspiration strikes.

    4. You’re feeling negative

    Negative thinking can stop creativity in its track. If you’re sitting there frowning, and thinking you can’t do it, you’re pretty much guaranteeing that you won’t be able to do it.

    Pessimism and negative self-talk set up a vicious cycle of gloom and low energy. Reject that self-defeating attitude and give yourself a pep talk. Reframe your task and just promise yourself you’ll write down whatever comes into your head, just to get the process started. Remember, first drafts are invariably not your best product, because that’s what a first draft is for! You’ve done good work before, you’ll do it again. Tell the muse you’re ready and get writing!

    • 2 min
    5 Ways to Hack Your Creativity—Backed by Science

    5 Ways to Hack Your Creativity—Backed by Science

    You might not realize that creativity has a measurable effect on your brain function. Science has shown that blood flow to your frontal cortex increases when you’re engaged in a creative task. Creativity can boost neural pathways, and measurably increase your cognitive function.

    Here are five tips backed by science that will help you encourage your creativity and increase your brainpower.

    1. Go into brain-training mode

    You can think of your creativity as a kind of muscle that responds to exercise. Just as you work out at the gym, you can go into training and encourage new connections throughout your brain. The easiest way to do this is to schedule regular screen breaks throughout your day. Get your brain out of scrolling mode and into active thinking. Allow your mind to wander, daydream, and muse.

    2. Change your environment

    You may not realize that your brain responds to changes in your environment, even small ones. Rearrange your desk, or work in a different office or have your team meeting in a café or park. Contextual changes big and small act as creativity nudges, making your brain sit up and take notice, make adjustments, and solve different problems.

    3. Learn something completely new

    It’s natural for humans to want to stay in their individual comfort zone, but you can kickstart your creative thinking by learning something completely new. It can be as challenging as learning a new language or taking a ceramics or metalwork course.

    Whatever you choose, your new learning will help your brain develop new ideas and ways of thinking. And these new ways of thinking promote more creative thinking in the workplace.

    4. Write it down!

    Whenever you have a new idea, make sure you write it down in a notebook or on your smartphone. It’s one of those quirks of human nature that you often think of something when you’re in the shower or driving or just dropping off to sleep, situations where your brain is free to roam around and come up with solutions.

    You can be guaranteed you won’t remember that phrase or question later, so make sure you write it down as soon as you can. It doesn’t have to be the whole thing, just a few words to prompt your memory later will do it!

    5. Set yourself some challenges

    It’s easy to slip into regular routines of thinking or problem-solving at the office or at home. Your brain gets bored and detaches, making it harder to think creatively. You can give your brain a kickstart by setting yourself challenges. Try and get that presentation done with a time limit, or do some brain-storming with colleagues.

    • 2 min
    5 Habits of Highly Creative People

    5 Habits of Highly Creative People

    Are you living up to your creative potential? Have you thought about how encouraging your creativity could help boost your skills? People with highly creative minds commonly have more energy, are skilled at problem-solving, and have high productivity. Here are seven habits of highly creative people to kickstart your own creativity and help you reach your creative potential.

    1. Aim high and learn new skills every day.

    If you really want to be a more creative thinker, cultivate your curiosity and learn something new every day. Whether it’s a skill or a fact or a new idea, just make sure you’re learning every day. Once daily learning has become a habit, you’ll find a new confidence and a growing curiosity about the world.

    2. Learn to connect

    Creatives are highly skilled at joining what may seem like random dots. They see patterns where other folks just see a mess. And what they create as a result is fresh and unique and will stand out from the crowd.

    Stepping outside your comfort zone or your area of expertise also helps you get a different perspective on things and find innovative solutions to problems.

    3. Be open to potential solutions

    Creative minds can see potential solutions to even the knottiest problems. When you bring your imagination to the task and are not bound by what already exists, you are free to blue sky all sorts of ideas.

    This is where techniques like brainstorming and mind-mapping can help free up your imagination. It doesn’t matter how crazy the thoughts are, put them all down and see what emerges.

    4. Protect your creative space

    The blue sky stage of creativity can be a vulnerable time. The last thing you need is someone coming along with a pail of cold water and dousing your good ideas with criticism or skepticism.

    Keep that creative phase quarantined, and just map out all your ideas without editing or critiquing or showing them to anyone else. Plenty of time to refine and shape your project later!

    5. Keep an open mind

    The key to preserving and enhancing your creativity is to stay open to different perspectives. Creativity is flexible and adaptive. If one thing doesn’t work, try another. Be open to new ideas and approaches and stay curious about the world and why people do things differently.

    Some of the most successful creatives are like magpies, collecting new ideas and strategies, and seeing how they apply to their own work.

    • 2 min
    6 Things You Didn’t Know About Highly Creative People

    6 Things You Didn’t Know About Highly Creative People

    You may not realize that there are some differences between ordinary folks and highly creative people. If you’re friends with people who are highly creative, you’ve probably noticed they see the world in a slightly different way. But scientists have now found that their brains not only work differently, but their neural hardwiring is also unique. Creatives can sometimes be challenging to get along with, but it helps to understand why.

    1. They’re always thinking

    Supercharged creative people always have something on the go. There’s always part of their brain that’s still in the studio or still writing. Creatives are usually very curious people, always wondering what if, or why? The problem-solving part of their brain just doesn’t slow down.

    2. They push back

    One of the key characteristics of highly creative people is not taking the status quo on face value. They like to push back, to poke and ask the difficult questions. You’ll often hear the words ‘why?’ or ‘why not’ on their lips.

    3. They follow their own path

    To thine own self be true is the creative’s motto. Living authentically and in a way that’s aligned with their values is an absolute priority for them. They don’t just question the status quo, they reject following the herd, and they don’t mind having unpopular opinions.

    4. Their path isn’t linear

    A highly creative person’s mind often works in loops or spirals. They don’t tend to think in a linear, logical fashion and will often make great creative leaps. Einstein famously said that imagination is more important than knowledge, and this is exactly what he meant. The creative’s capacity to see connections can sometimes border on genius.

    5. Creatives need downtime and space.

    Highly creative people will often work for extended periods and then need equal amounts of downtime to recover their energy. This can mean solitude, but not always as quiet companionships can be just as reviving as being alone. Scheduling doesn’t work so well and can even stifle the creative spirit.

    Similarly, creativity needs space, quiet, and separation from the day-to-day.

    6. Creatives are storytellers

    Highly creative people are often highly sensitive to images, metaphors, and stories. Creativity is fundamentally about conveying a story from the artist to the viewer or reader. The narrative is the most ancient way of passing on deep truths like creation stories, heroic sagas. Creativity is the bedrock of humanity and a key element that separates us from other creatures. Telling stories helps us understand the world, to explain what we experience and to transcend the everyday.

    • 2 min

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