97 episodes

A deeper dive into what was discussed in the Garden Basics with Farmer Fred Podcast


Beyond the Garden Basics Podcast Farmer Fred Hoffman

    • Leisure

A deeper dive into what was discussed in the Garden Basics with Farmer Fred Podcast


    A Tour of Fred's Garden, with Debbie Flower

    A Tour of Fred's Garden, with Debbie Flower

    If this newsletter podcast sounds familiar, it should. It is also the current (Ep. 341) Garden Basics podcast where myself and America’s Favorite Retired College Horticulture Professor, Debbie Flower, take a late May stroll through my garden, discussing the plants, as well as gardening techniques. But wouldn’t it be nice to see those plants and garden accoutrements? Well, here you go.
    But first, a recap of what you may have missed on this week’s two Garden Basics podcasts:
    Tuesday, June 4:
    Ep. 340 -Q&A Cross Pollination Concerns. What is the Best City or State for Gardening?
    • Understanding cross-pollination and its implications for seed saving and plant breeding.
    • The importance of local conditions and location-specific knowledge in gardening.
    • The impact of climate and weather on gardening success.
    • Different perspectives on the best US cities for gardening, highlighting the influence of location on gardening success.
    Thank you, AI, for your dry summary. Debbie Flower and I are more warm and endearing than that.
    Friday, June 7: Ep. 341 - Fred’s Yard Tour with Debbie.
    Or, listen above and scroll below. But we are definitely more entertaining and informative than AI would have you believe:
    • The importance of selecting heat-resistant greens for summer gardening
    • Strategies for dealing with garden pests like tomato hornworms and cabbage worms
    • Tips for growing determinate tomatoes and managing peach trees
    • Insights on using raised beds and root cellars for gardening
    • The benefits of using vermiculite for seed planting and the use of worm bins for fertilizer
    • The significance of providing shade for certain plants and the value of using row covers for protection. SmartPot compost sacks are a convenient and effective way to create rich compost for gardening (golly, AI, thanks for plugging the sponsor!)
    • Clover is resistant to dog urine and can be used as a ground cover in areas frequented by pets.
    • Fruit trees can be grown in containers, and it's important to control the width and height of the tree to manage root growth.
    • Different soil types, such as raised bed soil planter mix and pumice, can be used for gardening in containers.
    • Citrus, blueberries, and potatoes can be successfully grown in containers, providing a versatile option for home gardeners.
    Again, just punch play above, and begin scrolling here:

    Thanks for reading Beyond Basics: The Garden Basics with Farmer Fred Newsletter! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.
    Thank you for also listening to the Garden Basics with Farmer Fred podcast! It’s available wherever you get your podcasts. Please share it with your garden friends.
    Fred Hoffman is also a University of California Cooperative Extension Master Gardener in Sacramento County. And he likes to ride his bike(s).

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit gardenbasics.substack.com

    • 39 min
    When Should You Fertilize Your Plants?

    When Should You Fertilize Your Plants?

    Before we delve into the soil, fertilizer in hand, a quick review of what was on the Garden Basics with Farmer Fred podcast this past week;
    Tuesday, May 28, Ep. 338: Zucchini Sex! Which cherries are best for cooking?
    Questions tackled on this episode include answering questions about squash that is slow to produce healthy looking fruit (it’s due to the lousy sex life of male and female squash flowers this time of year: “it’s too hot!”, “it’s too cold!” “I’m hungry!” “I’m too full!” (See? Plants are just like us. Except they don’t get headaches.) And, some kind words about growing tart/sour cherry trees. They’re great in pies!
    Takeaways from Ep. 338
    • Squash, melons, and cucumbers have male and female flowers on the same plant, and successful pollination requires synchronized flowering.
    • Pollinators like bees play a crucial role in transferring pollen between male and female flowers.
    • When fertilizing plants, it's important to consider the temperature and nutrient concentration, especially with synthetic fertilizers.
    • Organic fertilizers tend to have lower nutrient concentrations and are less likely to cause burning or osmotic problems.
    • Cherry trees, particularly tart cherries, require good drainage to prevent root rot.
    Friday, May 31 - Ep. 339 How to Water Clay Soil (and more tips for gardening in clay!)
    In this episode of Garden Basics with Farmer Fred, the focus is on how to water clay soil and other tips for gardening in clay. Debbie Flower, America’s Favorite Retired College Horticultural Professor, shares valuable insights on the topic. The episode covers the characteristics of clay soil, the importance of organic matter, watering techniques, mulching, and the use of cover crops. The conversation also delves into the impact of soil structure on crop production and the benefits of no-till and cover cropping practices.
    Takeaways From Ep. 339
    • Understanding the characteristics of clay soil and the importance of organic matter in improving its quality.
    • Learning effective watering techniques for clay soil, including surge irrigation and the use of moisture meters.
    • Recognizing the benefits of mulching and the use of cover crops to enhance soil structure and promote healthy plant growth.

    When Should You Fertilize Your Plants?
    From the garden e-mail bag, Danny has been thinking about fertilizing, probably a little bit harder than most of us gardeners: “I am wondering if at a particular temperature, plants can’t feed themselves. Do they just need water if it’s too hot? What time of day is best for feeding the plants: during the day, or at night? Or do they need the sun to eat?”
    Those were good questions, which we took up on the Garden Basics podcast. You can hear that segment in today’s newsletter podcast post.
    According to retired college horticulture professor Debbie Flower, Danny is on to a very important aspect of correct fertilization techniques in the garden: plants can’t absorb fertilizer, if it’s too hot.
    “Research shows that above 86 degrees Fahrenheit, plants don't use fertilizer, don't absorb nutrients,” explains Flower. “They're just pumping water through their system to keep themselves cool, much like a human would sweat in a very hot situation. He asks if they need sun to eat. Plants do need sun to make food. Plants are autotrophs, meaning they feed themselves. ‘Auto’ means self. And they use nutrients which are gathered primarily through the roots and some from the air through the stoma on the leaves to make their own food. And that food would only happen when the plant can collect the energy from the sun or other light source.”
    Flower also explains that when we fertilize, that food is being processed and absorbed primarily underground, by the plant roots. “When we fertilize, we are just putting nutrients into the growing media. That growing media, in most cases, is the soil outdoors. It can also be the soilless mix in a contai

    • 9 min
    Composting Kitchen Scraps, Both Indoors and in the Garden. Is That a Good Idea?

    Composting Kitchen Scraps, Both Indoors and in the Garden. Is That a Good Idea?

    Composting, Indoors and Out
    Today’s newsletter podcast deals with options for indoor food scrap composting equipment, specifically kitchen composters (originally aired in Episode 196 of the Garden Basics with Farmer Fred podcast in May of 2022. In our conversation with America’s Favorite Retired College Horticulture Professor, Debbie Flower, she took a scenic bypass to talk about her outdoor garden kitchen scrap composter device, the Green Cone Composter. More information about that is below.
    But before we get to that, let’s recap what you may have missed on this week’s two Garden Basics podcast, which includes another deep dive into the “kitchen scraps in the garden” debate:
    Tuesday, May 21: Episode 336 - Q&A Kitchen Scraps in the Garden? When Should You Plant a Flowering Magnolia Tree, Spring or Fall?

    • Burying kitchen scraps in the garden can attract scavengers like rats, gophers, voles, and ants, and may affect the quality of the soil microbiology.
    • Composting kitchen scraps first or using alternative methods like African keyhole-style gardens or the Green Cone composter are recommended.
    • The best time to plant a flowering tree like the Magnolia Genie is in the fall, but it can also be planted in the spring with extra care and regular watering.
    • Keeping a tree in a container over the summer requires frequent watering and protection from heat damage.
    • Using Smart Pots can help maintain cooler soil temperatures and reduce evaporation in container gardening.

    Friday, May 24: Garden Basics Podcast, Episode 337 - How to Choose Nursery Plants. Tips for Starting a School Garden
    Choosing Nursery Plants:
    • Read the signs and make sure the plant will fit in your garden and take the conditions you have in mind.
    • Check the plant for health, including good color, no holes or spots on the leaves, and no stickiness or mushiness.
    • Inspect the media the plant is growing in, looking for weeds, the height of the media, and the presence of roots.
    • Consider direct seeding certain vegetables like cucumbers and squash, as transplanting them when they have too many leaves can hinder their growth.
    • Pot up plants in larger containers if you're not immediately planting them in the ground, especially for tomatoes, peppers, and other summer vegetables.
    Tips for Starting a School Garden:
    • School gardens can be a valuable educational tool and a source of community involvement.
    • Getting the school on board and finding funding can be challenges, but reaching out to the principal and parent groups can help.
    • Students play an active role in maintaining the garden and learn valuable gardening skills.
    • The garden provides opportunities for hands-on learning, including lessons on composting, integrated pest management, and plant care.
    • The garden also serves as a gathering place for the community, hosting farmers markets and lunch pop-ups.

    Burying Kitchen Scraps in the Garden: Is That a Good Idea?
    Recently, we received a question wondering about the pros and cons of burying kitchen scraps to feed the garden soil.
    From the garden e-mail bag, Alice confesses: “I am a lazy composter. What we do is bury our kitchen scraps in different holes, all throughout our raised beds, all winter long. And it ends up making truly beautiful soil over the years. And there's lots of earthworms and other microorganisms I can't even see. Anyway, I'm wondering if there would be any problems with that. We do have raccoons, skunks, and possums because we live in the country. But they don't visit the garden. Apparently, they have resources elsewhere. And except for them, I don't see that there's an issue because the soil looks very nice. But you never mention burying garbage in your columns or podcasts. So, I'm wondering if there's some problem that I'm not aware of.”
    Alice, other possible scavengers of kitchen scraps buried in the garden might include rats, gophers, voles and ants. Especially ants, w

    • 12 min
    Roly Polys, Sowbugs, Earwigs - Which One Is Guilty of Garden Destruction?

    Roly Polys, Sowbugs, Earwigs - Which One Is Guilty of Garden Destruction?

    In today’s newsletter podcast, our America’s Favorite Retired College Horticulture Professor, Debbie Flower, talks about earwigs, a garden scavenger that probably does more damage than you might want a “neutral” garden critter to do. Probably the most famous “neutral” garden insect is the non-selective praying mantis, who doesn’t mind chowing down on your aphids for dinner, with a ladybug for dessert. The big takeaway from that earwig chat? “Don't wear loose clothing in an earwig infested garden.” We also touch on (in a manner of speaking) roly polys (aka, pillbugs).

    This Week on the Garden Basics Podcast
    Before we delve into the answer to that question posed in the headline, here is what is going on in the Garden Basics with Farmer Fred podcast this week:
    Tuesday, May 14: Episode 334 Q&A Rhubarb for Hot Climates? Lights for Seedlings?
    In this episode, we answer garden questions from listeners. The first question is about growing rhubarb in hot weather. Master Gardeners Ruth Ostroff and Kathy Morrison (of the Sacramento Digs Gardening newsletter) discuss their experiences with growing rhubarb in Sacramento, which is challenging in a hot climate. (Ruth also names the rhubarb variety she has had success with in the hot Sacramento Valley.) Kathy shares a rhubarb recipe, made as an upside-down cake.
    The second question is about grow lights for starting tomato and pepper seeds indoors. Debbie Flower and I explain the importance of using a light system that is big enough to cover all the seedlings equally, as well as mixing different bulb spectrum colors. Of course, Debbie also emphasizes the need for air circulation and movement for young plants. We’re old, so we recommend using fluorescent lights, but we discuss the different options available in the market.
    Friday, May 17: Ep. 335 Roof Rat Control Tips. Asparagus-Lemon Recipes
    In this episode of the Garden Basics with Farmer Fred podcast, the main topic of discussion with retired UC Cooperative Extension Farm Advisor Rachael Long is roof rats and their impact on gardens and orchards. The conversation covers the behavior and habits of roof rats, their diet, nesting habits, and the damage they can cause to fruit trees. The episode also includes tips for controlling roof rats, such as trapping and using bait stations. Additionally, the episode features a segment on recipes using garden fresh asparagus and lemons, with Master Food Preserver Myrna Undajon-Haskell.
    • Roof rats are nocturnal creatures that can cause significant damage to fruit trees and orchards.
    • They have a preference for heights and are known to nest in attics and burrow underground.
    • Roof rats can be controlled through trapping and the use of bait stations.
    • Recipes using garden fresh asparagus and lemons are provided.
    • Preserving lemons and dehydrating citrus are also discussed.

    So, Who is Eating Your Seedlings? Controlling Sowbugs, Pillbugs and Earwigs in the Garden…and Indoors
    From the garden e-mail bag, Jessica wants to know:
    “I have a crazy amount of roly-polys and pincher bugs this year. And the pincher bugs keep making their way into my house, too. Help! Is there anything I can do to drive them away other than bug spray? And can the roly-polys cause damage to my plants? I normally don't have a green thumb but my plants are doing great this year and I'm finally feeling like a good ‘plant mom’ so I don't want anything to mess them up.”
    Jessica, generally roly-polys (pillbugs) and sowbugs cause few issues with thriving plants. They prefer the dead organic matter on the ground. But if their favorite foods aren’t around, they will go after your plants.
    According to the creepy, crawly experts at the UC Integrated Pest Management Department, sowbugs and pillbugs feed primarily on decaying plant material and are important decomposers of organic matter. However, they occasionally feed on seedlings, new roots, lower leaves, and fruits or vegetables to

    • 11 min
    Thin Crowded Fruit Now, For a Lot of Good Reasons

    Thin Crowded Fruit Now, For a Lot of Good Reasons

    If you’re looking to harvest bigger pieces of fruit from your trees and vines this summer, now's the time to get out your hand pruners and thin off the overcrowded fruit. Other good reasons for thinning lots of little fruit from trees now can also thwart bigger problems later this year, such as undersized fruit, excessive fruit drop, and broken fruit tree branches.
    Here are some tips for thinning from the fruit tree experts at UCANR:
    • For apples, European and Asian pears, apricots, peaches, nectarines, plums, pluots, kiwifruits, and persimmons: Remove some of the fruit. Space fruit evenly along each branch, with perhaps six inches between each piece of fruit. More importantly, be sure to leave the largest sized fruits on the tree or vine. Although the trees might appreciate a light feeding now, the best time to fertilize these crops is in July and August, when the trees are setting their fruit buds for the following year. An exception would be peach and nectarine trees attempting to recover from peach leaf curl. For those varieties, thinning and fertilizing now can help redirect the tree’s energy into producing more leaves to replace the fallen ones.
    • For table grapes, remove grape bunches so that there is at least six inches of space between each remaining bunch of table grapes. Cut off the "tails" from the remaining bunches at that same time. This is the lower one-quarter to one third of the bunch, where it begins to taper down in size. This will send more energy to the remaining grapes on the bunch. The book, "The California Master Gardener Handbook" advises that fertilizer can be applied for each grapevine when the berries are about a quarter-inch big, usually in May. The same book advises gardeners to apply about 50 gallons of water per week per vine, during the hottest months (June through August) here in the Central Valley. Apply less (about 35 gallons a week) during May and September. Adding a few inches of mulch to the top of the soil beneath the vines will help preserve soil moisture.
    • Because of their small size, cherries are not usually thinned from backyard trees. In addition, nut crops, such as almonds and walnuts, are not thinned.
    • What about blueberries? The amount of thinning will depend upon the blueberry variety and fruit load relative to the vegetative area of the plant. Larger plants and branches that are more vigorous can support a heavier fruit load.
    • Citrus trees tend to thin themselves, a phenomenon called “June Drop.” However, citrus fruit thinning now can help a tree drop fewer fruit in late spring.
    Certain citrus types such as Valencia oranges or some mandarins have tendencies towards alternate bearing. That’s a year with heavy fruit production followed by a year with sparse production. You can reduce the potential of a tree to alternate bear by reducing the fruit load in a heavy fruit set year by thinning out some of the fruit. Pruning the tree will also help to offset alternate bearing. Also, fertilize less in light years and more in heavy years so that the trees needs are met according to the demands of the fruit load. Despite using these strategies, some varieties will just alternate bear.
    • Do not allow the old citrus fruit to stay on the tree longer than necessary. This may contribute to a smaller crop and perhaps, more fruit drop, for the next crop. And, as you may have noticed, those oranges and mandarins that usually produce ripe fruit in the winter but still have some left on the branches may taste dry, with little or no flavor. Cleaning up fall fruit now beneath citrus trees can help cut down on future pest and disease issues, as well.
    The University of California’s “California Backyard Orchard” website goes into the science of the benefits of thinning deciduous fruits:
    Removal of flowers or young, immature fruits early in the spring can lead to increases in fruit size by limiting the number of fruits that continue growing to harvest. It increases the

    • 5 min
    Meet the Garden Beneficials, Pt. 2 (and Barn Owls!)

    Meet the Garden Beneficials, Pt. 2 (and Barn Owls!)

    The podcast included with this newsletter features an interview with Rachael Long, University of California Cooperative Extension Farm Advisor Emeritus, and one of the nation’s best sources of information on the benefits of having barn owls prowling over your property to control rodents. Rachael mentions the UC Publication, “Songbird, Bat and Owl Boxes” which is a paid publication. Here’s a link for more information on barn owl boxes; and, another link with specific barn owl box building instructions. This chat originally aired in Episode 40 of the Garden Basics podcast in August of 2020.
    Before we continue with our beneficial insect hit parade, here’s what has happened this week on the Garden Basics with Farmer Fred podcast:
    Tuesday, April 30: Ep. 330 - Q&A Controlling Bermudagrass; What about using black plastic in the garden?
    Gail from California wants to start a vegetable and flower garden in her backyard, which is currently covered in Bermuda grass. Fred and Debbie suggest waiting a year and using soil solarization to kill off the Bermuda grass. They also recommend starting small with container gardening. They discuss the challenges of dealing with Bermuda grass and the benefits of solarization. They also touch on the use of black plastic mulch in the garden.
    Friday, May 3: Ep. 331 Cucumber Starting and Training Tips
    In this episode, Fred and Debbie Flower discuss cucumber planting advice, including starting cucumbers from seed or nursery transplants, training cucumber growth, and choosing the right cucumber plants. They also cover topics such as soil temperature, soil type, watering, trellising, pollination, and harvesting cucumbers. They provide tips for preventing cucumber diseases and pests, as well as suggestions for different cucumber varieties to try.
    Meet the Garden Beneficials, Part 2
    Last week, we discussed three of the best beneficial insects to have in your garden: lacewings, ladybugs, and hoverflies. Today, we cover several more garden good guys worth putting to work in your yard to subdue the pests, and the “Welcome Mat” plants they need for extra food and shelter.
    Soldier Beetles (leather-winged beetles)
    Like many of the beneficials, it is the larval stage of soldier beetles that do most of the munching on the bad bugs. Whereas the adult soldier beetles feed mostly on the pollen and nectar of flowers - as well as the occasional aphid, insect eggs and larvae - young soldier beetles can be found under the bark of the plant or in soil or litter. There, they feed primarily on the eggs and larvae of beetles, butterflies, moths and other insects.
    Plants That Attract Soldier Beetles
    * Celosia Cockscomb
    * Coreopsis
    * Daucus carota Queen Anne’s Lace
    * Echinacea purpurea Purple Coneflower
    * Pycnanthemum Mountain Mint
    * Rosa Roses
    * Solidago Goldenrod
    Parasitic Mini-Wasps
    Mini-wasps are parasites of a variety of insects. They do not sting! The stingers have been adapted to allow the females to lay their eggs in the bodies of insect pests. The eggs then hatch, and the young feed on the pests from the inside, killing them. After they have killed the pests, they leave hollow “mummies.” Among the parasitic mini-wasps:

    Braconid Wasps
    Braconid wasps feed on moth, beetle and fly larvae, moth eggs, various insect pupae and adults. If you see lots of white capsules on the backs of a caterpillar, these are the braconid cocoons. Leave the dying  caterpillar alone!
    Ichneumonid wasps control moth, butterfly, beetle and fly larvae and pupae. 
    Trichogramma wasps lay their own eggs in moth eggs (hungry caterpillars-to-be), killing them and turning them black.
    Plants that attract parasitic mini-wasps:•Achillea filipendulina    Fern-leaf yarrow•Achillea millefolium    Common yarrow•Allium tanguticum    Lavender globe lily•Anethum graveolens    Dill•Anthemis tinctoria    Golden marguerite•Astrantia major    Masterwort•Callirhoe involucrata    Purple poppy mallow•Carum

    • 9 min

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