The Bunny Trap
In the dark heart of the adult entertainment industry, nefarious individuals operate. Join investigative journalist, Ellie Flynn, as she ventures into this unique world to meet a group of glamour models intent on sharing their story. For more from Novel visit Novel.Audio
Great series
It’s so important to get things like this out in the open. I was angry and heartbroken listening to the women’s stories. Really great reporting on this series. Thank you.
Thank you
Thank you for making this series and amplifying these women’s voices!
À propos
In the dark heart of the adult entertainment industry, nefarious individuals operate. Join investigative journalist, Ellie Flynn, as she ventures into this unique world to meet a group of glamour models intent on sharing their story.
For more from Novel visit Novel.Audio
- Chaîne
- CréateurNovel
- Épisodes11
- Saisons1
- ClassementTout public
- Site Web de l’émission
- FournisseuriHeartMedia + Entertainment, Inc
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