135 episodes

Jay Dee from the blog UncoveringIntimacy.com explores married sexuality from a Christian perspective. Each week we'll explore topics relating to married sexuality from psychology, physiology and also explore what the Bible says about sex, and how to apply that to our lives. We'll also take listener's questions and answer them with frank, but informative answers, drawing on our communities experiences through surveys when applicable. If you have a question you'd like answered on the podcast, please visit UncoveringIntimacy.com to submit your anonymous question on our Have A Question page. So, if you want a healthy, vibrant, active sex life but have questions that are holding you back, please tune in and learn about how amazing and fulfilling marriage can be.

Sex Within Marriage Podcast : Exploring Married Sexuality from a Christian Perspective Jay Dee - Marriage Educator

    • Religion & Spirituality
    • 4.7 • 15 Ratings

Jay Dee from the blog UncoveringIntimacy.com explores married sexuality from a Christian perspective. Each week we'll explore topics relating to married sexuality from psychology, physiology and also explore what the Bible says about sex, and how to apply that to our lives. We'll also take listener's questions and answer them with frank, but informative answers, drawing on our communities experiences through surveys when applicable. If you have a question you'd like answered on the podcast, please visit UncoveringIntimacy.com to submit your anonymous question on our Have A Question page. So, if you want a healthy, vibrant, active sex life but have questions that are holding you back, please tune in and learn about how amazing and fulfilling marriage can be.

    SWM 135 – It’s good to try new things

    SWM 135 – It’s good to try new things

    SWM 135 - It's good to try new things. Check out the blog post here for more details and links.
    Most kids, when growing up, enter a picky stage at some point.  Some when they’re toddlers, some when they’re young children, some when they become teenagers.  When our 3rd or 4th kid entered this phase, everyone knew the response when they didn’t want to eat something new that we’d made.  “It’s good to try new things.”  They didn’t have to eat it all but had to try it—a decent try, not a touch to the tongue followed by an exaggerated exclamation of disgust.
    Teaching children to at least give something new a fair shot, I think, has applications later on in life as well. I often talk to husbands and wives whose spouses simply will not try anything new in the bedroom. One will bring up an idea, and it’s immediately shot down by the “picky” spouse—the one who is perfectly happy with the flavour of vanilla every night.
    Today, I want to talk about why I think it’s good to try new things - not only when it comes to food, but also in the bedroom - or outside of the bedroom, depending on how much privacy you have.  We’re going to talk about the interplay between dopamine, controlled risk-taking, adventure and trust in marriages as it pertains to sex and more.
    Don't forget to participate in our BDSM survey - whether you engage in that sort of behaviour or not.
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    If you'd like to discuss the questions as they come in, consider joining our private forum.
    Thank you to all our faithful supporters!
    If you like that there are no ads in our podcast and want to keep it that way, check out our support page for more info.  Even $5/month makes a difference.
    Lastly, if you like our podcast, please rate it as it helps others know this is a good resource to help with their marriage. You managed to find us, help someone else do the same and receive the same benefits to their relationship.

    • 16 min
    SWM 134 – AQ – Piercings, how not to start a fight, nude photos, nude beaches and more

    SWM 134 – AQ – Piercings, how not to start a fight, nude photos, nude beaches and more

    May 2024 Questions from our anonymous Have A Question page.  Check out the show notes here for more details and links.
    In this episode, we are tackling the subjects:
    How often should a healthy man need sex?Clitoral piercingHow do we start talking about sex without hurt feelings?Is it good to masturbate to stay in a sexless marriageProfessional nude photos with a male photographerNewly married wife only interested in the same sexual routineBecoming a Christian didn't fix my same-sex attractionNude beachesHow to get better at rejectionStruggling with orgasmHere are the links I mentioned during the podcast:
    Where did my sex drive go? (free ebook)Marriage CoachingBDSM SurveyFollow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
    If you'd like to discuss the questions as they come in, consider joining our private forum.
    Thank you to all our faithful champions!
    If you'd like to support our ministry and see it grow, check out our support page for more info.  Even $5/month makes a difference!
    Lastly, if you like our podcast, click here to give us a rating, and leave us a review.  They help others know this is a good resource to help with their marriage.  You managed to find us, help someone else do the same and receive the same benefits to their relationship.

    • 34 min
    SWM 133 – Loving your spouse where they are

    SWM 133 – Loving your spouse where they are

    SWM 133 - Loving your spouse where they are. Check out the blog post here for more details and links.
    I often give beginner homework to my coaching clients. A few of them will likely read this and think, “He was talking about me.” You’re not wrong, but you’re also not alone.
    I give it out frequently because it helps combat some fundamental problems I see in many marriages: resentment, unmet expectations, and continued disappointment. Whatever caused the resentment doesn’t matter. If you want to improve the marriage, you must get rid of that attitude first. Resentment leads to contempt, and once you hit that point, the marriage is on life support, and it becomes challenging to resurrect.
    Some come to coaching and realize that they have this issue.  They recognize that resentment is an attitude, and attitudes can be changed.  They know they can fix it; they just don’t know how or need some support, some accountability, or encouragement to keep up the hard work of changing that mindset.
    And it is hard work. Reversing that mindset takes time, effort, and consistently following the plan we co-create. There are ups and downs, backslides, and sidetracks. But if they put in the work, then it does happen. Then the fun begins because now we can make some real progress.
    Others come to coaching convinced their spouse is the issue and work hard to rationalize and justify their attitude toward them.  They want me to change their spouse so that they can be happy.  Sometimes, they have one foot out the door already, and this is the last-ditch effort to “save the marriage,” by which they mean that if I don’t fix their spouse, they will divorce them.
    Whatever type they are, they get the same homework. It’s not only the first step to reversing the mindset but also a test to see if they’re coachable.
    Listen to find out what the homework is.
    Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
    If you'd like to discuss the questions as they come in, consider joining our private forum.
    Thank you to all our faithful supporters!
    If you like that there are no ads in our podcast and want to keep it that way, check out our support page for more info.  Even $5/month makes a difference.
    Lastly, if you like our podcast, please rate it as it helps others know this is a good resource to help with their marriage. You managed to find us, help someone else do the same and receive the same benefits to their relationship.

    • 10 min
    SWM 132 – Breast implants and body image issues

    SWM 132 – Breast implants and body image issues

    SWM 132 - Breast implants and body image issues. Check out the blog post here for more details and links.
    This episode I'm answer a question I received back in February that I forgot to answer. Here's the question:
    Hi! To start, I just wanted to say thank you so much for what you do! Your podcast has been immensely eye-opening and helpful! Now, to my question.
    I am in my 30s, and my husband and I have been together for 15 years. There was porn use by my husband that nearly tore us apart, but after therapy, support groups and endless prayer, I am so thankful to say we are stronger than ever, and he has been porn free for over a year now. It has made a profound difference in our sex life, we feel more connected than ever.
    That being said, internally, I am still struggling with body image issues. It is not all-consuming but it’s enough to bring me to this point. I have been considering breast augmentation for years now but kept putting it on the back burner due to pregnancy and breastfeeding (we have 3 children). I thought I was completely over the idea and just decided to fully accept my body as is until the porn addiction reared its ugly head. As I said, we are past that, and he has made amazing changes for himself and us, but knowing what he watched and the women he chose to view online has made the idea of breast augmentation appealing again.
    I am not happy with what 6 years of breastfeeding has left me with. My husband says he loves my body the way it is, but I know I would love it MORE if I got the breast augmentation, and undoubtedly, I know he would too, even if he won’t admit it so as not to hurt my feelings.
    My question is, do you think seeking a breast augmentation for selfish reasons would be sinful? Would God find that to be an abomination of sorts, a sinful act based on my lack of love towards my body? I know I would feel so much more confident. I truly would. And that would enhance our sex life due to my confidence alone. So, would it be a bad thing to do? I have flip-flopped on this for months now. Some days, I am certain it’s a sinful thing to desire and do, and other days, I’m certain that it does not fall in the category of actual sin. An outside perspective would be so helpful, and I’d appreciate it immensely.
    I know I need to love the body I have, and I do. It’s the slight pains of the past and the desire to feel confident that entices me. Knowing there are verses in the Bible directly telling the man to love his woman’s beautiful breasts makes my heart drop because mine are anything but beautiful. They are used, tired, and barely there after years of sacrificing my body for our children. So, would making them more appealing really be a bad thing? Or would it be no different than purchasing a new sex toy and having fun in the bedroom as husband and wife? Thank you for your time.
    Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
    If you'd like to discuss the questions as they come in, consider joining our private forum.
    Thank you to all our faithful supporters!
    If you like that there are no ads in our podcast and want to keep it that way, check out our support page for more info.  Even $5/month makes a difference.
    Lastly, if you like our podcast, please rate it as it helps others know this is a good resource to help with their marriage. You managed to find us, help someone else do the same and receive the same benefits to their relationship.

    • 9 min
    SWM 131 – Tips to fight more effectively

    SWM 131 – Tips to fight more effectively

    SWM 131 - Tips to fight more effectively in your marriage. Check out the blog post here for more details and links.
    Last week, I shared a list of ideas our Couple’s Night group had that helped build a resilient marriage. At the end of the call, we still had some time and started discussing fighting more effectively. Again, the group came up with some excellent ideas I want to share today.
    Because fights will happen, I might even say they should happen.  When I come across a couple that doesn’t fight in any way - that’s a red flag.  It means one or both don’t feel safe in the marriage.  They aren’t able to express their views and opinions. 
    Because if you put two people together for long enough, they will eventually find something to disagree about.
    Ideally, a fight won’t involve yelling, screaming, hitting, throwing, or anything else like that, but it’s okay to quarrel.
    So, today, we will discuss how to fight more effectively in your marriage so that your arguments can be a source of growth instead of damage.
    For more posts about dealing with conflict effectively check out:
    SWM 020 - 7 Dirty Fighting Techniques That Should Not Exist In Your MarriageHow to use conflict to create intimacyActive ListeningFollow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
    If you'd like to discuss the questions as they come in, consider joining our private forum.
    Thank you to all our faithful supporters!
    If you like that there are no ads in our podcast and want to keep it that way, check out our support page for more info.  Even $5/month makes a difference.
    Lastly, if you like our podcast, please rate it as it helps others know this is a good resource to help with their marriage. You managed to find us, help someone else do the same and receive the same benefits to their relationship.

    • 8 min
    SWM 130 – Building resiliency in marriage

    SWM 130 – Building resiliency in marriage

    SWM 130 - Building Resiliency in Marriage. Check out the blog post here for more details and links.
    On the first Tuesday of every month, Chris from TheLionWithin.us and I co-host "Couple's Night."  Couples from our communities get together to talk about marriage. We discuss struggles, share ideas, tips, and a lot of funny stories. It's an absolute blast
    This Tuesday, we got together and talked about resiliency in marriage. There were about six couples in the Zoom call, and I thought they all had a lot of wisdom to share, so I tried to quickly take some notes and thought I'd relay them to you.
    Because marriages need resiliency, we're going to face struggles. They might be external, like events happening with your job, your family, your friends, and more. They might be internal, such as the type of struggles two individuals face when you put them together for long periods of time for years on end.
    Challenges are normal, but we need to learn how to face them and not only survive them but, ideally, thrive and grow through them.
    So, here are the six things our small group came up with.
    Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
    If you'd like to discuss the questions as they come in, consider joining our private forum.
    Thank you to all our faithful supporters!
    If you like that there are no ads in our podcast and want to keep it that way, check out our support page for more info.  Even $5/month makes a difference.
    Lastly, if you like our podcast, click here to give us a rating, and leave us a review. They help others know this is a good resource to help with their marriage. You managed to find us, help someone else do the same and receive the same benefits to their relationship.

    • 9 min

Customer Reviews

4.7 out of 5
15 Ratings

15 Ratings

TheRealYoze ,

Great advice

These podcasts are really good. They taught me so much about relationships. The host has a strong understanding of the Bible and everything he says is based on it.

RainyJane ,


Practical, applicable advice based on solid Christian theology for the discerning listener.

Laurhen3668 ,

Great for non-Christians too

I'm a non-Christian female who was looking for some insight into what my husband was thinking/feeling especially when it came to sex. This podcast helped me to decode a lot of this and as a result my marriage has drastically improved. Listen with an open mind, I promise you'll learn a lot. Also the host Jay Dee was quick to get back to me with f-up questions I had. Highly recommend.

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