Episode 2 第二集 ① People sometimes ask if it’s exciting to shoot certain subjects. To be honest, I’m often so focused on the details of a shoot that I’m not always able to step back and find wonder in the subject alone. Instead, my mind goes to the technical: What equipment will I need? How will I handle the lighting in the enclosure? How fast are panda cubs? But walking into a place where I’ll be shooting or meeting a subject for the first time is always exciting, especially when it’s happening somewhere that most people don’t get to go. ① 人们有时会问,拍摄某些特定的对象是否会令人感到兴奋。老实说,我经常会过于关注拍摄细节,以至于我无法退一步跳出来,去欣赏拍摄对象本身有哪些神奇之处。反倒是,我的脑子里转的都是技术问题:我需要什么设备?我会如何处理熊猫圈里的灯光?熊猫幼崽的速度有多快?但是,走进一个我马上要拍摄的地方,或与某个拍摄主体第一次会面,这些总是很让我兴奋的,尤其是当这些都发生在大多数人都没有机会去的地方时。 ② So on that first day with Bei Bei, I felt a little ...